Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1917, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. rAGE THREE _ ---- WINNIP EG MAN CTIENS MAKE AN \ APPEAL or : ne wr il HUN CREPT TOWARD Probs: Thursday, fair and a little cooler. Bays Dr. SURED Saved Him | +, pave SPEEDING ON THE gy ir Flin vy i WOUNDED CANADIAN | | a From Nervous Breakdown. SR Br Se 2 STREETS STOPPED, y a But This Foe, Wounded Himself, Ban- | 3 % daged "Kamerad" in Distress-- Ia { Dangerous Practice is Endangering : Sey Endured Agony Together | : > a the Lives of Pedestrians--Drivers 5 -- } 'I Have No Conception of Speed. ee A Canadian soldier in an English i . 1 hospital wrote to a lady working for {HH o v That it is high time for the police ; . y I | bad AY EH dis 1 orities to tak tr nt steps the Canadian Red Cross Society, ask- |} Fv ei ri : ust aut? le ) take EE Ww k ¢ img her to come to see him as he |I}i @ f t op the speeding of au motor y ' ) | d wn - ' : o veles and. & -v les is the opinion ex-| " was very im and very lonely. She !j : $ * a] he ficgt result vas * ' cles ar hi cles f pinic -] 4 1 : . as B sleep, then my health rapid pressed by a large number of « itizens, | LRT. 7 found ths 14 Mollesiig Tom » very | \% 0 proves t was res $e ing how o hav to »d the Whig with 2 y : 7 nd e hack who have storme ' ' was kept outstretched at right angles ||| my Strength an laint Jn n r na ym nts HR | ar aiiay A goa W Rp a claimed that there are scores SRR from the body, and the case was a | Anman and Son Wd Publish={ .¢ "drivers of aulos. with owners of 4 pi serious one. The story the poor fel- | : He | 4 i low told was, like so many of those |} re, Leeds Letter il reach him | on} it . ho race % here motorcycles and JF I who race J of the battlefield, extremely pathetic. A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tablets around the ; ts ut break-n | L "Q o " "1. an HH : ; ill be sent to you on receipt of 3 cents sneed, with no thought whatever of | J Re e H Some time ago," he said, "I was told / J for walling and packing. Address: Har.) 0 CL a0 rians, and that itl 5 4 } |off for an advance on some of the Ww } patias rar ; | L ground that had been lost the day (|i er fe & Co, Ltd, 10, W'Caul-| bh i . 1 miraci « nothing less thas nirace « ? r . oar Lan ha . # By 3: fia ; ire ei before. We went forward a few yards % o ° Str ous tha yeople have been abl i BS { home remedy for Dy spepsin, Kidney | oh -peop Ty RE Ane 9 and then down again, and so on re- cape L plain q 3 E peatedly, as the shells were coming Trouble, Sleeples Anaemia, Ne acter have bee . | of a very serious character have heen re Ml [over in great numbers. Suddenly I Prices are low, economies are real on the best quality silk stock- Virus A nt ve 'Paralysis, Paipi- tation and We s In Children. Spec made about Barrie and Wellington Hy valuable Tor tng-mothers and] aac x poder i f 4 was hit, and this time, when I fell I ji durfug the critical periods of life. Soid| SUTeets On these two 'streets the) [8 : could not get up again. The battle ings. Buy all you can afford; all you think you need, while these of- & and vers th 1- | KOIDE | a Bl uios, MoH 3 . § went on, and the din was awful. I reycles and bicycles, and the speed 2 ; crawled into a ditch and then, I sup- ferings are available, as in nearly every case our prices are as low, if resches lhe L750 muen sq : d t se, lost consclousness. For present- | Jmiintony Sai | that it aas been nerve-wrecking upon gg il lt al grag not lower, than today's wholesale cost. € 'ass sell's "Tabi lets Is known only to the, many citizens, who are now appeal solute quiet. imitation can ever! ing to the proper authorities to have] li G p L . . . be'the same | the nuisance stopped That. Grawiipg German AT 50c--Silk boot hose, Radium quality; with deep double garter Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co., Just within the past few weeks "There was no one in sight. { }3 1 k hi ] a F ch Ltd., Manchester, Eng. many citizens have had a narrow es- THE LATE W. P. MAITLAND. looked round and a little way off I top and double toe and hee inb ack, white, pearli an ren chester, Eng. cape from being seriously hurt at The death occurred at Tichborme | 5®% 8 German lying on the ground N 1 d How * T, >» M k A Good!" the cross sections ot the street. The Vane 6th of Willi am P Maitland, | 20d moving. I wondered what oad fl grey, mauve, €ll rose and navy. ow o ake irivers appear to have no conception | co 0" p HSYOTE tow ire "De. happen. The man was evidently . x. 8 dl wounded. I kept quite still, but by | Hair Tonic At Home of the speed at which they are travel-| was the eldest son of Peter! by my wound gave me so much |} AT 75¢ and 85¢-- Two very special makes of Gordon and Radium ling renused ready made ai the drss| Ifa few extra ieavy penaities were | Maitland, a weil known instructor of | pain that 1 could not help groaning. [|i Brands, in black, white and colors; all sizes ! hs. : : dA y » ' " purchased ready made } dru < 3 stores alia y "some imposed. for speeding, it is felt that a eco ak es i 3 At this the German looked over to | money and get a leal better re- | ypo practice would he stopped. ALE e Spen his boy hood a. early Ha me and began slowly and laboriously | sults by using clipe. | ine $5 offenders apparently is | ood in the city. Later he moved to | to make his way towards me. He had | which has been remarkably sucecssfui| ine of $5 for offenders appa | 1 Pittsburg farm where he spent the | been wounded in both legs, and crawl. | T $1 .00 and $1 .25--Qualities i In black, white and colors, that are in =toppipg loss of hair and making! not enough to check the speeders and new hajr grow on bald and thin spots "Joy riders." greater part of his life living there ing was evidently Pajifu), Roux jor %, unsurpassed for their wearing qualities perfect fitting hose of , | » An one 2 sily niko tL at home | Tppe citizens are waiting patiently | until within two years of his death. | him. Still he came on, mply nix PF Avena De Com wih N "|In January he was stricken with |he reached me he spoke to me in rosee wit Wf pure vy R « e thorit to act h ; Pen nar ae nit drac Bay Rum and torah ita bios | Jardives, Deceased was a Ban of | English, and rg h ny wound. fine appearance -- four different makes to choose from. crystals and a little perfume if desired . | sterling qualities, a kind neighbor | He behaved to me with the greatest The preparation should be well shaken WHAT BRITAIN SPENDS [and a loving father, kindness, and when he found that all |} . 5 ilk . bl k. it of | Complete stocks of American, French and Italian silk hose in blac a allo o 8 ne fe hours -------- | ~~ . . Nd Ihe Mlowed 1a sland a few hour The funeral service on Friday was [the food I had got was a bit of | before using All these ingredients » bogabtained from ell stocked | $60,000,000 Weekly in United States, TBO LOIN - Re Tc res. | I 1. he ceded t h hi Siti £0 Deve, ins: elles conducted by Rev. J. J. Black, Pres-| bread, he proceeded to share his | white and colors, i in plain and novelty effects from $1.00 on up drug store. In. applying be sure to Says Northcliffe. | byterian minister, from the home of | food, of which he had got a good SEE WINDOW DISPLAY proprietors, and no ci Mgr at abe he Sul Tah the New York, June 20.--Great Britain's | his son-in-law, T. H. Swerbrick, | supply, with me. We remained lying | to $3. 00 a air to grow new hair depends entirely up- | weekly war expenditures in the Unit- | Tichborne. The remains were then | out in the open together for forty- Hi P ' An.ita vO u7ISH i sing absorbed by ed States amounts to between $50, brought on the C.P.R. to Kingston | eight hours and became very good | il Bors del ay verre and ls eas 1000000 and $60,000,000. Lord N where they were met by a number of | friends. He showed me a photograph | I tirely harmless and will not make the |clice, head of the British departmental | ves and old friends from Pitts-|0f his wife and four children, of i hair greasy or sticky. Ladies should | ns in this country anno | and the city, who followed | Whom he spoke with great tender- | be careful not to apply to' face or it on his return from Washing-| them to their last resting place in! Ress. (i Kindness Was Repaid "At length, after two days and two | It nights, I saw some Canadians coming | | | } where hair is not desired. G. L. B, | 1 Binghamton, N.Y \ single contract for $40,000,000 | Cataraqui cemetery. = was placed in on day alone last week, | The geccased leaves to mourn his towards us. They did not see us, but | stopped about fifty yards away and | he said less, an only son, Major O. M. Mait- | 1} { The plans of the grim reaper are | jaw now in overseas service, and ! hever changed by the use of the dol- | five daughters, Mary BE. of Owen |DPe8an to dig a trench. The German | 0 es lar. { Sound. Mrs. T. H. Swerbrick, Tich-|80d I began to discuss the question. | When interest is due the devil! Margaret of Toronto, and |38 to whieh of us should go to dhe | - land of the 210th Battalion, Moose- hi Jorue, Canadians for help, and we decided u shows mighty little pity | Liki and Grace Ss >a ines ' hows ¥ i | Lilian and Grace of St. Catharines. that I should go, as the German, when | ESTIMATE MADE IN CHICAGO With the egotist the capital letter | One brother George of Brewer's and Past J Tan at Milla and one sister, Mrs. Join D1 |CIVLINE 1 ther might be regaded al Anguugian Gh . { Our estimates are often conclusive jon, Coronation, AMa., also survive. | oge my way as best I could to the [North Amesica wa Avgeutisg | proof of our ignorance. | AT rr Canadians, told them what a good Export 150,000,000 Bushels. | AT CHRISTIE'S LAKE. friend to me the German had been, Chicago, June 20.--Wheat has drop- ped decidedly in value, influenced con- that North | SUMMER Furnishings "Just received a Marge shipment of sunimer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and veran Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Almond Maccaroons, Cream | Rolls, Almond Wafers, Sweet a { cere and they straightway went after him Pantvich, Pauey Cokin, Toit: M<NN CNS | May A. Bell Marks Pleased With |and carried him most tenderly back | siderably by 3m jes M have a s. > haa ni ines. as ee America and rgentina would ha | Ad" in Whig. to our lines. I was glad to see them Anieric rease of 150.000,000 bushels in Christie's Lake, June 18. --Rev. 9 BORRATED Mr. Cole will give a verandah tea for ! compared with last year. oo rothers Shar, 0 SOL SE HERG OF COURCELETTE |." ie "iy Emin ] | he is summering. houses were on the selling side py Ta Always Pure; Always Fresh. try to repay his goodness to me." the exportable surplus this season as . TAaLcum = _ Morey White got a big catch of wheat market and there was no diffi- The best known and fish, Robent W. Marks, jr., hooked |«pgpe Devil™ Major Laviolette--A | culty in forcing prices down grade. ' ng . ery | the largest black bass of the season. Brilliant Career Cut Short World shipments were large, and the Fest uid Lany talcum | Mr. Phillip has taken possession of -- & British stocks were reported to be in- in world. the lot purchased from R. W. A hospital car of the Military Hos- | creasing." Also it was pointed out that . fp ii J ; a Marks. Christopher Allen has | pital Commission brought back to his | aside from the big gain expected jin \ A A 3 4 Mrs of North America and | pitched his ten. James Perrin, home Major Lambert Dumont Lavio- | the surplus | Joseph Marks and Miss Mazie Marks lette, M.C., who was paralyzed from | Argentina, the shipments from Aus- Renew the y 3 | made a flying trip to Smith's Falls|the waist down as the result of tralia were mounting up rapidly and : - Fg 2 {on June 17th. Several cottages are | wounds. . Capt. F. H. McQuay, of the | for last week had totaled more thin an now. It's expected all will be in | Army Medical Corps, looked after the for any similar period in the last two >» eo » 0 0 ving full swing by the 27th ) gallant officers on the journey from | years. » Mare. Mack Marks any Miss Ree St. John, and immediately on arrival | Drouth reports from the southwest, 1toles paid a visit to Maberly. Mr. |at Bonaventure station in Montreal, | togeth vith persistent buying of old ' . . SOEs Mh, 3 ; ogether with pers 3 Don't let ill health any long: | Suckling visited his new bungalow. Major Laviolette was taken to hos- crop deliveries for seaboard account, er rob you of life's pleasures. ; | He Is secretary of the C.P.R.. Mr, pital. Major Laviolette, who was |led to a transient bulge in the corn and Mrs. Eardley Wilmot,( Mr. Wil- a 5 ry nw . ' Get back r a tit ! 2 known by his men as "the dare-| market. Favorable weather, however, you ppet "4 J mot is manager of Bank of Montreal | devil," was second in command of his | in the chief producing region led af v at Ottawa), have a bhéautiful bunga- | battalion at the Courcelette fight and | terwards to a reaction in prices, Ss t Pp your {low at Christie's. was hit by machine gun fire. Car- cially fc . e distant fu- stim te your liver, regu: i May Bell Marks received numer- | ried to the rear hy Tp his life especially Tor Sie mote, distant Iu late your bowels and im- Sac all | ue neers to hor vadvi' in (he | was despaired of for some time, but rere en bl i | 1 ig She as six furnished cot- | wonderful surgical work in English prove your by taking tages to rent and has rented four (and French hospitals pulled him HAD BAPTISM OF FIRE thanks to the advt in Whig. through. 7 There is a great improvement in| The military career of this officer Portuguese Troops Prove Worth on the crops in the last week is a striking one. He was a private Western Front. { . n the Fauks o ihe Sith, Regiltent Paris, June 20.--The Portuguese THE MOTOR BUS AT'THE FRONT ly took a course In the MGI Go te [forces on the western front, having 7 0k 1 Soursy 1 the MeGii OTC been initiated into the art of modern a { - " RS -- . 1 . warfare 'by progressive stages, have / Rf Ni : Fig 3 lieutenant under Lieut.-Col. Gaudet. |» received their baptism of fire. 5 | is ig ro a ma je acted 3 tesgpun fleet, The Matin says that they are perfectly | ferred to the firing line and given organized and have proved their! the position of scout officer. He worth in exemplary fashion. ' Sor henofite gs will eat | ; Ee a " : g & rapidly pron oted being e a | b : ' more, work better, sleep IF 3 Jr 0 Ru 35 captain and commander of a com- S f M ko Td pany, them m and finally second ' er, and feel new strength Fees In command of the battalion." He Couldn t Keep pecial Sale 0) ens a ent Sirs of hese depend: t fro, & was once wounded previously, and ' * able pills. y res | Cl was awarded the Military Cross for | - Back T d Bo Cl t i ! pd 3 3 ~ 3 gallantry. His brother was aiso over healthy conditions, and ! Ruy 3 S X * 3 v seas, having gone with the battalion Cc ears an ys 0 ( | fod YE > \ raised by Lieut.-Col. Dansereau, since | __ J lien are Ww a - i g pa 3 J F A broken up into drafts. When the Nervous System Broke 2 aud) [Raia ae ga 3 ; Ny ~ | Down -- Queer Feelings in Back. | Men's blue serge suits, regular $25 to $30. Sale price $18.50. fe. vs ne SNE } oc : Te ; of Head Caused Much Alarm. [BE Men's tweed suits, regular $25 to $27, sale price $14 to $16.00. a X | Fie Sn 1 . PAE 8 a BURYING A CANADIAN cae mg | Boys' suits, regular $10.00 to $13.00. Sale price $7.00 to $0.00. I S ] . i - i . i , Men's heavy overalls, all sizes, with bi¥, plain black and some Dirctiong of Spock Yolen te Won re wih Ever Beg Red SN oh 4 R | Midland, Ont., June 20.--Colapse blue stripes. Reg. $1.50. For one day only .... $1.05. § £53 . N ARH a B] Simple, Grim+ Details of Tragedy (Or breakdown of the nervous system Special sale of unbleached table linens. Reg. ries 75¢ per ud f Generals and Privates Together Jonves ons in a host ithe condi- Sale price ... . tion, rong, healthy-looking weo- A Conan oft rue "tou Bok 108, to Si wo rom | Ea Se Te, Bn. Hog pric 1.00 7. ae pie I was at the burial of a captain in [helplessness and despair. Just received a shipment of ladies' silk dresses and biwe and the Second Disision. and perhaps that | The case Reported hee wa 2 mom black shirts, all sizes is one of the saddest things one could | severe one, as is indicau y the hys- . . . . . look at. It was in a little cemetery |terical condition, the pains in the We - Shue eck uf Men's, ar Ee gine at the side of the road which has [back of the head and the futility of eats . the many treatments used This is further evidence that the regular and persistent use of Dr. | Chase's Nerve Food for a reasonable | ! Os ramson length of time will positively restore * ® y the most exhausted nervous system. Princess street. * Telephone Mrs. 8S. - Sharp, Midland, Ont, mm ; ay writes: | "About eléven years ago I had a) serious nervous breakdown, and was| so bad at times that I could not keep back the tears. I also had a queer | feeling in the back of my head. Some- | time | seemed to be going backwards. | 1 could not do any sewing 1nd finally | could -not de any work at all. 1 tried | other remedies and doctors' medi-! cines, but they only gave me tem-! } asing, Dr. Chases Nerve Food. snd For Summer Wear. We have the cheapest Good- ands we iting Dotter ' an 1 year Welt Oxfords i in the city. P rices from taking them and am at present great-| ly improved. I am now able to do! my work, and they have strengthened | me splendidly. I can highly recom- | ® Oo ® mend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for ner-| vous trouble of any kind." | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, | _ rE $a a full treatment of § boxes for $2.50, Ra (at all dealers, or Bdmansgy. Bates : | i-!Co., Limited, Toronto. j Their action 'is prompt and and you soon feel if §EkE i When London's young men forsook their banks and offices to put on khaki, to be transforined into first class fighting men™ Londou's metor buses crossed the Channel with-them. Painted gray, their windows boarded up, they, like their passengers; have suffered a war time change of aspect now that they are runuiug between the base and the firing line somewhers on the western front and carry pick and shovel to cope with any unusual obstaile or impediment on the road. The picture shows a line of these huses The General Ministerial Associatinn bound for the trenches with frésh troops, who are thus spared the of Vancouver, B.C, want the prin ef fatix@nafmdons manetioeThe men on the frout bus bave two Lewis of conscription applied to min § Sue With hem, 2x weil us their rifles. religion as well as to other TS TH gsi 32s BIER a% i Hulls La § ; fp \ ; z i a 2 : 2 2 Q 3 2 2 5 iF it 25 "ft §3% Ii talked into accepting a he : Re imitations only disappoint. fr 1

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