Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1917, p. 11

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We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 2-1b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-1b. NON RUSTABLE pails, which we are selling for ome D TS week only at the old price. { E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, i - Phone 1268. | SA At NNN ENE ---- Cook's Cotton Moot | yd Barats Ser on A Address: THE COOK MEDICINE Cb TORONTO. ON" (Formers Windus mnt | A | -------- | - "COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for | » _- Cash Only. s ~ BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. FOR SALE A 1916 Studebaker Four cylinder, first class condition, Boyd's Garage 120 Brock Street. | | Made in Canada The D & A Corsets are fitted on Canadian Models and combine the best features of Paris. London and New York desigas, though sold at much lower prices There is a model for every figure. Ask your cersefieve. DOMINION CORSET CO. Mootreal QUEBEC ~~ Toroasto Makers also of the La Diva Corsets and D & A" Good Shape Brassieres 27 ARERR ERE CORREA | The Season For Pumps And the Pumps for the Season. To look through our| new styles just in is to im-| agine one's self in Shoe Fairyland. The new heels, toes and light soles are here in whites, dulls, | tents, greys, fawns and rowns. Just the styles you | want to see before buy-| ing. The Sawyer i | Shoe Store George W. Powell, Peterboro, has been appointed to the important post of agent of the Children's Aid Society. Wincarnis Offers New Health - New Life GET a bottle of Wincarnis to-day and see how quickly it will help you to your former health and vitality. Wincarnis pos- sesses a four-fold power In creating the health you need. Wincarnis is a tonle, a restorative, a blood-maker, and a nerve food all in one. Therefore it promotes new strength, new blood, new nerve force and mew vitality. That is why over 10,000 doctors recommend Wine carnis. And it is also the reason why you can take Wincarnis with the certain knowledge that it can i give you new health. If you are weak, Wincarnis will give you mew strength. If you are anaemic, Wincarnis will give you mew rich red blood. If you are mer- vous, Wincarnis will give you mew nerve force. If you are run-down, Winearnis will give you mew vie for a third of a century. nds have testified that it has restored them to health and strength. Don't confuse it with the many inférior preparations ef ap- tality. ! Wincarnis has been famous In + parently similar nature; buy Win. cernis itself, the tonic that has been imitated for 33 years. CET IT AT YOUR DRUGGISTS Imported in two sizess $1.00 and (extra large bottle) $1.65 Proprictors: Coleman & Co., Lad. Norwich, Eng. Canadian Office. Coromte Frank S. Ball, Resident Director. Sales Agents for Cangde Logsie, Parsons & Co., Torante. nn, white from 25 to 37 eggs IF YOU RAISE CHICKENS READ THIS LETTER It will INTEREST YOU The Chisholm Milling Oo., T4d.. Toronto. ? I received your shipment some time ago of Chicken eed, and should have written you to R.C. close money order for 300 Ibs. scrateh feed of chick food Please ship a. age teh out next week. pest . v if friends NR GR Bob Ree By Yours May 10th, 1916. Ol HELE Kingsville, Ont. PURINA "E58 come | Fach one scientifically prepared and proper peuportisss uecived ot (hroneh years I your dealer 64 page Poultry you with "Purina" Feeds, write us direct. The Chisholm Milling Co. Limited, ns. © Toronto | 7 THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) DOWN IN THE DEPTHS (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Naw spa pe ate) But my only one everal employment was things that we worrying | me Indeed, it i probable that the other af dissatis- establish 1 condition of my to become | distrease {fairs caused me | fied with M Viteaux's "ment { A woman who love her to love {the Arthur in L now for thinks she car and that he ought satisfied until has been tested With ymndon it was impossible just the test to be applied, but my eagerness for the attempt to unfitted me for close ap p any task As long as | was intensely interested in some one whose misfortunes were great- ler than my own, it was possible for | me to forget my wif for the moment | With Sylvia to I had found | myself upied that my own {troubles sank into the bac kground, {but with Sylvia gone and my emo- | tions cons-antlv stirred hv the recol- lactions of her and her unfortunate end, it was natural for me to dwel: continually upon my own disrupted romance | As | looked back upon my | was with difficulty that 1 pre myself from declaring it to be an {ignominious failure Only thre? | short years had passed since Arthur |and | pledged ourselves to ea h other the altar and started out to [live a life of friendship only. Three | vears! How slowly the time had passed! How many things had hap pened in that period. , How thorough ly I had proved to myself that such a marriage as mine was contrary to all r contrary to nature, and opposed to the very foundation of Yet I refused to call it a however becausé Arthur were still man and wife, and itil our relation as such was end ed, then and not until then could the final judgment be pronounced. If 1 had been convinced that my husband and | were irretrievably sep- arated: if I thought that he would not some day return to me and be content with the explanation which I offered him, then it is possible that I could have brought myself to re- hushand will not be matter made cation to care for 80 Of life it vented | before As0n society failure, and | But such a condition did not | exist a It was true that Arthur was in| yne hemisphere and I in another. It, yas true that he had left our home | in the belief that he had the | last of me. He was convinced that | { had proved myself unworthy to rel his wife. and that he must go away | ad forget me. But that is the way with some men in such a case. They 'ake snap judgment; they act on the impulse; they believe many things which they have no right te Lelieve But after they are gone comes the real test both for the man and the woman. Slowly the man comes to a full realization of his feeling to- card the woman he has left If he never has loved her he will oom real- | ize it If he loved her when they sived together he will not Cori seen come to an acute knowledge of it atter they are separated And the realization of the truth} may mean various things to such] men In one case it may mean dis-| sipation and Jisgrace: in nother, | strength, resolution and even'ual| happiness The strong man who | learns the truth will allow himself' to be guided by the truth. If he] learns that life will not be worth | iving without the woman he doubt-| ed, he will seek her out, however| difficult the task may he, and will | endeavor to rebuild the confidence | which has been shattered. If he | learns that his marriage was a | frightful mistake, he will set his face sternly away from a possible re- onciliation and take up the burden vhich fate assigned to him Nor is it different with the woman, except that ruin may come more eas- ilv to her. But if she be really in earnest about it all; if she seeks to walk that narrow path from which 0 many flower strewn wavs branch out, she will learn after a while just what lies hidden jp. the depths of her soul In Arthur's case and in mine our separation might be permanent or it might be merely a mutual trial preparatory to a more perfect under standing and complete happiness, bat in either event | was confident that he would stand the test, and I prayed that the fires which touched me might not sear me, but that I micht come triumphant through their pari- fying flame. turn a verdict at that stage of my The Whig's DailyMenu RREAKFAST Cerenl Served with Fruit Poached Eggs Served om Minced Reef Entire Whent Bread Cofiee LUNCHEON Ham Timbales suring Salad Baking Powder Biyculls Tea MNNER Broiled Steak Ginzed Onions French Fried Potatoes Ginger Ale Salad _ Iced Coffee Orange Water Ice Boil four cups of water with two cups of sugar for five minutes, then allow to cool; add grated rinds of three oranges, two and one-half "ups of strained lemon juice. Freeze, using three parts of finely-crushed ice to one part of rock salt. i ANN MISS OLWEN LLOYD GEORGE Daughter of Premier Lioyd George, Who was married on Monday to Capt. The service 'remier gave ance Rev. BE. G. Powell, who is now work- under the Committee of Oe resicned the Field Secre- taryehip for Perth county. Rev. HB. Coumans, Cobalt, was appointed Supernténdent of Baptist Home Missions in Ontario and Que bec. (Continuea Tomorrow.) --~ WEDDED AT WOLFE ISLAND. The Taggart-Greenwood Nuptials on Tuesday Morning. Wolfe dsland, June 20.A pretty wedding took place in the Church of the Sacred Heart on Tuesday morn- ing at nine o'clock, when Miss Nora C. Greenwood, the aécomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood, was united in marriage to William J. Taggart. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Father Fleming. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a lovely gown of silk Brussels net over ivory satin, the bodice being trimmed with seed pearls and French knots. She also wore a duchesse satin sash. Her long tulle veil was caught with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilly of the valley. Miss Marion Staley, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and wore a handsome gown of sitk crepe de chene, with hat to match, and car- ried a bouquet of pink roses. John Taggart, cousin of the groom, per formed the duties of best man Music was rendered by Mrs. Shields. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast awaited sixty guests. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers. The groom's gift to the bride was a diamond necklace, to the bridesmaid a cameo ring, and to the best man a set of gold cuff links. The other presents to the bride were many and valu- abfe, all testifying to her popularity. At 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Tag- gart, jr., left via Cape Vincent, N.Y. amid showers of rice and confetti for Syracuse and Buffalo, N.Y, for a two weeks' honeymoon trip. The bride wore 'a suitable Palm Beech crepe cloth with hat to match. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Taggart will reside on Froamt Road, Wolfe Is- land. FOOD "SHARKS" TAKE $50,000,000 Flour Should Not Have Gone Above Nine Dollars a Barrel. Washington, June 21.--Food speculators have been taking $50.- 000,000 a month for the last five months-- a total of a quarter of a billion dollars--f{rom the American people, Herbert C. Hoover told the Senators in explaining the purposes of the food comtrol bill now before Congress. Disclaiming entirely that the bill sets up a food dictatorship, Mr. Hoover told the Senators its pur- poses were entirely to organize the resources of the country and the people themselves into a food admin- missions and prevent extortion. "With righteous manufacturers and distribe , ," _ he said, "the price of flour should not have 'been over $9 a barrell. Yet it aver- 4 In the last fivé months 'extracted MONTHLY | istration to limit middlemen's com- Use Benson's for Custards Benson's will give the best results. BENSON'S CORN STARCH Nameless brands, even though fower in price, are more expensive in the end. Always order by name-- BENSON'S. WRITE FOR FREE COOK BOOK. 5 THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED, MONTREAL. PopularCakes and Pastry Almond Maccaroons, Rolls, Almond Wafers, sandwich, Fancy Cakes, ies. Always Pure; Always Fresh, Crothers' King St. Bakery ---- A AANA A NINN [DRL SSS SERA Cream Sweet Post- re - HOMESEEKERS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "HARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, | Via COCHRANE and "PHE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. | Round trip tickets will be sol! at LOW FARES Geolng each TUESDAY from MAY STH te OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Return limit lof two months, excluding date of snle. | Am extension of time limit, not excecd- mm -- Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. fo the bust back where it be ongs, prevent the full bust from having the nce of fab biness, eliminate the dunger of UF LE dragging muscles and confine the BRASTIE § flesh of the shoulder giving a graceful line to the entire upper body. . They are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi- nable--come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with * Walohn," rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Streéet, Newark, N. J. HOMESEEKER EXCURSIONS LOW RETURN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA =m ONCE A WEEK CN Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M. C. DUNN, CITY AGT. Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 King St. £, Toronto. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY FOR DELICIOUS STRAWBERRY PRESERVES tell your grocer to send you Lantic Sugar "The All-Purpose Sugar" packed in original bags or cartons The accurate weight of LANTIC SUGAR in original packages is a 'great help in preserving as it en- ables the work to be done without weighing the sugar. For straw- berry preserves in light syrup use 4 quarts of berries toa 2-Ib. carton of LANTIC SUGAR. For richer PRESERVING LABELS FREE--Send us a red ball trade mark cut from a bag or carton and we will send you a book of 54 ready gnmmed printed labels containing 6 for each of the following fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, grapes, cherries, plums, peaches and pears. Address ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES; Ltd. : Power Building, Montreal | Im two months, on Homesrekers' tie- kets sold in May, June, and July only, can be had on payment of $5.00 fue each month or part thereof. Stop-over privileges may he had at | Winniper d West, alse beiween Cochrane 'or fell S. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamilton, Toronte, Plete Kingston, Cornwall, Mentreal and Quehee. | EASTROUND {"Relteville" Lv. Toronte 10 p.m. Monday, Ar. Kingston, Wednesda of Ottawa" Lv, . Wednesday, Ar. Kingston, Thursday tS am, 1 4City of Hamilton". Lv, 'Torente, § pam. | Saturday, Ar. Kingston Sunday ® am. i WESTBOUND | "Belleville" Lv, Montreal 7 pam. Fri. day. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m. | Pleton, Monday a.m. "City of Hamilton" Lv. Montreal, 3 wesdn). Ar. Kingston Thurs- tawa" Lv. Montreal 12 noon Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. rmation, apply Phones M. E, PARKS, Between Montreal and London | (Calilng Falmouth to land passengers) Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates {apply to local agents or to The Robert : Reford Co, Limited, General Agents 50 King Street East, Toronto. 2 and 5-1b. Cartons 10 and 20-Ib. Bags SA BE ETE

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