PAGE TWO FINE FURS JUNE, JULY and AUGUST Store Closes 5 O'Clock Daily. JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock St. Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Rented and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. RID- buns and Carbon Papers. Filing Oabinets Ofiice Furniture J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. Frame dwelling, almost new, modern, 6 rooms, good cellar, Owner out of town, Offering for a few days at, $1500, Colborne Street. Near Clergy street, solid brick dwelling, modern, 7 rooms. Rental $216. Yours for $2150. 106AL LABOR COUNEL ENDORED RFSOLUTIONS PASSED] BY DOMINION TRADES CONGRESS Regarding Labor the Imperial Munitions Board and the High rangements to be Made for Annual lepresentation on ost and wrsday Trades Th on was received I on , a communica vy of the Dominion local council On pass ed by the Dominion Trades Congress regarding having representatives of bor on the Imperial Munitions | Board. The Council heartily endors- ed this resolutiom, also another re- solution passed by the Trades Con gress regarding the high cost of liv ng. Both resolutions will be and forwarded to Premier Borden from the secret Trades Congress, askin to endorse a resolut The Council will hold its annual | and the various | piende on Labor Day, committees will special meetingf™ 10 be held month, ? be appointed at a Sand Hill Cemetery Burials. The funeral Mrs, thony Lucy took on afternoon one of the late place at o'clock Hill cemetery. Rev. E. Codling offi i cated at the service, which was at tended many friends of the de ceased The Jane Laura, age of aon Friday by funeral of the late Moore, who passed away Sask., on June 16th at sixty-five years, was morning to Sand in the held friends. Two sons accompanied | remains to Kingston The funeral arrangements were in charge of the undertaking firm of James Reid. Men's and Ladies' Panamas. Hundreds to 'choose from styles from $1.50 to $10 | Mills & Co. All George Newman & Shaw's "Specials." A Achievement Through Glasses. Ex. t Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our falist's advice. cl Consultation free. 15 Asselstine D.0S Street ry At the FancyClover HONEY | Im one pound sections, 25 cents each. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10¢, 12%¢c, 15¢c. Ib. Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c. ces see 1Bc Ib. 40c gal. . see esse When en he you like best from our w You Have Selected R Fa fully attrac- tive collection we'll send it to your any time you say. If it is needed at once for some special occasion we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. Or if you are not quite ready to receive it we will set it aside until you are ready. R. McFaul, Kingston Carpet Warehouse of Living--Ar- | signed | next | An- | Friday | from er | late residence in Battersea to Sand | Emily | Hill | cametery and was attended by many | the | THE DAILY BRITISH W PE ------ ap-- = AGED | | ---- : HE WAS FINED $212.50 'OR VIOLATING TEMPERANCE ACT. Story of a "Joy Ride" That Had a Very Sad Ending--Woman in Case Fainted in the Police Court Room. The Ontario Temperance A ed in no i 1 day by Thomas McGuiness, an man, and he paid ¥ it in the péikee court on Friday He had a triple charge to | answer when arraigned be Magistrate Farrell, that of 1 drunk, having liguor in a place oth- er than own private dwelling, and with giving liquor to one, Mrs { Mary Bowanan, in a public place On the charge of being drunk he was fined $10 and costs, but as the having and giving the liquor in a public place was practically the same offence, he was let off with a | fine of $200 and costs to cover the two charges, or a grand total in fines of $212.50. "l am giving you the minimum fine," remarked Magistrate Farrell, | "and it is because of your age 1 am doing so, and also because of the | frank manner in which you gave your story." The police court case followed a little "joy ride" the accused, in company with Mrs Bowman, took on Thursday night in a taxi. re | Guiness supplied the Hquor. Mrs, | Bowman was placed under arrest near the corner of Barack and Wel- | lington streets about o o'clock on Friday morning by Constable Thos Mullinger, who also rounded up | MeGuiness a short time afterwards Mrs. Bowman swore that she went eut in a taxi with MecGuiness, and that he gave her liquor The accused said he had been taking some liquor for a cold, and he did | not remember anything that had | | occurred All he could remember | was that he left his home abou. 8 o'clock Thursday night, and took \| walk across Cataraqui bridge. After {this his mind appeared to be'a blank. Not with Mrs. Bowman, however, as she told about the auto Pride she had up Princess street and | around side streets, with liquor re- | freshments A halr-filed bottle | was brought into court as evidence, | and Mrs. Bowman recognized this | as the ome which had figured in the | celebration | Mrs. Bowman was very ill as a | result of 'the night out," and faint- | ed away twice while in the court { rooin, and had to receive special at- | tention from the police matron, | | Mrs. Smith, after which one of the | stalwart police constables carried | | her out of the room. Owing to her | | condition, the magistrate remanded | | her for a day. t was I nner Hgat ann aged r the pen morning his SO COAL BARGES RELEASED. | a cn i | The Movements of Vessels in and| About Kingston Harbor. i The two coal laden barges owned | | by the Dincennes McNaughton Co. | ! of Montreal, which went aground at| | the entrance to the Cardinal Canal] | on Thursday morning, were released {Dy the owners' tugs, Sinmac¢," Con- | queror and Danby, on Thursday af- ! ternoon. | 'The car ferry, Ontario No. 1, which | ras been undergoing painting and a | general overhauling in the Kingston | Shipbuilding Company's drydock for | the last few days, cleared on Thurs- | day evening for Cobourg. | The government steamer Grenville jcleared on Friday morning from | Swift's wharf to do government work {on Lake Ontario. The steamer Plummer passed up at 1.30 a.m. on Friday, light from Montreal to Hamilton. M.T. Co.'s Bulletin: --The tug Em- erson arrived with the barge Hamil- ton, grain-laden from Port Colborne, and transshipped cargo into barges for Montreal; the tug Emerson elear- ed with two coal barges for Montreal, an will return from Prescott with three light barges and cleared with barge Quebec, to load griin at Port Colborne; the tug Matilda will clear to-day for Montreal with three grain barges. | A new top dressing is being placed jon the Cape Vincent breakwater by! | the government. The work is near- | ing completion and will make the Cape Vincent harbor one of the best protected along the lake. SCHOOL DAYS ARE OVER. Classes Dismissed For the Vacation on Friday Aftermoon. School is out. Friday alternoon the classes were dismissed for the summer vacation and they were a happy lot of youngsters who filed out of the schools at 4 o'clock. The clos- ing was of a very quiet nature, follow- ing the usual custom for the summer vacation. The senior class in the Portsmouth school had a little start on the city schools as it was closed on Tuesday, owing to the fact that the teacher, Mrs. Gambsy, had to go to Catara- qui school to look after some exam- inations. The junior classes conduct- ed by Miss Easson were dismissed on Friday afternoon. C.N.R. MEN VISIT KINGSTON Regarding Changes For Better--C. N. R .Busness Shows Increase. Notice those three distinguished locking strangers in town to-day-- fine, gooddooking chaps? « Well, {they were C.N.R. men come to pay their respects to City Agent Dunn and to see a really lve, progressive city. What designs the C.N.R. has on the city these gentlemen didn't say. Doubtless some changes for the better will be announced short- iy. The company's business in Kingston shows a fineincrease. The Wounded--W. T. Dyke, Cobou H. R. Bowman, Peterbo Baker, Carp. : Preniier Borden has that the House of Com gin mo(ning sittings next. | trained at ling corps. | from IOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. ! Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. | Newman & Shaw Spe | J » Lavell was in Sydenham on} Friday morning conducting Division | ials." Few people have used their lawn hose this season, This i: a fine sav-] ing of water. Constable Marshall Armstrong re-| ports good progr the imspection of the yards of the city { Rev. John Dawson Portsmouth! will preach én St. Paul' Chureb, | Bowmanville, on Sunds i A Russian claims that he was rob-| bed by a fellow Russian of $80, and | action wH! be taken to get the} money. , I H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul-| ev's Book Stere. i On Thursday spaniel dog. owned by Burns Kane, Barrie street, was run by a motor truck and killed. | In the only bawling game at| Queens' bowling green on Thursday | evening | Skip R. S. Graham won| from Skip Fred Crozier by 12 to 10.| fine | Me- | over afternoon a Miss Elsie MeKenzie, Division street, was removed to the General Hospital on Wednesday evening and underwent an operation for appen- dicitis Ernest Cain, president of the Kingston Trades and Labor Council, will represent the local Barbers' I'nion, at the convention in Ottawa on Dominion Day. The charge of ill-using a boy, and with nen-payment of wages, lodged against Wiliam Lee, Kingston town- ship, by Mrs. Henry Sauve, came be- fore Justice of the Peace George Hunter, on Thursday afternoon, and was Jismissed, for lack of evidence. Prevost, Brock street. has received a nice assortment of boys' and men's summer suits, also men's pants, We have the best value in the city for blue and Oxford grey suits The death i= confirmed of Major Charles E. Sutcliffe, Lindsay, who Barriefield and after reaching England went into the fly- He was reported missing and is now reported killed. The mothers' meeting of St. George's on Thursday evening pre- sented a silver pudding dish to Rev. V. O. Boyle, recently appointed to the parish at Wellington. The mothers appreciated the service ren- dered by Mr. Boyle during his stay at the cathedral. A few days ago Nursing Sister Ada Gillespie, of Kingston, cabled London, "Arrived safely, also baggage." Her friends were de- lighted to receive the message, but puzzled as to why she should men- tion her baggage. It is thought she was on the torpedoed Ausonia. W. R, FRANCIS MANAGER. E. Wathem Purchases Pollitt Bak- ery and Makés Improvements. E. Wathem, who recently pur- | chased the Pollitt bakery, is having | 'the whole place overhauled and the most extensive improvements made. Among the changes there will be two new ovens of the most up-to- date type. The Pollitt bakery has been putting out what is widely known as the "New England loaf," and Mr. Wathem will keep up the high reputation of this and all of his bakery 8. W. R. Fran- cis, a prominent young Kingstonian, has taken the pesition of manager, and the new enterprise should be a HWHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE22,1917._____ i MAN IN THE TOLS NCDENTS OF , THE DAYS THE FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF The Ladies' Home Journal On Sale Wednesday Containing four full page color pictures of President Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell's First Note, and Putting the Stars on the First Flag. BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS : -. From the New York Musical Shows -- Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want Won't Let Me, When the Girls Grow Older To Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany Ads ~ pe Pe a A AAA Ahaha Poor Butterfly, Pretty Be Good But My Eyes They Grow a Little The College Book Store, District Agents for The Curtis Pub. Co. 160-162 Princess St. | Ann Newman & Shaw's "Specials." . Snaps in Ready-wear NA PAA PA AAPA AP AA MIDDY DRESSES, with blue trimming, sizes 4 to 6 years; priced at $1.00 each. On the Saturday bargain table Am WHITE COTTON PRINCESS SLIPS in sizes 34 to 40; priced up to $1.50 each. On the Saturday bargain table ---- - SAMPLE SILK SUITS, in greys, navy, greens; also sample light tweed suits. sizes 16, 18, 34, 36 only. Priced up to $35.00. On the Saturday bargain ta- Je vm sw wn. 316.50 ble 200 YARDS CREPE DE CHENE in na- tural colored ground with Japanese ef- fect figures, in pretty comhination col- ors; 36 inches wide. the Saturday bargain table . . Pictorial Patterns, sold only by 'Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE 69c .. 69c¢ Phone 919 Diamonds A AP A . We Always have "Specials" in Diamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaire" Diamond Rings, set in platinum and 18K. gold at $100.00, These should prove very grat- ifying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ~r A dollar line on . 59¢ A & Shaw, te - rn CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grang Trunk. going 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, Including Western States ¥ Grand of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. CPR .. 10.15 am. and 5.90 p.m. C.N.R 00 p.m. "ee "ses sue we BUILDERS SUPPLIES eeey Made-to-order gal- vanized wire screens for windows and doors. The best looking and most durable. Time for Straws Prot: FA wha CARTERS MUST VACATE est Against Order to Move From Stand. deputation from the earters, have been using Brock street, below Ohtario as a stand waited on Hot weather days are com- ing and we are ready with the best and biggest stock of straw hats im our history. Every- thing from an every day 23¢ hat for a man, lady, boy or girl to a fine Panama, is included in our big stock of Hats For Everybody Our men's sailors at $2 are ex- ceptional value. Our Panamas are all imported $1.50 to $10. Our children's hats include hundreds of styles 25¢ up. Special bargains in the ladies' ' hat department tomorrow. Watch our windows. : i : 2 ih | They were notified by the police 'on Friday that twenty-four hours 0 vacate and now is no place left for I £2 The grate sipped up the young lady sfipped down. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, poate hon Teg Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, 13 Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 ad All kind of Fox Stoles {| * suitable for Summer Wear. W.F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. a A A A, Small Homes at Reasonable Prices Russell St. Alfred St. Portsmouth Raglan Road Raglan Road Earl Street John Street . $2300 Russell Street ve . $1850 Two BulMing Lots on Raglan Road, 49 feet frontage each wo. $450 and $550 each EW. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. . $1000 . $1200 $1000 . $1200 $1850 2250 Sellers of Real Estate. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE