Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jun 1917, p. 3

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7 nh a, "gy ty, crs iy, continues to arrive from England. Has a new and delicious flavour, no sauce just like it. So ONTRAETYIN RLLC y, Wouldn't it be worth your while to try a i En Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish | . { Modes A harmless, treatment is her removal of hairy enough powdered delat to cover the undesirable paste and after 2 or move, wash the skin have vanished One nally is safficient, but of results buy the delatone iging al pac kage. of Today) yet very « given for the quick growths Tix me and water hairs, apply } minutes re and the hairs application ns to be certain in an or AAAAAAAAAA VV AAAAAAAAAALA VV VYYYY CATARRH OF THE BLADDER § Relieved In 24 Hours * Hach Cap. p Sule bexrs tie (Mp name 4 Beware of counterfeits § VWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA A rei. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 5 Mating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for ofa at all Drug Storep, or mailed to any ddineason on Focaipt of pice. Tur BogmELl. Yate ies, Ontario, Kes stores PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, =: Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; fucreares* grey ma *! a Tonfe-- willyuiy Jon ap. $3 a box or | ve for ®, at drug stores, ¥ mail on receipt of price. "THE BCoBELL Pac oF. St. Catharines, | p p p Best's for lee Cream Bricks Toronto City Dairy Ice Cream Bricks are now sold at both our stores. Phone 58 or 2018 and have a hard brick of delicious ice cream promptly delivered to your door. 25 cents each--in assorted flavors, AT Best's The Popular Drug Store. 124 Princess Street. Branch: Princess & Division Sts SEE US WHEN YOU CANNOT SEE : We Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, kes 18 x i ub and ye Glass Fitting | Moderate i , Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 3 doors shove the Opera House. 236 I'rincess Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, Garage! Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired pronspily. Cars washed. © sale. Cars for hive. With J. M. Martin, Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street Phone 1192. - » 3 | | effective | | If f | Sask. { liver trouble--had a heavy pain un- || der one shoulder blade all the time, | some of Dr. {| and by the time I had taken il writes: {troubled with enlargement of the Gasoline and oils for MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, in Brief Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many, left Renfrew newspaper D nas the week George 1able cow | In the storm {| Miller, Addisor | kiiled by ligt Lanark | automobiles, representing | cost of about $20,000. y of beavers I has reached k, lavant Station . J.P. Thorn a valu twenty-two an initial has from Algon- Mrs. James is leaving the | farm! and will reside in the Carter house, East Main street, Picton. Ww. 'E Buck, eal has Ip irchased a purebred Holstein bull calf from A. D. Foster, Bloomfield. Willard Conley passed away at iis late home in Thurlow Township. receaped was fifty-one years-of age. Dr. Cameron Wilson, Napanee is {home from England on sick leave | recovering from an attack of pneu | monia Fred Pinder and family, "Toronto, » poved to Picton Mr Pinder engaged with J. A. VanHorn as b 1 nav a bake Mrs. Jones Morden, Fish Lake, left {on Monday for the west to visit her daughter, Mre, Wm, Murray, Car man, Man, Mrs. J to Munson, { mer with her Frank Cole. Premier Borden has given the as- surance that only a returned soldier will be appointed postmaster for | Smith's Falls, A.C Hughes, Picton, who has been seriously ill with blood poison |'ing in the hand, is now progressing | toward recovery. | On May 14th Wilmet Jones Wag- { er, Big Island, and Isabelle Tuck, | Northport, were united in marr.age | at Demorestville Mrs. A. G. Rivers, Gouverneur, N.Y., died on May 29th, aged thirty- six years. She was a daughter of Matthew Neil, Gananoque, Philip Harty, engaged as guards man at a Renfrew munition plant, | has sold his farm in Grattan to his [ brother, James, for $2,600, | Eliza McCullough, relict of the |late Edward Burns, Brockville, pass- |ed away on Wednesday at the ad- vanced age of eighty-four years. John Kavanagh, who purchased the Towriss farm, Athens, is suffer- ing from blood-poisoning as a result | of sticking a thorn into his hand. | Rev. Mr. Hammond; of the Holi- ness church, Carleton Place, has been transferred to Athens, and Rev. Mr. Ralph becomes the new pastor. Jacob George and family, the In- dians, who occupied George Ireland's house near the mill pond, Athens, have moved to Gananoque for the! summer. At Brockville by-laws fixing as- | sessments of manufacturers and pro- viding for the purchase of Victoria | Park were assented to by the rate- payers. Canon Bliss, Smith's Falls, has declined the offer of the rectorship of 2 Bartholomew's church and cy of Government House, [tawa. Willlam Ewart who has conducted Westminister Sunday school, Smith's Falls, since the union, and St. Paul's church for seventeen years, has re- signed. Arnprior subscribed $10,790 to the Patriotic Fund, McLachlin Bros, heading the list with $2,400. Brae- side gave $3,180, Gillies Bros., giv- {ing $2,400. At the Brockville Business Lol- | tege Sergt. F. T. Sudbury, commer | cial master, who recently enlisted, | was presented by the students and | --~-- meme | | { l.ake, has gone spend the sum- Clifferd and Cole, Fish Alta., to sons, | | | Black as Dirt About the Eyes | Liver Was All Upset and There Was Pain Under the Shoulder-blade --Two Interesting Letters, Toronto, Ont., June 7----So many people suffer from derangements of {the liver that we feel sure those two | re ports, just recently received, will | prove interesting reading and valu- able information to many readers of {this paper. Mrs. F. I. writes: Harris, Keatley P.O. "I was suffering from and was nearly as black as dirt around the eyes, so I concluded to try Chase's Kidney-Liver { Pills. 1 did so, and before I had ta- | ken one 26¢ box the pain had left me I commenced to gain in flesh, two | boxes 1 was completely cured and felt My trouble was {and | like a new person. ll caused by heavy: work out-of-doors, {and, of course, heavy eating, and | constipation. 1 would advise anyone suffering from kidney or liver troubla ji | to give Dr. Chase's Pills a trial." Mrs. Charles Terry, Tweed, Ont. "Before T was married | was liver. My liver became $0 enlarged that you could detect the swellings on either side, and it was only with | ifieuits that I could get my clothes end advised me to get Dr. hase idney-Liver Pills and take them. [I commenced this treatment, tnd used nine boxes, which cured me at that time. Then, about two or three years afterward I was troubled again with the swelling, but only on my right side. I secured some more Kidney-Liver Pills and took them, which finally cured me. 1 have not been troubled in this way since. .- can cheerfully recommend Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to anyone having kidney or liver trouble "We have alsc found Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine excellant for In fact, any of good. RidnepLiver Pills, one 1.00. at & NEWS. FROM THE DISTRICT ot Veicemad FROM THR WHIGS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1917. { ww BATTLE LINE an aeroplane accident last year. ern portion of the Carso plateau. A A teachers with a wrist watch and an address. Mrs. M. C. Towers, Lyndhurst, has been officially notified that Pte. Al bert Towers recently underwent an operation in England and is progress- ing favorably. On May 26th, there passed away a highly respected person Mrs. Mar- shall Harrison, Cressy. The deceas- several months. John McGarr tenced to an indefinite term- in St John's Industrial --~School, Toronto, for the theft of brass from the Grand Trunk Railway. Mrs. Hoppings and family moved from Thomas street, Deser- onto, to. the 'house on Dundas ard Prince street formerly occupied by Edison Bradshaw. In Pembroke, in connection. with greater prodyction,' it is estimated that of potatoes alone from ten to fifteen thousand bushels will be raised by the people. Mrs. William Elliott and two boys left on Monday te join her husband in British Columbia, where Mr. Elliott 'has charge of one of R. Gra- ham's evaporating plants. James Cousins, Camden Bast, fied on Sunday, at age of uingty 3 3 Mr Cousins was magistrate Tor "many years. His son, Jonas, is confined to his bed from an attack of rheuma- tism, Morley Roblin, nine year old son of Bisnrark Roblin, Fish Lake, was killed on Monday, when he was struck on the head by the wheel of the milk wagon, from which he had just alighted. Miss Nellie Matthie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Matthie, Carle- ton Place, who had been ailing for some time with tubercular trouble, passed away on Sunday evening, aged twenty-three years, A quiet wedding was observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin, Carleton Place, last Friday evening, when their daughter, Miss Della lola, was united in marriage to Norman C. Griffith, Another Prince Edward soldier is figuring in romance in England. Pte. H. Raymond Sayers, son of Mr. and Mrs, Heary Sayers, Greenbush, is to be married to the lady who nursed him in the hospital. Thomas Clancy, Thorpe, Ont., an- nounces the engagement of his sec- ond daughter, Grace Lillian, to Ross Lee Hogle, only son of Mr. and Mrs Samuel 'Hogle, Violet. The --mar- riage will take place quietly in June Dr. A. €. Bowerman, formerly of Picton, and Bloomfield, died on Sun- day at Strathmore, California. His remains will be brought to Picton for interment, The deceased has suffer- ed from cancer in the head for some time, Pte. Newell McDowell of the Can- adian' Motor Cycle Corps until re- cently the popular and efficient superintendent of the Canada Car- riage Co,, Brockville, was dined, ad- dressed and given a purse of money from the officials and employees. Claude Bergeron, Tweed, met with 'a painful accident one day last week which will lay him aside from work for some weeks. He was operating a fanning mill when his right hand came in contact with the cogs ter- ribly lacerating the index and large finger. have Jo'ns Government Road. Belleville, June 7.--D. A. Mac- Neil, of 'this city, who bas been for some time G.T.R. inspector of tele- rhones and telegraphs, Belleville di- vision, is leaving for Moncton, N.B., where he will be engaged as super- visor of telephones and telegraphs for the Camadian Government Rail- Way. Rev. T. McNaught Inducted. Cobourg, June §.--Rev, Thomas MeNaught of Montreal Presbyterian {College has been orda 6d nde the Peterboro' and induct. Rosia Fac of feb, td tions, near here. , The induction ser- pine took place in the Roseneath the direction of the Italian drive for Trieste. ed had been in declining health for | Prescott, was sen- [Ta | FIGURES DENOTING HILLS HOW THEIR HFIGHT IN METRES Signor d'Annunzio, the poet and playw right, who is shown above, was commissioned a lieutehant in the Italian Aeroplane Corps when Italy entered the war. Trieste, dropping poems instead of bombs. A few months ago he was promoted to be a captain, and a few ds ys ago he took a leading part in repuls- ing an Austrian attempt to recapture Sau Giovauni, in the south- He made three flights over He lost his right eye in The arrows on the map indicate a Sh ove "= LANSDOWNE NEWSBUDGET MALLORY SHAW ARRIVES FROM THE FRONT. PTE. Another Acton Enlists--Miss Marian Landon Operated Upon in Kings- ton General Hospital. Lonsdowne, June 6.--Bradley Ac- of Philadelphia, and nephew of A.and E. R. Bradley, Lansdowne, has enlisted with the Kingston ar- tilléry and is in training at Petawa- wa camp He makes the third. re- | cruit from the Acton family, Jack {being at the front and Clarence serv- ing in Toronto. Mrs. Edmund Latimer left on Tuesdgy for a visit to her parents at Chesley, accompanied by her little daughter Edna. Miss Irene Haffie left on Monday [tor Kingston, to enter Rockwood Hospital as nurse-in-training., Mrs. E. BE. Johnston is attending a Wo- man's auxiliary meeting at Napanee, Mr" Bruce Webster, who left school to assist in farm duties at Portland, is home for a short visit before tak- ing a similar position at Newboro. Mrs, Archie Greer, Lyn, was a re- cent visitor at Mrs. E. E. John- ston's. The sad news was cabled to Mr. and Mrs. William Sheppard that their son, Robert, who is with the Cobourg Battery, has been wounded. Later news states that the injury will not be fatal. Herbert Leacock left on Tuesday on a visit to Toronto. A young soh has arrived at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stevens, Elgin. Mrs. Stevens' maiden name. was Myrtle Johnson, Y Pte. Mallory Shaw has arrived safely from overseas, but had to go to Toronto before coming home, Rev. Dr. Cooper and A. W. Burtch has returned from attending confer- ence at Pembroke. Mrs. Douglas took very ill over Saturday and is still confined to bed. Mr. J. D. W. Dar- ling is attending the General Assem- bly in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Johuston and Ford Johnston motor- ed to Blgin on Wednesday. Mrs. El- mer Burns returned on Tuesday from Kingston General Hospital. W. J. Webster was taken to Mont- real on Wednesday to consult a spec alist to enter a hospital there. Miss Marian Landon was taken to Kings- ton General Hospital on Monday and was operated on very rally. Wilmer Grothier of the Merchahts' Bank, Napan@e, ~ spent "the "holiday here with friends. Mrs. McCracken and two boys, of Hamilton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stringer, Mrs. Robert Mitch- ell, Bmith's Falls, and Miss Minnie Mitchell, Ottawa, spent the holiday with friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinch, Kingston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Evans Steacy. Rev. Mr. Winter and Mrs. Winter ar- rived last week and are occupying the recfory.- Dr. Campbell has re- turned from Toronto. A number of the A. F. and 'A. M. lodge attended a meeting at Gananoque Tuesday even- ing Mrs. Gordon Landon and her cous- in, Mrs. (Dr.) Weart and two daugh- ters, Calgary, Alta, are spending part of June at the former's cottage, "DEAF PEOPLE oan | iow De most certainly cured by the fnewly discovéred "French Orlene." This new remedy goes right to the ac- tual seat of the Trouble, and effects a Sombiete and lasting cure in a few ys. One box is ample to cure any ordinary ven almost immediate of cases which had Basior has resigned the position of or- 1 ganist of the Sourea of other equally good reports. Try sme box today, which can be for- warded securely packed and paid to any address upon the of postal or mkmey order for $1. nothing beftér at any price. Address: "Oriene™ Co, H. T. Richards, Watling Street, Kent, Eng. Please mention this paper. success- Special for F riday New York Dresses ! for tomorrow only! ea Master Earl Webster is in E. Latimer's hardware 'Ivy Lea. clerking store. DEATH w AS INSTANTANEOUS Letter Tells How Pte. Charles Gregg, Vennachar, Fell, Vennachar, June 6.--Mrs. Gregg received word from H. son, O. C., Plevna platoon, he sympathy Robert 8. Wil- and also sta'es that line. Stanley Gregg received word from his brother, Pte. Gregg, of his safe arrival in England. He states that during his voyage of ten days he was seasick five of them. His future ad- dress will be No. 1027652, No. Co. 235th Battalion, care Army Pout office, London, England. was conducted 1 Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday last by Peter Thompson, who kindly took Rev. Mr. Herrington's place the latter's absence at A fair number attended. Miss Nora Hughes was organist. Service was a!30 conducted in the Free Methodist Cpurch in the morning and evening, Rev. Mr. Simpson officiating. Miss Eva Jackson, Coe Hill, teach! er, is convalescent. Oscer Thompson Kingston, motored through here on Friday Jack Wilson and Richard Juckson motored to Renfrew last week. Fred Mallory, Wensley, ase a business trip here on Monday. W. Connor lost a fine. horse on es day last, which bled to death. conference. The Only Medicine Mrs, Timothy Bowes, N.B., writes:--"1 have always used Baby's Own Tablets for my three children and I can speak very highly of them as I could not get along without them. Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine 1 would use for my children." The Tablets cure all minor ills of Mttle ones. and the her who always keeps a box of am in the house may feel réason- ably safe against the conseguences of sudden attacks of illness. They are sold by medicine dealers or by vail at 25° cents a box from The Dr. Williams® Medicine Co., Brockville, unt, Held For Manslaughter. Belleville, June 7.-- Private Hor- ace Creasy, the guard of the British Chemical Works at Trenton, who fatally shot Louis Lapointe, of that tewn, owing, it is alleged, to refusal of the latter to show his passport, has been held by the coroners jury to be criminally ltable. The private is under arrést and will be arraign- ed at Trenton before Police Magis trate O'Rourke on a charge of man- slaughter. Creasy is a young man, but eighteen years of age. Women Want Civie Market. 4 Cobourg, June 6.--Some of the women of this town gre agitating for the starting of a municipal = wood yard by, the town cotincil, and also wish the council to buy flour, eggs, butter and other foodstuffs and dis- pose of the same on the local market. Cobourg Organist Leaving. Cobourg, June 6. J. Edward Fishi- Cobourg Methodist Church, and Is leaving for New York. At Brockville a motor car owned by Councillor Derbyshire, and driven by his daughter, Miss Derbyshire, ran over a child named Alice Hick- Ming. The chfld was badly cat up and bruised and also received internal in- Juries. All new styles ~=in the season's during | For Little Ones k Blissfield, } f Pe Greatly Underpriced Tomorrow we will offer a big assortment of the season's smartest styles in taffeta, crepe dé chene, georgette crepe and silk poplin dresses--that were merly priced at $16.50, $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, up to $37.50. Friday Less 20% ALSO EIGHTEEN SMART LITTLE MISSES DRESSES in sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20, that sell regularly at $14.50, $16.50 and $18.50. FOR $10.95, $11.95 AND $14.95. s most popular shades. On sale a STEACY'S : Limited HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW SPRING DE- SIGNS IN-BROWN WICKER FURNITURE ? ' i in which expresses his deepest regret and the! death of her son, Pte. Charles Gregg | was instantaneous while leaving the| 1 | A large variety of new designs just arrived. 'Seld with or without cushions. e have also re- [ceived a large stock of new grass rugs, in a variety of soft green and rose colorings. These rugs are fit for any room in the house. Our long list of customers is growing. = (There' s a Reason) T.F. Harrison Co. Phone 90. J ANNNERNNRNNREEENEE Bongard, Ryerson & Co MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to SF oroite Montreal and New York. Howard S. Folger, Manager. Kingston Address, 44 Clarence St. Phone 995. Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. CHEMICALLY SELF.EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safet In the Home -- Surely somet that interests you keenly! y y hing Perhaps you have noticed these words "No 116 lott Whitt Dow sae hers or ras and boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained fn (hes boxes have been impregnated or soaked in 8 chemical solution Sows tT he Same of FIRE: ii owing ice hereby reduced to the Slowing " SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE the notation Parlor" match ---- a ~~ at a ments now?" As luck wonld have it, there was a short, bandy- he San Seot in a kilt within hear] e flared up and replied: "What about your Hielant reghnents? Why, they are keepin' back the Germans while your men are gettin' thelr phote- graphs taken!' os F : It was in a moving 8 picture theatre where the pictures were being pore ile the War- wicksh res were seen going over the top te an attack an excited Birmiasg- ham man exclaimed triumphantly: "What about your Highland regi-

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