Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1917, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN _ ------ | 9 4 Subtendiatdnd TO LET FLATS FOR LIGHT ing. Ap ly 194 Division street, Phone 17 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1917. 'GRAND OPERA I= o( 0iDaily es Hy | 2-- Acts Vaudeville--2 | HOUSE FOR CHILDREN Ema Wehlen, in "Vanity." "Luke's Honeymoon" The Pathe News and Other Features THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 2--Acts Vaudeville--2 A Five Reel Photoplay Valeska Suratt, in "New York Peacock" The Pathe News, Comedy nud Other Photoplays. Eveanin Reserved, Je S| ESTABLISHED 1833 ) The People's Forum pe i FOR SALE Each con- THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. half- little. Once, 25¢; three times one week, $1.00. i | FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys see Frank W. Cooke, 3% Clarence street 1915 ition G reet CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| COST boc; HOUSE-KEEP. or First insertion, 1¢ a word. secutive insertion thereafter, cent a word. one {insertion Soc: xix $1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED A RANDOLPH HOTEL. | WANTED AT THE IMPERIAL | GIRLS WA» | cory mv. oy - n ~ Thursday afternoon MAN FOR WAREHOUSE. 4 NIC e Lor oF © Noe Re An SE may have same by riscns Limited W. rmwith Limited 4 Ragldn Road MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GENERAL | AN AUTOMOF WANK, ON Hospital, Apply Maison. SEVEN PASSENGER STUDEBAKER rh eet car, in first class condition. Bareair for quick buyer Apply 86 Bay Sireet won and daughter es thrift 0 em a Savings it 1 The Bank Help them add to it at regu tere rift Habit acquired by the « iren will re than dollars jt i unts for FOUND ™O NF RNISHED FRONT ROOMS, A BRUNCH OF KEYS WITH Ring for light hea Keeping Apply 388 and chain an 1 d Queen street Street near Victoria ool Owner may have same by cali ing at 219 University Ave smail or Soi invited ached, on la PMOBH ON class condi Clarence OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 78 Clarence street. TWO ROOMS IN QUIET HOME, GOOD locality, near cars and Univer ity Apply Box 655, Whig Office MODEL, IN FIRST A. Bateman, 67 ST. Owner ailing at ON RIDEAL 116 BRANCHES IN CANADA. Fe BANK or [ORONTO Be «i McKay, Manag OA FOR SALE residential property with office attac hed, No. 56 Earl St. | ly suitable for a doctor, being centrally located and | laid out just right for the purpose. The dwelling and office are modern in| overy respect, with every convenience that can be thought of and finished | in excellent taste. This must be seen to be appreciated. We will be pleas- | od to show prospective purchasers the property at any convenient time. THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 YOouLNG Hobe FURNISHED rooms for cooking with gas or coal 398 Princdss street. , STORAGE FOR FURN) FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- then has a clean buf ding, 442 Albert TISED FREE bu 2152 Anyone finding anything and ett ete tenn wisk.ng to reach the owner may FURNISHED 8 ~ROOUS; ALSO SiIT- do so by reporting the faots to ting room floor, with The British Whig. The adver- Verandah King, Cor tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles," does not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. ------ LOST. BED ROOMS; light house ALSO keeping; Apply 10eg Matinee 1 Extra Any Seat wr may plying to King and Bagot ap- MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP-| cor ply Street Railway Office. ! GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Saturday, June 9. HN cCann. 26 Wellington" St | 2.30 -- Evening at 8.13 [ gyapT BOYS WANTED, APPLY | rand the | Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. | City. WA- furniture | TO | Phone BU GGY, Street in good Piano HARNESS, Matinee at By Popular I BOSTON ENGLISH OPERA CO. is making a triumphant return tour |p EAMS S presenting Gounod's Beautiful rwardi i Opera | i reight lA GOOD GENERAL MAID; NO WASH- ing or ng Apply Miss Lyman, =| 127 King St. W | | BOY ro RUN ERRANDS AND MAKE | himself generally useful. Apply A | ts & Son, Ltd 1 | Grr MO ASST IN OFFICE WORK: | ne With some experience prefer 566 Whig Office | red. . Apply Box § The Worm Hed NO SHARES Apply 123 Loan and Ir in the State Apply Box. 56, SHEDDEN A : GTR Y er Hving offer FOR THE g Co, Apply Sheds pen for Whig ~ROOM AND SITTING twa bed flour, telephone Wiilam Sat ROOM ON rooms on n Apply 44 Lower That desirable r This property is espe TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- tains, canoes, and camping sup- plies. PFighing tackle, etc. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clirence St. King- ston. Phone 891. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athléte, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories George Fubhers. Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1082, Finder fice STORAGE FOR FURNITU CLBAN AUTOMOBILE TOPS -- YOUR OLD es om Seri os = dry, airy roms; your URE. BAN) bows recovered and top made like ook key. Frost Ci Sto e, new at half the price of a new top. STOLEN Queen Ts Phone 536; res, "" We have everything for tops, cushions, slip covers etc. Jas. W AL. THE PERSONS WHO WERE FURNISHED HOUSE ON ALBERT ST. Judson, Brockvlile. n taking the rabbits from 300 ndon St, for the summer - mem---- Earl street return same and save months, $ rooms with all modern TOCK oF CAMP AND BOAT further trouble conveniences Apply Box 602, Whig st china cabinets office buy and 'seil everything In new - and second hand furnfture. J. CD) RESIDENCE, 119 EARL Phompson, 337 street street; brick, 9 rooms, open fire- Phone 1600. plices, nice grounds and shade | = trees. J. 8 R. McCann, 82 Broce I TYPEWRITERS --UNDERWOODS AND St. Phone 326 or 621 ' Dek all makes, factory re-built anteed the equal of new FURNISHED ROOMS, up to $85.00. Will ship on approv- d pleasant' also one back al Canidian Writing Machine furnished, light house keep. # Company. 25 Adelaide St, West, denired." Apply eT anh Toronto cor. Division SIX FURNISHED COTEAGES rer, $15.00 to $35.00 per month ply by letter, May Bell Marks Cedar "Villa, Christie's Lake, OFFICE sireet Smith FOR Ap Red Ont OR SHOP, 133 WELLINGTON lately occupied by John inter. Apply to J. B. Car- 151 Wellington street ON PRIN. afternoaf to Whig Of. SIDE CURTAIN FOR ALTO, street, Saturday kindly return With Joseph F. Sheehan, America's| A Gabon WUON-WORKING MACHINE | - \ | hand; steady work; good v Ss. | | foremost tenor and Mlle. Nelli Gar- | Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. pn sensational Coloratura Soprano | Limited the Opera Comique, Paris. | from the Of jue | COOK, GENERAL ! lourmaid for Deseronto. stating wages to Lady . 1 Deseronto., Ont al Poin iat !. No. 2.--Did you ever stop to consider | that you work from 8 to 10 hours a day, but your eyes are being used 18 or more hours a day. No wonder. they ache and oT feel strained or that your head aches' Seats on sale Thursday, Our thorough eye examinations will | Mail orders accepted now tell what is wrong and how to correct the | Panied by money order and self ad- trouble, | dressed stamped envelope for return R. J. Rodger, | of tickets. anfg Opticians a nd is 132 Princess 8 Phone 347 | rT sere -~ ---- ~~ ~ A er Spring Time is) p-------- Growing Time POTATOES ! - Lowest Prices. We carry a well assorted stock of Steele Briggs, Ferrys, and Rennies Vegetable and Flower Seeds in bulk and packages, PAR- Write, George | AND HOUSE specially selected and enlarged A and the company's orchestra | under the direction of Maestro Gia- como Spadoni. | Prices: Matinee 25¢, 50¢, 73¢, $1.00; Evening, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50. r Ww hig Of COOKING FOR | house-work or | afternmeon off; | Apply Box 5 Do hree: no washing, LAGHT baking, ery week FOR SALE FURN GREY WILLOW BABY CARRIAGE, IN good condition Apply 227 Univer sity Ave Princess BOY WITH WHEEL summer work at Petawawa camp Good pay, accommodations ) Apply Immediately at » Book Store if accom- TWO FRONT bright an room ing ff son street 73 | frevseadness Feed PROPERTY AND OF- No. 564 can bw 52 or N« 06 REXNORNMAL on rl st with eithe Nay g fold T No. 56 mA nd Enquire at GRAPHONOLA AND , vour own choice, § cash, $1 per week. C + MY oe veral wt i Dd 21 Princ St. e ouRes Ww rents Limited, 121 Princess St ranging from $30.00 to $4500 per month. Apply the J. K. Car. roll Agency, 58 Brock Sit. GENUINE s tior Terms Lindsay, id doch { 9 A YOING GIRL TO ASSIST WITH | _ cooking and housework wo in| = Yh A 'DS "ON 1 family; no washing; $18 a month | "ER_ME FoR NE AN SPs . AN ot vin name, SUaross age parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- and references, to Box 16, Whig | y > pictures, Monday, Tues., Wed. | | Presents 1 | ! | ing machines, crockery, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess street WANTED GENERAL WANTED, PRE- lady or gentleman. Whig Office Office WANTED, FOR UNDER- mining, mucking and run- 2 hammer drills Wages $3.20 - Board $6.20 per week y employment Globe fining and Refining Co , Ont, MINERS ground LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU- ches, stoves, men's clothing; also new upholstered chairs, organ, shoes, leather straps' National Cash Regipter, We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- niture. 8. Shapiro, 46 Princess street. Phohe 1237. rere + A veal bargain in lots at the § hénd of Princess street, Just + + Sheed Wallace Reid and Myrtle Steadman in "The Prison Without Walls." Eleventh Chapter "The Secret Kingdom" VAUDEVILLE Prices: Matinee 10¢; Evening | Coming --June 7, 8,9 Geo. M. Cohan, in | "Broadway Jones' -- And -- Jack Pickford, in "The Dummy" STRAND MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN i in toplay ie Bariscale, in "The Snarl" Chester Conklin in "Dodging His Doom" "PURPLE MASK" Matinee 10¢ Ltd FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN "AND ment BSoclety; incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. R. Smith, CM.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nie- kle, K.C. Money Issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur, chase. investment bonds for sale; depouite received and in- lerest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence St, Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insuran Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyhol have r security the unlimited liability of city property, insured lowest "possible rates. Befora renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Phone 325. FRENCH LESSONS ferably French Apply Box 62, INVEST. NED YOUNG WOMAN ABOUT 17 as companion. Suitable party be given every consideration and treated as & member of the family Pleasant home. Neatness, cleanliness wd cheerfulness essen. thal. Ay Box §, Whig Office AND ALL GENER. AL CART. ete. 8. An- King street TEAMING ing, moving furmwiture, derson, Mal: House, west, 722 Telephone or wre us before buy- ing. Friendship's ! Phone B45 i Phone 722 SKECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- A Limited, 121 Princess street, FURNITURE FINISHING outside city limits.. The best garden gy "iy water. Inquire Fralick, Princess We make a specialty of choice Mix- 15¢. ed Sweet Peas, Dwarf and Tall Nas- turtiums id bulk. ote bed @ 210 Division St. lt Our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed will grow where all others fail. 26¢ per Ib. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont, FURNITURE FINISH. P. DRISCOLL, 23 John er. Call or drop a oard. street. BY GEO. A. BATEMAN'S ESTATE Agency. 5500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, jateat improvements, § rooms, dou- e Jot. marks, designs. Estab. 1877. ' Tr TOR. : ous, ALL ey Yiiee Ex ner. pro vements, gas ar elec & 3 pr alent Om ami lot 33 x 132; side lane. g a A. tection" free. ' -- real. Hranches: Ottawa, Washington. $F) DUTBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE $4500, BRICK, provements; $3000, CK, BRIC electric Mg $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms Notice to Creditors And Others. The creditors of John Ernest Muc kle, late of the Qity df Kingston, in the County of Frontepac, student, who dled on or about the 150h day of January, A.D. 1917, and others having claims FAA i i Sa Against his estate are, pursuant to R S. O. 1914, Chapter 121, hereby notified to send by post. prepaid eesotherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Juhn Lyle, Executor, of the last will of the said deceased on or before the 14th day of June 1917, full par- tieulars of their aceounts or Intere sts 3 uly Wn the nature t them. Af- d Lin diy of June the assets Md deceased will be distributed Among the parties entitled thereto hay- "N\ | ing regard only to the claims of which notice thereof shall have béen receiv- Extra Choicest " Japan (Green) Tea, || 354 Tatoo Serer" in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 SoMcitor for ta as. Ont. Lipton's Plantation Brand ---------- Black Tea, in 2% Ib. Tins, $1.40. When you require Tea GORDON'S. is the place to get it. Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. Phone 88, PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, With or without experience, on Agents. sewing amd knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, Limited. ' trade ¥ DENTAL E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Office, 258 Princess street. Phone 652. 11 ROOMS, ALL rear entrance. IMPROVEMENTS; ™- DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phcne 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, G. OC. Dewar, D.D.S, D. assistant. Phone 345. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful | Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors Free trial subscription. Succes: ful Finance, $08 8. Dearborn St. Chicago. A LL ht, BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, every convenience, central loca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. Ideal Theatre On account of lease being about to expire 1 have cloned the theatre. Stock for sale. Aeody J. Ashweo , 10 Fron. tenance Stree i i GET Your AWNINGS MADE in KINGSTON Patronise home Industryr mo better made in Canada than 230. 113 Broek Street. ------ = [Sn VACANT LOTS, AL L PRICES, MONEY TO LOAN, 7 CLARENCE ST. Kingston. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHUARKS and all growths and ble ishes removed ren, out sear; 30 Elmer J. la Throat and Skin Bagot street, Evenings 13¢ Dated this 12th day C. ST. of May, A.D. 1917, E i olalist, 258 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALES BAKING POWDER Wetiped Prices; 10¢ 15¢ .. 20e . 35e 1--8 cyl. Touring, almost new, 1--4 cyl. Touring, and 1--4 cyl. Truck, All in excellent condition. J. H. DAVIS, Saxon Distributor. LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston. | New Potatoes, New Cabbage, New Car- rots, New Beets, But- ter Beans Cucumbers, Lettuce, Radishes, "Asparagus, Tomatoes, Pine- apples, Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas, at THE Bon Marche Grocery Phone 1844. Cor. King & Ea Sealed tenders, marked tender on the envelope will be received an the office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to noon on Saturday the hat 16th day of June, 1917, for the follow- hie he ng supplies: 130 tons, more or less, of inton Coal, ¢o be of good quality well screened. Portland cement per bit coarse samd and gravel, suit. able for tile naking. and crushed Mme- Stone at per cubic yard, go be delivered at the County Buildings when required. Tenders will be received for pam of shove supplies. The lowest or any tender not necos- sarkly accepted. Security wil be required for fulfil- ment of eaniraot urs. . + mples of sand be sent in with Tender JW, 4 on .. 6 ox. per per per per per tin tin tin tin tin tin A. PPP Reber Ce PP Pet reed ARCHITECT , MER. Notice! to Water |FERE E BUY Quick BEFORE THERE IS A FURTHER ADVANCE Consumers » Brock and Wellington streets. ~Captil Ah %Biaye Owing to the limited -- makes. Fu WAL one, rep mm i i t ge ca- . WA D - {| pacities of the Water] MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL Township Councils | Works Plant and in view DEPARTMENT of 'the' i 1 water Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. Parham, il met for consumption, due to CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- Court of Revision, ete. Members al the PANY, LTD. On ZR APY TT 'on. | Greater Production, Kingston 4 tario and F w ly Fn to Public Utilities Commis sion kindly request all users of water to_be as economical J. Hartwick and J. Chalk struck off as possible, -- TAXI SERVICE RING 960. nn = Brothers ar Kingston Lodge, No " LO.O.F. will' assemble at their hall on Thursday, Jume 7th at 1.30 o'clock to attend e funeral of our late Brouher James E. Dillon. Membe of sister lodges Attend A Buon attendance eq. All Large Cars Used. invited to is request- (Signed) H. A. THOMPSON, N.G. = Hat Cleaning Time Now i the ne to get your straw cleaned and 'Kingston Taxi Cab 0 J NAT se. Poles 179 Wellington St. Easter Lilies, . Hyacinth, Daffodils, Spiren, Asem, alow. Valley Rosen, roll and dog assessed to P. Turner assessed to E. Cox. Moved, Howes- McCloud that assessment of F. W. Harris be reduced $25. Carried. Moved, Howes-Jeffrey that F. Snider be assessed for lot 5 con, 10, in- stead of Rathbun Col and Thomas Carlin be assessed fof lots 9 and 10, con, 12, instead of Rathbun Ce. Car- ried. Court adjourned until June 29th and council took up general business. . Moved, Peters-Jeffrey that by-law No. 9, of 1916, for Colonizstion roads Specialists in Panama bleach ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- and gravel BR ADSHAW, County Clark. to Starting May Lat all coal sales will be for cash. to share with our 'We A Delicious Dessert We offer our customers who come and select their own meat, choice off front quarter in cuts of 3 to 5 Ibs. for stews at 12% c per pound, shoulder roasting pieces 13¢ per pound; Ham- burg steak 20¢; Sausage meat 20c¢; spare ribs, hearts and livers. Royal rock fatted fowl, milk fed chickens; ducks and turkeys, Come early. Open at 7 a.m. Anderson Bros. PHA a Division Sts, (\_ Phones 458 and 1846. Kingston, June Sth, 187. A, be read the third time, signed and sealed. Carried. Orders drawn on treasurer: Registering deed, G. A. Smith, $2; road grader, J. N. Smith, $65; assessor, R. A. Hamilton, $60. Five dollars laid out to repair the road on side line between lots 15 and 16, con. 7, known as A. Wagar's road. Bill of T. 8. Genge for medi- cal attendance to Miss Timmerman iorwarded to Bedford Council, agk- ing them to remit. Moved, Peters- '| McCloud, that Robert Butterell be Necessity is the mother of some ventions, but the majority of orphans. : relieved of collector's roll, he having settled with the treasurer. Carried. Bill of G. PF. Wagar, for sheep killed' by dogs laid over until next meeting. Couneil adjourned to meet at Picea- { dilly, June 29th. i fits to be derived from a cash sy pote the bene. Jas. Swift & o, imi - Household Fariture | - Will buy and pay fair prices, but must be clean and sanitary goods, J. Turk, Phone 705 J Reet is

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