Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. PAGE FIVE CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! Perhaps yon have noticed these words and the notation "No fire left when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY'S SILENT 500s BATHERS We take great pleasure in showing you.our new lines of BATHING CAPS AND SPONGES Don't wait, but call in today and look them over," Our prices are right. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 " A > A SUCOCESSFUL PICNIC DEPENDS ON SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT ' Peanut Butter Olive Butter Potted Meats Paris Pate Camp Coffee and Ce Peanut Butter. op ALL SIZES PICNIC BASKETS Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." .PRone 26 " Cooked Ham Pork and Beans "+ Olives Welsh Rarebit Chicken a la King Sardines [| Mrs. Bongard, Ryerson & Co, MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE on STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Private wires to Toronto, Montreal and New York. Howard S. Folger, Manager. Kingston Address, 44 Clarence St. Phone 995. Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. Make Home a Haven of Enjoyment ! Do you realize what a Plano Player in your home will mean to the en- tire family? Every sin gle one from father down, will derive pleasure from it that could mot possibly be had from an ordinary plano, Let us demonstrate the New Scale Williams Play- er for you--its tone and mechanical make up are perfect, q $5 J.M. Greene Music Co. li Se ' Sydenham and Princess Streets Phone HIGH GRADE, NON-INTOXICATING Ale, Porter & § Light Beer 1 beg to advise my patrons throughout the City and Vicin- ity. that | am prepared to supply the Trade and Private families with the above goods, delivered at their doors, which are decids edly the best Brands on the market in that line. : THE OLD NAME the old fame, and new quality. Canada's greatest malt beve; of the day, highly recommended by the medical faculty mild and healthful tonic, : JAMES McP : 76 Brock Street. | Bair; der, B30 | pair; Miss DONATIONS T0 RED CROSS {FROM THE IST OF MAY TO IST OF JUNE. | Large Numbers of Contributions te ! Queen's Hospital--The Donations Came From District as Well as | City. { Kingston Red Cross acknowledges | the following contributions during |the period May 1st to June 1st | E-- | Donations Queen's Hospital. { 8ir Thomas Picton Chapter, Pic- |ton---54 pyjamas, 1 scarf, 66 hospi- ital shirts, 24 pair slippers, 108 wash {cloths, 42 hot water bottle covers, 166 sheets, 294 pillow cases, 192 {towels, 7 pneumonia jackets, 8 robes, |48 pads, 144 triangular bandages, |136 T. bandages, 18 many-tailed [ bandages, 180 fluff dressings, 14 {complete dressings, 51 stump dress- {ings, 662 sponges, 54 abdominal { bandages, 30 binders. , Walkerton Chapter, 1.0.D:E--8 {dozen largey 30 dozen small pads, 58 | dozen compressers, 26 dozen com- presses, 12 bed pads, 4,250 wipes, [11 dozen pads, 9 extra large. Bat- tersea Red Cross, 5 records. | Odessa Red Cross--6 pair hospi- | tal socks, 9 pair bed socks, 30 {towels, 60 pair socks, 25 pillow slips, 14 suits pyjamas," 13 bed socks Queen's College socks, and one scarf. Renfrew Collegiate Institute Red Cross--20 dozen triangular ban- dages, 10% dozen towels, 2% doz- en Huck towels, 1 dozen binders. Cobden Red Cross--17 hospital shirts, 11 suits pyjamas, 9 grey cot- ton hospital shirts, 2 dozen cakes | soep, 2 dozen pair socks, 1 pair pil- {loys and cases Mrs. H. Scott, Sunbury, 2 pillows Glenburnie Red Cross (a) -26 pads, 5 pair socks, 72 wash cloths, 1 pair pyjamas Glenburnie Red Cross (b)--2 lows. | Sunbury Red Cross Mrs! W. A Bellhouse, 4 pair | socks; Mrs. H. Tandy, 3 pair spcks; { Mrs. John Allan, Sharbot Lake, 2 | pair socks; Mrs. T, C. Wilson, 1 pair |socks; Miss Vanluven, 1 pair socks; James McCulla, 1 pair socks; Patriot Leggue, Sharbot Lake, 12 night shirts™9 pyjamas, 2 pair socks,' 100 gauze handkerchiefs; Mrs. A. Gardiner, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Dow- ling, 6 knitted wash cloths; Mrs. C. A. Beyd, 1 pair socks; Miss A. Mac- nee, 3 records. girls- -32 pairs pil- 2 'pillows, ------ Work Done By Societies. Hebrew's Ladies Guild--11 shirts. Cooke's Church Ladies Aid 62 pneumonia + jackets; th) pneumonia jackets andgp12 shirts. ' OH Cooke's Young People's Society-- 12 dozen tfiangular bandages. Cooke's church--+75 wash-cloths 12 pneumonia jackets, 8 dozen tri- angular bandages. St. George's Cathedral (a) 5 pyjamas, 2 night triangular bandages, 40 dap pads, 9 dozen dages, 4 suits shirts, St. George's mothers meeting-- 7 pads, 18 pneumonia jackets, § night shirts, '2 abdominal bandages, 49 wash cloths. St. George's A.Y.P.A--67 trian- Sula bandages, 14 pneumonia jack- ets. ' Woman's Aid St. George's--14 abdominal binders, 68 pks, fots, 50 wash-cloths. R. R.'No. 1, Kingston--1 abdominal bandages. Godfrey Red. Cross--19 #fight- shirts, 3 hospital shirts, 1 grey shirt, 17 suits pyjamas, 5 pair socks. Brock street Methodist Church Epworth League-- 2256 triangular bandages and eye fots, Miss Allen's class Queen Street Methodist Church-- 26 night shirts and 2 abdominal bandages. Miss Mooney's class, Church-- 228 bandages. Alta Peten's Club, Sydenham Church--36 pneumonia jackets, Cataraqui Ladies--36 pneumonia jackets, 4 nightshirts, 5 pair socks. Waddell class Olivet Methodist Sunday school Seeley"s Bay--11pair socks, 14 hospital shirts. Willing>Worker's, Seeley's Bay-- 76 wash-cloths, 12 pneumonia jack- ets. + St. Andrew's Church--62 wash- cloths. » Ladies of Collins Bay--35 ban- dages, 8 pneumonia jackets, 8 night- dresses, 8 pair socks, 4 suits pyja- mas. : Pres., Ladies: Aid, Portsmouth-- 4 nightshirts, Mrs. Partridge, the Ross Club-- 9 nightshirts, Princess Street Ladies Aid--3 pair socks. Sandhill Red Cross--15 night- shirts, 8 shirts, 9 pyjamas, 34 pads, 6 pneumonia jackets, 33 abdominal bandages, 3 pair operation socks, 6 triangilar bandages, 7 pair socks. Willing Worker's Class, _Seeley's Bay--13 pairs socks. Mis. J. H. McKinley, 3 pair; Mrs. George Hook, 1 pair; Mrp. Russell, 1 pair; Mrs, Randall, 1 pair; Mrs. C. Blockman, 3 pair; Mrs. J. Morongham, 1 pair; Mrs. Imerson, 2 pair; Mrs. A. Smith, 1 pair. : Miss Fleming's class, St. Sunday School--12 wash-cloths, pneumonia jackets. Miss Booth's Class--7 nightshirts, and 7 pairs pyjamas. night (a)-- 42 night Mission- shirts, 34 pads; (b) triangular ban- pyjamas, 3 night dozen Sydenlam Paul's 6 6 pair pyjamas. St. Andrew's Bible Class--20 many tailed bandages. Willing Worker's, Seeley's Bay, Methodist Sunday School--24 pneu- monia jackets and 18 wash-cloths. Work Done. Socks--Mrs. A. Hendry, 1 pr. Mrs. C. Walker, 3 pair; Mrs. Nixon, 2 pair; Mrs. W. B. Carey, 5 pair; Mrs. Craig. 3 pair; Mrs. Bogart, 2 pair; Miss E. Cooke, Cataraqui, 2 pair; Mrs. R. Smith, Westbrook, 1 pair; Miss J. R. Drummond, 3 pair; Maudson, 4 pair; Mrs. Callen. 1 pair; Mrs. Prettie, 2 pair; Wooley, 2 pair; Miss Eva Fair, 3 pair; Mrs. Hutton, 1 pair; Mrs, J. Boyd, 1 pair; Mrs. E. Quigley, 3 Power, 3 pair; Miss Chown, 1 pair; Mrs. Walker, 1 pair; Mrs. James Johnston, 2 pair; Mrs. Bryant, 1 pair; Mrs. McGill, 1 pair; Mrs, F. Conway, § pair; Miss Sare Ty Lt Cloyne Red Cross--6 nightshirts,|are Gibson, 1 pair; Miss Brophy, 1 pair; Miss Lulu Fleming, 1 pair; Miss L. O'Brien, 1 pair; Miss D. Davidson, 3 pair; Mrs. Elder, 1 pair; Mrs. Muirhead; 1 pair; Miss F. Chown, 2, pair; Mrs. Boyd, 3 pair; Mrs. David | Hall, 4 pair; Mrs. Hamilton, 2 pair; Mrs. A. Hoppen, 2 pair; Mrs. J. W. Arsley, 1 pair; Mrs. Robert Craw- ford, 1 pair; Mrs. J. Jchnsom, 1 pair; Mrs. J. Peters, 2 pair; Mrs. F. Clow, 1 pair; Mrs. J. Donaldson, Joyceville, 1. pair; Mrs. Wooley, 4 pair; Miss M. L. McKenzie, 1 pair; Mrs. Hysop, 3 pair; Mrs. Robinson, 2 pair; Miss MacMillan, 6 pair; Mrs. Mahood, 1 pair; Mrs. H. E. Flynn, 3 pair; Miss Willa Mitchell, 1 pair; Mrs. Fred Welch, 1 pair; Miss Saw- yer, 1 pair; Miss E. Cooke, Cata- raqui, 1 pair; Mrs. R. Smith, West- brook, 1 pair; Miss Cook, 2 pair; Mrs. Oliver Chown, 2 pair; Miss E. Nicol, 1 pair; Miss B. Driver, 6 pair; Miss Alda Nicolle, 1 pair; Mrs. H. Kennedy, 1 pair; Mrs. W. Bishop, 1 pair; Miss A. Browne, 1 pair; Miss Shannon, 3 pair; Mrs. Higgins, 1 pair; Mrs. Harris, 1 pair; Mrs. Goodwin, 1 pair; Mrs. Cornett, 2 pair; Miss Annie Caird, 2 pair; Mrs. R. F. Rogers, 4 pair; Mrs. McGill, 3 (pair; Mrs. Hutton, 2 pair; Mrs. Macpherson, 2 pair; Miss D. David- son, 2 pair; Miss Hynes, 2 pair; Mrs. Ferguson, 1 pair; Miss Hens- tridge, 3 pair; Mrs. 'W. E. Wood, Portsmouth, 1 pair; Miss Fowler, 1 pair; Mrs. Hughes, 5 pair; Mrs. Lyle, 4 pair; Mrs. Macgillvray, 1 pak; Mrs. Johnson, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Zufelt, 7 pair; Mrs. T. H. Asselstine, 1 pair; Mrs. Wormwith, 2 pair; Mrs. Leishman, 2 pair; Miss Hamilton, 2 pair; Mrs. T. Sproule, 5 pair. Pyjamas.--Mrs. Alice Campbell, 1 pair; Miss May Macdonnell, 2 pair; Miss Gaibutt, 1 pair; Miss Drummond, 2 pair; Mrs. J. R Henderson, 3 pair; Mrs. A. Part- ridge, 3 pair; Miss Tollhurst, 2 pair; Mrs. A. O'Brien, 1 pair; Miss Wood- ruff, 2 pair. Bandages.--Mrs Ayerst, 6 doz. triangular; Mrs. Oliver Chown, 4 abdominal; Miss Lesslie, 16. gauze; Mrs. Timms, £2 triangular; Mrs. Holt, 11 abd. and 3 triangular; Mrs. R. Beaupre, #6 triangular; Mrs Timans, 2 abd.; Mrs. Holland, 6 tri- angular; Miss Holand, 6 abd.; Mrs. Dowling, 16 abd Shirts.--Mrs. R. Partridge, 1 night; Mrs. Zufelt, 65 night cut out; Mrs. J. Gow, 39 night cut out; Miss Woodruff, 2: Miss Tollkhurst, 2; Mrs. R. Beaupre, 1 night; Mrs. J. ow, 10 night; Mrs. Thomas Mills, 9 night cut out; Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. Philips, 2. Pneumonia Macdonell, 13; Jackets--Mrs. Mac- Miss Tredinneck, 2; Miss A. O'Brien, 2; Miss Wood, 2. Pads.--Mrs. D. Wood, 31 bed; Miss M. Flanghan, 2; Mrs. James Kavanagh, 6 bed; Mrs. Dunn, 13 bed: Mrs. Welsh, 6. Wash Cloths--Mrs. Plewes, 17; Miss Hewgill, 29; Mrs. D. Wood, 24. Acknowledgements of some of May work has had to wait over un- til June lists. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Columbia Grafanolas and Records For Patriotic People. $1 a week will buy a Columbia Children's Play Shoes "The Kind They Like." Tan laced boots with rawhide soles, very soft and pliable. Tan barefoot sandals. Running Shoes with Rubber Soles in black or white. "Everything that's good" will be found here; bring the kiddies in and let us fit them. Abernethy's Shoe Store GET AFTER A NEW STRAW Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Whether you prefer a Pan- ama or Sailor wide brim or narrow brim, yon are sure to find a hat to sait you in the CAMPBELL collection, and at almost any price you wish to pay. Sailors, in sennit, or split straw, in the most popular di- mensions of brim and crown. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Special values in fine Pan. amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. JUNE "BRIDES Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the furniture for the new home that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outfitting newly-weds, laying rugs and oilcloth, placing up art blinds and furniture fitted in position at no extra cost, and so perfectly that they remain a lifelong customer. James Reid $4, $5, $6. ---------------- Campbell Bros, The Store of Real Styles. Grafanola complete with records for soldiers' wives and children, and others wanting music in their home. We have many other makes an records to select from, and a mum- ber of slightly used machines at special bargain prices, You can pack a small machine in your trunk for the country. Satistaction guaranteed. our warerooms or write for illus- Call at CISCHARBES, No. 2. cured | BLOOD POISON. | RAPION 1:3. HH E VITAL WEAKNTSS SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. 8 Send stamp address envelope, age & symptoms for FRE ivicesnanitabify Your € se follow up' clroularsy R. LE CLERC Med: Co. HAVER T0( 5 NW. L SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WwW BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL 6G trated catalogue and price list to C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prin- cess St. ' The Canadian Rockies. The best and newest sections, and highest peaks are seem from the transcontinental trains of the Cana- dian Northern Railway leaving To- ronto every' Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For attractive booklet, through tickets, and full information apply to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M..C. Dunn, City Agent : XINGSTON EVENTS| 26 YEARS ACO The new buildings at Newcourt are about completed. Timothy Doolan was in from the country to-day. He says he makes a great farmer. St. George's Cathedral, renewed and greatly 'beautified, was re-open- ed to-day. Was Troubled With Shortness of Breath. When the heart becomes affected. there ensues a feeling of a choking sensation, a shortness of breath, pal- pitation, throbbing, irregular beat- ing,. smothering sensation, dizziness, and a weak, sinking, all-gone- feel- ing of oppression and anxiety. The nerves become unstrung, you dread to be alone, have a horror of society, start at the least noise and generally fatigued. < On the first sign of the heart be- strung, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills should be taken. They are just what you require at this time..They regulate and stimulate the heart, and strengthen and restore the whol Ey Bi Ea coming weakened or the nerves un- Men's, Ensign Cameras From $1.50 to $25 FOR BEST RESULTS in Developing and Printing, Try Us. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. a Men's Suit Style and elegance mark every one of our new Summer Suits for Boys' and Men. You will be sur- prised to see the value offered for the prices. Youths' .. $10, $12 and S15. Boys' vv. A good Panama hat at ... Summer Underwear, 75¢, $1 $1.25 suit. | pp gh Fine Bread-Wasters. At Folkestone Ada Hawke, wife of a non-commissioned officer, was $3.75. and of bread in the dust bin. She said she threw it away becamse the cat had touched it. In the same town Mrs, Susan At- eart onl kins was fined $5 because one pound | JN f : man. - She said she told her are not to throw waste bread on the law as It encouraged mice, but to in. : $15, $18 and $22. '$3.50, $5, $6.50 to $12. || fined $10 for throwing three pounds, . of bread had been found by the dust- igs The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Ring 147 for Motor Ambulance. When you come to us for eye glasses we do not figure how cheap we can make them--but how good to meet your pocket book. Our treatm ent is fair to you. Optician and | J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist, Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 ! a id MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. OUR HAY AND FEED will put flgsh on your horse and put him in better shape every way. We supply the feed for many of the finest horses and you'll find everyone of them. looking fine and dandy. Try it on your horse. It will pay. W. F. McBROOM 43-44 Princess St. 'Phone 1686. Nm hoice Selection of Prices Reasonable PPI rawford & Walsh

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