a hy i=_PAGE EIGHT Livingston Clothes Captivate Smart Dressers ! Whatever way the bent of your fancy runs you'll find your ideal here in its fullest inter- pretation. In the selection of your summer suit, whe- ther you wish to spend $15 or any other amount up to $25, follow the lead of Kingston's best dressers by placing your con- fidence in Living- ston's clothes. There is a great deal of satisfaction in doing business with a house in which one has abso- lute confidence, for after all confidence is the real basis of every commercial transaction. Pre- pare for the very hot days sure to come by securing one of our Palm Beach two-piece suits at $13.50. Fine English Neckwear Cool Summer Underwear BRA A ® ® 9 Livingston's Brock Street If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. About Your | Summer | Underwear We are showing a full line of all the popular makes and styles suitable for warm weather at moderate prices. A it AAA AA me a tat a Women's Vests, Drawers and Combina- tions, in cotton, lisle and silk, with short sleeves and no sleeves, knee and ankle lengths. From 15c¢ to $1.50 a garment. Men's Shirts, Drawers and Combinations in ballbriggan, merino and light wool, also athletic styles, no sleeves, short and long sleeves, knee and ankle length drawers. From 40c to $1.50 a garment. Girls' Underwear, in lisle and cotton, all styles and sizes. From 15c¢ to 50c a garment. Boys' Ballbriggan Shirts, Drawers & Com- binations, white and cream, shdrt and long sleeves, ankle and knee lengths. At 25¢, 30c, 35¢, 40c and 50 garment. Extra Large Sizes for Stout Men and Wo- men always in stock. PA A ANNA AM ANN lA AM AN SINAN Waldron's | MUTRY CROES | THEATRICAL NEWS | -- Army Medical Corps draft un- The der Capt. Blezard and the Forestry | iraft under Capt. Freeman will leave for an eastern training S { Wednesday) evening A medical board has just complet ed its inspection of the draft of mer Capt. try company As an example of the type of men volunteering now there | were nineteen rejected out of eighty-| five examined, and the standards for | forestry are much lower than for in-| | fantry. To regulate the taxies that run to | Barriefield camp a system of regis- | tration with numbers for the cars| and the drivers is being put into force, and every taxi driver is being | given until to-morrow (Thursday) night to call at headquarters for his | permit There are nct nearly as many drivers on this year as last, but the provost marshal is insisting that the same rules and restrictions | shall prevail or they will be debar- | red from the privileges of tne camp, and their cars will be put out of bounds | Ten nursing sisters, who will go on duty at the Queen's Military Hos- | | pital, are taking over their rooms in the Court House to-day. The Su-| preme Court room has been com- | pletely changed and is now quite a | presenfable for the nursing | s sters | | home While riding to the ean on his motor cycle on Wednesday, M. L.| Orr of the headquarters staff, lost a valaable A notice in tie camp orders ht the coat back to its owner, it havin found by an A.S.C. man raincoat brou | been | The 230th Battalion, _of Brock ville, is-moving to-day to Ottawa af ter being in the former place since November last. In a letter to the { "Pine Knot," the battalion paper, | Major L. F. Howard states that "we have enl sted over 2,000 men, and from the first of the year we have | sent overseas fifty-two officers, 184 INC.O's. and 1,726 men," making a total of 1,962 of all ranks. When | | the final draft leaves this week, sx | teen officers and 275 other | | about 2 | ranks will be added to the number. 4 | STEAMERS COLLIDE IN DETROIT RIVER. Natironco, Well-known This Port, Hit Passenger | Boat. ! point this yf, Freeman recruited for a fores-| { duction, "Tangled Lives." _J. lcluded m {with At the Grand. night will positively be the last char to see Harold Lockwood and Allison at the Grand in "Mister These two popular stars in. this ing tale of love and adventure Great Outdoors, constitute one most delightful photo-plays| scen here m some time." Other fea-| ture photo-plays and feature vaude-| ville complete this excellent program-| me for to-night only. For the last] hali of this week the Grand has se-| cured a feature that is claimed to be] one of the- dramatic achievements of the year. Miss Genevieve Hamper, | one of America's most accomplished | land convincing stage stars, will have] a leading rofe in a William Fox Pro-| Gordon | Edwards, the veteran direflor of Fox| pictures, screened. the picture at Kingston, Jamaica. Stuart Holmesq appears again as the. suave villian of yore, and Claire Whitney is also in- « the support. The latest Pathe News and Comedy Reels, and two first-class vaudeville acts, round out this bill for next Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. . ! At Griffin's. yager Whitty, "Griffin's Thea- s arranged for the presenta-| of of Mary Pickford's new Artcraft picture, "A Romance of the Red- woods." This production was staged | under the personal direction of Cecil] B. DeMille, who also wrote the story lin collaboration with Jennie Macpher- The art of Mary Pickford tie combined _with that of DeMille, the producing v new standard of ex- In direct con son super-star dB genius, means cellence on the screen trast to her previous triumph, "A Poor Little Rich Girl" Miss Pick-| ford's newest vehicle presents a red] blooded story of the West, replete dramatic situations | Lee At the Strand. A large and appreciative attended the Strand last evening to] see Mr. Desmond' in his latest and | best Triangle "Paddy OO Hara." The story flashes with hum- or and excitement throughout its; action, Mr. Desmond in the | audience | success, rapid fire | title role is seen at his best as a gay reckless war correspondent for a big London newspaper, who is assigned by his superior to get authentic news from the war front in the Balkans. He not only secures a journalistic | | "scoop" but bears off a princess whose father has been forced from his castle by his enemies. Comedy reels and "The Purple Mask" in conjunction; with "Paddy O'Hara" will be exhibit- ed for the last time to-night. For the' last three days of the week Wm. S.! Hart will be seen in "The Desert | Man." The steamer Natironco, of Toronto, | well known in this port, having car- ried coal here, was sunk in the De- troit River Tuesday morning, in col- lision with the passenger steamer | Eastern States. The latter was bound | for Cleveland, but sustained a dam- aged bow, and returned to Detroit. | There were no casualties. The Natironco was built in 1892, {and was 225 feet long. She lies close {to the channel, near the Canadian | shore. | CONSPICUOUS GALLANTRY And Devotion to Duty Lieut. Walkem Wins Military Cross. A letter from Lieut. H. Walkem, R.E., received by his father, reads as follows: | "I have been shown the recom-| mendation for the Cross given me'in | January last which reads as follows:| 'For conspicuous gallantry and de-| votion to duty under fire during twelve months continuous work in the front line.' { t "We are in a par the Huns held and it would go to your heart to see the wanton damage they have done. Mind, this part has never been shelled or fought over. They simply evacuated it. Nine-tenths of the ordinary trees and all the fruit trees are cut down or girdled, all the houses have been burned or blown up, and even the shrubs and plants in tornamental gardens have been pulled We are camped close to what s once a town of about 50,000 but [there is now not a whole building [in it. SERGT. McCULLAGH HIT. | Wounded Over Five Weeks and is | Now on Official Casualty List. Just one month and eight days ago Sergt. William G. McCullagh, trans- port section of the 21st Battalion, was wounded. He was in hospital, and six stitches were used to close the wounds on his left side and face. After hav- ing returned to the firing line for some time the official announcement of the casualty was made to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McCullagh, on Tuesday several days after a letter had been received from him. Other Kingston district men who are on the casualty list are C. A. Neil- son, Outer Station, whose condition was reported in the Whig a few days ago, a W. G. Chambers, Barriefield, and H. Strickland who could not be identified. LOW SUMMER TOURIST FARES ellowstone North Pacific Coast, Via Chi- cago and North Western Ry. Low fare round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los An- geles, San Francisco, Portland, Seat- tle, Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Yellowstone Park, ete., daily from June 15th to Sep- tember 30th. Excellent train service. Write for free booklet on California | | and North Pacific Coast. It will give you just the information you need to plan an attractive summer trip. Ad- dress T. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Soldier Cannot Recover. W. Campbell, who resides about three miles from Seeley's Bay, has re ceived word that his son, Pte. Ernest Campbell, lies dangerously ill in Bethnal Green Military Hospital, London. He received a letter from Rev. Henry Parrott saying that his son was Teteiving every attention hut that there is no hope of his recovery | where a solemn requiem mass was t of the country celebrated for the repose of his soul.! | the city with regard to alleged de- Grant Police Reporter, Or the Trunk Mystery, a dashing detective story full of exciting hap-' penings. 'Hash the Hash Ann" from "The Black ' Cat Magaz ne," also Rose Mary Theby "Green Eyes," concluding with Bre and jabs comedy at the King Edward to-night and Thursday. | | The Late L. O. Beaudry. | On Tuesday morning the funeral of the late Louis Ovila Beaudry place from his late residence on Queen street to St. Mary's Cathedral Father C. J. Mea officiated at the cathedral and at St.1 where interment | Rov. both Mary's cemetery took place. The service was attended by many friends of the deceased, who was held in high esteem. Those who ac- ted as pall bearers were: Augustine Currier, Montreal; Oliver Giroux, Fabien Giroux, Coteau Station, J. B.. King, D. Lamarche, and B. Davey. WATER BETTER THERE THAN ON THE ASPHALT. Paving Man "Says There Is Nothing Wrong with Prin- cess Street Work. J. F. Driscoll, of the Foley and Gleason Company, of Ottawa, is in fects in the block portion of the Prin- cess street paving, Near Welling- ton street, water remains in the track allowance after rains. This, he says, is unavoidable. ing is done gineering that getg into the track allowance does no harm. It is better there than lylgg on the asphalt. Mr. Driscoll g ity Engineer McClel- land great ise Yor the splendid work done o expressed surpr cellent piece of paving could have been done under such handicaps as the civic engineering department la- bored last fall. Dewart Leases House. . William T. Dewart, head of the chain of stores of the Mohican Com- pany, has leased "The Ledges" at Alexandria Bay for his summer home. He will take possession of the resi- dence shortly. /He is a member of the well known Déwart family of Ontario. ¢ was born in Fenelon Falls but moved while a young man to New York City. He fills successfully the importants position of general manager of the "rank A. Munsey Company, in addi- tion to his interest in the Mohican concern. saw mill when a lad and during this fume he picked up his education at night. 'Given Sick Leave. Archibald Strachan, Collector of Customs, has been granted sick leave, and has gone to visit his gon, in Ely, Minn. Thomas Gaskin, chief clerk, is THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1917. Fine Values in Dainty Our collection of fine underclothing for this June is a little nearer perfection than in any for- mer year. Not only in number of garments, but the materials are a shade softer, finer, and better. All such dainty stuff as women want and look for. The styles are simpler, yet more individual, the trimmings more refined, nothing coarse or scratchy has been accepted. We can only men- tion a few here--come and see the complete col- lection. - 120 WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS AT $1.25 Slipover style, trimmed with embroidery and lace ribbon and beading--made of good quality cambric. Sizes 58 and 60. 150 NIGHTGOWNS Slipover styles, trimmed with embroidery and lace ribbon and beading; different designs to se- lect from made of fine English nainsook cotton at So... $1.00 CORSET COVERS, 25c¢ to $3.00 COMBINATIONS, , $1.00 to $4.25 DRAWERS, 35¢ to $3.00 NIGHTGOWNS, . 60c to $6.00 SILK UNDERWEAR Silk combinations in white or pink envelope style; seamless; very dainty lace yoke trimming, also baby waist styles with shirrs and hemstitch- ing. SILK NIGHTGOWNS SILK KNICKERS SILK CAMISOLES SILK UNDERSKIRTS John Laidlaw & iversity avenue. He| SS * that such an ex-|== He obtained a position in a} 3 as be das a bullet in his head, acting as collector. Owi mand. HR Cool Canvas Shoes " it appointed. Pretty Canvas Pumps for Ladies, ....... .. .. .. $2.00 to $3:50 Canvas Oxfords, Rubber Soles, ... .. .. .. .. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to the price of leather, canvas shoes will be in great de- you put off selecting your requirements, you may be dis- TE | Te Lockett Shoe $tore te .