Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jun 1917, p. 10

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PAGE TEN The Realm 2 IF pe | PLEA FOR A HALF NICKEL. THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE sure | A "sameness" that is mos pense FT enjoyable-- the daily, un- (By Frances Walter) varying goodness of a cup of "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS 0 cents, now frequently costs a dime | The same disturbing truth applies to | other things fu common life, both n- | i side and outalde of lunch rovms. There | GRAY HAIR! The free trial battle of MA your druggist or afrect tro we, © Bat be sure that the bottle you buy 13 Me real Mary 7. Goldman's. Send for trial bottle today and say whether your hair Is naturally black, dark brown, medinm Lrowa or Nght brewn. If pos tible, send a lock «1 your letter, Mary T. Goldman 62 Temperance St., POOR BLOOD AND WEAK NERVES (By F. Raymond Ward, M. b.) Lack of strength is about the first Byuptom of violation of the laws of health here come nervousness, unstead har and limbs, skin eruptious, dizziness; sl epi, 8 ess, heart Phiphtation, and with the feeling wnat the life d is being sapped comes complete pros- tration. In this condition the sufferer is indifferent to all things--and looks upon life with a gloomy, melancholic view. It is given as a statistical fact that seven out of every tem people in the United States are suffering from nerve exhaustion, and of this pumber less than half realize its They know shat they bave gloomy thoughts, a depression of mind, sn impaired memory Shuiuess and headache, wakeful nights and lls of extreme exhaustion, 'but they ribute it $0 any other cause but the right one. They feel languid, irritable and restieas, the why and wherefore of which they g cannot explain. They are® suffering from nerve exhaustion, & condition which is Jmdoubidly the means of causing wore misery and crushing more hopes than aay other trouble that flesh is heir to. Nervous exhaustion will mot cure itself. The sufferer who thinks that nature alone will" bring sbout a restoration of health is imply deluded by a false hope. He will real that (if the Power of realizing is left him), when becomes a hopeless victim to one of the many diseases which follow in its path. 'Those suffering from nerve exhaustion or joss of energy .as a result of overwork, mental worry or violation of nature's laws are quickly restored to sound health 2 ODr. Ward's special treatments. Dr. ard's office is located at 79 Niagara Square, Buffalo, N. Y., which is right opposite the McKinley Monument. His office hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 9 A. M. FP. M., and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Por 9 A.M to 8 P.M. Bundays § A. M. P.M. Cousultstion and exawination is always without charre. * AA PNP ; ; ; : : ; 1 COMMISSION TO PROBE HONORS. * + ROYAL + 4 London, June 7.--The Daily % Chronicle, following an editorial in The Times discussing the hon- or list, suggests that any in- quiry why Peerages, ete, have been conferséd should be retro spective. "Let us have a Royal Commission," says The Chron icle, 'to inquire into the reasons why honors have been conferred during the last twenty years. Let the recipients have the op portunity of justifying the titles they have accepted, and the Ministers and party agents state the reasons which prompted, provoked or induced them to of- fer the said honors." AEE EEE EEE EEE EE ESI ET PEPFPPPPE EPRI eed Plan to Form Organization. Ottawa, June 7.--That steps will be taken tayforn an organization of soldiers and 'workmen somewhat sim ilar to the Russian organization, was the announcement made to-day by James Simpson, vice-president of the Dominion Trades Cougress. "The in terests of the workmen and soldiers are identical," he said. British Prisoners in Germany. London, June, 7.--In the House of Commons the Postmaster-General stated that the number of British pris oners of war in Germany was 42,831, as compared with 30,710 last year The number of German prisoners in the United Kingdom was 48,133, compared with 40,821 last year. Alien miners will not have any re- duction of pay, as had been proposed, 0 long as they keep fe 15ys and re- train from seditious talk or actions. Ontario will employ at least six thousand men after the war in build- ing roads. a Hl] TRUMPS. ro PLAY ed from the presence {f a woman lit is par 1 one hay omething | whom one d ticularly Er started out t and is ordere« away before one's been carried on That Jeeling probably letained me in te of Blake's invitation for me to dep [ did not think lirectly of Sylvia or of | rd:or of their happines which, tk A Was no loubt, w nging the balance i thought of iaped itself purpose ha house I ur claim « ward m ere to ask vour aid three persons | and I pre n my to make a little less miserable pose | Therefore 1 must in Ing until vou reconsider which you have just uttered My statement was made the emphasis which | mand, and I could see that was immediate, although, ' not very favorable, to my cause The venom which I had once be- fore. seen leap into Mrs. Blake's face a rush, and 1} time remain- | seeming came back witl she was unable "How dare you!" veritable house instan 0 H not," 1 replied with tered firmne S By way of emphasizing my asseér tion I resumed the seat waich | had quitted a few mame before and pretended to make myself comfort able for an indefinite stay? Mrs. Blake, choking with rage, larted to the other side of the room and pressed a button Almost at once the impassive butlér appeared "Henry," she said, '"'show this per- son out." "Henry," Ir +d tention of going o "Take her out!" eried Mrs. Blake In a voice which "wad#®8Imost a scream "Take her.outl'l "Wait a moment," 1 protested, de to control t of passion ty!" "I have no in- just now." | mal that you are here 'o obtain that aid before [I leave. |i - met de perate » this] ame | | is no need of statistics from economists | to inform us that the cost of liviag | bas advanced. Every spender of mou- | ey knows it Retailers are more re | | luctant to put prices up than is gen- | | erally realized. They know that con- Blake nuttering hecked moment&ril He has a rant for vou," 1 I give him a sig- there will be no pe for you You must ac-| company 1m to the station, and you know what that means, in| these vs of newspaper activity, will me that your photograph will he wiapped by photographers and) tl articles will be printed to hurried on, "and if police u Ov ning giving all the sen ?'* asked the| length | do you mean woman when she at nd her voice vou have laid your » Jaw, and that 1 direct that the exclaimed ound could a warrant t me ground that might sworn t etorted "That is & that is neeessary to get a warrant-- With | several witnesses 1V One Arrest may | no matter who they hap- | astonishing speed and accuracy. | Eight of them make 24 cents, but the sumption decreases as prices advance That means less business, and profits depend partly on large business. When more than the traffic will bear Is charged the traffic falls off. | Change making is one of the items in up to date retailing. It must be done quickly if expenses are to be kept | down. The young woman at the lunch | rooms desk bas not time to count pea- nies. She must deal In nickels, dimes and quarters if she 1s to maintain her We need another coin. Three cent | pleces were confused with dimes and were bard to use because they were not fractions of other currency. No one but a statistician thinks in deci: mals. The rest of us do our sums in fractions. Four three-ceut pieces make 12 cents, but there is no such coin. coin almost corresponding is worth 1 cent more. If three cent pieces were again issued they would not fill the bill With a half nickel it would be dif- It never fails to greet you with that same exquisite fragrance, amber clearness and delightful flavour, that win people with the first cup. In %, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 184 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere, The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the BEN muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. put the bust back where it be. longs, prevent the fall bust from having the appearance of fab Br 9 biness, eliminate the. danger 2 § dragging muscles and confine the BRASS! $ draey of Re shoulder giving » graceful line to the entire upper bod ' They are the daintiest and most serv T ebit pra imagi- nable--come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, ete. Boned with * Walohn," rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- ed, we will gladly sead him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. 'And what charge st me?' Kidnapping," 1 replied simply. (To be Continued.) Keating's Made in England Sold by all Dealers S The Whig's Daily Men | ~~ Menu for Friday BREAKFAST Fruit Sliced Sausage Ment Henten Hiscults Coffee LUNCHEON Hamburg Steak Lettuve French Dressing Raisin Cake feed Tea DINNER Braised Veal Cutlets Parsnip Fritters Sweet Potatoes Asparagus Salad Pineapple Snow Coffee K -------- pissed] Cheese Omelet Separate the yolks from the whites of three eggs. Put the yolks into a bowl and the whites into a plate, Add ns Brilliant Ameridgh beautiful opera, "Faust," June 9th, malinee gnd night. to the yolks cheese, one one tablespoon of grated fourth teaspoon of salt and ane teaspoon of chopped parsley, and work these together with a wood en spoon until of a creamy consist eney Beal up the whites of the eggs with a broad-bladed knife until so tiff that you could turn the plate up- gide down without the whites falling off Then fold the whites into the cheese mixture. Melt two tablespoons of butter in an omelet or small frying pan and pour the mixture into it. Stir the mixture until it begins to set, stir- ring mostly on the surface and not scraping the bottom of the pan. Then put the omelet in the oven to brown nicely, slip a knife under it and dou ble over first from one side and then from the other towards the centre Then turn it into a hot dish and serve as quickly as possible with a little grated cheese sprinkled over the top The inside of the omelet should be soft and creamy A A st rt could there be| FLORENTINE ST. CLAIR soprano who will sing the role of Seibal with the Boston- English Opera Company in Gouned's coming to the Grand on Saturday, MAKE TRIESTE FREE, ] Germans and Austrians Plan to Give | Full Antonouiy, Copenhagen; June T.~rAcgording to! a Stockholmn message to Rlictrala- det, it is reported through diplomatic sources from Zarick: that Cermany and Austria are busy workjve dot a! Proposal which gives full auton Dt to the city of Trieste. Thus the jess |: imounce the resolution. tion will be similar to Hamburg and | Bremen. Emperor Charles will per- !sonally go to Trieste in order to an- - ---- John Thomas Moore, founder of Moore Dark, died at his home, 'Brazeliffe," Toronto. Joseph A. Tymon of the Toronto erry fleet, who was stricken while in harge of his boat, died at Gis home. ferent. Half a nickel 1s a fraction of every coin from the mint. Were there such a coin § cent raises would not | bave been so common. If there should be such a coin many prices would | come down. SAVING THE RUG. Tale of a Bottle of Ink, a Quick Witted Friend and Some Salt. While stopping at a new and expen- sively furnished hotel a guest spilled | a bottle of ink on a costly velvet rug. light blue and pink in color. A friend | who was calling on her at tlie time | quieted her fears by assuring ber that she would fix it so that not the slighs- est stain would be left. First she had a quart of fine table | salt sent up at once. Sifting the salt through. her fingers, she covered the | ink spot entirely. To all appearances | there. was nothing but a pile of fine table salt on the rug. Over this she placed a heavy chalr, cautioning the guest not to disturb it oor to allow the maid to do so. After promising to return the next afternoon to finish the job she went cheerfully about her own affairs. True to her word, she made her ap- pearance the following afternoon and, calling for a dustpan and whisk broom, removed the salt There was not the slightest stain of ink on the rug. The salt, having carefully sifted on the spot, had slipped into the pile and ab- sorbed all the ink. Of course the salt, except a thin layer on the outside of the pile, was as black as ink cou make it This method of preventing ink stains is as effective as it is simple. The se- cret of success lies in acting promptly, having fine salt, sifting it on the spot so slowly and gently that it slips into the goods and allowing it to remain undisturbed until it is bone dry. Then it may be safely removed with a whisk broom and dustpan.--New York Suan. The Seiemograph. Though the man In the street might easily mistake a seismic disturbance for the rumbling of a traction engine or an explosion, the marvelously dell.' cate instruments which record earth quake shocks are immune from delusions. The of selsmometer ignores local . blings which have not a seismic but the faintest real earth though they have traveled of miles the earth, set pen tracing the telltale graph by mea of which the selsmologist calcula the place, time and magnitude of the happening--London Chronicle, Our First Tariff, The first tariff act In our country was signed by President Washington on July 4, 1780, near the very begin- ning of his first administration. Ham. fiton was the suthor of the measure which provided for specific duty om some forty-seven articlex and ad va lorem rates on other groups of arti cles. The second tariff act was ap proved by the president in August. 1990. me n Old Superstition, win a a 10 cient Italy that If a woman were found THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA .... a ws seen CHOLERA Checks and a DYSENTERY. those too often fatal diseases-- 'FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy haows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. SR dk nly Suilgti 8 NESUAL AN SARBRATERNUOTOANE vne is 4 Tiguid taken in deope, sradua le Nervous system when all Oblorodyne §t inpariabily Jelievts @llays irritation of ted according fo the malady. fgbes 4 a calm vefreshing sleep : her remedies fail. leaves be tolerated. no bad affects ; Ee a Es her thane nog ON HAVING De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense sucess of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. --~Every bottle of Geauine Chlorodyns hears on the stamp the same gof the iaveator, Dr. J. Collis Browse. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by sll Chemists. Prices in Eaglead: Ui, 249, 48. Sole Massfacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT, id, LONDON, SE and Save Money With leather = SE Es what one good pair of Set To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Golng each TI BSDAY 4 from MAY STH An extension of time limit. not exveed- ag two months, on Homescekers' the- kets wold in May, June, and July aniy, can be had on payment of $5.00 fur ench month or part thereof. Stop-over privileges may he had at Winnipeg and West, alse between Cochruve and Hearst For full particulars, apply te J. P. Munley, Agent, Corner Johusou and Ontario streets. A A A HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TUESDAY Le that there are many ivi for work and play--ioe ports and rie ra pt a asthe A EI Foot Shoes--and save money this summer. 205 "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West have put Western 3 There are hill thousands of acres wailing for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. Conway, C. P. R. City Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197 er ------------------------ CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamilton, Toereats, Picton. Kingston, Cornwall, Mentreal and Quebec. SEASTBOUND Lv. Toronte 10 p.m. Monday, duesday, 3 . T hursday "gy "ty ot Hamilton" Lv. Terente, § p.m. Saturday. Ar. Kingston Sunday § a.m. WESTROUND + Montreal 7 pm. Fri. wton, Monday 4 amg aan. a" Lv. Mentreal., 2 Ar. Kingston Thurs- y um, "City of Ottawa" Lv, Montreal 12 noon Saturday, Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. For further Information, apply Phones 206 or 31. M. KE. PARKS, General Ageat. ER (EN [LU AR D LINE| Passenger Service Montreal and London Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates Apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto. Automobile Owners, Attention ! The place where all auto troubles are made right. Auto supplies of all kinds; cars washed and stored. Repair work a specialty; prices rea- sonable. Call and give us a trial. Always open. DALY'S GARAGE 835 King Street. -- ~ COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. v Phone 133. IN, TAA A ------------------ FRESH PINEAPPLES TOMATOES Lettuce, radishes and City Dairy Milk and

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