Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1917, p. 6

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PAGE SIX - [News From Eastern Ontari NEWS FRON THE BISTRT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Brief Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest tc Many, Dr. C. F jomed the staff of pital, Corpl. John Miine dead from wounds gineer on the GT.R J. M. Boyle is 01 ville coarged with setting fire King George Hotel, Trenton Mary Jane Grabam, wife of John M. Tullis, died June 12th, at the family residence in Drummond. Edmund R. Crandall, Patte N.J., and Miss Caroline E. B Lyn, were married on Monday The residence of Wellington Shav- Newbero, was struck by light- wing on Monday and slightly dam aged. James Storie, farmers, died at dence near Duncan's 12th, Mies Mina Donnelley, B.A. has been engaged by the Ottawa high sohool board, her duties to begin in September, Mrs K. Sterzo, thirty-eight years after a long illness She Austrian and a Catholic. Ww Bennett, aged is dead at Norfolk, N.Y father of A. J. Bennett and Mrs. J. A. Redick, Mrs. Alice Maud Holway Aubrey Holway, Belleville, Tuesday after a few days' Deceased was in her forty-ninth year. ! An estate of $3 late Lt.-Col. G. T bequeathed to his widow, Miss Mair, Perth He was killed in action in France on May Sth John Loughney, Bathurst, has sold his hundred acre farm Thomas Mahon. Mr. Mahon also bought this season's crop... Mr. Loughney will stay on the farm until next fall The marriage took place in Brock ville of Miss Harriet Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James | Christie Steele, and Arthur H Trueman, Amherst, N.S Arthur Shook, aged eighteen was | crushed to. death beneath a heavily | loaded track at Moose Jaw. He was | a native of Athens, a son of Sengt. | George Shook, of Moose Jaw police force. | The home of Mrs. Rathwell, Carle- ton Place, was the scene of a happy event last Wednesday, when her daughter, Miss Minerva Rathwell, | was united in marriage with George Jackson. Mr, amd Mrs, Forsyth of Ottawa, has the Eastern Hos- tria on, er, one of Dalhousi the h resi ) June Brockville, aged Monday an died or was | eighty-one, He was Gananoque Kemptville wife died illness 8 of on 29 left Denison, by the Jr. rormerly is to | | leorge McLetkn, | Franktown, announce the engage- | ment of their second daughter Miss | Tamer, to Charles Malnprize, son of Mr. and Mrs Nessfield Mainprize, St. Mary's Ont., marriage to take] place the latter part of June. i ,. The action was discussed of Eph- friam McVittie vs Austin Whalen, ; Plum Hollow tried by Judge Rey nolds, Brockville. A few months] ago the plaintiff, MeVittie was struck on the head with a scy¥ handle in the hands of Whalen and an as- sault charge was laid. | An outstanding figure in the life! of the township of Dalhousie passed | away on June 7th, in the person of Wildlam McQuatt, McDonald's Cor-| ners, at the home of his nephew,| John McQuatt, Lanark. He had come down on a visit and took ill on Saturday, June 2nd. Heart fail ure was the trouble. Doris Irene White, granddaughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harper, Dal.| housie, living with her mother and | step-father, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk- | wood, Druid, Sask., was killed in an | accident falling from a wagon the wheels of which crushed out her life. Three years ago Doris lost an eye and in the spring of last year she bad a severe attack of appen- dicitis. She was a very lovable chidd and a great favorite with all. | man and team. | train rum | years to have ~~ SEEKERS ARRIVE | PLEASURE "The Good Old Summer Time" Is In Evidence I Mr. and Mrs W friends for a Knapp has, pur- George Bell of ome for a few ednesday Smith's Falls,! friends is having his Grothier is Yager and family, Thursday and will mer home on Isle 3 cewhoro xe ) i Eva »-in-training Brockvill is at home here few day good old sum- id with } Ya with Pennsylvar will remain about launch Agnes, also with the Haldane All report the bass for a mer time' the Vir is it pleasure see ginia arrived Sat of ten from New Boston. They days The Saturday seven, urday York, and ten arrived party fishing good. of | Townslip Comes | PORTLAND. rrowsmith, June 11.--Members present. Added fo assessment H all roil 6; Gordon Silver, tenant, 1; William Rose, tenant, lot 8, con. 12; William Reynolds, tenant lot 6, con. 5 adopted. Rate of wages to be paid for work on grader and crusher for 1917: » per hour for man, 47 %c. per hour for man and team; for other work om roads, 45¢ per hour for Accounts paid: $7, David Wallace, 28 hours mam and team for work on winter roads; $.- 95, Archie Clark, for opening winter roads; $240, Harry Watson, sec- Treas, S No 6 for teacher's salary; $17, C. W. Martin, pay list, grading sub- Div., 10. Council ad- journed to meet in Verona, Monday July 2nd at 1 pm, or at call of reeve. PLOT TO WRECK TRAIN Switch Lock Brokem on C.P.R, at Belleville. Belleville, June 21.--A delibera e attempt to wreck a train was made on the line of the C.P.R. A switch lock was foreibly broken from off a switch and the switch set for a siding, Had an east-bound express upon the sharply curved siding it would have been derailed. The lamp at the switch was broken off and fhrown into a ditch at the side of the track. The attempt was discovered early on Wednesday morning, Teachers' Salaries Raised. Belleville, June 20.--The Board of Education has granted an increase of $100 in salary to every lady teach- er on the staffs of the city public schools in answer to a petition, and has arranged a schedule for future salaries as follows: Teachers who have not been employed for three an initial salary of 350; increase to be at the rate of $50 per annum, with maximum sal ary of $758.» D. P. Alguire, Howard, and Miss- Alguire, arrived in Westport on Saturday after spending the winter at Long Beach, Cal. They will spend the summer at "Kill-Kare" cottage. Mrs. Thomas Trotter, Portland, is dead from paralysis. She always lived in the village. es HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $33 per doses. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply by letter to G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Coples of all my photos in Whig's illustrated supplement may be secur. ed from me. rn nin A J AT DAVIES Special Spring Lamb Cut To Order on Saturday CHOPS, LOINS, Prime Fresh Sweet Butter Try Veal Loaf , . Try Compressed Ham . Rich Cheese . LEGS, FRONTS, (Mint with Order) ao NiwoeR The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited Phone 597 3 0 I J a party W. J. Walker, owner, lot 6 con. | lot 9, con | Assessment roll as amended | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1917. | CHANGE SCHEDULES SOON Steamer America is to! un 'by June 24th or Not This Year. ---- | 1f the steamer Americ; to run! Co t will June | cording to inf 1 given! {out on Wednesday ' year it be st a ac e day | for New | the | that | | ves in effect and would York steamer service The seryice since the opening {an order of Kin ferry has been ) | the cape fr 1 {ellers. The { this conside company could not do ring the traffic and the possible profit after such an expense and the serv was cut off. Since then req ts have been pouring in- | to Washington for a change but though hope has come on several | occasions not yet been done. The fact 24th the New York ( v will start new schedule lieve that if the America is not run- ning on t date it will not be run- ning this year. For Nervous Children Really Not | The Trouble is Often St. { Vitus Dance--Do i Neglect It. i Many a child has been called awk- { ward. has been punished in school | for not keping still or for dropping {things when the trouble was really | St. Vitus Dance. This disease may {appear at any age, but is most com- | mon between the ages of six and | fourteen years. It is caused by | thin blood which fails to carry suffi- cient nourishment to the nerves, and {the child becomes restless and witching of the muscles and jerk- ng of the limbs and body follow. In severe cases the child unable to hold any thing or feed itself St Vitus Dance is cured by building up: the blood The most successful treatment to remove the child from all mental excitement, stop school work and give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills pills renew the blood supply. strengthen the nerves, and restore the child to perfeet health. Here is proof of their power to cure. Mrs. 8S. Shrape, Oakville, "When my daughter was ne years old she was attacked with St. Vitus Dance. She was sent to a sanatorium where she remained for nine weeks, without any benefit. Indeed when we brought her home she was as helpless a baby. 1 got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and continued giving her half a pill after each meal for several months, when she had fully recover- ed and has never had a symptom of the trouble since." You can get Dr. Pills through any dealer in medi- cine or by mail 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, | Ont. is These as Williams' Pink LAWN SOCIAL HELD At House of Providence--Iresenta- tion to Cadets. The Lawn Social held on the House of Providemce grounds on Wednesday was a splendid success. The cadets of St. Mary's school augmented by the cadeis of St. Mary's-of-the-Lake, were honored by the presence of Mayor Hughes for the presentation of the cup which they 'have won two successive years. Lieut.Col. W. H. Macnee made the presentation to the cadets with a few well-chosen words of congratu- Jation and encouragement which were received with hearty applause. Mayor Hughes added his feticita- tions in a happy vein which should inspire the boys to greater efforts. Rev. Father Hanly, representing the school board spoke a few words | of inspiration, and J. F. Carty, prin-| cipal of St. Mary's school, showed | his appreciation of the good words) said of his boys by calling for hearty applause, The event has netted a substantial sum for supporting the orphans at St. Mary's of the lake. POWER DAMAGE REPAIRED | The Current Was Turned on at Seven O'clock. The damage caused by the severe electrical storm on Tuesday night to the local power plant has been re- paired, The manager C. C. Folger, had gangs of men working all Tues day night, Wednesday, and Wednes- | day might, and the power was turned | on at seven o'clock on Thursday | morning. i The direct current lines were the most severely hit, and #t required careful work to make the neeces-| sary adjustments. The street cars| which were stalled in various parts of the city and Portsmouth through the Mack of power were fowed to the city on Wednesday afternoon. Oa Thursday morning they were able to start again however. Change of Time. In connection with summer change of train service on the Canadian | Northern Railway, effective June, 16th, trains between Kingston, | Tweed, Ottawa and Toronto will, sent, except that the train now leav- ing Ottawa at 1.10 p.m., except Sun- will leave at 12.50 noon, arriving in For further particulars, see latest Ivey, station agent, or M. C. city agent. : No Change in G.T.R. Here. Tlie summer service time table of the Grand Trunk Railway will bring no change to the lines ruaning through Kingston. It had been hoped that the train from Brockville to TO CAPE VINCENT con | | of Storrington { 90; {Silver Springs, Thousand run on the same schedule as at cov. | day, on and after the above date, | Kingston same time as at preseat. | time table folders, or apply to J. BE. | Dunn, | y ! . . ors TT Tre EE EE Aa HSE RAMA US LA EBB SE REISE = $3 M2: 0S ® & . - | STOCK MARKETS, | _-- Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard S. Folger, Manager. A CBITUARY : 2 New York Stocks. Open 2.45 p.m. 100 3% 100 5 72 72 160 The Late Mrs. Anthony Lucy. On Wednesday the death cecurred of a highly esteemed resident oflE i werd Battersea in Mary Eliza Tasker, rel- | Marine, pfd ict of the late Anthony Luey. The|N. Y. C. .. . .. . deceased was born in the township | Reading .. ... .. ¢ about seventy-eigit, Southern Pac : ! Union Pacific . 136 {Alcohol .. ... |. 162% {Am Loco .. .... 70 as 3 01 5 31% vears ago. pt The Late James Hogan. After an illness extending over | Anaconda 81% nearly three years, James Hogan | Beth. Steel 137% passed away on Wednesday at the Crucible .. 827% age of seventy-five years. For many | Inter. Nickel years deceased was a well known | Kennicott carpenter in Gleénburnie, and had | MeXican Pet also engaged in his trade in King- | Rep. Stee} ston. Two sisters survive him, Mrs. | ¥.S Steel ... D. Doherty and Mrs. James Angrove Vian le of this city. § Midvale Can. Steamship | Letters to the Editor | an Siam * Dom. Steel Maple Leaf Steel of Canads | War Loan, 1 "pe i i | Brazilian Can. Cement 261% 611% 100 5814 941 No Wholesale Condemnation. Portsmouth, June 21 {To the Editor): Wit reference to an ar- ticle in your issue of the 19th inst. | referring to a- communication sent | by the writer to the military autho- | No Definite Announcement by regarding the conduct.of the | Secretary of Admiralty. soldiers at the Mowat Hospital, I] (Special to the Whiz) am at a loss to know how this be-! Tor nto, June 21. In regard to came public, as the letter was In {the Canadian Associated Press de- the nature confidential com- | snatches to the morning papers re- munication bearing upon a recent |, ing the liner Olympic, there is regretable incident. The article in the Whig might WAS NEVER ANNOUNCED, the es, of 3 s no definite information as to n- | whether the Secretary of the Admir- dicate that the writer made a whole-| 314v neant that the Olympic was not sale condemnation of the soldi at | sunk merely that no Canadians the abeve institution, which Was | ware lost when the Olympic was not the case. So far as I know, the funy It has never been officially majority of the men are well be-| announced that the Olympic was haved fellows, and it is not fair that |g. ny ' all should be eondemned because a | ew misconduct themselves } The returned greater friend than the 1ers or ! | ANGRY MOB ATTACKS soldiers - of | The Suffrage Pickets at the White Pertsmouth," and the council and] House Gates people are ready to assist them in| . * any way possible, but we must have Washi ett 19 the % Pe cating some assurance that the big hospital | Sore." BY anery mob led by Mrs will not become a menace | "traitors," a : " . de Rich son attacked the suffrage I trust that there will be no re- |} rdson ana s syle currence of the trouble which ocea- | pickets a! o) 3 ost = " = 5 sioned this correspondence | gates of the White House this after § J AME 3 HALLIDAY noon, ripping down their vellow i : Reeve. { banners and trampling them im 1 _ ee street. These banners were the ones MEDICAL OFFICERS | asking the President what he intend- TO BE IN CHARGE ed to do for suffrage, which have been piaced at the White House - gates for months. Decision at Meeting of Tuber- cular Branch of Military Hospitals Commission. An Ottawa despatch to the Whig states that the matter of the disci- pline at the Mowat Memorial Hospit- al here was aired at a meeting of the | evidence in a big legal case now go- Tubercular Branch of the MH. C.C., |ing on there. The case is between] held in Ottawa on Monday and Tues- | the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakeks day. Representatives from all of | Company, of Battle Creek, Mich., an the sanatoriams of the Dominion | American concerti, and the Toasted were present. The matter was intro- | Corn Flakes Company, of Canada, duced by a communication which [located at London. Lieut.-Col. Sharples of the Commis-| The American company sold out sion had received. After hearing |the Canadian rights to the Canadian evidence it was decided that the concern, and the latter now claims trouble was caused by a few of the that the rights are being infringed. men who while in previous sanator- About fifty grocers are in attend- ia was hard to handle. In some ance to give evidence, and one of the cases these men had written to the | biggest legal battles in Canada's his- institutions in which they were for-| tory is on.' Local grocers are much merly located stating to friends that interested in the proceedings. "Kingston was great, every person re - does as he lkes." It was decided by the meeting that medical officers of sanatoria were; to be placed in absolute control of! the institutions and this change will | probably solve the difficulty of hand-{ Capt. E. M. Gladney, who left ling the few inclined io give | Kingston in the 80th Battalion is trouble. | spending a few days in ¢he city be- | fore going to his home in Marmora. | Capt. Gladney spent the summer of 11915 with the 80th Battalion in Sales Made at 21 3-16 Cents at the | Belleville but on his arnival in Eng- Meeting Held on Thursday. {land was transferred to the 50th The price of cheese went up a | Battalion with Wich be pe been notch on the Frontenac board, sell-| co n& Ih the Jeeves. Ww ing at 21\3-16 cents. A week ago Capt. Gladney as been frvaiided cheese sold at 21 1-16 cents. There Howe with HeTnstion, were boarded 494 boxes of white cheese and 694 boxes of colored as follows: White BIG LEGAL BATTLE. Hopkinson is Giving Evidence in London. James C. Hopkinson, of the gro- cery firm of Hopkinson Bros., Brock street, has gone to London to give J. C, | INVALIDED HOME He is in Kingston to Spend a Few Days. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Brusiloff promises that Russia's armes will not fail in victory for the Allies . ~~ PURE, RICH BLOOD MADE BY HOOD'S Pure blood enables the stomach, liver and other digestive organs to do their work properly. Without it they are sluggish, there is loss of appetite, sometimes faintness, a de- ranged state of the intestines, and, in general, all the symptoms of dyshepsia. ood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood, and this is why it is so very successful in the treatment of so wany ai Get it today. mn IMPERIAL LIFE The Imperial was the fif- teenth Canadian company to en- ter the life assurance field. In nineteen yearg it has overtaken and passed seven of its compe- titors, so that there are now only seven atheér Canadian come panies that have as large an amount of assurance in force Their ages range from tWweniy- three to seventy vears Glenburnie, 90; Glenvale, Model, 90; Verona. 100; Col- lins Bay, 23; Railton, 100. Colored--Arigan, 60; Forest, 60; Howe Island, 90; Hinchinbrooke, 45; Silver Springs, 95; Thousand Is- lands, 115; Elginburg, 70; Wolfe Island, 77; Collins Bay, 37. At 21 3-16 cents L. W. Murphy secured the offerings of Howe Is- land, Arigan, Glenburnie, Ontario, Islands and Elginburg. At the same price John Gibson sectired the offering of Gilenvale, Model, Verona, Wolfe Island, . For- est, Hinchinbrooke, - and Collins Bay. HIS FATE UNCERTAIN. r Michael Regan, Aged Man, is Held at Police Station. The fate of Michael Regan, the in- mate of the Aged People's Home, who endeavored to bite a fellow- patient on Friday last, and who was locked up at police headquarters, is still a prisoner there, but his fate has not yet been decided. He has been examined by a doctor, aad 'while he acts queer at times and has a terrible temper, he cannot be re- garded as of unsound mind, there- fore he cannot be sent to an asylum. Just what will be done with the {aged man is not known, but it is felt that he is too dangerous to be let | stay in the institution. | Claim by the Germans, (Special to the Whig.) { Berlin, June 21.--The capture of a French position at Vaux Haillon, over a width of more than a mile, by a German storming attack, was cla'med in today's official state- ment. Belleville in the mornings would be! resumed but there seems to be no! chance of this Small bunches asparagus, 5g, Fri- day and Saturday, at Carnovsky's. on duty. (ton, son of Archibald Strachan, col- tector of customs, appears in the} csualty Hest as wounded, dut back aan Lieut, F. H. Strachan, of Kings-| f Ge dealere 'Washed and Unwashed HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID IN CANADA. WRITE OR PHONE FOR PRICES. FULL WEIGHT. 1 John McKay, Limited 157 Brock Street, Kingston. tit fromyour ler er from us Ouifit consists of one Dorhar: Dupiex Domino Razor with white Amidei. can (vory baodis cofe'y ard, stropping ettach and 6 Durban Da Bindes, pagked in a -e Fo aty rr HATS We Have Too Many We are overstocked in Hats for summer and you can fill your requirements in headwear at a great sav- ing if you grasp the oportunity now. Some Snappy Snaps Girls' Palm Beach Hats with fancy ribbon -. .. 98c Ladies' Palm Beach Sailors --. -... ... ... .. $1.49 Ladies' Panama Shapes --. --. +... ... .. ..$1.49 Ladies' Palm Beach Sailors, fancy bands, in very good Ladies' Paim Beach Hats, fancy bands, and soft brims, faced with like colors and patterns --.. -... $2. Ladies' Palm Beach Hats; nice droopy Shaper Toe Misses ---- -. Panamas $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 MENDELS | 136 Princess Street Opposite Randolph Hotel You may be able to buy a piano which, when new, looks and sounds nearly as good as a fhrintzman & @n. Art Fiano Grand ar Apright But--a piano is an instru- ment which should give rfect satisfaction for a Rfotime--you do not expect its tone and appearance to last for only a few years. BUILT FOR A LIFETIME TheHeintzman piano is not built just to sell--it is built tokeepits beautiful appear- ance and exquisite tone for future generations . The first Heintzman piano was built over 65 years ago. It was a good piano then. Now itis the "WORLD'S BEST PIANO."* C. W. LINDSAY + Limited. 121 Princess Street, Kingston.

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