Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 2

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PAGE TWO FINE FURS: JUNE, JULY and AUGUST Store Closes 5 O'Clock! ed, however, the piivky that were | Daily. JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock St. P= RR ER Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Reated and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 8 % Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. | Frank R | Weston | | | PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 822; House 611 Oars washed. Gasoline and Cil For Bale. Agent for Imp. Carbon Chaser B. ARADIS, Prop. Rideau Street Frame dwelling, almost new, modern, 6 rooms, good cellar, Owner out of town. Offering for a few days at, $1300. Colborne Street. Near Clergy street; solid brick dwelling, modern, 7 rooms. Rental $216. Yours for $2150. McCann, { | | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. 0 MILE IN 2.17 MINUTES COUNTY PAYS 15 PER CENT. INCIDENTS OF THE AY ow NED BY E. J. MET- BAT HIS RECORD. FRANK R., CALFE, A Sensation sprung Work-Out of Horses on the Fair Grounds on at > edne: sds ay Afternoon. necessary the can- inee of the Driving and was planned af 100n at the Fair clear- SE ion Kingston Gentler Matinee Club, We inesday Grounds When th for rack had out. sensation e made by a wi R first Frank » second heat of the results were: 217 in t race. The Class "A." (E. J. Metcalfe) Gentry (G. Dar- ragh) Time--2.23 Majestic Penalty Time Hal Little Minnie (R Green wood) ¥ Senator Murphy Caugherty) Maud R. (J Time-----2.37, 2 The officials were---J. Nesbitt, starter; W. F. Kelly, T. K. Nichol son and J. Little, judges; G. Veale, clerk of the course; and F. Bear- ance, timekeeper. Practically all of 'the horses will be raced at Napanee on Dominion Day. «J Mc Lowry) 13 Bowling on Wednesday In a scheduled bowing game of | series B at Queen's bowling green on Wednesday evening Skip McMil- lan defeated Skip Montgomery by 15 to8. The teams: J. A. Gorre, W. King, W. J. F. McMillan, skip. H. Graham, G. Lawes, R. venson, W. H. Montgomery, Burns, H. Ste- skip. Achievement Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see | as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses his career. Yours may be such a case. Consultation free, JS Asselsine D.0S 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and ves ses 100, 12%c, 18c Ib, Peaches, 2 lbs for BSc. pricots ... ... 18c Ib. W. RMcRea & o When You Have Selected The R you like best from our wonderfully attrac- tive collection we'll send it to your house any time yousay. Ifitis oad at once for some special occasion we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. Or if you are not quite ready to receive it we wiil set it aside until you are ready. Ls R. Kingston afternoon | of | o [Nr s | damaged. S| party =| it was felt by the members that Mr. =| provincial =| formed and addresses given. te ---- OF COST OF "Ren ILDING ROAD) FROM KALADAR TO DENBIGH Ontario Government Pays Sixty Per Addington Road Will Cent and Lennox and Fifteen Per Cent--The Cost $40,000, W. D. Black, M.P.P, ! the County Council on afternoon with reference the Ontario Government is building | between Kaladar and Denbigh. This is a forty-mile highway on theboun- dary of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington. The Government is pay- ing sixty per cent of the cost and | Lennox and Addington has agreed to] | pay fifteen per cent. Mr. Black ask-| {ed that the Frontenac Council also | pay fifteen per cent, the remaining ten per cent he hopes to get from | railway and mining companies and | private parties. The cost of the road! | will be $40,000. This year's expen- | diture will be $6,000, so that Fron-| tenac County is called upon to pay [ $900 of that amount. The report of Black was granted in thanking the Council for its prompt action, Mr. Black said that north Frontenac had great possibili- only as a mining county, hut as a summer resort. It was a hunter's and a fisherman's paradise Dr. A. W. Richardson, president, {and Ale 'xander Jack, inspector, of the | Children's Aid Society, addressed the | council and asked that its grant be | increased from $200 to $400. A by-law was introduced fixing the | county assessment for 1917 at $6,- 1921,500. | | By-laws were also read prov iding | for raising $43,000 for road pur-| poses, of this amount $8,000 is for] | the suburban road area. 'A BIG INCREASE IN MILK VENDORS | Already This s Year Ninety-8ix | | Licenses Have Been Tak- en Out. addressed Wednesday to the road ties not Constable Samuel Arniel, who | given the task of rounding up | people who are called upon to pay | for a license, is lining them up in great shape. It was reported ready 96 licenses for the sale of milk, while last year | the total number of licenses for | milk vendors was 42. There was rather an unusual oc- currence in regard to the licenses | for the sale of milk in that a man who wanted to get his supply of | milk from a man who keeps a cow, but who does not make a busi ness | | of selling his milk to the people | | generally, paid for the license. The | | man with the cow did not intend to { secure a license, and rather than be | deprived of securing the milk his | customer 'went down into his own | | pocket for the price of the license. | was the | to-day that al- had been issued IN MARINE CIRCLES | | The Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harbor. Steamer Belleville passed down| from Toronto to Montreal, Thurs-| day. | Steamer Toronto down and up on | Thureday. { Steamer Bickerdike passed up| Thursday momming, with package freight. Arrivals: Schooner St. Louis from Oswego, coal; steamer City of Dresden from Erie, coal; steamer Jex, with barge Condor from Os- wego, coal; steamer Jeska, from Fairhaven, coal; schooner Eccles, from Oswego, coal; tug Magnolia, from Welland Canal, with barge Brookdale, grain; steamer India from Lake Erie, coal, and barge Ungava, Port Colborne, grain; tug Emergon from Port Colborne with barge Hamilton, grain; tug Clyde, from Montreal light barges. Clearances: Tug Magnolia for Montreal, coal barges; schooner Jamieson, for Oswego; schooner Sir Oliver Mowat, for Sodus. The Government steamer Gren- ville is coaling at Swift's wharf. The collision between the steamer Natironco with the steamer Eastern | States in the Detroit River on Tues- day morning is the third accident that the former has been in since the season opened. Over a month | ago 'the boat ran into one of the locks at the Welland Canal and was On May 16th it went ashore at Charity Shoal, and on Tuesday it was sunk. The tug Conqueror with two coal- laden barges in tow, owned by the Dincennes McNaughton Co., of Montreal, went ashore at the en- | trance to the Cardinal Canal Thursday morning. SIDETRACKED THE ISSUE. Independent Polit'cal Party Receiv- ed Letter From W. F. Nickle, M.P. At a well-attended meeting on Wednesday night of the Independ- ent Political Party, recently formed in this city, a letter was received from W. F. Nickle, M.P., regarding the recent resolution passed by the asking that wealth be con- scripted as well as man power, but Nickle was side-tracking the issue, and no further action was taken. W. Guild and W, Baxter were ap- pointed delegates to attend a con- vention which is to be held in To- ronto on Dominion Day, when a organization will be Did Good Work. Ex-AM. W. J. Fair is a real lve The Ladies' Ald of the Methodist Chirch, Cataraqui, will hold a sale ® of home-made dainties at 345 King street, street, near Princess | C. Knapp, Johnson street. | a nice assortment of boys' and men's | morning from |a cow struck by | Private J. H. | old son of H. LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS or GENERAL 1 INTEREST. 'Happenings In "the City and vty ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. i Wilfrid Bird, Montreal, cured a position with A Princess street, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. . Several more Kingston ladies have taken wool from the American Con-| gulate to knit for the American sail ors. Ur. and Mrs have taken a house the summer and will go there July. Miss ktreet, and uncle, Montreal. Col. Perreau, has se . Hunt, | | Doward, Toronto.| in Kingston for 1st of} Gertrude Davis, soitrest] left Tuesday to visit her aunt| Mr. and Mrs. A: Davis inf commandant of thed | Royal Military College, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cory, Park Crescent, Toronto Mrs. J. D. Craig, Ottawa, is saving) at'the end of tiie month for Cape Vin-| cent, N.Y., where she will spend the| summer with her people. The street realiway company cured one of the big military trucks | to tow the cars stranded in Tuesday |' night's storm to the barns. The Somme Club has been asked | to serve refreshments at the official | opening of a new rec reation and vo-| cational training room at the Mowat | Memorial Hospital Mrs. James Knapp and the Misses Luella and Stella Knapp are expected to arrive in the city on Thursday from Pasadena, Cal., to visit Dr. A Dee r| se-| Edward Mooers, City Assessor is now working in Frontenac ward. He/| finds the population keeping up well He reports a great throng of young | men in service at the front Prevost, Brock street. has received summer suits, also men's pants. We have the best value in the city| for blue and Oxford grey suits. The funeral of the late Miss Mary Eilen Shaw occurred on Thursday St. Mary's cathedral where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the repose of her soul. A local motorist has been summon- | ed to appear in Hespeler on a charge | of speeding through the village He| claims that there is some mistake, as | he has never been in Hespeler. C. T. Chapman, Ingersoll, has re-| signed the leadership of the choir of | the Methodist church there and with] testimonials for efficiency. He is a| | son of W. J. Chapman, Queen street. | William Abbott, Outer Station, had | lightning on Tues-| day night. The insurance has been | | paid by the British American Insur- ance Company, through its local agent, W. H. Godwin. | SOLDIER Orser Falls--Went | With 146th. Word has been received that Pri- | vate J. H. Orser, the nineteen-year- | C. Orser, farmer, re- siding near Glenvale, has been kill- | ed in action. Pte. Orser went over-| seas last fall with the 146th Bat- talion, and wa transferred to the | 4th Mounted Rifles. Besides his | parents, he leaves a younger brother and three sisters. GLENVALE KILLED. Fined For Assaulting Wife. The case in which a young man was accused of non-support and as- saulting his wife was heard in Pol- joe Court Thursday morning. The accused was fined $5 and costs on the charge of assault. He has en- listed for overseas service and has signed over his pay to his wife. Justice Britton Not to Retire. From the home of Justice Britton in Toronto a denial was issued to the report that his Lordship would re- tire from the Bench. Justice Brit- ton is in good health, it was stated, and well able to discharge hi§ judi- cial duties. | Moonlight Excursion. Do not miss taking the popular Str. Thousand Islander, Thursday June 28th, for a cruise among the] Islands. Boat leaves foot of Brock street at 8 p.m. Tickets 35c. | "The Hat Store" LADIES' HATS AT LOW PRICES | THE. FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF The Ladies' Home Journal On Sale Wednesday Containing four full page color pictures of President Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell's First Note, and Putting the Stars on the First Flag. BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS From the New York Musical S hows -- Poor Butterfly, Pretty Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want To Be Good But My Eyes Won't Let Me, When the Girls Grow Older They Grow a Little Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany. The College Book Store, District Agents for The Curtis Pub. Co. 160-162 Princess St. Phone 919. A A Melting Time Brisk Business i in in Wash I Dress Goods is Making the Piles Melt Quickly. We Show the Newest Out in NOVELTY VOILE NEW CLOTH-- SEED VOILE-- FANCY MARQUISETTE-- RECEPTION VOILE -- FANCY CREPE-- SPORT CLOTH-- FANCY STRIPE VOILE-- DOLLY MADISON VOILE-- GINGHAMS-- CHAMBRAYS-- POPLINS, ETC., ETC. Prices Start at 15¢ a yard. PICTORIAL PATTERNS FOR JULY Newman&Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Diamonds | We Always have "Specials" in Diamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaire" Diamond Rings, set in platinum 'and 18K. gold at $100.00. These should prove very grat- ifying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Furs! All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W.F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. anal] en # ------ On Earl Street BUILDERS' SUPPLIES weeoq CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United Baten ally 1.30 Foy and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto &nd west, including Wester States 0 Grand rink' and all 'west f , 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. . 10.15 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL MEETS | And Passes By-law For Construction i of Road. A special meeting of the City Council was held at five o'clock Wednesday afternoon to pass the {by-daw required for the construction {of an asphalt macadam roadway | from Tete de Pont barracks gate to | week, the new causeway. There were just | enough members present to pass the measure, so that work will be { started immediately. ! » At Monday night's meeting the | council passed a resolution for pay- {ing the corporation "laborers every in order that the city engin- | eer might be able to handle trans- i i up, outing $1.00, and we are now selling trimmed hats at big reductions. $6.00 Hats for ... : $8.00 Hats for ... - $3.48 Watch Our Windows. Genre Mls & Co | 126 and 128 Princess St i ient labor. Upon the advice of the uditor, the council changed ution, and provided that i 0 |would always be at the dis- the engineer to meet cases {of emergency. SCHOOLS C1O8E | TO-MORROW | The "Kiddies" Will Be in High Glee After Friday. Friday will be "red letter" duy with the school children of the city, the schools will close for the sum- Near Barrie. A detached dwelling with 7 rooms, B. and (. separate, gas for lighting and cooking, cellar, good yard and driveway For $2250. Possession at once, On Chatham St. A detached frame dwelling For $700 Easy terms. SAND Nice'clean sand for Concrete and Mason- ery work. A great list of bargains at office. Call and let us know your wants. \E.W Mullin&Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sis. Sellers of Real Estate S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, , Ont. Phones: Office 86, Factory 1415 Sone Lumber. Conl and Wood eed Phones 539 and 1450. on 'F RUBBER 2 BATHING CAPS --KEEP THE HAIR DRY-- S70 a oh 4 ARE: Yer TOR} Tight Fitting Diving Caps Loose Tops with Tight Bands, Green, Blue, Red, Rose, Blue and White, Black, Etc. 25¢ to £1.00. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Princess ¢ and Bagot Streets dv SERVE YOU

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