-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. PAGE FIVE "Out of the High Rent District." 0Connor's LADIES' Exclusive All This Week Special Clearing Prices on Summer Dresses For Ladies, Girls and Children A Large Stock Of Exclusive Models to Choose From All greatly underpriced owing to backward weather conditions. A pleasure to show you and compare values. T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lower in price." Make" Home a Haven of Enjoyment ! Do you realize what a i" Player Piano in your home will mean to the en- tire family? Every sine gle one from father down, will derive pleasure from it that could not possibly be had from an ordinary piane. Let us demonstrate the New Scale Williams Play- er for you----its tone and mechanical make up are perfect. JM. rues Wise Co., Ltd. Phone 1324 Sydenham and Princess Streets ---------- r- HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $35 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply by G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whilks Wlustrated supplement may be secur- ed from me. J A A Successful Picnic DEPENDS ON SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Peanut Butter Olive Butter Potted Meats Paris Pate Camp Coffee and Cocoa Peanut Butter. ALL SIZES PICNIC BASKETS Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC Cooked Ham Pork and Heans Olives Welsh Rarebit Chicken a Ia King Sardines ---- a i EE BATHERS We take great pleasure in showing you our new lines of BATHING CAPS AND SPONGES Don't wait, but call in today and look them rer, Our pico are right. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 yy TH " laccept the position as county with perforated win tip and low heel $ {WARDEN McKNIGHT UNABLE TO ATTEND, BEING ILL. Councillor J. A. Kennedy Presiding-- Dr. Spankic Again Records His Objection to the Purchase of Seed Potatoes by Council.' The Frontenac County Council opened its session in the Court House on -sday afternoon. A let- ym Warden C. G. at owing to ill- ble to attend the of Councillor re ter was received fre | McKnight statin {ness he would b sessions On mo | Halliday, it was decided that Council lor Kennedy should preside in the Warden's absence. Councillor Ken- nedy on taking the chair expressed regret over Warden McKnight's ill- I ness Councillor Spankie moved, seconded {by Councillor McGregor, that the {minutes of the special session on the 31st of May be amended by expung- ing the resolution with regard to the ge of potatoes. Councillor Spankie said that his re- 1 solution was in accordance with the | stand he took at the special session. "1 objected then and I object now to the Council's deal in potatoes,' said the doctor. "That action was illegal," he continued. Dr. Spankie asked the acting warden if any legal advice had been taken with regard to the potato question. Acting Warden Kennedy said there had not so far as he knew. "Well, 1 want legal advice secured for this session of council," replied Dr. Spankie Halliday Councillor pointed out ~ REEVE J. A. KENNEDY. | Of Bedford who is presiding at the | County Council Sessions owing to the illness of Warden McKnight. AAA A AA A A AAA nn that the motion was out of order be- cause the question was merely wheth- er the minutes were correct. There was no doubt of that, as any member of council would agree that the mo- { tion about the potatoes was duly pas- sed in council, hence the clerk's re- icord of the meeting was correct. The acting warden ruled the resolu- tion out of order. Dr. Spankie then asked that his motion be recorded in the minutes and his request was ac- ceded to. Communications Read. The following communication were referred to committees: A. Jack, stating he was unable to truant inspector. Dr. A. R. B. Williamson accepting position as surgeon for House of In- dustry until June session of Council. Hotel Dieu expressing appreciation of generous cheque received. William Griffith, secretary Syden- ham High School, confirming estab- lishing of Entrance examination cen- tre at Burridge, Township of Bedford Secretary Military Hospitals Com- mission, with reference to the occupa- tion of the Court House as a Nurses' Home, and stating that the Commus- sion would reinstate the building as it was before the alterations were made, and will pay for extra light and fuel consumed. W. J. Fair, burban Area Highway Commission, giving amended report of estimates of construction and repairs on suburban area for current year. i Deputy Minister of Education, stat- ing the legislative grants for the rural public and separate schools, for equipment and accommodation, the County Council is required to raise an equivalent; Public schools, $1,604.55; separate schools, $123.86. Honorary Secretary of the British | Sailors' Relief Fund asking for sup- {port of fund. | Secretary of Women's Institute, { Mountain Grove, applying for a grant, The Council decided, on motion of { Councillor Halliday, that its sessions would be held in the afternoons an {that the mornings would be taken up with committee work. NOT A PARTNER. Statement Made by Mrs. Catherine Kelly, re hmer. We have been requested by Mrs. Catherine Kelly, of Toronto, to point out that A. O. Boehmer was never at any time a partner with Mrs. Kelly in the grocery business, which she carried on at the corner of King and Princess streets, in this city. It is true that Mrs. Kelly was induced to ultimately be acquired by The Army and Navy Association of Canada. While letters patent were procured, no organization mecting of the com- pany was ever held, and Mrs. Kelly {remained and continued throughout as the sole and only proprietor of the business, from the time of Sts transfer by Mr. Gibson to her, until the busi- ness was closed out in January last. o Baseball % The championship of the Public Schools Baseball league was won by Victoria school at the Cricket Field on Tuesday afternoon when they de- feated Macdonald by 20 to J. Moonlight Excursion. i Do not miss taking the popular Str. | Do not Islandér, Thursday June 28th. for a cruise among the Islands. Roat leaves foot of Brock street at 8 p.m. Tickets 5c. Secretary Kingston Su- * purchase the store so that it might of "ACTION FRONT" MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY 33RD BATTERY- MEN AT WHITLEY CAMP. Short History of the Kingston Bat- tery is Given--Capt. D. G. Anglin Is New Second in Command. "Action Front' is the title of a splendid littJe magazine which is being published at Whitley camp in England by the men of the 53rd Battery, which trained at Kingston and went overseas in the spring of last year. It says: "The battery at this writing, is on 1 the eve of its departure for the fir- ing line after some fifteen month's training. During that abnormally long period of preparation the unit, although not as yet having seen ac- tive service, has experienced many changes, many vicissitudes. It com- menced as a depot battery, later was recorded as a four-gun battery, and is now a full trained artillery unit of six guns and 200 men. "What orginally served as a nuc- leus of the 53rd were men who, after being recruited for the 24th Bat- tery, were left behind in Kingston when the 34th left for overseas to serve as an ammunition column. "It might be interesting to note at this point that of the officers that left Kingston with the battery in the spring of 1916, but one remains with this unit, Lieut. W. J. Boyd." The officers of the battery are giv- en as Major V. H. deB. Powell, Capt. Douglas G. Anglin, Lieuts. F. C. Hamilton, H. K. Ingram, W. J. Boyd, C. H. Mathewson. The paper is full of splendid car- toons, drawings, jokes and articles all of a very high standard. LIMITED . LINDSAY, 1 Columbia Grafanolas and Records For Patriotic People. $1 a week will buy a Columbia Grafanola complete with records for soldiers' wives and children, and others wanting music in their home. We have many other makes and records to select from, and a aum- ber of slightly used machines at special bargain prices, You can pack a smal machine in your trunk for the country. Satisfaction guaranteed. our warerooms or write for trated catalogue and price C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prin- cess St. Call at illus- IN MARINE CIRCLES. The Movements of Vessels in_and _ About Kingston Harbor. Passed down: lonic, grain laden, Fort William to Montreal, 9.30 p.m., Tuesday. Arrivals--Tug Matilda, lotte, coal barges Departures: Tug Matilda for Os- wego, barges to load coal for Mon- treal; steamer Jex with barge to load coal for Montreal; steamers Advance from Char- barges for Port tug Emerson with Merrill, Colborne; schooner Juha B. for Oswego. Addresses Winted. The Whig would be pleased to learn the present addresses of each of the following: J. J. Fenwick, late of Enterprise, Ont. W. J. Gallivan, Cut Knife, Sask. Charles Patterson, Cobalt, Ont. Sam Sleeth, 126 South Court St., Port Arthur. J. B. Trotter, 414 10th St., Nu- tana, Saskatoon, Sask. Thomas H. Moore, Kamloops, B.C. H. Orr Cochrane, Ont. Rubber Social at Y.M.C.A. An enjoyable entertainment was held at the Y.M.C.A. building on Tuesday evening for the purpose of raising money for the Ladies' Auxili- ary. Those who took part in the pro- gramme were: Miss Marjorie Uglow, Miss Jean Douglas, Capt. Bertha Smeaton, Sergt. Thomas Kelly, Allan Haffner, James Saunders, and Capt. Fairfull. Mayor Hughes acted as chairman. KINGSTON EVENTS] 25 YEARS AGO J. Ross Robertson, grand master of the Masonic Order, for Canada was in the city to-day. « Flower thieves prowl around the city every night: and do considerable damage. The choir of Queen street Meth- Fodist Church had a most enjoyable picnic at Welborne's Grove to-day. ;/Had Awful Attacks of Heart Trouble FOR 5 OR 6 YEARS Diseases and disorders of the heart and nervous system have become frightfully prevalent of late years. One can scarcely pick up a paper but he will find recorded instances of sudden deaths through heart fail- ure, or of prominent men and wo- men unable to prosecute their ord- inary business or profession on ac- count of a breaking down of the nervous system. We do not desire to unnecessarily alarm anyone, but to sound a word warning. When the heart begins to beat ir- list to | and Arabian, light, for Port Colborne;| Children's Play Shoes "The Kind They Like." Tan laced boots with rawhide soles, very soft and pliable. Tan barefoot sandals. Running Shoes with Rubber Soles in black or white. "Everything that's good" will be found here; bring the kiddies in and let us fit them. Abernethy's Shoe Store GET AFTER A NEW STRAW Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Whether you prefer a Pan- ama or Sailor wide brim or narrow brim, you are sure to find a hat to suit you in the CAMPBELL collection, and at almost any price you wish to pay. ; Sailors, in sennit, or split straw, in the most popular di- mensions of brim and crown. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Special values in fine Pan- amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. | $4, $5, $6. Campbell Bros. | | The Store of Real Styles. | EW FRENCH REMEDY. » PIO No.1. cues PIO THER RAP 0 VITAL Tai oot LEADING CHEMISTS PRICE IN ENGLA stamp address envelope. Saymptomater Fir Cameras From $1.50 to $25 FOR BEST RESULTS | | in Developing and {| Printing, Try Us. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. A 20TH CENTURY BEVERAGE tles Only. i For Everybody. In Bot-[i a ------, JUNE BRIDES Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the furniture for the new home that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outhtting newly-weds, laying rugs and oilcloth, placing up art blinds and furniture fitted in position at no extra cost, and so perfectly that they remain a lifelong customer. James Reid The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Ring 147 for Motor Ambulance. Perfect : : Eyesight is the reward of foresight. -- If you wish to preserve your eyes to perform life's work with the highest efficiency and oe joy the pleasures of life, YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES "Consult us when you need glasses." 5 J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optician and Optometrist, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble and granite. Special attention giveu to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. Seed Corn Was your crop a disappointment last year? Then don't let it occur | again. Come to us for your seed and | get the warranted kind. We have all varieties of garden and field corn at the right price, W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. 'Phone 1686. hoice Selection of ring Suitings ==Carling's|