PAGE TWO FINE FURS JUNE, on JULY and Monday AUGUST $0} Wye 2 D0u hoor Store Closes 5 O'Clock res waged on a 1 los Daily. [ THOUSAND AT THE RACES .:. | GENTLEMAN'S DRIVING CLUB HELD A SUCCESSFUL Several Horses Made New Records-- Class "C" Race Was a Very Close Contest, The hors Gentlemer Club r Kir Mat on + Grounds re sone race ton ay afternoc wd Fhe be race Class, waich took cide. Thi finall falty Dur JOHN MCKAY, |[------ Limited. Sgt. Duncan MacNeil 149-157 Brock St. Of the Canadians Says Dr. Cassell's "Tablets Cured His | Dyspepsia Completely. Pen- the race --~ A an" nat Z| Underwood Typewriters Mew or Rebuilt Reged and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Purniture J.R. C. Dobhs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. wen my go to | and Ii I box iounced relief that 1 atment To make a a complete cure was jr rughf such tinned the long story short, effected IA free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab- lets will be sent to you on receipt of dress: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd, 10, M'Caul-st., Toronto. Cassell's Tablets are the remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidn Trouble, Sieeplessness, Anaemia. nerv ous Ailments, Nerve Paralysis, Palpita- tion, and Weakness in Children. {lal y valuable for nursing mothers and during the critical periods of life Sold | by druggists and s keepers through- wut Canada. Prices One tube, i six tubes For the ice of five. Beware of imdtations sald to contain hypophos- yhites. The composition of Dr. Cassell's Tablets is k n only to the proprilet« (and no imitation can ever be the san Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co., Ltd., Manchester, Eng. surest SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS Achievement Through Glasses. - Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly; dis- covered that he cold not see as much as other boys. Ho tells us that changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- falist's- advice, Consultation free, JS Asselstine D.0. Registered Optometrist. 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. TAXI STAND Always ready for your call ~-- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 822; House 611 Care At the | Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY | In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy .. «+ 10c, 12%e¢c, 15c! Ib. | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 13¢c Ib. {Sweet Cider veo 40c gal. W. RMcRea & Co. I SL Real Estate Bargains $1550 Rideau St.--New frame dwelling, 6 rooms and bath room, good cellar, gas. Own- er out of city. $2000, Markland St, -- Three tenaments, 5 rooms each; an- nual rental $373.00. McCann, | 82 Brock Street, Phone 326 or 621. | { | ' As Rug After Rug Displayed to visitors they i ay express their ad- iniration of the quantity of rug beauty our stock discloses. We like to show our rugs to discerning visitors. To that end we cor- dially invite you to call and look them over. . There will be no urging to buy, except that which lies in the rugs t Ae = first mass in St. E E = friend | MATINEE. ! drivers | Billy | Walnut in {| | 5 cents for mailing and packing. Ad-| po 0 place at the Bride's Home on vid Spec- | niece, 50 cents: | Burns, ! sleeves i grey georgette crepe, and carried a | | Rita Driver, and the groom was sup- ! girl. = | McNeil. 2| Col. W. J. Morgan, | | i | N { " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Dillion" and of "Little Win- go to be called back afte considéred a good start, made two circle of ihe The races finished as fol- L they h¢ track A alfe) alf Class Met hovee) 2 --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. There was a small sday morning The street railway company had a minute car service on the market or I'n Weston tG. Dar ragh) Queen direct son . \ Bernard McKinney H. Eves . Time Genty 1ay H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. The Perth Road 1 on Tuesday and will operation all summer: F. nuniber (T N ichol (W nine be open under 2.25; 2.24; lead Class we Randalls) . (J. Coro- .1 Green- a (Cc 3 3 Dilion Penalty Y.M.C.! ea of ie rn boys on ¥e afternoon. A FRB... 1 on ttle Winnie wood) Oscena Time 2g; (R tween Montreal and Bagot streets Tuesday merning for a few minutes Burnside) 4 281%; 2.3 (E '8. yon fic a is A. Kingston, and Mrs. ard on the steamer visiting his parents, Mr W. Jack, Gore street Since the steamers are no longer Frunning to Cape Vincent, Class "D." Nellie Murphy (F. Bear- ance) Lamb (H. E Simpson .. Baron parties over to the other side. Mrs. Metcalfe, 33 Main was removed to the Kingston Gene- ral Hospital on Sunday. afternoon in 8S. 8S. Corbett's andbulance. "The Recruit," by Charlotte Bonnycastie being sung at the Grand by Miss Bonnyvcastle. Copies sold at local music stores. There were not enough entries to warrant the two-mile road race planned by the Y.M.C for Satur- | dav afternoon The meeting Brino (E. Galli- van) sein wate Ae | Exaltim (A. Steen) The officials were starter; Dr. Nicholls, WwW. F. Kelly, judge; Hartman, timers; G. of the course, 4 4no-fin S. Grace, J. Nesbitt, Little, W Veale, clerk M. Ww. J is BURNS-H AW LEY WEDDING A. . Monday Morning A pretty wedding took place Mon- {day morning at the home of Miss Etta Smith, William street, when her Dorathy Hawley, was united | in marriage to Stuart L. Burns, B.Sc. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W 1 Kingston. Rev. Dr. Macgil- livray performed the ceremony The bride entered the drawing room to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March played by Miss Pearl | Blyth, and looked 'charming in a gown of grey taffeta, the bodice and being of figured georgette She wore a picture hat of of the Portamouth Council, which was to have been held on Monday evening, was post- "poned on account of the King's birth- day holiday. Lady Falconer, a of Principal Gandler, lege, Toronto, was he her father being Rev dier. Mrs. T. G. Nicholson, token of 1812 dug up the ground for sixty ground had not been in all those years unt On Sunday morning cathedral seventy girls hoys took their first The convent girls led in the and Fr. Halligan officiated ported by Charles Johnston. Little |® Rs the body Miss Dorothy Burns acted as flower |, .. \... found, people younger sister of Knox Col- n in Kingston, Joseph Gan ifter lying in years plowes il now in St and sixty communion singing at 1 crepe. v p Mary's shower bouquet of pink roses and liles of the valley. The bride was .atténded by Miss Arthur Lovick of During the signing of the register Mise Rhea Walker sang "All Joy Be Thine." 5 Immediately after the service buffet luncheon was served, the bride's table which was centred by | the wedding cake, looked most at- tractive with quantities of lilies of | the valley and smilax. Mr. and Mrs, Burns left for wes- tern points to spend a short honey- moon, the bride travelling in a suit of Belgian blue silk poplin with hat to match, the coat opening ow blouse of embroidered tea-rose geor- |g: irregular heartgaction causes the gette. On their return they will take up Jhoatest distress of both mind and residence in Hawkesbury, where the | zip, r's Heart and Nerve Pills | groom is connected with the Riordon | 4p the only remedy. that can give | Pulp & Paper Company. | prompt relief and effect a complete | | cure in cases of such severity. They strengthen and | the heart, so that it beats strong and | regular, and tone up the nervous | system so that the cause of so much Big Ed. Walsh. once the star anxiety becomes a#hing of the past. pitcher of the Chicago White Sox,] Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella, may become a member of the Giants, | Sask., writes: "I am not much of a Walsh is working out under the sup-! believer in medicines, but I feel that ervision of Manager McGraw, who|it is only right for me to let you know had turned him over to a specialist. | what your wonderful remedy has McGraw had George Chalmers treat- done for me, and in a very short time, ed by the same physician several| too. I had suffered terribly with my years ago, but Chalmers was allowed f heart for nearly tem years, could to go to the Phillies, for whom he | gcarcely do any work,and would near- pitched good ball. It Walsh's arm ||y smother at times, I had many rem- can be cured, McGraw says that he | dies, some only relieving me for a will be glad to try the famous box-| time. I got a box of Milburn's Heart | man later in the season. Walsh is | ana Nerve Pills and felt so much in splendid health, and during his | better that I kept on using them, and | workout yesterday he seemed to have| oan tr 1 considerable speed. jou sruibiel y say I feel like a new er two boys /who perished with him. | The parents are anxiously awaiting "tnaws and pérgons "who travel on the water out. a 'Suffered With Heart For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother. There is nothing that brings with it such fear of impending death as to . | Wake up in the night with that awful w ALSH WITH GIANTS. Veteran Chicago Pitcher Has Join- ed New York Club. Coming to Griffin's. At last it has come about, | trouble to use them." , George Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills | M. Cohan, America's most popular | are 50c. or three boxes for-$1.25, at | star, in motion pictures. Having | all dealers or mailed direct on receipt reached the very top rung of his| of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limi- theatrical ladder of success not only | ted. Toronto, Ont. as an actor, but as an author and | ~~ producer, George M. Cohan has fin-| ally turned to the silent drama as a new field of conquest, so to speak. In order to display his very best efforts before the motion picture camera the famous "Yankee Doodle Boy™| selected his greatest stage Ait, | "Broadway Jones," 'as his initial vehicle in the motion picture field. This first photoplay with "Uncle Sam's favorite sen" will be the special attraction at Griffin's, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. "The Hat Store" 'GET UNDER A STRAW HAT Upholds His Decision. i Kid McParland, who refereed the bout in which Benny Leonard won| the world's lightweight champion- ship from Freddie Welsh, defended his action in stopping the battle with Welsh hanging on to the ropes. He pointed to the rules, which provide that a referee may stop a bout: at any time when one of the boxers is helpless, in the opinion of the offi- clal. "Another blow might have ended Welsh's life," sald McParland. "Pollok and Welsh sliould have been the first to thank me." After well di pears In a new straw or fr Panama Hat. No quite. $0 com- Pi and to most Father Finn Ordained. in St. Michael's Cathedral, ronto, on Saturday morning Rev. Father William MM. Finn , son of Mrs, Finn, Clergy street, was ordain- ed to the priesthood by Archbishop Besides his mother, Lieut.- 'his uncle, and . D. Phelan, Kingston, were in at-| nee. Father Finn was edu- | cated at Regiopelis College, Kings- |} ton, the Sem nary at Montreal and ji at St. « Augustine's, Toromto. Oni Sunday morning he celebrated his! Mary'sé Cathedral | To- there. Dean Coleman's sermon ou "Lib- Ji erty" in Queen Street Methodist Church on Sunday was very illumin-' sting. He preached in Napanee on HN Sunday morning. it Happenings In the City and Vicinity | holi- | New: nan was J charge of a | fuse blew out on a street car be-| Hugh Jack, secretary to the stew-| motor boat | owners have been engaged in taking! street, | has a penny | The | over | -two| the | have heen on | the watch for the bodies of the oth- | should keep a good look- * | sense of smothering: The uncertain | 'invigorate | "I would advise anyone with heart §| geant in view of their acquaintance . | bn Tuesday for JUNE 4, 1917. -- A ------------------------ | July Magazines Now On Sale | McCall's, Fashions for All, Motion Picture, Picture Play, Detec- '§ tive, Smith's, People's, Adventure, Parisienne, Breezy, Live, Fash- ion Review. LATE JUNE MAGAZINES RECEIVED Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Good Housekeeping, Hearst's, Photo- Play Journal, Modern Priscilla. Miss Porter's Latest $1.50 Novel for 15¢-- "The Road to Under- standing." Complete in three issues of the Montreal Standard, June 2nd, 9th and 16th. Copies of June 2nd may be secured to start the delaying traf-| a a a Pet eta et et Matar, Diamonds Ladies' Wearables Ladies' White Wash Skirts in repp, P.X,, Indian Head, in sizes up to 28 inch waist band. Extra special $1.00 Ladies' Sport Skirts in pretty: colors. Extra special, . . $1.50 We Always have "Specials" in Diamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaive™ Diamond Rings, set in platinum and 18k. gold at $100.00. That shouldiprove very grat- ifying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, WISUAIN'] JFRRANY JO saonss] $1.00 We have the nobbiest range'©f white mar- quisette blouses ever shown in this city at the price. All sizes, 34 to 44. Only . $1.00 Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer | PRN eA ear. W. F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. "eee f To see is to buy. Pictorial Patterns sold only by Newman& Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. NR a =--=--====="OnRag lan pot, TEs et PRESSED BRICK Road British mall closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby Small dwelling for $600, terms. from time to time. {] United States, daily 11.30 a.m. Yana 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, Grand Trunk, . Poronso ind IL ym: A bungalow on the same street, oat, including Hoatern with furnace, improvements, electric ales... po re. Pp ; Grand Trunk and ali 'west Nai ann fireplace, for $1830, on easy On Markland street, a semi-detach- ed cement, dwelling (new) for $1350, casy terms. A new double cement dwelling on the same styeet for $2300. A building lot on Raglan Road, 9% feet frontage for $030. Furnished houses to rent. E.W Mullin&Son Cor, Johanson and Division Sts. Sellers of Real Entate. Phones 539 and 1456, on easy Just received a fresh consignment of Red Pressed Brick. WORLD'S CHAMPIONS ARE NOW IN KHAKI "Ruby" Millan and "Jimmy" Stewart Have Signed Up in Dental Unit. -- "Ruby' Millan and "Jimmie" | Stewart, two pcpular Kingston boys prominent in all lines of local sport, have been appointed sergesnts in the | dental unit at Belleville, and will i soon be leaving for that place to take up théir duties. While attend- | ing the Royal College of Detal Sur- | geans at Toronto by their splendid | playing they secured places on the | Dentals' hockey aggregation 'n the | Senior O/H.A., and played in the | games which won for them the title i of the amateur hockey champions of { the rworld. {| On the conclusion of their year's work ian Toronto both of the young | men offered their services and have | now been accepted and appointed to | the detal uait with the rank of ser- S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber YX Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 "eee Lumber. Coal and Wood wood DR. HESS' POULTRY "PAN-A-CE-A" Feed one tablespoonful to 25 hens once a day and sce the egg supply increase. 83¢ box, 83c box, and large pails. Dr. Hess' Instant Louse Destroyer Powder keeps the hens clean and contented -- 35. { with dentistry. Besides taking a | prominent place in the hockey teams | af Kingston, these men have from | their early teens taken part in every kind of elean sport, and are now going into what is sometimes called ihe srenzest sport of all--the game Woodhouse Chick Food -- Saves the Chicks, Large Package 25¢ ® == Mahood s Drug Store Princess and Bagot Streets. po Re rn. | Prevost, Brock street, has an extra large stock of them in blue and black serges and cheviots, beauti- fully made, price extremely low. Alevander Jack, Gore street, left Montreal on busi-