Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1917, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, "WEDNESD m----m-- : G, SDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. -- = z m-- to-day to be the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie street, | DENTS OF THE DAY bm | \ FINE | FUR JUNE, JULY and AUGUST Store Closes 5 O'Clock | aily. _PAGETWO _ SPP 40D Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson and Jo i old In | McKelvey, Bagot street, left yester- iL h | day for Atlantic City Mrs. R. H. Partridge, RE i A AA i THE FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF The Ladies' Home Journal On Sale Wednesday Containing four full Abraham Lincoln, The Stars on the First Flag. BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS From the New York Musical S hows Poor Butterfly, Prett Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want To Be Good But My id Won't Let Me, When the Girls Grow Older They Grow a Little LOCAL T ronto, GENERAL INTEREST. f . | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | ----What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. 21st Bat- recomended for al | and Master Bobbie are the Mr. and Mrs R E ontenac street Several informal | been given this week Miss. Agnes Johnston, this week for her hane was a | oque. only child, | P. B. Millett, formerly anniver- | staff of Queen's University charming | spending a few days in town frocked | = +s = in white, blue sash, wit! rg Aden | Kirkpatrick left jeurls caught wp with blue ribbons {tain in Port} {| The festivities Basted from 4.30 till Hope Hauite "| The Weather Man did not include, | 8 o'clock, when the tired but happy | Miss Burden is the guest of Miss | Pojtsmouth in his area last night. | little lidren took ther departure. | Kathleen Daly, Afbert street | Toe village got but a few drops of nave f affairs in ionor o who leaves in Ganan- . . page color pictures of President Wilson, Liberty Bell's First ' Note, and Putting the Sergt. 'William Hazlett, talion, has been military medal { H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul-| ev's Book Store. { J. Mel. Stephen was introduced on this | the Montré&¥ "Change at the Board] 'rade on Mopray | evening John Car- | 7 i afternoon and Mr. and Mrs Johnson street { "uesday the e of 424 scene, h penter, pretty Elsie, celebrated the sary birth T child-hostess was dain the 1as been of heir 1xth when of he - Miss Mary : | week to visit Mr yt 5a { A beautiful birthday cake, with six rain JOHN MCKAY, : ' Ire candles, centred the tei table, laden Limited. | with tempting things good to eat. A 149-157 Brock St. . |nunwer of lovely gifts came to the popular little prettily | gowned children present were: | Dorothy Laird, Mildred Glover, {| NeMie and Florence (Burden, Doro- thy Smith," Lillian and Elsie Goder- ich, Berris Peakwright, | Batlin, Gwenneth Johnston, Elsie { Brambell, Bessie lice and Florrie Sampson, also Qharlie Cooper, Gor- don Prouse, Arthur Butlin, Harry Peakwright and Mrs. Pickle, mother ter, helped entertain guests. The Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuflt Rented and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- J! bons and Carbon Papers. Fling Oabinets Office Furniture J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. of Mrs the Carpen- little . . . ' Mrs jton,". entertained the members the Women's Association and King's Daughters of Sydenham Street Me- thodist Church on Monday after- noon at a linen shower in aid of the Military Hospital. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent and a large number of useful gifts received. . - Ld Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, entertained at the tea hour on Tuesday in honor of Miss Freda Burns and Miss Eva Coon, two | Voluntary Ald workers who are leaving shortly for overseas duty. Mrs. Robert Balmer and Miss Mercedes Balmer, who thave been | visiting friends im Toronto, arrived ¢ of Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- At the Rideau Street Golden Lion Grocery Frame dwelling, almost new, modern, 6 rooms, good cellar, Owner out of town. Offering for a few days at, $1500. | FancyClover Colborne Street. Coto Set |. HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. brick dwelling, modern, 7 | Fresh California Prunes, nice rooms. Rental $216. Yours and «+. 10¢, 1233 ¢, 15c. Ib. for $2150. Peact 2 McCann, «+. 18c Ib. 40c gal. 88 Brock Street. Phone 326 or 621. When You Have Selec Bah ae ® 8s The Rug ski you like best from our wonderfully attrac- tive collection we'll send it to your - house any time yousay. If it is needed at once-for some special occasion we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. 'Or ifyou are not quite ready to receive it we will set it aside until you are ready. ' : 5 i ¥ 7 R. McFaul, 'Kingston Carpet Warehouse Phyllis | Brambel Smith | i | H, W .Richardson, "Alwing- | Lieut. William Nickle and Miss Evelyn Nickie came up from Ottawa to-day, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Earl street. | ™rs. K. N. Fenwick has returned from Ottawa { Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and | their family are leaving this week | tor their new home in Picton Mrs. John Macdonald, University | {ico Britton will | avenue, left on Saturday for Van-| about July 1st. { couver, where She will spend the! .o..s of age. summer with her daughter, Mrs. W. |° J. S. R. McCann has sold the frame | T. Miller | dwelling on the south side of Mark- { F.C. C. Corley, of the staff of the | 1334 street, owned by B. Derbyshire, | Standard Bank, left on Monday for |, william Gale. | Detroit. | S. S. Kemp, Gore street, returned { IE | from Toronto on Tuesday, where he Mrs. H. W. Richardson has very | has been attending the funeral of his kindly offered the lovely grounds at | rather, the late William Kemp. | "Abwington"" to the Frontenac Chap- Farmers state that there will be a | ter of the Daughters of the Empire | humper crop of hay this year. "It | for a garden party. |is too bad the people couldn't eat | Mrs. T. G. Smith, Gore street, left | hay," said a citizen to the Whig. | om Monday for Halifax | George J. Salmon, mining engin- Miss Marjorie Low, Ottawa, is the | eer, spending holidays at Mrs. guest of her sister, Mrs. Harold | James MeQuaide's, Wilmur, has re- Drinkwater, Orillia. | turned to his home in Philadelphia, Miss Grace Evans and Miss| Pa. Badgely, Toronto,"are en pension at | George Demerson, on remand on Avonmore. | a charge of breaking into his store Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumley, | and taking goods under seizure, was Union street, have moved to their | given his liberty Wednesday. The summer cottage at Dead 'Man's Bay. | prosecution dropped the case * vs | Prevost, Brock street. has received Dr. A. N. White, Denver, Col. |a nice assortment of boys' and men's who has been the guest of AM. and | summer suits, also men's paats. Mrs. W. J. B. White, University | We have the best value in the city avenue, left on Monday for the re- | for blue and Oxford grey suits. turn journey. Miss Vivian. Ald. | The firemen received a call to the White's daughter, accompanied the | civie lL.ght plant during Tuesday doctor, who will visit points in | night's storm, as the result of New York State before returning to | lightning hitting some of the wires. Denver, Col. { The damage amounted to about $40. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyland and | Mrs. Henry Sauve took out in- daughter, Wilma, 298 Albert street, | formation before Justice of the left on Tuesday for Bow Island, Al- | Peace George Hunter, charging Wil- berta, to spend the summer. liam Lee, a farmer, of Kingston Miss Evelyn Armstrong, Mont- | Township, with il-treating a fif- real, is in Kingston, visiting Mrs. H. | tenn-year-old boy and also with the W. Richardson, "Alwington." non-payment of wages. «Case :J- The Misses Jean and Helen | journed till Thursday. Nichol, Montreal, attending the Me- | thodist convention and the guests |THE LATE F. W. SPANGENBERG of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson, Barrie street, have 'left to visit |purial Service Was Held George's Cathedral. friends in Picton. . Whitney, 29 8 t, N ar iy ney. BUS Wen. street, On Wednesday afternoon the re- spend the summer with her sons mains of the late Frederick W. Span- * s. ' genberg were laid to rest in Cataraqui 7. _ | cemetery after service in St. George's a Waiter Stency Jen 3 Non Cathedral, which was attendéd by the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E.|™any friends of the Qeceaseds The 3 y tre TTT service was conducted by the Dean of T-_Steacy, Jopuson streel, { Ontario, assisted by Rev. J. dePencier Mrs. J. B. Stirling, Montreal, is Wright the guest of her parents, Dr. and The 1 id ; : r e pallbearers were R. Waldron, Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Alice street. |; Tandy, Robert Carson, James Miss Marjorie Pense, West street, (p.jjen, W. B. Dalton and R: Uglow, left to-day to visit Mrs. Maitland |, 4 the chief mourners were T. G. Hannaford in Montreal. Spangenberg of Toronto, K. G. Span- genberg of Ottawa, S. C. Spangen- Dr. H. T. J. Coleman's team won from W. M. Campbell's at the bowl ing green on Tuesday evening oy 19 19 12 to | American tourists have already { started to come to the city on their i expected. It is stated in Toronto that Jus- He i8 eighty-four 1s in St Mrs. A. N. Lapum, Mrs. W. J. S. Hinchey and little Genevieve, Cen- treville, visited last week at Mrs. James Rose's, Selby. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Brinkman have returned after a trip to New York and St. Thomas. berg of Toronto, and F. R. Phillips of Kingston. Unfortunately the de- ceased's brother, George, was unable to reach the city in time for the funeral Many beautiful floral tributes were Mrs. Henry Joseph, Montreal, has [received including the Masonic em- gone home from Kingston, where blém from Ancient St. John's Lodge she was visiting friends for! some and a wreath from the officials of St. time. George's Cathedral { * EE Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jenkins Constable Arniel a Good Critic. have gone to Port Hope to be pre- | he Keystone comedy entitled, sent at the funeral of the former's | «ler Fame and Shame," now run- sar. Ais Yhouie Wissel, Miss | 308 at the Strand, was viewed at Mrs, Fy 1 Hosmer, Montreal, are in residence | soamorduy aftoraden ot the r Sra at their summer home at St. Ad-|,r Mayor Hughes and Chief Baillie, drew's, N.B. following a complaint lodged by a local picture crank. Needless to say, Constable Arniel"s verdict was "The best and cleanest comedy have 'ever seen, and cannot under- stand why There should be a com- plaint." This picture will be shown for the last time to-might. - - William Matthews, Montreal, an- | nounces the engagement of his ad- opted daughter, Barbara McKay, to Roy Wilson, of Kingston, Ont. The marriage will take place on June 27th. (Continued on Page 10.) 59th Battalion Has $21,000 in- vested in War Bonds. The Canadian Daily Record, under date of May 28th, which is issued by the Canadian War Records Office, to units of the Canadian expeditionary force, has the following of interest to Kingston: "In a recent issue of The Canadian Daily Record it was stated that the 58th Westmount® Rifles purchased over $10,000 worth of War Bonds in the last Canadian Government War Loan. "The Westmount Rifles is a Militia unit, but the record in this direction probably rests with a unit which has been recruited during the war, the 59th Battalion, organized at Kingston, Ontario. This battalion has returned in Kingston over $21,000, which has {been invested in Canadian War Loan, iin the names of five trustees. "This sum represents the surplus from the regimental and canteen funds of the battalion, and is invested for the benefit of the members of the junit and their dependants. | "It is stated that this unit brough Peterborough, Belleville, and other pojats in Eastern Ontario." | Rimes iy §iare all right. ducted | summer vacatious, and a big traffic is! retire probably | } He Says That Any Trouble at Mowat | Ma Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Ro The College i 160-162 Princess St Crepe de Chene In natural color ground with figures of blue and green--tan and brown--black and green--old rose and blue in the Japan- ese effect--36 inches wide--suitable for sport skirts and dresses. The regular price is $1.00 a yard. On sale Thursday mornir ng, Per Yard 59c No 'phone orders taken. Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE BUILDERS SUPPLIES eee A GOOD ROOF One that will not rattle nor blow off in a gale; that neither snow nor rain can penetrate; that keep one warm in winter and cool in summer, that does not require paint; that produces a sense of comfort and restful- ness, Such is the roof made by our cedar shingles. Red Cedar from British Columbia. White Cedar from New Brunswick. CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes larly. ID ianion posted at P.O. Lobby m time to time. United SOLS Spa 11.30 pm. {] Grand Trunk, gol i wy } and Tren Grant, inolud States ... Trunk and all west of City. 2.30 p.m. and 1.20 aR hy m, : CPR .. 10.15 a. $3 CAPT. GALES PROTESIS AGAINST ALLEGIATIONS MADE BY PORTSMOUTH REEVE. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 Hospital Has Been Caused by|} ___ __... cesi en Woes oiul 0 District Lege The 30¢ Pub. Co. many. k Store, Phone 919 Diamonds We Always have "Specials" in Diamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaire™ Diamond Rings, set in platinum and 18k. gold at $100.00. These should prove very grate itying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, Smith Bros. Jewelers and "Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W.F.Gourdi 80 Brock Street Phone 700. On Earl Street Near Barvie. -A detached dwelling with 7 rooms, B. and C. separate, gas for lighting and cooking, cellar, good yard and driveway For $2250. Possession at once. On Chatham St. A detached frame dwelling For $700 Kasy terms. A great list of bargains at office. Call and let us know your wants. E.W Mullin&Son Civilians Giving Liquor to the Sol- diers, Capt. F. S. Gales, officer command- ing the Mowat Memorial Hospital, takes objection to the charges made the reeve of Portsmouth to the itia Department regarding the conduct of soldiers in that institution. He asks the Whig to state that the charge that the sister of a clergyman was assaulted by a soldier from that hospital was not proven. men were all paraded and the lady did not find her assailant among them. Capt. Gales further 'states that the report that there is insubordination dnd lack of discipline at the Mowat Hospital is untrue. There are 109 re- turned men at the institution. Those able to get around are gi leave to walk about the village of Portsmouth. During the past few days the village has been patrolled by military police Any trouble there has been out there, says Capt. Gales. bas been caused by liquor given to the soldiers hy civilians or latter are the ones whe shoul attended to a the saldices. nd mot Some Portsmouth residents tell the Whig that the Mowat Hospi A few may hemselves not just Loose Tops with Tight Bands. Green, Blue, Red, Rose, Blue and White, Riack, Etc. A emma 5 MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE "Princess

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