Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1917, p. 4

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Fi ) RE THE VOCATIONAL BUILDING 75%: 2 Mr. Gould willbe in charge On the second floor of the building HOSPITAL OPENED EVENING ---- ONTARIO BABY MADE STRONG Mrs. Jarvis Says Dr. Cassell's Tablets Cured Her Delicate Child When No- thing Else Could. Mrs. Jarvis, Box 286, Penetang P O.. Ontario, writes: "It is a pleasure to tell you what Dr. Cassell's Tablets have done for my baby. When only five months old he fell ill, and tho I had medical advice for him he g worse. | tried several special foods but none of them would stay on his stomach, and he became so thin that he seemed just skin and bone He | only weighed 10 Ibs. and never % : 14 thought he could live. But chaneing | ga to 'hear of Dr. Cassell's Tablets | got some [or baby, and am thankful I did He is a bonny boy now, quite cured,! and weighs 25 Ibs. at twelve months old." is another large room, this one being used for recreation purposes is a billiard table, card tables ing chairs, etc On the There Was are as decorations pt. F i is flat sent--The Building Has the very |"! ng hy ui 43 00 the auth yrities | will gi nstruction in stenography, vocational | bookkeeping, telegraphy, commercial huilding of | 1aw, civil service qualifications, ele crowd | mentary work and when a fully equip- pro- | ped garage is completed motor me- the returned sol. | cIranics will round out the list opening of that | "This is the finest Institution of its wursday evening | kind-in Ontario," was the remark of a s about 100 by 28 recent inspecting officer AT MOWAT ON THURSDAY a Large Audience Pre. loung walls flags used ~ The office} s on Latest in Equipment. In the 1 new ytraining and recreation I Mowa large vatched with nter the gramme put on t the formal ng on T The huilding i and it represents the very Jast | RRR oe | equipment to answer w= GIFTS 10 PASTOR'S WIFE It is ddeally located and ! and the official opening was i A free sample of Dr. Cassell' ng with it. Mayor Hughes (ype ALFRED BROWN PRESENT. | Will be went to you on receipt ind was assisted in the ar- > . Rp for mailing and packing. Addre rangement of the numbers by Capt. | ED WITH CHAIR BY SCHOOL Sid KF. Ritchie & Cou Ltd, 10, WCan-| | "K pairfull, vocational co-ordin C St, Toromte. " r. Ca I's Tablets are the surest] ator of the institution So ; (JS idhey The programme given was very | vaus Aliment : Paraly 8 Pa pi- entertaining including numbers by | tion and Weakness in Children. 8Spec-| Pte. Wilson, Pte. Seguan, Miss E. | gation y valuable for nursing mothers and Campbell, Miss E Beuker, Pte. | : y . juring i Sold Prince, Miss FE. Sutherland. Pte | As a momento of the appreciation ans and Sutherland, Pte. Crechton, Pte. But. | °f her co-workers in the Sunday eix tubes for the pric eller and Corpl N. McArthurs Sehool, Mre. Allreq_ Brown, whose mins sald At the close of the last number Bushan is leaving Sydenham street Cassell's Tablets | Lieut." F. S. Gales was called on ny jlo! lodist church for a charge at mén for a few words and he | lcton, was presented with a solid e the same | heartily thanked had mahogany drawing room chair on i | Thursday evening. The presentation | sence contributed to the success ot | 100k place in the Sunday School hall bry we foot word in purpose plann n keepi preside ver--Rev. A. Brown Received! $100 From One of His Congre-! wuble, the those who proprietors, and no imits I Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co.,| Coe and by their energy or pre- he evening He was very grateful before a large gathering of people. to the girls of the Somme Club who In the absence of E. P. Jenkins, su- had made a library possible for the{ Perintimdent, A)raham rg , €x- institution and also to them for | Hy we es Roo serving refreshments to the Sts SE eho sponded. 'and patients he gues 8 During the evening an entertaining Capt. Fairfull then brought -a piusical progrémine Was given, Miss | really delightful programme to al' ie M ey, urs, Abi { Rentrowy. | close, after which refreshments were | Re i" - o Bop Ang ms, Mies | Lily Sé dens gave a plano solo and | served. tains too much alkali. This dries the In the fore-part of the evening | Miss Violet Posselwhite gave a read- | scalp, makes the hair brittle, and | many guests were shown Ing. 2 ; ruins it | the institution | On Sunday last the pupils and | The best thing for steady use is| | teachers of the Chinese Department, just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil] Splendidly Equipped. {of which Mrs Brown was a teacher, (which is pure and greaseless, and | In the presented her with a handsome ser- | is better than anything else you can ation building Yen i i that t use | | | is understood it a recent pre- | equipment that has | | One or two teaspoonfuls will heen put into such The sent to the pastor was made by a| cleanse the hair and scalp thorough-| building is about 100 by 38 feet The | Member of the congregation and it | ly. Simply moisten the hair with| lower floor is divided off into an of-| ¥2® a purse of $100. vater and rub it in. It makes an| fice for Lieut. F. S Gales, a large | - ---- abundance of rich, creamy lather. class room complete with blackboard ALBERT TREADGOLD STRUCK BY STREET CAR| Which rinses out easily, removing ev-! and desks, and an immense roofn in| He Suffered a Fracture of Right ery particle of dust, dirt, dahdruff and! which are fifteen work berches excessive oil The hair dries quickly | These benches are similar to those| Leg While Crossing Tracks. a Careless Shampooing Spoils The Hair It you want to keep your hair !ooking its best, be careful what you wash it with, Don't prepared shampoos or anything « , that con use through vocational and recre there fs the finest | probably ever a place. new and evenly, and it leaves the se alp {used in the manual training depart- | soft, and the hair fine and silky, ment at Macdonald school, being out-| bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to fitted with a most complete set of | manage | tools. In one corner of this room will | You can get mulsified cocoanut oil} be a huge case of special wood-work- | at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and! ing and other tools and equipment,| While crossing the car tracks at a few ounces will supply every memn-{ even down to an electrie glue pot. the corner of Unicn and Frontenac ber of the family for months | It.is planned to teach art and craft | streets about two o'clock on Thurs- -- work here which includes copper | day afternoon on a motorcycle, Al-| Bes t i LL. meen | DET Tireadigold, son of A. E. Tread-| geld, Frontenac street, was struck | by a street car and suffered the frac | MENNE S ture of hig right leg. | The lad, who is about fifteen years | Open Sundays had finished his lunch at his | 124 Princess Street. | home, and was going down to the] Branch: Princess & Division Sts A good road on Union street before | proceeding to his father's sporting goods store on Princess street. With | the noise of the motorcycle and the difficulty of seeing an oncoming caf | at this crossing he did not know of || the approach of the car. He had || passed over the tracks except for a il about four or five inches when the car struck the back wheel of the motorcycle. The lad was thrown off. | He was later taken to the Gemeral| Hospital where his injuries were at- | tended by Dr. G. W. Mylks. The] X-rays showed that he was suffering | from a fracture of the right leg. The motorcycle was not damaged to any appreciable extent, the back | wheel being smashed. FORTY YEARS AGO Father Kelly, of 8mith's Falls, J) Celebrated His Solemn ---- Anniversary. | | On Sunday June 17th Rev, Father | Kelly, the pastor of 8t..Francis de| Sales church, Smith's Falls, celebra-| ted the fortieth anniversary of his] ordination to the priesthood He was ordained June 17th, 1877, in his native city of Waterford, Ireland, and| remained there for three or four| vears, and in 1881 came to Canada,| coming to Kingston where he held an official position under the late Arch-| bishop Cleary. In 1899 he removed] to Smith's Falls succeeding the late] Father Stanton and for the interven- ing eighteen years he has faithfully and acceptably ministered to the] people of St. Francis de Sales church. | At the morning service solemn high mass was celebrated hy Father Kelly with Rev, Father McDonald, Merrick-| ville as deacon and Rev. Father Han-! ley, rector of the cathedral. The Whig recalls the coming to] Kingston of the dapper young priest and has had a delightful acquaintance with him since then. We congratu- late him on reaching his fortieth anniversary beloved and esteemed by ~------. Amn AY HERERO -- SUMMER Furnishings Just received a large shipment of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. E Rockers, > chairs and scttees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs : White Sewing Machines HARRISON COMPANY . i i = 2 Z BE 0 = garded by those whose faith is not =| exactly as his. Devoted, honorable, =(and truly pious, Father Kelly ranks high in church and society. Low Fares to Western Canada. If you are going west, take ad-| cursion fares offered by the Can- ing Toronto every Monday. For Ifterature and all imformation ap- ply to J. E. Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, city agent. Bicycle Was Stolen, i Bicycle thieves are busy around the city again. Frank Collins, em- ployed at Davis Tannery, left his! wheel outside the plant on Tues av night, while he was at work, and when he came out tp get it found r a lookout.e Great Hat Values. i AMen's And boys' straw hats at 35¢. A wonderful walue. display. George Mills & Co. Hat Store. Will find this the best place to buy your Uxfords for Summer wear. Prices range from $4.00 to $3.00 for the best. ' Full line of canvas, rubber-soled shoes in stock." 4 Jack Johnston's Shoe Store 70 Brock Street. = the i from England. There is still a thirty-mile field of | ice on Lake Superior. r- > " _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. There| i } i |The Chinese Department Gave a Ser- his co-religionists and equally so re-||i vantage of the low housescekers' ex- || adian Northern Railway, good leav- || that some person had purloined it. The police have been asked to kee)! ar A rma A i a ---- 'Announcing Ou: Second Monthly "Mail Order" Comparison Sale! - Starting Saturday, June 23rd Continuing Throughout Next Week. We have already proved to the people of this community through the medium of our first great sale last month, that we do in deed as well as word "MEET OR BEAT ALL CATALOG PRICES." If the very latest styles, money-saving prices, prompt and satisfac- tory service are incentives you should shop at "The Woman's Store of Kingston." guarantee absolut White Voile Waists [| 210 plain and embroidered white voile waists in a splen- [| did assortment of the newest styles. Mail order price $1.25. Steacy's price, 98¢ House Dresses 50 doz. print and house dresses in light and dark colors, in all sizes from 34 to 46. Special mail order price, $1.19. Steacy's price 98c. --_---- . Colored Silk ose, 250 pair Radium quality silk hose in colors white, pearl and battleship | grey, mauve and Nell-rose-- | a very sightly hose, sold by the mail order houses for | Steacy's price 50c | 300 half bleach Turkish bath towels, an extra heavy quality, sizes 22 x 45. splendid sold by the mail order at 29c each. Steac percale || wearing quality; 's price ash Skirts 120 novelty sport skirts with 300 "Admiral" middies; 180 only white duck wash | large Chinese patterns on Jj white and cream grounds. All ll made of the finest quality white New York styles. Mail order Jf M ll h rice is 48, | Ouse: fu ee . 24 i middy cloth -- in all white Steacy's price $1.98 Japanese Crepe | . Kimonas | Handsomely embroidered in [fi | colors, rose, sky and mauve-- il all guaranteed fast washable ll colors. Mail order price $2.48. | ? : Steacy's price, $2.1 skirts, button trimmed; a new sport skirt that is a remark- and white with colored collars, able value under present con- ditions, at the extra special mail order price of 98c each, in sizes 24 to 30. , $2.1 98c Ul Steacy's MILLINERY Panama Sport Hats -- 120 genuine Panama hats. price $1.48. Steacy's Price 98c New Straw Shapes -- 96 new colored shapes; a fine variety for for your choosing. Special mail order house prices are $1.39 and $1.48. So Steacy's Price 98c¢ 120 pair pure French silk in plain and striped combina- tions, mail order price $1.19. Steacy's price, Special Mail order 50c Stockings, sale price 35 180 pair white silk boot hose, an extra special value today at-50c a pair, in all | sizes. Saturday 356c¢ | Lisle Stockings sale price 25¢ 96 pair in black and white only -- a fine silk finished hose that is special value at 35c. in all sizes. Sat. 25¢, | Ladies' Lisle Vests 600 cotton lisle vests in short sleeve and no-sleeve styles -- in sizes 36 only. A special value the over-makes of one of Can- ada's foremost underwear manufacturers--worth regularly 25c¢, While the quantity lasts. Sale price 18¢ or 2 for 35¢ Huck owels Bed Shams and Runners 180 pair famous "Old 18 doz. hemstitched and Bleach" pure grass linen } . } towels, size 18 x 36. Sold fl embroidered linen finished shams, size 30 x 30, and run- by a mail order house for 48c. Steacy's price 35¢ ners size 18 x 54. A special chain value sold by a mail or- 300 pair pure linen huck towels, size 18 x 36; sold by der house for 59c each. Steacy's price, 50c. gloves, with double finger tips. The fashionable white with black points, A regular black, 75c¢ value, sold by the mail order houses for 69c. Steacy's price 59¢ A houses the mail order houses at 29c. Steacy's price 25c¢. Men's Underwear 300 Balbriggan shirts and drawers, well made, perfectly finished gar- ments, in sizes 34 to 46. The mail order special price is 48c a gar- ment. 800 yards of this famous light coporett pring and percale in a great range of colors--full yard wide and sold regular at Ihc a yard. See window | [iH 7 { Seven hundred wounded and sick! Jif Canadians have arrived at Halifax|} 's price 45¢ 120 Athletic Shirts and drawers, made of fine white dimity in most sizes; sold by the mail order houses as an extra and worth a dollar. special value at 75¢ a suit; Steacy's price 59¢ a suit. he Voile at 25 Black Satin ; 1100 yards fine snowy white ? Duchesse Silk h 118 yards jet black French imported cotton voll, ull AO [nme dls Tae» Dematied inches wide; a special value at lil lustrous finish, full 368 inches 435¢ a yard. wide.. A reg. $1.30 value. Sale price $1.19. BUINCe * 60 pair omly Nottingham Val, lace curtains in a variety of handsome designs: regularly priced up to $2.85 a pair, a

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