Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 3

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DEAF PEOPLE Deatnony and nofeen in he head J) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917, ! | Purdy's, | } Ji. has hen rink after years' deafness. Frontenac GLENDOWER. The cooks at moved Mra. 1 from their completely Wore Jn twe vil leased to re June spar mines have boarding houses has returned home hospital. People have ing There was tendance from the vicir camp mesling on Sunday new spedkers will address the arings this week. the feld- into the new Babcock Kingston plant- large at- at the Some gath- 20 f t paid pon the 1 t oO order for $1 g betiter at any price "Orlene" Co., H. T. Richards, Dartford Kent, Eng. this pi postal noth Address: Watling ' Street, Please mein mention SAYS IT IS STICKY BUT WHO WILL CARE Cincinnati Man Tells How to Shrivel Up Corns So They Life Out, or mk done, 'SANGSTER. 19.--The rain of last Sun- day much appreciated by the farmers. M. J. Cochrane took a load of hogs to Westport on Saturday for shipment Statute labor ig the or- der of the day. Messrs. M. J. and P. Daly and P. J. O'Connor made a business trip to Kingston on Friday. Helen Magnet Kingston, is iting- at William Rya John E. O'Connor and sister, Lena and Nel-|° lie Jennings, of Cole Lake, at P onnor's. Miss Ella Fitzgeralds, at Nicholas Murphy's; . Young at T. Barrett's, June was Ouch ! 2! 2 ' ! This kind of rough talk will be heard less here in town if people troubled with corns | yi. will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called free zone when applied to a tender, ach ing corn stops soreness at once, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out without pain He says freezone stance which dries never inflames or surrounding tissue skin ter of an ounce, which v little at any drug be sufficient to remove soft corn or callous from feet Millions of American t sub tnd the is a immed even irritate RAILUTON. f June 19.--The farmers in this neighborhood are nearly all through | planting A gloom was cast over this vieinity by the sudden death of P. Boyle, who passed away Wednes- one's day after a few days' illness. The womeli funeral took place .on Friday to St. : Patrick's church, Railton, where will welcome this announcement | A . | since the inauguration the high| Solemn requiem mass was sung by heels, | Rev. Father Staley. . A number of the young people spent a pleasant ---- AAA § 3 . } TTT {evening at the home of Mr. Francis | fook's Cotton Koot Compound: { Grainger on Tuesday evening. An- drew Grainger made a business trip A reliable regulating : sticky or store, every har alt of 2dticine. Bold in three de | L0 Desert Lake last Monday. Michael of qrengih-No. 1, 81 | Grainger, Michael Mohan and Wil- Bold by 3.3% pes bez, | lian McQuaide took a flying trip to nn e the TAmestone City on Saturday. res pamphlet: Waphe| THE COOK MEDICINE C6, TORONTO. OW. (Formerly Winlows.' uit dr BARRIEFIELD. June 19 Edward Bryant, who has been visiting friends in the west, has returned, and is visiting relatives and friends here before leaving for Toron to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Saunders and two children, city, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wat Stan ton, sr. Mrs. Boyle, of Belleville, i visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ander son Mrs. A. Leader and two chil- | dren spent Sunday at Westbrooke. All the people around here are doing taeir bit to help in the greater pro- duction movemeni, and although the weather has been rather backward, gardens are looking very well, Miss | Alice Norman, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. Hunter, of the Isle of Man, has returned home Mr. Walker, who has been visiting friends in the country, has returned. Miss Hilda Shurrway, city, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs fi Saunders. A. Le H idly ho- $rad hMPleg broken, is doing fic ely. COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. " 'N(' A relia DR. DeVAN"S FRENCH PILLS {5% ulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for 10. Wold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. Tue ScokELr Prue Co., 8. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, . 52% Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter": a Tonfe-- will build yon up. $3 a box or | two for $6, at drug stores, or hy mail on receipt of price. "Tr Scoueut DRua Co, Ht. Catharines, Ontario "Sold at Mahood's Drng Store." Ea a a TY PALL RIVER. June 20.--Rain is badly needed. Crops are looking fine. A number from here intend taking in the Red Cross social at Zealand on the 28th, Matthew Ferguson is an employee "in the "spar" mines at William Munro's. Mrs Robert Buchanan made a business trip to Sharbot Lake on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Armstrong, of Zealand, spent a few days with friends at Clyde Forks. Mrs. England, sr., is spending the months at Archie Gray's. and Mrs. M. Ferguson and Mrs. J. Stevenson at T. Kirkham's, sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palmer and family at W. Palmer's; Mr. Brooke's friends at John Conroy's; R. Gray and Misses Black as Dirt About the Eyes | Liver Was All Upset and There Was Pain Under the Shoulder-blade --Two Intevesting Letters, A summer Mr. The Popular Drug Store Toronto, Ont., June 21.--So many people suffer from derangements of the liver that we feel sure these two reports, just recently received, will prove interesting reading and valu- able information to many readers of this paper. Mrs. F. lL. Open Sundays 124 Princess Street. : Princess divi St Branch: Princess & Division Sts Harris, Keatley P.O. Sask., writes: "I was suffering from liver trouble--had a heavy pain un der one shoulder blade all the time, «nd was nearly as black as dirt around thé eyes, so I concluded tp try Chase's Kidaéy-Liver | pills. 1 did so, and bef | ken one 25¢ box the pain and 1 commenced to gainVin flesh, I and by the time I had taken two ll! boxes I was completely cured and felt l like a pew person. My trouble was ll! caused by heavy work out-of-doors, jand, of course, heavy eating, and | constipation. I would advise anyone | suffering from kidney or liver troubls to sive Dr. Chase's Pills a trial," Charles "Terry, Tweed, Ont. : "Before 1 was married 1 was ll troubled with enlargement of the ll liver. My liver became so enlarged i that you could detect the swellings i on either side, and it was only with | difficulty that I could get my clothes i. A friend advised me to get Dr. I! Chase's' Kidney-Liver Pills and take |them. 1 eommenced this treatment, i fl nd used nine boxes, which cured me lll at that time. Then, about twe or | three years afterward 1 was troubled Our Charges Are ll again with the swelling, but only on li ny right side. 1 secured some more Moderate | Kidney-Liver Pills and took them, Our Work Is || which finally cured me. 1 have not Guaranteed. Keeley Jr., M.0D.. ean cheerfally recommend Dr oO H 8 doors mhove he pera House. Riis (LAV ANNOT SEE Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, an Eye Glass Fitting | | having kidney or liver trouble "We have alsc found Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine excellant for coughs and colds. In fact, any of Dr. Chase's medicines which we have used have been good." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one ol 5 for §1.00, at 3 « , Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto, Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills to anyone Princesa Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, where sailing dall. this week. Mrs. vice was conducted by Rev ter at the Union Church, tery. in visitors: C Mills son, Mrs. to rison who has been attending Ottawa Nor- mal been few gent Sunday spector of Separate town this week. Tennessee day with her mother | has returned to home at Janes' after spending a few week. Messrs. F'. Ateheson, W. automabile. Harlem, st IR Miller's; Mrs. R. Miller at B. Kirkham at people from T. W. Duf Jennie Severa Gray and ition motored to SEELEY'S BAY. June 19.--Mrs. F. W. Young. has returned home from Syracuse, N.Y. | her uncle died on Monday, June 11th. Miss Blanche Shook, | who is in training for a nurse at Cornwall, is home for her holidays Harry Struthers and family are re- moving to Delta. George Hurlburt has returned home from a few days' on the steamer John Ran- Road work is being done here | Sunday son's; Cook's; | Mr and Mrs. B. Martin and chiidren | at Miss Mable Weese at C Arnold's. Murvale; W. L. Storms and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hart- , Camden East; at' J. E. Storms'; I Irish and Mr. and , at B. Bab- ily and , Yarker SELBY. June 20--We are glad to say that Rev Cook is to remain with us anothe ar. Mr. 'and Mrs. Lane, Dent spent last week at R. U Paul's. Miss Gracie Hudgin, who Ww last week to the General Hos- pital, Kingston, for treatment, we are glad to say is gaining. F. Deni- son and W. Ramsay have purchased cars. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frealsen spent y in Kingston, C. Lueas, is building a cement walk on the east side of Main street Mrs (G. Sexsmith is spending a few at W. J. Booth's, Forest Mills. Williams and daughter spent at" Centreville. Visitors: Pringle and family at D. Deni- Mr. Chaplin at Rev. Mr. Mrs. Weese at R. W. Paul's; lays Mrs R. Mrs. K. Weese and H. Martin's; DULCEMAINE. 1 June 18.--The funeral of the late John Earl took place on Thurs-| ¢ attended, Ser-| © Mr. Win- after which he remains were placed in the ceme- Mr. and Mrs. A. Earle visited Junetown on Monday. Recent | McCready, Lyndhurst, P. | I 'atience, Taylor, J. Hogan, Kingston ; T. Yateg, Mr. and Mrs. Herbi and Mrs. Topping, Heaslip, Melcombe lay, and was largely WESTPORT. r J. 8. Myers was ca on. Saturday fi, ied his sister, Mrs. Har- Mrs. Nettie Taggart, June 18.- Havelock illness of Wing he on Mon-|P who has school, arrived home Mrs. J. Donaghue, visiting in Mallorytown for a| days, has returned home. Mrs. Reynolds, Sharbot Lake, is a guest] of her sister Mrs. William Sar-| Robert Blair, Athens, spent] with his parents, Mr. and | Blair. J. E. Jones, in-| { schools, was in| Thomas S. Duncan, | M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Greek the University of the South Sewanee, i arrived in town Saturday. | lay. Mrs. David MORTON. Miss Mary home at past Jacob has| Liyndhurst | i week at J. June 18 returned to her after spending the Coon"s | | | | A. Willis. la Graham spent a couple of days| week in Kingston B. Somer- [1 ville and family, Cramrworth, spent | 1 Sunday In the village A number |, fromm her attended the concert at | Lyndhurst on Thursday evening|"® last. Miss Laura Wiltse, who has | been attending high school at To- | ronto, has returned to her home for | the holidays. Miss Beatrice Burteh Falls days with h aunt, Mrs. J. Flynn. Charles Stéw- art spent a few days with 'his par ents last week. Simpson, Jones' Falls, at J. Stewart's. , Mrs Dr last spent Sunday K a e OUTLET. C June 18 The farmers are all finished planting yet on account| of the heavy rain here, but oats and jo hay are looki 2 well. The Shep-|¢ pard brothers an¥ Iriends were out | to the lake on Sunday to spend a few hours... Mrs. Albert Greer and daughter, Miss Faith Greer, of Lansdowne, spent the afternoon at| their cottage on Greer's Point. Pentecosts ing on a revival. There was a large | number in attendance on Sunday. The meetings are carried on by Rev. C. Cross, Rev. T. MceCrady and Rev. G. Chambers. F. Mallory, - of Mallorytown, spent the day at the Outlet. Mrs. George Reid and her daughter, Gladys, and son, Arthur, |} spent a few days last 'week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brad- ley, of Athens. James Fody, the IE | who have been attending Perth Col- | { with | Ferguson's Falls. Brockville; | T Miss Iva Shepherd, relatives in Ottawa last week, with $84 691.10 last year. at| Administration of Justice. 3 ( Mrs. H. J. Dean spent Mon- jo Nejon. & Surplus, Mr. and Mrs. Butns | Administration of Justice .$ 7 Bridges 23 wah ied not | Division Court | 1st nd Gaol 'oy : The | Grand Trunk Subw ay oe 2 at the Grove are carry- | Patriotic purposes ... Children's Aid Society | General Hospital Infants' Orphans' Home CL Harrowsmith Agric ultural FERGUSON'S. FALLS. 19.--The Misses Edna and MaelLaren, of Wolfe Island, June velyn are spending a few days aunt, Mrs. M. Gray, of Miss M. Gray has for her holidays. who was visiting has egiate, their eturned home eturned home. COUNTY COUNCIL BUDGET ROVIDES FOR JR THE EXPENDI- TURE OF $89,200.89, The Sum of $12,150 Is For Patriotic Purposes -- The Tax Rate To Be Nine Mills. The County Council his vear provides for ure of $89,200.89, budget for the expendi- as compared The tax ate will be nine mills. The budget s as follows: Estimated Revenue $ 00 00 00 00 00 00 ov oe 00 ou 49 2,300 L000 10 3,000 70. 165. 500 80 75 L100 607 'ourt House Nvision Court 'ines . aol nterest Jdeensey . Registry Office Tile « = 1916 5,907.49 Assessment, $6,921,500 at 9 mills . . ,293.5¢ e000 .9¢ Estimated Expenditure 500.00 400.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,400.00 200.60 ,900.00 000.00 2,600.00 ,194.58 750.00 700.60 300.00 200.00 60.00 Ri Rib} 00 00 00 00 harity . ounty C ouneil ourt House Debe ntures and interest Jducation cee 1aol daoler « sen Turnkey Turnkey Gaol Matron Surgeon Hotel Dieu ... ... .. .. Home ... ...|. Society : linchinbrooke Agricultural Society Kemer Saclety 50.08 50.00 Agricultural road overséer here, has the stone all | Kingston Industrial Fair out ready to erush. He is a hustler and does not want any slackers. ELGIN. June 18.--Miss Blanche Halla- day, who has been a patient of St. |C Vincent, Brockville, has returned home. Mrs. W. Sheldon has return- ed from spending a few days at Brockville. John Topping, sr., met | with the misfortune to fall and frae- ture his hip last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey were at Kingston last Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Smith's Falls, were guests of rela- tives. Confirmation services were conducted in the Anglican church on the 10th inst. Lieut. H. A. Conn, on leave of absence from overseas service, was renewing acquaint ances in thé village. Miss Jean Daf- gavel, St. Agnes' College, Belleville, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Delfa, spent a Tew days in the village. Mr. Ferguson and family spent Sunday with rela- tives in Athens. T. Grey is kept busy delivering on the oil waggon. Grey, GG. Morhan and H. De Ling have pur- chased autos the past week. Frank Munro has returned from spending a few davs with relatives at Iro- quois. Lennox and STORM'S CORNERS. June 20.--The weather is fine } and warm and all kinds of craps and vegetables are growing rapidly. Mrs. Metzler and daughter, after spending a week in Kingstcnw znd Glenburnie, : have returned home, The Wilton Ladies' Aid held its monthly meeting at Mrs. B. Bah- cock's, where there was an ufiasu- ally large attendance. F. Cole Is spending a few weeks near Odessy. taking care of Mr. Gilbert, who had a very bad Stoke and is paralized. 8S. Simmons has purchased a fine Mrs. s'a Gile, Association 100.00 Storringtoft Agric ultural | Society . .. 50 00 Wolfe Island Agric ultural Society ... ' 59.00 entral Farmers' Institute 25.00 NEW STRENGTH FOR LAME BACK. -- Latter Tells of Lane looked - for Presoription. Te 1. i i 8 Te L Probs: FRIDAY Bargains ! } Below we enumerate some extra special values that should make instant appeal to every thrifty woman. LADIES' HOSE: 240 pair black and tan lisle and cotton hose--in lace, embroider- ed and novelty color combinations. For a quick clean up, Friday .. .. ... . and 35c a pair. Sold formerly at 22¢, 25¢ 13c MEN'S SILK SOCKS: 180 pair Radium quality silk socks. A very special value with double toe and high spliead) ankle. 385¢cor.. .. .... TABLE DAMASK: Regular 50c value. Friday, 3 pair for $1.00 196 yards unbleached table d amask, full 62 inches wide; a great wearing quality, ART BLINDS: 120 fine window cream and white. worth 60c a yard. Friday, 2} yards for $1.00 shades, plain and with insertion in green, Worth 75c to-day. Friday .. .. OUR SECOND "GREAT MAIL ORDER COMPARISON SALE" STARTS SATURDAY See To-morrow's Papers For Detail! J STEACY'S - Limited CATARRH OF THE BLADDER | Relieved In 24 Hours Each Cap- 18 Stile bears the 2 name 4° : fBevoare of counterfoits ARR A La ag a South. fF rontenae Insti ute 4 Women's Institute, West- brook 3 WE BE Reporters swig Agricultural Branch North Frontenac Teachers' Institute South Frontenac Institute Treasurer's Bond Sydenham Mizh Se hool Law Coasts Printing and Ste tionery Registry Office Tile ... Provincial Health Treasurer Clerk Caretaker P. 8 Inspector P. 8. Inspector Auditor Miscellaneous . Farmers' on 00 "uv wwe 5.00 lFeachers' 25 0 0% Rit #00 S00 00 sas 3 00 Board of 00 00 00 00 ne nd 289 4u 809.06 9,200.90 (South) (North) Total LOW SUMMER TOURIST FARES To Colorado, California; Yellowstone And Northern Pacific Coast, Via Chicago & Northeastern Ry. Low fare round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, land, Seattle, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, stone Park, etc, daily from June 15th to September 30th. train service. Write for free book- let on California and North Pacific Coast, it will give you just thd in-| formation you need to plan am at-| tractive summer trip. Address Ay H. Bennett, . General Agent, 46; Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. SOME DEMAND FOR WOOL The American Consul Look After Wants, Port-| Victoria, | Banff, Yellow-| Excellent | NE SUMMER Furnishings Just received a large shipment of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines I. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Limited. 3 HRA OO 2 SOT SRT C ty Da | PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, ly | Phone 2083 DicolisBrownes, » a E E E BE =S = = Es Hn E i E E E = 2 = = i E E ss = £2 E EAA TEAS Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Officin) Test by H. B. Smith. Mk test- { ! Helping to , AS a result of the article in Tues- | day's issue of the Whig there is some | demand for wool that has been re-| ceived at the American Consulate | for distribution to people who will knit 2 into wristlets, mufflers, mets, etc., for American sailors, The | consul has beén authofized to take | subscriptions for this cause. The American Government does not issue woollen goods te sailors, and this deficiency is being met by the public voluntarily. Talented Young Painter. Graham Norweil, the sold three of his paintings to E. Beaupre, Princess street. The paint- ings are of the Johnson street woods, of the malt house and of a scene near Simcoe. Graham has painted a large num- ber of pictures of various scenes in| different parts of the £ountry, Largest Rubber Beit. Ex-Mayor A. manvillé on Tuesday and saw there the largest rubber conveyor belt ever made. It is for use in the Yukon and | weighs 4600 Ibs. The rubber five eighths of an inch in thickness and the belt is almost 250 feet long. dt Nas made by the Guodyear Co., hel- | talented | young son of Capt. J. C. Norwell has | Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA sad is Ge only seen CHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. fatal diserses-- FEVER. Ch CROP, CUE dine Shaw was in Bow-| is]

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