Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 12

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. aL ACE ELVIN PI INDIANS WIN ! -- Dozens of People Have Now Tried and Tested [ In The * Sporting Notes | New England at the and to row Eastern are likely North-western to be held at the auspices of the Club, July 13th and 14th. luth will pay the expenses Duluth | | INDIAN BICYCLES and they pronounce them the best ever. Made by a strong reliable company with a strong guarantee that will stand the test. COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE : ROADS There must be satisfied people. The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. Other people tell you that you can get something just as good. YOU GET THE ORIGINAL This is the week to buy. Bicycles will be higher when our present stock is sold. TREADGOL Sporting Goods Co, Telephone 529 wat BE -- 88 Princess St., Kingston. TRY 5c. Poet Cigar Sc. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston, A MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch: and American Granites, Vermont Marble. - | the Portland club eastern oarsmen and also house them while Pittsburg first baseman, is Antonia Brodjeski, 'and he is of Polish pat- | ronage.-- Exchange. Hence, . in a! manner of speaking, his patronymic. | English soccer games during the! recent season netted $332,150. Of] this sum $50,525 went to the English | Government for war tax and $12,890) to charities, { Newport, R.1., is a centre of motor {boating activity and also the place] where many yachtsmen and motor boat owners now enrolled in the] United States naval coast defence re-| serve force are stationed. The St. Louis Browns have secur-! ed Outfielder Kenneth Williams from | of the Pacific Coast League to replace Shotten, who | who is suffering from partial par-| alysis of his arms as the result of| tonsilitis. | Scholes for Whitby convalescent sol-| diers, was delifered to them on Sun-| day. It was taken down on an auto] truck. Francis Ouiment has appliéd to, the United States Golf Association] for reinstatement as an eligible am- ateur. Owing to some of the mem- bers of the association being absent) from the meeting yesterday the case was left over. The well-known steeplechase rider and trainer of race horses in Eng- land, Major C. T. L. Beatty, D.8.O,, and brother of Admiral Sir David Beatty, has died of wounds received at St. Eloi. Lieut. John Edward Raphel, who has died of wounds was a famous Oxford University international Rug- by footballer. He was also an Ox-| ford and Surrey County cricketer, being county captain. Jack Kelly, champion single scul- ler of the Schuylkill river for the past .three years, defended his title on Saturday afternoon at Philaled- phia. "DIDN'T SAY IT"--M'GRAW Manager of Giants Denies Having Aspersed Tener. What had threatened one of the most serio troubles the National L#¥ " ™u has faced in years was pract Lilewred up at New York whea John J. Mc-| Graw, manager of the Giants, repu- | diated all charges he was alleged to | have made against president Tener. In a written statement, McGraw said he had not said or intimated anything that might be construed to | reflect in any way upon the National League president. McGraw's statement follows: "I have this day read for the first time certain scurrilous newspaper ar- ticles under date of June 14th, pur- porting to represent interviews be- tween myself and reporters criticiz-| ing the National League, some of its| clubs and its president, John K. Ten- er. After having read the same care- fully, I desire to state that I did not make the statements nor give out any intimation, any utterance that might be construed to in any way reflect upon the ability, honesty and integrity of the president of the league of any of its clubs, members or officials, or upon the league or the game itself." (Signed) John J. McGraw. HANS WAGNER MAY REPLACE Callahan as the Boss of the Pitts- burg Pirates. It looks as if the skids were to be put under Jimmy Callahan in Pitts- burg, Pa. The popular Jéeems has of late been pointed out as the chief reason why the Pirates have not made a better showing, and as the anvil chorus has begun in earnest it may be that Jimmy will soon be on his way out. The fact that he has had nothing but minor leaguers of mediocre class become ternal to The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. _897 Princess Street. Telephone 1981 from which to choose and that the i material has not been of the sort from which first division clubs are t | who are raising their voices in the ! | | {lahan the crews | annual} best under his direction. International regatta, | Duluth, Minn., under | Boat | The Du- | of the|an Dutchman woull take the job in there. | j cal, The real name of Bunny Brief, the | The Henley punt, built by "Nat" |® {sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for molded is not considered by those World Of Sport | DEATH OF "JOE" M'MAHON | for a new manager. Jimmy fis | charged with riding his players in-' Who Was cessantly both on and off the field, and in the indictments against Cal- Pirates are not in the for not trying their cry { Formerly a Trainer at Queen's, The Hamilton Spectator says: The death of 'Joe McMahon removes a character well known in sporting, a , i circles both as a ba ay : Those who clamor for. Callahan's bl A BS = hal) Mayer aad. 9} Se ainer, In the days when the City] release are in favor for the most) qo, < 3 lk ) : 2 gue held the boards at Britannia| part of making Hans Wagner the Kk DY el Da enter. but whether the Veter park, Joe played with the St. Pats, | ira » k St. Lawrence's and other teams and while he was never considered a top-| notcher he was always looked upon as a good utility player and won many |a game by his hits in the pinches. { Joe did not confine his athletic activ- ities to baseball, for he appeared in the roped arena on more than one oc- ling race horses, the get of cete-1 Asin ad always managed io make] brated sires and forming the entire things interesting for the man he was ra Blres « {up against. Along with "Dink™ stable of the famous Sledmere studi ~, . Po > Dont sold to an American | Campbell, who is now at the front, Joe acted at trainer for the Queen's ; Sir Mark Sykes. i : buyer NY a 2a hive price have not! university football and hockey teams € J z re o and was right hand man to Tommy been announced, but Sledmere's al- " i Power and Lawrence (Dick) Robert- ways have fetched big prices at the' 3 ads imy son when the pair were training long annua Cites ....| distance runners. To know Joe was In the last sale before the war + : ineteen animals fetched £47,000. | to like him, for he was a good fellow pineleen. ania % ? * |in the true sense of the word and his {death will cause general regret among | a large circle of friends, least censured the event that the ousting of Cal- lahan is accomplished is problemati- ---------- More English Horses Coming. As a result of the prohibition of racing in England, seventeen year- Would Limit Dog Breeding. The Food Controller has written to the National ->Canine Defence League that dogs should not be al-| lowed to be bred this year "in order| to make the existing small stock of} food last longer for the dogs now living." The League has asked Mr. Bonar Law to receive a deputation on the question of dog keeping. Wilde Has Recovered. Jimmy Wilde, the world's fly-| weight champion, has ronovered, from his breakdown and re-| turned to British army headquar-/ ters at Aldershot. Wilde's fragile! physique hardly was fitted to with-| stand the strenuous military exer- cises and he has now been appointed! boxing instructor to the officers of| the military college at Sandhurst. This will be more in keeping with his natural talent and will make no demands upon his physique that he| { tate of Oh of Toledo, Lucas ( Frank J is senior Cheney & city of Toledo, said, and that sa y makes oath that he of the firm of F. | 1g business in th ity and State afore- firm will pay the e will be unable to meet, of Catarrh that the use of HA each and every case cannot he cured by CATARRH CURE FRANK J. CHEN Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of Decem- ber, A.D). 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free An American record for the fif- teen-mile walk of 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 17 3-5 seconds, was made by Eddie Renz of the New York Ath- letic Club in the open patriotic walk of the Walkers' Club of America at New York on Sunday. The former T , free. . record for the distance was 2.14.44 WL CHENEY 2 00; Tate, 9 | made by William O'Keefe on Decem- Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ber 31st, 1880. ma IT IS UNPATRIOTIC | Al ROYAL VINOLIA SHAVING STICK Save in every way you can, of course. Save money by shaving yourself with Royal Vinolia; save your face any irritation--save your temper--save time. This exquisitely pure, free lathering soap ensures a comfortable shave. You have a choice of shaving Stick, Powder or Cream--all alike perfect. Each 25¢ at all Druggists. VINOLIA COMPANY LIMITED 4 [| Soap Makers to H. M. the King TORONTO Paris EEE TE We Live But Once Leading Undertaker -- Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking ~ Milo Cigar Made in Kingston by GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of providing for your old age ar your beneficiary is the Monthly Income Polley of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. Kingston's Electric Store Now that summer is here at last you will be using electric irons, toasters, grills and fans. We have a splendid stock of all at reasonable prices. TRIC CO HW. NEWMAN El RIC C0 79 Princess St. J ESSE A + SEE OUR LINE OF PERIOD FURNITURE x = a ? - 1 the latest designs and finishes, in Dining, Living and Bedroom Fur. niture, a, R. J. REID, Phone 577 mnt RN White Footwear For Women and Children Women's White Canvas High Shoes with high and low heels, $3.50 to $6.00. Women's White Canvas Pumps and Ox- fords, $2.00 to $5.00. ~ Women's Tennis Shoes in All Styles. Children's White Canvas Pumps and Rub- ber Sole Shoes from $1.00 to $1.50. Boys' Tennis Shoes, the very best kind, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. J. H.Sutherland & Bro. BRINGING UP FATHER ~t By GEORGE McMANUS. BY <OLLY- THAT BOAT LOOKS AS THOUGH IT WUZ SINKIN? OSAY- CAPTAIN! WHAT'S THE THAT SHIP: WE SENT THEM A LINE WELL ARENT You COIN TO TRY YO SAVE FER COODNESS SAKE WUZ THEY WAITIN FER AN INVITATION? |®

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