Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 11

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THE D: DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. PAGE TEN The free trial bottle of MARY T, GOLDMAN'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER proves how quickly gray hair disappears when this scientific restorer Is used, Simply lied with special comb; leaves halr clean, fluffy and natural; oes not Interfere with washing, Make ~#his test on a lock of hair and will never accept a che, Rata Then buy a full sized bottle, from your druggist or direct from me. But be sure that the bottie you buy is the real Mary T. Goldman's. Send for trial bottle today and say whether your hair is naturally black, dark brown, medium brown or Mght brewn, If pos- sible, send a lock ma your letter. Mary T. Goldman 62 Temperance St., Toronto, Can. Goldman Bidg., St. Paul, Minn. ted 50 Years Trial oe, : 7 J ---- Tia. These 'Articles Are Very | Nice, Seasoned with Pun- gent Sauce called Hunger 10e¢ Bottle Bottle Horse Radish Cream, Helns M rd Sauce, 20¢ Mustaril Sulad Cream Blood Orange Marmalade Jelly, 15¢ Bottle Try Our Steel Cut Coffee P.H. BAKER Princess nud Frontenac Sts. Phone 1016. ~ ~ How You Can Remove . Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks) A stiff paste made with some pow- dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy surface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take every trace of hair with it. The skin should then be washed to free it from the remaining delatone. No harm can result from this treatment, but be sure it is delatone you get and_ you will not be disappointed. wa rr td Auto Taxi Touring Car Service Phone 566 Office: Clarence St., \ near King. Barriefleld Camp and All City Calls Promptly Attended To. ANOTHER TRENCH LINE Army Fights Yon Pay--Buy War Certificates, Canadians in the field will never refuse to fight. home refuse to pay? The financial {ine is the fighting front at home as the trench line is the fighting front in France. Are you on the financial line? Have you invested in the Government War Savings Certifi- cates? Kvery dollar that purchases a While certificate strengthens the home de-| fences and helps the man at the front. He endures suffering and hardship every day. You are only asked to put your money in a sound and attractive investment. Can you refuse? Government War Savings Certificates are purchasable at the nearest Money Ordér Post Office or Bank. Buy your certificate to-day. You only need $21.60 for a certifi- cate worth years. Forty-three dollars will buy $60 at the end of the same period and $86 will be worth $100. War cer tificates are only issued in those amouts. They pay interest rate equalling-5.2 per cent com pounded each-year., You can with- draw your money any time after the first 12 months. Invest your money and help the Army, Fire Chief Bell Resigned. Lindsay, June 20.---Fire Chief James Bell, for many years associat éd with Lindsay's fire department, 'has sent in his resignation to the chairman of town property asking that he be relieved from duty as soon as possible. Petit Jurymen Fined. Belleville, June 20.--At the open- ing of the county court proceedings Judge Deroche imposed a fine of $10 upon three petit jurymen who have been absent from court without au- thority and without any excuse, | discovered that my own 10¢ Bottle | Can Canadians at | $26 at the end of three] at a, EEE | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) DISCOURAGED 1916, by the McClure (Copyright, Syndicate) Newspaper with the af everal weeks and after | about me, | affairs were been so busy others for Sylvia's death to look I had fairs of that after had found time { in a sad sfate | In the first place 1 was dissatisfied | with the millinery business, and the millinery business was not at all! satisfied with me. The enthusiasm ! with which I had entered M. Vite {aux's establishment had long since vanished There had been a cer- tain fascination in turning his place | topsy-turvy, showing him where his | styles were wrong, his methods anti- | | quated, his system clumsy and ar | chat As his "superintendent of styles" I had enjoyed myself as long | as there were things to be set right }1t afforded me a great deal of satis- faction to say to the millinery ex pert: "Your hats are impossible; they should be thus and thus and so." | But after I had had my "say" and he had meekly submitted to my sug- gestions the fun was all over I | might find exquisite enjoyment in | telling M. Viteaux that Mrs. Jones | would not wear such and such a hat, jor that Mes. Brown would look with | contempt upon this or that ¢:eation, | But I did not intend to spend my [life smilingly telling Mrs. Jones or | Mrs. Brown what she ought to wear. | I did not care enough for Mrs. Brown | | or Mrs. Jones or M. Viteaux to con- | secrate my remaining days to that] | sort of occupation, and on the first| | opportunity that presented itself I] | told M. Vitean as much "But you cannot leave!" he re- | turned, with the same expression he might have used had his reason been absolutely indisputable "But I shall leave," I firmly. "I have determined shall." "Impossible!" exclaimed Hner in his best accent. fill your position" "Léave it vacant then," little shortly hats." | "But what will you do, Mademois- | elle Roxane?' he inquired, "Where will you go? Surely I can pay you| as much as you could command else-| where." | "I have no plans," 1 replied a] little wearily ! | M. Viteaux's astonishment increas-| ed. | "What'" he cried. "You are leav-| ing us for nothing at all? Why, I understood that you desiréd fp work; that your circumstances required yhat you earn a living." "So they do," I returned." I am| utterly dependent upon what you] pay me, but I shall leave you just | the same.' | The puzzled little man could only | look at me. It was impassible for | him to understand. "It is this way," I explained in| much the same manner that a pains- | taking teacher tries to impress a pro- |blem upon a child's mind. "I am| told him that I the mil- "I cannot I said, a | 1 | Lerrons By Pictorial Review Zi78 Modish coat for twill or serge, with Box plait on eaéh Hide of center back and front rolled to Jorm revers. Its simplicity and its charmi make this coat ideal for spring and silinmet Nothing is amarter |'tired of huts {few days Wou J sight EOINE not see I cannot bear the Therefore I am where 1 shall of them somewhere hats." "But hats are discomfited employer necessary Why, you yourself wear them, do you not? And you wish to see no more of them? Ah, Made- moiselle Roxane, you do not know yourself You are a woman In a you will wish to return to the beautiful creations here. Reflect Do not leave us in a moment of de pression Take a short vacation Rest yourself. Compose your mind Then, when you return you will pos gess moré enthusiasm than ever be fore. You will see new beauties in these wonderful works of art You will realize that they are indispens able; that it ig a privilege to be able to offer them to the women of this great city No, Mademoiselle Rox ane, You shall not leave us. We cannot permit it.' "It is very good of me to stay, M. Vitean." 1 said, touch ed by his evident desire to keep me, "but the trouble is more serious than suppose, and in this matter | ghall have to vield to my impulses." *=>gut he coald not understand. Ap- parently it was impossible for him to believe that a person ever could tire of the millinery business. Slow ly, sorrowfully he shook his head "You will want to come back next week," he declared. "The door will be open. You are still on the salary | list Go on your vacation and come back when vou feel better." And so I left him (To be continued.) beautiful," cried my "And they are you to wish "I have had enough of idee iisd . Menu for Friday BREAKFAST Fruft tium and Eggs Buttered Toast Coffee DINNER Breaded Veal Cutlets Spinach Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Coffee SUPPER Stuffed Exg Salad Sardine Biscuits Cocoa Grape Juice Cup Pour two cups of Grape Juice over one cup of sugar, allow to heat and then allow to get cold; add one-half cup. of orange juice and pulp of oranges. Serve in glassés and top with whipped and sweetened cream: Robert H. Barber, "Guelph, was stricken with apoplexy while fishing, and when found by his companion was nearly drowned. nn Gary & Practical Home Dress Making Prepared Specially for This Newspaper An Ideal Coat for Spring. development than men's wear serge. Poiret twill or tricotine. These ma- terials, too, are within the reach of the woman who must economize by doing her own sewing. There is a box plait each side of the center back, the front being held in with a parrow_ belt that buttons to the poe- kets. Revers and collar are of self- material, medium size requiring 4% yards 64 inches wide * The home dressmaker must ly the different sections of the pattern oa the material just as shown in the guide to preserve the splendid Nnes of the coat when cutting. On the lengthwise fold these rest and collar and back, Although the front and sleeve lay near the fold they are so arranged that their lines of large "0" perforation rest on & lengthwise thread. Sufficient room is left between the collar and front for thé cuff and the SAXONS CHUMMY WITH CANADIAN GUARDSMEN Prisoners Anxicus Not to be Mistaken For Prussians--Decmoralized and Ready to Surrender A letter from Lance-Corporal G. M. Waring, of the Canadian Grenadier Guards Overseas Battalion, gives a good idea of the thankfulness with which the Germans get taken prison- ers. According to the letter they seemed to be all ready for surrender, with their haversacks packed Ex- tracts from the letter are as follows. German Red Cross Men Good "l am writing this in front of a cheery fire, We are four of us, in an old cellar. The balance came out of the trenches after going over the parapet again, 1 was left in our trench with two other signallers and two stretcher-bearers to help to guide out wounded and prisoners, and it wasn't a nice job at all, as the shelling was terrifying, and the prisoners were blue with fear. They were a good lot though, all Saxons, and called us all 'Kamerads' [I had quite a talk in French with a Fritz Corporal of the 146th Battalion, Sax- ons. He sald they were not against the British. They were very chummy with us, giving us brandy, cigars, and rye bread, and their Red Cross men did wonderful work with our wound- ed. There were three of their Red Cross men and they worked on our men out in shell holes under terrific shell fire, doing fine work. They Had Had Enough "It was rather comical--yours truly leading out a party of Fritzies, hold- ing on to an old bomb which I'd never had to use, anyway, and fifteen Frit. zles following behind, meek as lambs more anxious to get out than we were. In the trench all I had to do to take a party anywhere was to just turn around, say 'come on Fritz' and walk ahead. No means of defence was re- quired. A young Red Cross lad (not more than 168) pointed to his hat badge and said 'Saxon nein Prussian,' and was very emphatic on 'not Prps- sian' part. He pointed to us all-- prisoners and captors--and said 'All Saxons and Kamerads.' The poor Fritzies were demoralized with fear at their own shell fire. It must be awful for ther, as some prisoners have said that our shelling is worse than any they have been under in our trenches. It was comical to see the pleased smiles on their faces when some of us said 'You go to England, nice place for Fritz They all seem- ed to have been waiting capture as they had haversacks on and all car- ried little sacks full of rye bread and cigars." NATION IN REALITY Win Canada's War First; Then Con- sider Constitutional Changes By what (Canada has done and is doing in the great war, it is admitted by leading British statesmen that she is entitled nut only to nationhood in name but in reality. This statement was made by John Boyd before the members of the Caledonian Society, Montreal, in an address on "The Fiftieth Anniversary of Confedera- tion." He declared that it was very fitting that Sir Robert Borden, as Premtfer, should go to England to sit in conferences with the Ministers of the Mother Country. He referred to the great and glorious deeds of the Canadians in France, but gave credit to the "Fathers of Confederation" for the Canada of to-day. He traced the early history and polftical movements which led up to Confederation, and in conclusion declared: "As to the future, it has been frank- ly admitted by leading British states- men that what Canada has done and is do in (he great world struggle entitles it to be regarded as a nation not only in name but in reality. It is even stated that as a result of the war there must be some change in the constitutional relations of the Dominion and the other great over- seas possessious of the Empire to the Mother Country, and various plans have been suggested in that connec- tion. "The efforts of some are apparently directed towards Centralization, while others see in thé combination of local Autonomy, with co-operation for com- mon interests and purposes, the best possible solution to the problem. The winning of the war must be the first consideration, but when this momen- tous question comes to be considered, as it likely will be after the war is won, all Canadfans will undoubtedly bé found in agreement with the de- DRIVE TURK FROM EUROPE Must be Done Somehow, Commehts a Philadelphia, Journal og "RE PAS aril | 8 needed. Interesting Features "Seal Brand" means a certain, definite blend of high-grade coffee--uniform in quality and always delicious. Don't take any chances-- always insist on having "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. Io %, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 188 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. El NTTLE IVER EE G bears signature Color ess or Pale Faces pgs geting ghd a Carter's Iron Pills | a condiion which will be greatly As Age Advances the Liver Requires occasional slight stimulation. LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. CARTER'S LITTLE SewiR oral < on BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. v All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is good. It is pure. Phone 845 - Price's Syrup OF TAR RAILWAY 0 TRUNK S¥svEm HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS | To Points in ALBERTA, : MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Golng ench TUESDAY from MAY STH to OCTOBER 30th, 1817, Return Hmit of two months, excluding date of sale. An extension of time mit, not exceed | Ink two menths, an HomeseeKern' kets sold in May, June, and July onl can he had on payment of $5.00 fur | ench month or part thereof. Stop-over privileges may he had at Winnipeg and West, alse between | Cochrane and Hearst, For full particulars, apply te J. P. | timnley, Agent, Corner Johwson and Ontario streets. A { HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY. "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future Is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are etill thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Lew Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. Conway, ( P. R. City Ticket Oftice, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197. Cop Liver Qil Stop s CoucH in generous size Bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE; P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish €olds, 215 ssi DIRE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ee eerste itt ili TD TTT Te re ston, GEO. ROBERTSON SON, Limited. ~GASTORIA For Infants and Children, and Genuine Castoria Thirty. Yours CASTORIA THE CENTAUR SONSARY. "Rw YORK SITY, CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE | Between Hamtiton, Toeronte, Picton, Kingston, Cornwall, Montreal and Quebec, EASTBOUND | "Belleville" Toroufo 10 p.m. Monday, Ar. Kingston, W esdny, 5 am. | "City of Ottawa" Lv, Toronto 5 p.m. | Wednesdny. Ar. Kingston, Thursday |. ® am, | "ci ity of Hamliiton" Lv. Teronte, § p.m. [ Saturday, Ar Siaxaten Sunday © a.m. | emettevitter Lv: Mewtreal 7 pom Fri | day. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m.) | cton, Monday a.m, "City of Hamilton" pm. Tuesday. Ar, d Lv, Moatreal, 2 Kingston Thurs- ya City of Ottawa" Ly. Montreal 12 noon Saturday. Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. | For Snythes Information, apply Fhones or 31. PARKS, General Agent. (@LLRORT a] Passenger Service Between Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth te land passengers) Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply fo local agents or to The Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, 50. King Street East. Toronto, -- FOR SALE A 1916 Studebaker Four cylinder, first class conglition. M. E. Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street. | mr A AAA At Garage | Robinson & Wiltshire VULCANIZING All kinds of cars repaired promptly. | Cars washed. Gasoline and oils for | sale. Cars for hire. | With J. M. Martin, | Maxwell Service Station. 110 Clergy Street Phone 1192. il] CITY TAXISTAND 285 King Street. Opposite Castom House Phone 749 Boat, Train and All City Oalls Promptly Attended to. All Hiudetn five ang seves passen ger cars used.

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