5] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. "FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE Aw | 4 Frontenac WOLFE ISLAND. v June 18.--The Young People's gciety of St. Andrew's church on Friday evening last for fourth meeting, with most of their members present in spite of the My. Parks gave a fine address "Christianizing China." The meetings have heen organized by the pastor, Mr. Workman, and are held every Friday "evening their ain on heing OATES June 16 --- ecent rains, al- though needful for the hay crop, have been more or less injurious to The people of to hear orn were sorry potatoes and this community of the death of Mr. Boyle, Railton, | he having died quite unexpectedly Mrs. E. Johnston bas returned to her home "Bridgemount," much improv- ed in health, Ignatius Donaghue, Ridéau Lake, is spending some weeks with his sister, Mrs. A. Koep Mrs. Walsh and sons, al . and Mrs. J. Burns at Mrs. Lee man's on Wednesday evening; Mis- ses N. Staley and H. Burns at J. A, Koen's; V. Johnston visited friends n Wilmur recently. CALAREDON. June 18 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ferguson went to Kingston on Mon- day, where Mrs. Ferguson underwent an operation in the General Hospital We are pleased to hear she is doing Charles Cook is also a patient General Hospital at present Miss Hamilton spent the week-end with Oso friends Miss Maggie and Ethel Campbell were visitors at Mississippi the week-end. Miss Edna Kirkham has returned home after an absence of several weeks Miss Campbell and son, well in Kingston A A a A AAA NNN MAPS Of the Leading Mining Camps of Northern Ontario FREE FOR THE ASKING We have prepared for FREE DIS- TRIBUTION a series of seven up-to- date maps of the mining districts of Northern Ontario, namely, Porcupine Gold Camp Sliver Camp South Lorrain Sliver Camp » Iningtree Mining Camp Nerthern Ontario tive location to the Height of The above maps have bean carefully prepared, are absodutely accurate, and will be mailed Free on applcation. ISBELL, PLANT & CO. (Members Standard Stock Exchange) Standard Bank Big, Teronto, Ont. ---- i met | - rOYVYVOTVIYITe friends made recently. Sund | James, spent near Mississip business trip to Lanark Heffron motored Friday last T ( Forks, called Robertsville Mines, James Erwin, Sharbot Lake | Clarendon buying cattle Dustin had the misfortune to lose a} valuable cow Miss Nicholson spent! the week-end with friends south Mrs. George Dustin has returned from Kingston We regret to hear her sister still continues very poorly in Kingston General Hospital. Mrs George Crain and little daughter visi- ted ' Kingston friends last week. George Crain was home from Ren- frew the week-end. Donald Fergus- on is heme from Renfrew on the sick list A number of young peo- ple went down to Robertsville Sun-| day evening to attend church there. EMERALD \ June 14.--The meadows and grain are all growing nicely. J. McFern and Co., are repairing Henderson | Bros' barn A, Reid has erected a new car track in his barn. Freder-| ck McKee is attending the P.A.P.B Grand Lodge at Arden. M. Willard, had the misfortune to fracture his| arm and he is suffering a great deal. | G. Cork lost a valuable colt last week. The steamer Rideau Queen | | made her first trip to-day, H. Wil lard is building a new barn and P Howard a new verandah. Edward | McMaster, Pittsberry, is visiting | friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G.| | Wemp a son, also one to Mr. and| { Mrs. I. Tugwell. i pi Glenr ia E on b on fell on is ' Leeds | - | PURVIS STREET. | | June 18.--Herbison Bros. are | buitding a fine barn for James| | Loucks. Miss Mabel Gibson and | Miss Jennie Purvis passed through | | | 1 there on Sunday. Mrs, James Man-| hart last week visiting her | | sister line." Frank | Chick lost a valuable horse last | week. Mr. and Mrs. Flanigan and son, of Brockville, spent a few days last week visiting friends here. Mrs. Younge, of Brockville, is now | the guest of Mrs. Wellington Earl. | Mr. and Mrs. Francis Chick and | Miss Ruth spent a few days last | week visiting friends in Plum Hol- | low. spent "across the MALLORYTOWN. June 18.--Miss Eula Mallory, nurse-in-training, is visiting friends a couple of 'weeks during the holi- days. Rev. W. G. Bradford has re- turned as minister for Mallorytown church for the fourth year. On Thursday evening a congregational social is to be held in the Methodist Bongard, Ryerson & Co, MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to Toronto, Montreal and New Howard S. Folger, Manager. Kicgston Address, 44 Clarence St. Phone 995. Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. Until a little while ago she thought them unavoidable. If blame yourself too much. Many an old person has had them fifty years. they have done what you do-- pared them and used old-time, useless treatments, But what folly it is Last year some 17 million corns wereended | in this simple, casy way. York. you have coms don't Apply a Blue-jay plas- jiffy. shims George | | to | $40 ] church, when the reports of the year are to be presented. Miss Jennie {Guild is home with her parents for la short time. C. O. Guild called on John Dickey, Rockport, on Sunday Joseph Manore and Miss Edith left | at | {on Friday to visit her brother | Oswego, N.Y. Henry Bigford Charles 'E. Tennant barns for Zac. Purvis at Lyn. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Guild were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Root on Sun- day. Pte. Nelson Cain, of the 156th Battalion, was discharged while in service at England and returned home on Sunday: and CHARLESTON. June 19.--R. Hefferman, B. Hef- ferman, H. Webster, B. Slack, Mrs. Slack, Mrs. Kavanaugh, the Misses Hefferman, Miss Troy and Miss Wil- son, motored to Long Point and spent |a very pleasant evening at the home lof Mr. and Mrs. C. J. O'Connor's. Mr. Elmer and sister, Miss Lenna, were also guests, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Kel- sey and daughter, Miss Cora, motored to Sand Bay on Sunday to attend the McCready-Cross meetings held there for the past four weeks. Miss Helen Troy spent the week-end at Glen Morris with Mrs. E. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kavanaugh and son, Maurice, were at E. Foster's, Glen Morris on Sunday afternoon. Miss Edith Giles, Brockville, is at Cedar Park. Mrs. Bishop, Toronto, and. Mr{ Beach, Athens, are at Pinhurst cottage. Mrs, Slack, Athens, was their guest for a few days last week. Mrs. J. Eyre very ill, is gaining rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. C. King and G. King motored to | Holmes spent are moving | . Sunday. They were ac- companied home by 'Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. Boulton. A. Morris has purchased a Ford car. Lillie's on FRANKVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Morley | the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Pattimore, Glen View. Rev. Mr. Comerford's brother, from Arizona, is visiting at the parsonage. On | Tuesday evening Bishop Bidwell, of | Kingston, . conducted confirmation services in St. Thomas' church. He was assisted by the rector, Rev. Mr. Grattan, Rev. Mr. Swayne, of Ath- ens, Rev. Mr. Tackaberry, of Jasper. Mrs. Grattan returned last Friday from attending a meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary at Napanee. Mrs. Lawson, of Brockville, is painting and decorating the interior of the Methodist church. Mrs. W. D. Liv- ingston attended as a delegate to the Women's Missionary Convention in Kingston. Misses Ivy and Alma Comerford and Arnold and Alfred Smith are preparing to try the en- trance examination. Hazel Mc- Ewan, of Jasper, is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Munroe, who is not very wel. Pte, Wilfrid Dillabough, accompanied by his brother, Omer, and sister, Grace, re- turned Monday from Wales, where théy visited their brother, William. Mrs. Hester Goodfellow, Smith's Falls, is visiting Mrs. Livingston and other friends. Mrs. K. Polk is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leslie Soper. June 16 | The Latest Market Reports LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, June 19. --Export cattle, choice, $11 vo $11.50; butcher cat- tie, choice, $10.50 to $11; medium, $9 to $9.75; common, $8.25 to $8.75. Butcher cows, choice, $9.50 $10; medium, $8.50 to $9.25; canners, $5.50 to $6; bulls, $7 to $10. Feeding steers, $9 to $10 Storkers, choice, $8 to $9.25; light, 7.50 to $8. Milkers, choice, each, to $110. Springers, $40 to $110. Sheep, ewes, $8 to $11; bucks and culis, $7 to $8; lambs, $15 to $18.50. Hogs, fed and watered, $15.50. Calves, $6 to $15. Buffalo. Buffalo, June 19.--Cattle, re- ceipts 5,000; weak. Prime steers, $12 to $13.50; shipping steers, $10 to $10.25; butchers, $9 to $12; heif- ers, $7.50 to $11.50; cows, 6 to 10.50; bulls, $7 to 10; fresh cows and springers, $50 to $120. Veals, receipts 1,600; active and steady; $5 to $15.50. Hogs, receipts 8,000; strong. Heavy, $16.40 to $16.50; mixxed, $16.25 to $16.40; yorkers, $16.10 to $16.25; light yorkers, $15.25 to $16; pigs, $15 to $15.25; roughs, $14 to $14.25; stags, $12 to $13. Sheep, ind lambs, receipts 8,000; active and strong; $8 to $18.85. Montreal. Montreal, June 19.--The offer ings at the west end cattle market this moming were 500 cattle, 125 sheep, 700 hogs and 1,000 calves, For the week there has been offered 675 cattle, 200 sheep and lambs, 1,875 hogs, and 2,175 calves. Prices are steady, with trading very low. Quotations: Choice steers $10.75 to $11.25; good $10 to $10.50; medium $9 to $10; choice cows $226 to $9.75; good $8.50 to $9; medium $8.25. Choice bulls $9.75 to $10.50; good $9 to $9.50, medium $8.75 to $9. Calves $7 to $12; sheep $9 to $11; lambs, yearlings, $11 to $13; spring lambs, per head, $5 to $9. Hogh, choice selects, $16.50 to $16.75; good selects $15.50. Sows $13 to $14. Chicago. Chicago, June 19 =--Cattle receipts 21,000. Market weak. Beevers $8.- 85 to $13.90; stockers and feeders $7.20 to $10.50; cows and heifers $5.90. $11.75; calves $10.50 to Hogs, receipts 37,000, Market | firm. Light $14.65 to $15.80, mixed $15 to $16; heavy $14.95 to $16.- 05; rough $14.95 to $15.20; pigs $10.50 to $14.50 bulk of sales $15.- 20 to $15.85. Sheep, receipts 41,000. slow. Wethers $8.65 to $11.20; lambs, mative $10.40 to $15.80; springs $13.26 to $17.75. " Market GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, June }9.--Manitoba wheat--Track bay ports. No. 1 agethers, $2.68; No. 2 northern, Manitoba oats--Track ba: i No. 2 CW, 77%. Y var's American corn--Track, Toronto. No. 3 yellow, $1.81, nominal, Ontario wheat (according to freights outside) --No. .2 winter, per car lot, $2.55 to $2.60; No. 3 winter, percar lot, 3333 to $2.58. 0 ur--First patents, in jute bags, $13.80; second patents, in Jute bags, $13.30 Jute bags, $12.90 Ontario flour--Winter, according to sample, $11.25 to $11.35, in bags, track Toronto, prompt shipment. Millifeed--Car lots, delivered Mon- treal freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $32; shorts, $39; middlings, $43; Sood teed flour, per bag, $2.80 --Track Toronto. Extra No. 2, per ton, $13 to $13.50; mixed, $9 to $11.50. Straw--Car lots, per ton, $9. Duluth, Duluth, June 19.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $2.69; No. 1 Northern, $2.68: No. 2 Northern, $2.63; July, "$2.45, all nominal . Linseed, 38.13; July, $3.14; September, $3.09; Oectober, sie. Chicago, June 19.--Wheat--No, 2 red, nominal; No. 3 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, nominal; No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.71 to $1.72; No, 3 yellow, $1.71% to $1.72; No. lambs, ; strong bakers', in| 15¢. 4 yellow, $1.70% to $1.72. Oats-- No. 3 white, 683% to 70c¢; standard, 69% to 70% c. Rye--nominal. Bar- ley--$1.10 to $1.48. Timothy--$4.- 00 to $7.75. Clover--$12.00 to $17.- 00. Pork--$38.60. Lard--$21.50 to $21.60. Ribs--$20.77 to $21.42. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, June 19 --Wheat: July, $2.23; September, $1.75; cash, No 1 hard, $2.78; No. 2 Northern, $2.63 to $2.68. Corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.62 to $1.64. Oats--No. 3 white, 65% to 66% c. Flour--Fancy pa- tents, $14.75; other grades unchang- ed. Bran-- .50 to $29.00. New York. New York, June 19.--Flour-- Market weaker; spring patents, $13.- 90 to $14.15; winter patents, $13.00 to $13.20; winter straights, $12.65 to $12.90; Kansas straights, $13.65 to $14.15. Rye Flour--Market quiet; fair to good, $12.20 to $12.40; choice to fancy, $12.45 to $1265. Cornmeal--Market quiet; fine white and yellow, $3.75; coarse, $3.- 43; kiln dried, $8.70. Rye--Market quiet. No. 2 West- ern, $2.53 c.i.f. New York. Barley--Market quiet; feeding, $1.42, and malting, 1.50 to $1.70 f.0.b. New York. Wheat--Market. nominal. Corn--Spot * market ' easy; No. 2 yellow, $1.83% c.i.l. New York. Oats--Spet market easy; standard 74 to T4¥%ec. Montreal, June 19.--Corn--Am- erican No. 2 yellow, $1.80 to $1.85. Oats--Canadian Western, No. 2, 80%e¢; No. 3, 78%ec; extra No. 1 feed, 78% c. Barley--Malting, $1.20 to $1.22. Flour--Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $13.90; se- $13.20; Winter patents, choice, $13.75; straight rollers, $13.00 to $13.30; do. bogs, $6.25 to $6.40. Rolled oats--Bblis., $9.00; do. bogs, 90 Ibs, $4.35 to $4.40. Bran, $34. Shorts, $40.00. Middlings, $42.00 to $44.00. Mouillie, $46.00 to $50. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car lots, $13 to $13.50. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, June 19--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.51; Neo. 2 Northern, $2.48; No. 3 Northern, $2.43; No. 4, $2.31; No. 5, $2.05: Ne. 6, $1.88; feed, $1.28, Oats--No. 2 C.W., 70%e; No. 3 CW, 69¢; ex- tra No. 1 feed, 68¢; No. 1 feed, 663%¢c; No. 2 feed, 643% ec. Barley --No. 3, $1.31; No. 4, $1.26; re- jected, $1.09; feed, $1.09, Flax-- No. 1 C.W., $2.65. GENERAL TRADE - Toronto Toronto, June 19.--~Butter, choice dairy 42c to 45c; Eggs, new-laid, doz. 40c to 42¢c; cheese, 1b. 32¢; do, fancy, 1b. 35¢; turkeys, 1b. 30c © ; fowl, 1b. 25¢ to 28c; spring ickens 40c to 45¢; oranges, doz. 15 to 40¢; grape fruit, doz. {bc to $1.00; Pmeapples, each 15¢ 20¢; lemons, doz 16¢ to 20¢; strawberries box 15¢ to 20c¢; can., bunch 5c to 10c; beans, new, smal measure 26¢; beets, mew bunch 10¢; cucumbers, each Sc to 10¢; carrots, new bunch Sc to 10e; celery, per bunch 5¢ to 10c; cabbages, each 10¢ to 25c; lettuce, doz. behs. 20c to 30¢; do., head, doz 50c to $1.00; onions, bundle 5c to 10¢; do, 11- qt. bkt., $1.00; do, Bermuda, box $2.50 to $3.00; potatoes, per bag $3.75 to $4.40; do., mew, peck §1.- 20; do., small measure 30c; turnips, new, bunch Sc to 10c; tomatoes, Ib ------ : Montreal Montreal, June 19.--Seleoted eggs, 40¢; No. 1 candied stock, 37¢; No. -- = Palra Beach Suits RE ---- -- I oe " " = = ™ ---- ------ -- RELATE) TRE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT. CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL: ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Golag each TUESDAY from MAY STH te OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Return limit of two menths, excluding date of sale. An extension of time limit, not exceed ax two months, on Homesvehers' tie- kets séld in May, June, and July oaly, Guaranteed To Satisfy The * Sunshine "" Furnace gives health- ful, warm air heat--and plenty of it. When installed, according to plans furnished by our heating engineers, it is guaranteed to give absolute sat- 'isfaction. Write for free illustrated MClarys SUNSHINE FURNACE TOR MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. Y 1 SASKA' he hag at alse berween Ceochruve and Hearst. For full particulars, apply te J. P. lisnley, Agent; Corner Johusen and HAMILTON CALGAR TOON EDMONTON Ontarie streets. -------- For Sale by J. B. Bunt & Co. AAA NAN NN CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamilton, Teroate, Pleten, Kingston, Cornwall, Moeantreal and Quebec, ' EASTROUND Jemilevinen Lv. Teronte 10 p.m. Monday, Ar. Kingston, Wednesday, 5 am. "City of Ottawa" Lv. Terente 5 p.m. Wednesday, Ar. Kingston, Thuraday ® aan. "City of Hamilton™ Lv. Toroate, § p.m. Saturday. Ar. Kingston Sunday § a.m. WESTBOUND "Belleville" Lv. Montreal 7 pm. Fri. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m; day. Picton, Monday a.m. Lv. Montreal, 3 Ar. Kingston Thurs- Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. r I "City of Hamilton" pom. Tuesday, day a.m. "Clty of Ottawa" Lv, M real 12 noon Saturday. Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. For further Information, apply Phones 296 or 31. M. E. PARKS, General Agent. OWN LIFE Be up-to-date. Protect your business, as well as yourfamily's interest, today, by taking out a Business Protection Policy in the Crown Life. For the sake of those dependent on you take out this Policy today. You will never regret it. . CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted in unrepresented districts (Calling Falmouth te land passengers) --ande-- Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robent Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, $0 King Street East. Toronto New Shipment Just Arrived Pratt's Animal Regulator, Pratt's Poultry Regulator, Pratt's Cow Remedy, Pratt's Baby Chick Food, Pratt's Disinfectant (Liquid and Powder), Pratt's Cholera and Roup Remedy, Pratt's Cold and Heave Cure, Pratt'sLiniment for Man or Beast. J.R.B.Gage, Montreal St. Phone 549 $25.00 7m $21.50 BUY Wir Saves Ceamricates 42 LOW RETURN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA =m ONCE A WEENK le Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R, L. Fairbalrg, G.P.A,, 68 King St, =., Toronto. _ bl FT NB NY (iid A 5 A. A I I 5 AL 5 Help Canada Maintain Her Financial Freedom '! Do Your Share towards Financing the War with Canadian Savings Rather than with Outside Capital. of . T hem meeting of as Canada the money--most of it, pov nt pg we Yd