Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1917, p. 13

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Ee PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. ' | In The World Of Sport || We Live But Once : . | | To _|BARRY ATTRIBUTES Smoking. 3 the ve- SLUMP TO STALENESS| Milo Cigar wis | Leade f World Ch i f . . mma | lO MiewAN Co. Triedand [i tue Sov vor aumriony togpuedin Sarin Sus tn a dubion Dozens of People Have Now Tri | ae ur : fSafas im Jo deh une 25 | --Fears White Sox este t fe tetder of the Syra = University Fhe bout itt be an open air con-j Sopp | i When asked tp account for the re- | | f = | 1 | a mend { cent slump of his team, Jack Bar wn J. McGraw | °f the Boston Red Sox smiled, and | BJ. Moran] on MONTHLY INCOME {the military committee of the Un- 1ite an apologist. John e ther hu 33 . . | ited Engineering 5 of New 18 to sign 'the nging document Oh, just trifiing staleness on the 2 ' ay f ' . SITs o ho . foi oo H part of my pitchers. 'e have re- urest way of providiag for your old age or your heneficinry received a cheque or ut of the leagu & y pileher We have re Is the Monthly Income Polley of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, the amount contributed . " - WA. " covered from that little setback, and. | rve Engineer Regi- | are going to tear right in from now, oC. ho baseball game he - on, and make the other teams of the S. Roughton, 60 Br. k St., P ne 610. league play the best ball of their lives to keep up with the procession. EAN NANETTE fb ts at New Yor t Sunday. ' , i BL "New York une C CCASIONALLY | |My team ,as a whole, is in perfect = : A | | tween the Hi nders and St. Louis | Joe Burman, the Chicago bantam- vou'll hear a man { playing shape right now The boys * are hinting and fielding better now | weight, and Jack Sharkey, of the sav. WW i - jv ; ; : ' sa Well >s this : : | New Yerk West Side, furnished an | = by eo ' does th than they did at the start of the sea- interesting ten-round contest at Mennen's they advertise son, and we are going right out to ~ | New York last night. Burman had a really differ from other win another pennant. AF | slight advantage | shaving preparations ? "The White Sox look like the team -- . | we will have to beat, and we are -- SE = EEE E = Jack McKelvey, of Hamilton, who Such a man is cheating bis figuring on passing Roland's bunch face out of a new shaving within two weeks. As soon as we was recently declared to be ineli : . INDIAN BICYCLES gible for amateur competition by SXperisare Smerdly oc wan take the lead there will be nothing Now that summer is here at last y a the Ontario branch of the C.A.A.U., ' ie sap eller lo try ou to stop us. Isknow my team pretty be using electric irons toasters gry b ' and the ronounce them the best ever has accepted a position with the a good thing: well, and I have no hesitancy in say 3 y Pp * 0 Steel products Company Get a tube of Mennen's and ing that it is stronger this year than fans. We have a splendid sfock ats 11 at ; Jot § Made by a strong reliable company with a of Br 1. He will play baseball see tor yoursell, ever before, That being true, I can- as . . reasonable prices. y team of that firm. The not see any team in our league cap- strong guarantee that will stand the test. team is a semi-pro. one. Made in Canada ible of stopping us, nor do I think there is team jn the National $a { All national championships will League that we ce t bes in a B= COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE be hain This FORT Ba ahr Rate world series. "The Giana, 1 believe H W NEWMAN ELEC i 1 . . 4 od f a the the team we will have to face in { Amateur Athletic Union in spite of ROADS | the or and ho te ion the big series . McGraw has a great | 79 Princess St : Phone 441 ed There must be satisfied people. | reached 1! the conference of ama aggregation, but I believe the blue | s g : ks ¥ ribbon of baseball will remain in possession of the American League for at least another year." . ad | The Detroit Tigers will play the In all of the hirteen bouts be- | man has carr he ea: r rounds, | into consi¢ ation, { Leafs in Toronto on July 24th, while ' tween welterwe hampion Jaok | with Britton 1 he aggressive | win next MoMlay night's clash * Stadium the i erer---------------- Britton and Ted I is, th is | the 20-round route. Britton should over | age an exxhi bition g > n August 289th the { Washing t Club will be in Toronto {to play the Leafs 1-3en Syibenm, Sonyedly wIB, Pills: Though we often save you money, it is your appreciation of the quality we give you that we delph:ia anc 'rovidence, an now with Little Rock In the Southern count on to make you a regular customer. Association, pitched a no-hit, no-run game against Birmingham this \ <7/ h " A Ae - b / 4 } oo | week. He did not; give a base on The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. Rplis. rr Other people tell you that you can get []| Tue opirfon seems to be generally | 4 : something just as good. rt am: | [Mo particular reason is given for} - There are many things about a Suit or Raincoat that you cannot see --their pgesence or | this condition, but the fact is that YOU GET THE ORIGINAL | the players &o thrown their per- absence is only manifest after long wear. Th ose things you assume to be in your clothes if roaunee $n 8. mask Mmdsiing vou buy them of a reputable house. You are safe in dealing with a store that has a/reputa- | manner - tion for quality merchandise, for such a reputation takes a long time to build, and 8 a very This is th kick Bicveles will be | Snes Yass ty suede £ soln sa precious asset, and like most precious things is easily destroyed. We have spent both time Us 18 UE Weels to Duy, icy been relegated to the and money in building our business reputation as value givers in clothing, hats, and furnish- . . { Smith has higher when our present stock is sold. | nities Tram het eo Smaitiv ing goods, and because we know the slightest misstatement would bring that reputation JUSHOR, 11 WES 8 Hon down, so you may rest assured that when we say our clothing, straws and Panamas are the 00 the WES Roa oa] greatest values in Kingston at these prices, we say it advisedly and only after a careful in- when he was given a chance BD . . > . " ' American. | vestigation. So if you want the best clothes your money can buy, or if value in men's hats a and furnishings means anything to you, come to our store. Joe | To Play for Red Cross. Were you ever measured for a suit of clothes by an expert? If not try us. Satisfaction Several promising voung recruit %} including Charley Comiskey, Adrian] guaranteed or no pay. {Anson and Fred Pfeffer, are expect- led to be given a tryout in a Dbase-| | ball geme which will feature the Red | . * . . 7 ' 88 Pri St. Kingston. ~ Tela e 529 | Cross field day, to be held at Weegh-| Extraordinary Value--Men's nice Special This Week--Men's sport . . | man park, Chicago, on July 21st l . at . . - . . rincess St., Kings phon {Bun pert, chienen on July sign | grey suits; sizes 36 to 44. Special $12.50. Shirts 3a Hes Piers, regular $1.25 va 'mostly of stars of the old National! "Sete, I ---------------------- . J . | Teague and old American asso ia- | Get under one of our straw hats or ue pec Se a |.:on. On the former te will be "TRA a ey or . o Ao, Blea Dat Omen, Nog] Panamas and stay there the rest of the Match up that coat with a pair of our Seanton, Jagk NeOormuck, FYeuki summer. See our classy range in all the good trousers, at those same low prices. Geiss, Frank Nichols, Joe Bicwell newest shapes at those same low prices. Sizes 32 to 50. {and Bob Sweitzer. In the line-up | ~-- T R Y {of the latter will be Comiskey, Tom Men's Underwear in all the best See our classy range of neckwear at | Mawson, Nat Hudson. Jeke Stabl, : . . . [Tony Mullane, Adolph Speilman, makes, in sizes to fit men, sizes 32 to 52. those same low prices. | Matty Zimmer, Charley Rcaaing, { Jimmy Callahan and George Mor-| 5c. P oet Cigar 5c. ne A See our classy range of Boys' Suits, Boys' Odd Trousers, Boys' Khaki and Men's Long - Postponed Games. Trousers; Men's White Ducks; Men's White Flannel and Plain Grey Flannels; Men's Silk ar SAR Tareod. on Tip of Fach Olga, a poned games in the Nations] Caps, Men's Alpaca Coats; Men's Automobile Dusters; Men's Silk Sport Shirts, Silk Dress S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. I}: Sirol (00h if his reepers Shirts; Pongee Silk Shirts; 16 Different Kinds of Working Shirts; 24 Different Kinds of with 57. The National league is not Hose; Men's Belts, Etc. . * | far behind, as 52 games have been prevented by ground or weather con- ref SPURS NN Re " ditions in this league. The Cubs have . ® o ? | been most fortunate in escaping post | ronements, having only three to! ¢ 1 n in ouse M O N U M E N T S | date. The Giants and Braves have q been idle on eleven days when games . . - . . N . Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. jets scheduled, In the Asiorioss The Bargain Spot of Kingston. Look for the Live Lion in the Window. 347 and 349 King St. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. hardest, rain preventirg twelve 897 Princess Street. Telephone 1931 games to date. The Tigers are close + -4 behind with eleven. JEFF BELIEVES IN OBEYING ORDERS AS GIVEN. By BUD FISHEF + ER cetera nee i : = L } ( IN'T YOU EUTR Gol \ ems empleo ae-- 1 . } . I THOUGHT You WERE \ Bn YO) bi Se £ bo ™~ (were, Then WHY ANT SEE To SHAVE * 'Cone 5 ARTER § NAUTICAL TERMS, ~ \ ~ ED You { nn } DowN MERE, I'M GoiNG 3 ! Fo NES YR Qu ~ YOURS. SUPPOSED To STAY \ 3 Rn THE BECAUSE THAT'S UP ON TNE FIRST FLOOR. Fi i RTs DANY Fok OM THE (NSIDE OF THE SHIP Le ? WHE RE MY WHISKERS | INSUB SR IINATION ? FOR Tex Davs . Do You 3 OUTSIDE * 7 oe wl ph ro ~ OF THE SHIP WHERE THERC'SS Your To STAY ¥ ® nb z € SuPPosed TO e D THAT! " . LoN_somE LAT pean --BcLow DECK! UNDER: TAN THK, ACE WAS 2 i SE ip Ee i EUR-LINED ? = & wHAaT Do You A y ME any * BE Low ', I keow iT! Caprright, IMT By 0 € Poker!

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