PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITE WHIG, a JUNE 4, 1917. T0 ORGANZE amar cus. || mame. ev 1 A WORLD UNION ~~ mm ge o Reilly, Cornwall has been A most enjoyable programme was mentioned in despatches. Lieut, O'-| presented at the Grand last night, To t End Ww fi | Sia is a graduate of the Royal | and the large audience present was Consier Meas 1 En ) ar And lM | Military College, and enlisted So Seay pleased with it. Emmy | the Army Service Corps, being trans-| Wehlen was seen in the five- t ) y g s h as s i 3, part nate Imperialism. | ferred to the Field Artillery Metro, "Vanity". While Miss. Weh | France. He has been at the front'len is new to the screen, she has a i since March, 1915 'long list of stage successes to her ny 8TH 13 DAY CHOSEN -- credit, but will doubtless gain great The past week has been one of|er popula: ty by her excellent work | considerable activity at Petewawa|on the picture stage. In this grea: [ camp. Trains loaded with troops,| production she is seen at her best and RUSSIAN-CALLED | horses and guns arrived daily and] wore. a large number of the latest FOR THE PEACE CONFERENCE, {there are now about 2,000 men in| fashion creations that greatly pleased { camp. SA It is expected that there will} the ladies. The story is powerful, a : . . shortly be about 6,000 men in train-| the direction of the best, and the sup- Moderate Prices on This Dainty Russian Congress Decides 3 | | , Bron ides That It) ing there. Lieut.-Col. Leslie, Kings-| port is the finest that could be se- Would Not Be Annexation, But| on, is officer commanding this year, cured. Lonesome Luke has some Over 1500 garments in this Justice to Restore Alsace-Lor-|and Lieut.-Col. Roy observing in! very exciting times on his '"Honey- collection; all new and an absolute raine to France. | England and at the front will shortly | moon" and proved to be one of the (By United Py return home to resume his duties as| best comedians on the screen. If a assurance of the best values ob- tainable. At The Grand. Rely upon our judgment im- plicitly when it comes to buy- 1 Petrograd, June 5 "The Work-| camp instructor, good laugh hurts you, this comedy ing clothes. Be- men's and Soldiers' Council to-| ---- will lay you up for a month. Mar-| N ; | Sixteen recruits are now T tyn & Ly a very clev i , x {day named July Sth as the date f 8 at Teately -Ynn are a very clever pair, causc they f # . { the Kussian-called EIT ate or de Pont Barracks to be prepared for and offer a comedy singing @d danc- | know that we 3-4 10lMm peace | petawawa Camp. One came from {ing act that was a sure-fire hit, The make clothing "tod organize a world union | American .Govern- | Nightgowns, Corset Covers, Skirts. {ference caused great disappointment Combinations, Drawers, disillusioned" by the We invite you to see this collection even if not prepared to buy. trouhles are * . New, Dainty Correct Smart Silk Blouses Not only the correct materials but the new shades and colors that strike a note of harmony with the costumes now in vogue. $2.25 pr Sn a {confe rence. The formal call for the| Sherbrooke, three from Toronto ana]latest Pathe News and three reels of J linterns tional meeting summarizes its| the remainder {romgMontreal, good Universal photoplays round out a study. We y | to consider means to end the war and] A refresher course for officers lesmorrow matinee apd night. Miss| recommend no- |eliminiate imperialism." tstarted on Tuesday morning at the;Hilda Bonnycattlie, sfag in fine voice jes : [Infantry School, Barriefie!d. "The Recruit" and had to respond to i " several enchores. s } {ment had refused passports to So- The Distinguished Service Order | we know 18S cor ' cialist delegates to a Stockholm con-| Na€ been conferred on Lieut.-Col. G.|Gounod's Beautiful Opera "Faust." rect in style. , | T Jamilton, Jasus onl: H. bi Reid The roster of the Boston English A | anc apt . 8. Tyroell, graduates of | Opera C any hieh e Rére hein eohatd on | 5 pera Company, which comes to the Young men Sa, ] reside mn Tscheidze of the jue Royal Military College Grand on Saturday June 9th, matinee 7 Soldiers" a 's Council de- sm ~ Ray sr who alin to Jo iers" and Workmen s Council de Mw. . Co and night . is _an impressive one 7 |clared he was 1jor General R. A Unia 'ke, be- | Headed by Joseph F. Sheehan, Am lead the 9 style i refusal. an ) 2 Roce Dasadian sorties erica's foremost tenor, and Mlle . ' x a ineres " v, and a Royal Miltary Col: | Nelli Gardini, th cates, al p roces sion \ Labor Increasing | lege graduate, was gazetted for a |p . , : Tae grea § of ho | here Fo-day a general strike was|Russiin decoration. O ler of Saint French dramatic sopranos, the cast shoul pin their [ordered In all Petrograd fac tories be Anne, First Class, 'with Swords. includes such Sminent ariisis ae S &- . a cause of the employers' refusal to OC nor Vittoria Trevesan, whose char- faith'on Living- | accord a six-hour day and equal| (Cadet Keith Davidson, of the|2Cterization of Mephistopheles, they ton' oe wages to men and women Royal Military. College, son of the | PeVil: is said to be the fiiest piece stons smart ; | Demands of miners for a 200 per late Comtrolles FATHES Davidson ool of character acting in the®annals of clothes $1 5 00 § , jeent. increase in wages were made|tawa, has accepted a commision | 0Pera: Robert Evans, the renowned as . ~ | public to-day. The miners received| with the Royal Flying Cros. English basso; Miss Florentine St. to $25.00 one | : {p30 per cent neropse granted by | : 3 ns - Clair, one of America's foremost . . | _/ z A | y epartmen ) Commegce in| Lieut. McKay Meikle. ti . prima donnas; Arthur Deane, whose | , ) : ay kle, the voung- ' . : price only. I March vv son of Mrs. Robert Me kle, Ot. | beautiful baritone voice has been . IS . and formerly of Kinzston. has | heard in many of the leading oper- tne store Would Be Only "Justice." a the Enmzincers and has left | atic productions in this country; Mr. where every : - - A of Alsace-Lorpaine to France is not | ~~ Mr. Clark Harcourt, Miss Sofia Du purchase must an "annexation" by France, but | "*C" Battery, Royal Canadian] Frane, Miss Louise Heming, ete vy ) nadian . > ustice," agcording to a.resolution| Horse Artillery is reaping the bene In addition to this unequalled cast re tors / y is reaping the bene addi C is juatl d I ie ght of rour ' adopted by the congress of delegates| fit "of the recent impetus given to |of principals there will be an unusu- mone ack. : i i y turn, the resolution explained, did|that selective conscription will | ke- | voice and beauty, and the simple an- ) . s d the orchestra will Peay platform of 'mo annexations ure. This well-known unit is se-{ be under the leadership of Giacomo ® * - . and no indemnities. curing some splendid men. in Toronto | Spadeni, is- in itself a guarantee of! - 9 X S ercas enquir es fren distant outside mre Fir: i 3 Tet irst Ai Finest. points in United States and Can- At Griffin's. The popular Wolfe Island asnar- |ada. The Toronto depot of "C" The usual . BYR ~ : agus, as grown by T. K. Morton, of | Battery is now forwarding drafts of We i unusually popular to-starg 4 - the St. Lawrence Fruit Farm, is|rec:aits every "ew days to head Valiace Reid and Myrtle Steadman. | ' Brock Street again on the market. It is the first | quarters at Kingston After re- drew a large audience to Griffin's. If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. yurpose is excellent bi or to-night, anc pury thi llent bill f t ht, i thing b hz % | News ths mg ut what - : | News that the Petrograd, June 5 Restoration | for St. John's, Que. Henry DeVarre, Mr. John Wandling, from the front to-day Such a re- | recruiting, due to the prcbability ally attractive chorus, both as to not run contrary to the Russian|ly come into effect in the near fut- | nouncement that - - and vicinity, besides receiving num- | excellence in that direction, of the season to appear, and doubt- | porting and receiving uniform and last evening who followed with ing" * " " Pro less the finest also. Mr, Morton is|full eciipment men are then for- |S! their latest photo-dram Pa fs." Silks for Summer "the man behind' those big, tuseious | warded in drafts semi-weekly to [duction The Prison W* 8s a sl re- strawberries which are so much -n |the 'unit's training quarters at [Wallace Reid is hd Miss Steadman as demand each year. His garden on | Petawawa. form expert {lanthropist j The prison Wolfe Island must be a spot specl- - 3 young DF ont to discover who is ally favored by nature, as it seems War badges™for men who have Wy among the prison wardens. | perennially able to produce the ear- | Served in the Canadian Expggitian 19 While on a tour of inspection the liest and best varieties of fruits and | ary forces at home or abrg#ad. and young philanthropist meets the pris-| vegetables. R. J. Bushell the cap-| for those men who have 061 Ais |FURRE § vor ' tin | vege St p on expert, and upon his release still in_search of the chief grafter, he is! 150 Yards Jet Black CHIFFON TAFFETA SILK horized. Summer Dress If selected from our large and varied stock, will be sure to please. * Beautiful silk dresses, made in the most ap- proved styles from poplins, taffetas and crepe de chenes, in all popular colors. Priced from $12.75 up. AH A Pt AAA AAA Marquisettes, voiles, nets and fancy stripe dresses, all the new summer novelties.' Moderately priced from $6.98 up. A A A gE Na Linen Dresses, in a large variety of colors, very popular for warm weather. Priced from $3.50 up. A ip ' Palm beach suits, the ideal summer gar- + ment; our assortment is complete in all sizes and styles. Priced from $6.98 up. AAR AA tl | Waldron's conducts an annual excursion to the Experimental Farm at Ottawa. He deserves great credit for Die enter. | prise. Might we suggest 1 ii ular pilgrimage to a rence | Fruit Farm i redound to the | eredit of t #e#land township and re-| sult in ng some good pointers to} every tor? oi -- | Frontenac 'Motorcycle Club, A meeting of the Frontenac Motor- cycle Club was held on Friday, and was well attended. Several new members were elected. Dark blue and white were the colours chosen for the club and each member will fly from his machine a pennant of dark blue with letters "F.MC." in white. In recognition of good services, Road Lieutenant F.-H. Hough was promoted io be road captain, and Cecil 'Rawson appointed first lieuten- ant to assist. The next club run will be arranged for Sunday June 10th. . Members of the club are patting on ground track at the celebraticns on July 12th next Securing Provincial Charters. John Laidlaw & Sons, Limited. head office at Kingston, capital $100,000, The Cataragqui Golf & Country Club, Limited, head office at Kings- ton, capital $50,000, ECZEMA ON FACE Was So Bad Had to Stay - - in House. All skin diseases such as eczema or salt rheum, itching or burning rash- es, eruptions, ulcers, boils, pimples, etc, are all caused by bad blood, and while not usually attended with any fatal results, may sooner or l!a'er develop inte some serious bland trouble, and the entire system' le- come affected Burdock Blood Bitters, that c'd and well-known remedy, will cleanse the blood of its tmipurities, and by | this means cure skin diseases and! other blood troubles. . Mrs. Ernest Andrews, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "My face was covered with eczema and was so terribly bad I had to stay in the house, | had ten different doctors but got so tired of their treatment that 1 went and bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it helped me so | kept on taking it. Now I am cured, and have a lovely skin, "People who used to see we when I was so bad and see me now will not beleve it, but I always tcil them that nothing cured me but Burdock Blood Bitters." B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T. Milhurs Co., Limited, Toron- able and energetic manager of the|charged as ron al vhfit for ser big Kingston Industrial Exhibiticn, | Vice. have been'a t | There is no hope yet of the hospital two motorcycle races on the fair| yp, enlisted with the 252nd, trans- Two --_-- of supplies for the ~esdf€hing of Queen's Military Hos- pital arrived in the city on Monday being opened before a month's time but workmen are rushing the work as much as possible. Capt. Frink, 21st Battalion, was at headquarters on Tuesday morniag The captain leftl France several months ago on sick leave, suffering from shell shock. Though far from well he is doing nicely. Capt. Frink returned to his home in.Napanee on Tuesday afternoon. L. F. Russell, an Ottawa civil ser vant, and H. J. Bradshaw, also of Gttawa, have signed up for overseas service with the Army Medical Corps. Capt. J. A. Blezard has returned to duty here with the A.M.C, after being at the Quebec Discharge Depot for some time. Rev. J. W. McNeilly, Gooderham, ferred to the A.M.C, Depot on Tues- day for overseas service. - Evidently the Y.M.C.A. do not con- sider Barriefield camp wor@@ much to its work this year as no tent is being 'erected. There are few men in training, Among the officers at the camp to attend the refresher course at the In- fantry School are Major Weller and Major Jarvis, late 264th .and Capts. Potts and Watson, late 252nd. Retreat is being sounded this week at 7.45 p.m, Lieut.<Col. P. 8. Benoit, C.R.C.E., left on Monday for Port Hope to su- pervise the Royal Military College entrance examinations. ~ Lieut.-Col. W. J. Brown, Capt. T. A. Kidd and Capt. F. W. Henderson are supervising the Royal Military College entrance examinations here, Canadian Casualties. Killed in action--C. Anderson, Ot- tawa. Presumed to have Frood, Renfrew, Died of injuries--8. Asseltine, Napanee; A. Carroll, Conway. Ill-- M. Rice, Tyrone; W. Moore, Bancroft; J. H. Dunn, Napanee, Missing-- M. Donlevy, Pembroke, Wounded--N. Watkins, Gore Landing; N. E. Root. Napanee; S. W. Derbyshire, Westport: R. G. Sheppard, Lansdowne: Lieut. § G. Freebron, Magnetewan: J, Kemps, LPeterboro; A. McNaughton, C Kilied' 'in action--F. Romh Ottawa. Wounded-- John Muwphy, Arn: prior; M. E. Hargrave, Peterboro. died---C. B. There were seventeen cases and fourteen judgment summonses tried by Judge Lavell ff Thvision Court on to, Ont. Tuesday morning. given a position as her secretary, only to discover the man to whom' she is engaged is suspected of being the "man higher up." The eleventh episode of the great serial of adven- ture "The Secret Kingdom' lends good variety to the programme. Lovers of good comedy were delight- ed with the international favorite Max Linder in the stellar role. A particularly pleasing act of vaude- ville rounded out a excellent bill for to-night, and to-morrow matinee and night. At the Strand. Capacity business at both per- formances was the order of things at the Strand yesterday Bessie Barriscole in "The Snarl™ is seen to advantage in this new Triangle play. In this production Mss Barriscole has a difficult pa:t, that of dual role. Charlie Chaplin in "The| Pawnshop" and Chester Conklin ol | "Dodging His Doom' held the] boards in four thousand feet of fun | and frolic. "Tours of the World" and Francis Ford and Grice Can- ard in "The Purple Mask' were also shown This programme will be repeated to-night and to-morrow. Lieut. Sutherland Decorated. { Among the Canadians decorated] by King George on Saturday was Lieut. Harry Sytherland, son of Mr. and! Mrs. Robert Sutherland, Prin-| cess street, Lieut. Sutherland, when a private in the 2nd Battalion, won the military medal for good work in the battle of the Somme. : | Big Crop of Asparagus, | And now at its best. Fresh lot every morning at Carnovsky's. Soft French chiffon finish. Per- manent Jet Black, pure silk and un- filled. The fashionable summer silk 1: black. 36 inches wide, $1.50 yard. COLORED TAFFETA SILKS I'resh, crisp, new stock, and thoroughly reliable taffeta silks for dresses, house gowns, summer suits, waists, skirts, in navy, silver grey, taupe, amethyst, madore brown, copenhagen, new brown, ivy green, eminence, ivory, and several other wanted shades. 36 inches wide, $1.50 yard. Hm Good Travelling aNecessity Whether at camp or going for an extensive tour during the sum- mer, you will require a good, reliable trunk, suit case, or club bag. We carry a large stock at all times and will be pleased to show our goods to prospective buyers. A 22 I Tn