Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1917, p. 5

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3 . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917. PAGE FIVE "Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive We Carry a Full Line of Children's Hot Weather Garments Get our prices, and compare our values. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES. BOYS' WASH SUITS BOYS' TAPELESS BLOUSES BOYS' ROMPERS » BABY COATS CHRISTENING ROBES BABY DRESSES BABY BONNETS Special Values in Ladies' Bummer Dresses. Bargains in Millinery. Emme BODY OF BOY DISCOVERED A QUET KINGS BRTHDAY i 1 QE 3 ~ ~ IT PROVED TO BE THAT OF THE LADS USED FEWER FIRE- ARTHUR 1LOVICK CRACKERS THAN USUAL | i Who Was One of Three Boys Drown- | Horse Races and Baseball Matches ed Before Easter--The Body Had | Held--Ap Italian Displayed the Been Floating For Over a Week. | Only Uron Jack on Princess Chapter by chapter the story of Street, the drowning of the three The king's birthday! What visions! Teddy Minnes, Arthur Lovick and | those words conjured to the mind of I Wiliam Dayk n is boing iitaided { happy days spent in the carefree rst came the. awfu news iat | times before the war. Memories of | these three young boys were missing | horse races, military salutes, par from their homes after having Sel) ades, boat races, aeroplame ascen- jont in a small boat just before Eas-| gions and all the amusements that er shan searc hes Were made of | used to entertain us before the boys| Ive lake ed giver Big 98 Swe ore went away to aght Jor their king and | e peop ad to 'ome reco country, come back to us, and we! ciled to the fact that thease YOURE | realize the difference between the lives had been taken into the ever! king's birthday then and the king's increasing toll of the victims of Lake | birthday now. Omutio, i : Kingston celebrated on Monday : Anot er chapter was revealed re-|the anniversary of the birth of His cently when the coat of William | Majesty, King George, V, without the Daykia wis found pu the atest | levity and frivolity that would have chapte 8 revealed on Saturday | arac ized the day in 4 ime evening when the body of Arthur Lg terial ® a3 ace Bite. Lovick aged fifteen years was found | with his giant fire cracker in the oh the rocks at the South side wirearly hours of the morning to be the 1é new causeway "over the Catar-| first on his street to waken the good aqui river by Irwin Bogue, Division | ditizens to the fact that they had a| street { holiday and then allow them to sleep boys, 1 While 'rowing a punt along the|in an extra hour or two. But the o¢ causeway ahout*six o'clock on Satur-| pasion was without the uproarious| day Mr. Pogue came across the body noise of peace time and as the official of a drowned boy. He immediately | reports from the front would say, | {went to the store of D. J " y / Millan, | «The firing was desultory." | | Ontario street, where the police and | During the day baseball] matches! { Corbett's ambulince were SUmmon-{ ang horse races were held but these ® ® ied. The body was located and taken | were the only unusual features, Al ito Corbett"s morgue where the re- { mains were viewed by Coroner R. J. 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 | Gardiner. "Higher up street, but lower in price." | Evidence showed that the body had been floating for over a week {and also that gt had been on the | rocks for some time. It is presumed | that the strong south wind of Fri-| {day night brought the body to the causeway. HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY In the lad's pockets were found 33 d i in. x 14 in. line prints. For ' ment apply b a gold hunting-case watch which had! $33 per dozen. 11 in. x " Tour to or engage pply y stopped at 11.32, a handkerchief, ! several pencils, a rubber, a card, and G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. {an arithmetic*and French paper of| Copies of all my photos in Whig's llustrated supplement may be secur- || Form II, K.C.I, all of whieh were | ed from me. identified by Miss Lottie Lovick, the! ~/ boy's aunt, as belonging to her nep- ~~ hew. It was decided that an inquest | would be unnecessary | The funeral took place on Tuesday | [i ------ a a a lad's | mighty that our gracious sovereign number of the residences in the city| were decorated with flags and bunt- ing but it was a somewhat remark- able fact that the only merchant who displayed the British flag on Monday morning on Pringess street was an Italian fruit dealer, Michael Amodeo Many of the citizens spent the day out of the city on picnics or fishing in the blue waters of the St. Law- rence or Rideau. In the evening there were fewer fireworks displays due to the fact, no doubt, that people realize the neces- sity of economy and thrift in these times of sacrifice and sorrow. The day was recognized as was befitting the times by must of the citizens, and many a prayer was sent up to the Al- might be spared for many years to LL '" Security First" EXCELSIOR INSURANCE Ll F E _COMPANY said his He was always "going te whilow. "What will insure," Yours say Head Office: Toronto, Can. HIRAM A. COOK, District Agent, Kingston. AURTRRLIETERRRLRURUR AONE FAITE SUMO RRRARII £31 BUY FRESH SEEDS Rennie's, Simmers' and Steele Briggs' At Sargent's Drug Store Telephone 41 | Corner Princess and Montreal Streets { Don't Forget to Put- Your Furs Away Be- fore Moths Come. mE ---------------------------- ----_-- { other electric lights are placed in: | convenient places. | nishings consist of a revolving chair jand "a reclining stretcher which iS|.nd relief is that the nerves can he | equipped with wheels. LIBBY'S PRODUCTS Libby's Dill Pickles. Libby's Vienna Sausage. Libby's Chili Con Carni. Libby's Veal Loaf. Libby's Olives and Olive Oil. Libby's Apricots. {afternoon from Cataraqui vault | splendidly equipped | lance purchased from the Houghton | Motor Company. | covered with blue felt curtains. | nickle trimmings. A ' L0 | come and that victory would soon be the family plot in the cemetery, the granted to his forces and to the for- service being conducted by the Rev. cao of Lis glorious and stalwart Al- T. W. Savary. | lies, who are fighting so valiantly in aa AT TE asic such a righteous cause. A NEW AMBULANCE -- R. J. Reid Makes Fine Addition to A Tonic For The Nerves His Equipment. { R. J. Reid arrived from. Marion, Ohio, on Monday afternoon with a motor ambu- Nervous people who have not vet cognized and treated by the medical The ambulance is finished in.dark blue enamel with two, large plate glass side windows sleeplessness, nervous dyspepsia, all these discomforts make life interior of the conveyance is quar- tered oak, with rubber mats sand arge electric dome light illumines the interior and of an improved condition. Every "sufferer danger of such a copdition to the |even paralysis may result if the tone The Inside fur- ,¢'tne nerves is not restored. P i s. The uphol-|y egipred by building up the blood. It stery is of fine grain Spanish leather. | cannot be too often repeated that The ambulance is a credit to the con-| ony through the blood can nourish- stantly growing business of R | ment or medjcine reach the nerves. Reid. , | Dr. Williams, Pink Pills make the {blood rich and red quickly re- store vitality and enefgy to a weak, i nervous system. A nervous person By His Majesty the King--Major who gives these pills a trial is almost Wilgar Receives French Cross. | certain to see good results, and what Among the King's birthday honors| Is more, the benefit will be lasting be- to Canadians are these of interest to| cause .the trouble is attacked at its Kingstonians: root: This blood makes weak nerves; Major-Gen. Henry E. Burstall,|building up the blood restores the formerly of the R.C.H.A., made a nerve force. That is why people who K.C.M.G., and also appointed aide-! occasionally take Dr. Williams' Pink de-camp to the King. { Pills always feel bright, active and D.S.0.--Lieut.-Col. J. | strong. Dawson. If you are weak, nervous, or feeling French Croix de Chevalier---Major| 'out of sorts," give Dr. Williams Pink Charles B. Lindsay, R.E.; Lieut.-Col.| Pills a trial, and you will be surpris- Charles P. Templeton, C.AM.C., for-|ed to see how quickly the nervous- | merly of Napanee; Major William ness will pass away and your former | Perey Wilgar, Queen's University. |energy return. You can get these pills { eee {through your medicine dealer; or by | The apple. crop yield is despaired mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for of this year. One report says. Prince | $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medi- Edward County is the only part of cine Co., Brockville, Ont. the province from which favorable] wt KINGSTON MEN DECORATED. Herbert | Sold only in Kingston at gy, Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 EYES @n@ WHEN THE EYES NEED GLASSES IN MOST CASES THEY ARE DEFORMED AND NO AMOUNT OF EYE WASHES SUCH AS ARE ADVERTISED WILL CURE YOUR EYES OF THESE DEFORMI- TIES. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY CONSULT US BEFORE YOU SPEND MONEY ON USELESS DRUGS, Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optician and Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 - CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? * a They mean greater safety in the H -- Surely hat Ie ro Ea ety In ne Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notation "No fire left when blown out™ on our new "Silent Parlor™ match boxes, The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. acd SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY"S SILENT 500s | reports have been received, and in| CAPT KRUGER TOOK PART | that county some orchards promise a | T-------- | heavy yield. | In Preparations For The Capture of | raha iii i Vimy Ridge. | PERSONAL. | Captain W. A, Kruger, mentioned Catharines, Ont.--"Two years age | in Sir Douglas Haig's despatches for very nervous conspicious bravery on, the Somme, lwas in a generally Arras and Ypres fronts; and who is down suditiou, ve now in Ottawa on sick leave," took morning more tired | Part in the preparations for the cap- 8%. than when I retired. | ture of Vimy Ridge. He did net # Thedoctors share in the action there, however, RI had Samthought having accidentally sustained a frac- and treated me for tured arm just before,-and he was it but I got mo [in a hospital in London when the B benefit. 1 heard of Dr. Pierce's reme- Ridge was captured. Captain Kruger was at the front dies theough a | for sixteen months and was specially ent whio hod mentioned in despatches for having gone through a gas attack at Ypres without losing a single man, He was for 18 years connected with the permanent militia, and is a veteran of South Africa, where he served with the Canadian Field Ar- tillery. For service there . he was awarded the South African medal, with three clasps. He also holds the Permanent Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. / ~For eight years before going over- seas he was chief assistant to the Director of Artillery in Canada and for several years before that, was connected with the Royal Canadian i ! i % | ji i | d 1 1 in | ti § °F Not 3 ease of sickness reported 4 ; 7 | for three months. J. B. Walkem told County Conser- vative Association he was getting too old to ram. ef : Eo ir i i Bes, hase i 2, i HH. Calvin nominated as Con- developed a disease that can be re-|J] profession have the greatest trouble |[f in finding relief. Irritation, headache, i miser- | Ji The able, but are endured rather than run ||] '®a doctor's bill without definite hope shopld know the} nervous system. Nervous debility and The one big fact that brings hope i from public schools to Inspector Kidd : Robberies and raids in Portsmouth SHOES FOR THE KIDDIES If you wish to see the largest variety of children's shoes ever shown in Kingston, a visit to our store will convince you that this is the right place to "buy children's footwear." Canvas slippers, kid and patent strap slippers, barefoot sandals, sporting shoes etc., all at popular prices. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Abernethy's Shoe Store Dr. Scholl's Foot Specialist will be here Wed. Thursday and Friday. eA At PP er at a sa ab EE A re Ag Men's LT Straw Hats in Great Variety '\ We Make =#\- &= IHomesBeautiful. NONE BETTER MADE ! NONE SURER TO SATISFY | That is the experience of hundreds of our customers in city and ecoun- try for style, service and low prices. James Reid With Motor Hearse, Motor Ambulance. Phone 147, the Leading Under taker, for Personal Services. Campbell Bros | . AA The Big Hat Dealers. June is here so get after your new summer hat We have without doubt the largest stock of Men's Straw and Panama Hats in this part of Ontario, and buying direct from the factory enables us to offer exceptional values, Ask to see our $5 Panamas and $2 and $2.50 Sailors, Split Straw and Sennits. BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 -~ Price's T | We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock | of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS. 139 Clergy St. | Phone 637. A i tS Seed | Corn Was your crop a disappointment last year? Then dpn't let it occur | again. Come to us oe your seed and get the warranted kind. { We have all varieties of garden in Developing and | and field corn at the right price, Printing, Try Us. ~~ W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. "Phone 1680. A ls tPA Choice Selectien of Spring J itings Prices Reasonable PA Grawford & Walsh TAILORS N No. 1. cures | O SICMRGHS. | ON ft2uil BLOOD POISON. Nu.3 cur vita wesLNiSs) | SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS PRICE IN ENGLAND. 28/ | Send stamp address envelope, age & symptoms for FR & | @dvice oa suitability in your ¢ se. No fol . Da Le CLERC Med Co. HAVERSTK GER THAT TRADE MARKED W BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED T. Cameras From $1.50 to $25 mm ---- FOR BEST | RESULTS | | { a a a ot Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Horse Artillery at Kingston and also | with the Garrison Artillery, Van Turned Over. : A van bearing the name of Guess'| livery ran away on Wellington street on Monday afternoon 'and collided | with W. J. Crothers' automobile. Two ladies in the van escaped injury when it turned over. The automo- bile was damaged. OLD-TIME REMEDY MAKES PURE BLOOD " servative candidite for Frontenac Lo

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