PAGE FIVE ______THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. ESEREEEEENEEENEEENEEEENEERRANSNRENRY ENNNRNENREEY = (ROP OUTLOOK 1S BRIGHT 98c Each--50 Middy Dresses Made from good quality pique for girls, ages 6 years to 14 years. This is a snap, so be early for first choice. pF SR prices for Saturday. It will certainly pay you 98c Each -- White Repp. Skirts | Seven dozen, fine quality, cor- | rect styles in all the sizes to 28 | band worth today $1.50 each. 10 doz. Saturday; OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. O'Connor' s Ladies' " Exclusive 'Saturday Bargains 98¢c Each -- 10 Doz. Middies Four new styles in every size, for girls and women. Made from fine repp, plain or fancy collars. PE 250 = -Summer Dresses=250 "In the very newest materials and latest styles, at greatly reduced 98c Each New Voile Waists | | Fine quality; extra values. ! to see these garments. new styles, ready for all the sizes to 44. lot. Every one new this season and selling $27.50. Saturday, $15.00 to Clear. "$1 5=Silk Suit Clearance=$15 Only a few suits left, but a good range of sizes and colors in the $22.50 regular to 10 doz. Palm Beach Hats, fancy bands . . 8doz. Fancy Striped Sport Hats ... .. .. 6 doz. Motor Caps in silk with goggles. a 12 doz. children's bonnets, special at . Any trimmed hat in the store to go at . ---------- 260 Prin- cess Bt. Millinery Snaps Shop Here Saturday and Save Money. - h T. J. O'CONNOR Higher Up Street; But Always Lower i in Price. 3 98 . 98¢c 98¢ . 23¢ and 39¢ . $3.49 Phone 800 PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaran Official Test, by H, B. Smith. Milk test 3.2 Buiter Fat. 24 "SO HNSON STREET City Dairy |=552t \ [oe FE, BATHERS We take great pleasure in showing you our mew lines of BATHING CAPS AND SPONGES Don't wait, but call in today and look them over. Our prices are right. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 L Stote A Successful Picnic A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC DEPENDS ON SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Peanut Butter Olive Butter Potted Meats Cooked Ham Pork and Beans Olives Paris Pate Welsh Rarebit Chicken a Ia King Camp Coffee and Cocoa Peanut Butter. Sardines ALL SIZES PICNIC, BASKETS Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." White Canvas Shoes. Fashion Says: "Wear white canvas shoes." A complete assortment of stylish shapes and designs for men and women. Suitable footwear for all out-door sports : and recreations. Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street. ™ CANDLES AND COLD WATER MUST BE ALWAYS ON HAND IN STANDARD HOTELS - The New Regulations Been Issued By the License Board. New regulations governing stan- dard hotels in Ontario have just been Ontario the most important affects the. pos'- tions of ropes for fire escapes. The principal regulations may be sum- marized as follows: Every standard hotel mow bas to have a candle placed in each bed- room. This is for the purpose of helping the guest who may be in he hotel when a fire breaks out and the lighting system is put out of bus- ness. There have been cases where the lights have gone out and in the confusion without a light lives have been lost. Every standard hotel must in fu- ture keep a supply of pure cold water for drinking purposes for the guests Another thing is that storm win- dows are barred from bedrooms. The board recommends that instead metal weather strips be used, as this will keep out cold draughts in winter and dust in summer. Storm windows, it is claimed, would prevent the free opening of windows in case of fire. The situation of ropes used for the purpose of escaping from bedrooms én case of fire has been changed. The old rule used to be they had to be fastened from the sill, but the Commercial Travelers' Association thave pointed out the danger of this to the board, and the rule is now that they must be fastened from the side the sill, thus making it easicr for the guests to get out in case of danger -- future mo license of a hotel iblet any portion of the hotel's promises withoot the boards perms PROFITS FOR ALL By the Practise of True Economy Lend Your Money. Lend your money to the country where it can be used for national ends. The National Service Board is appealing to the country to dnvest in War Savings Certifi- cates, to practise thrift, and to make every possible sacrifice that victory is to be won. True saving is only a {better form of spending. To save Have Just| v= issued by the License Board. One of} 4 Pg «if FARMERS IN KINGSTON DIS- TRICT HAVE A GOOD REPORT Present Indications Point to a Big Crop of Grain and Hay--Recent Rains Have Helped to Better Con- ditions. + A prominent farmer stated to the Whig, on Thursday, that'the present outlook was for a good crop of grain and hay. He said that he did mot expect that the hay crop would be quite as large as last year, but generally speaking, the ' prospects were good for bumper crops. The Tecent rains have helped the hay crop a great deal. There are crops of potatoes in low lands which have suffered by the heavy rains, This is most encouraging news, in view of the special appeal made this year for increased production. The farmers of Frontenac county have been doing their "bit" in this ve- spect, planting a larger area, where it was possible, and if the weather conditions are favorable, the county will have a good report to make when the final summing up time comes, The pastures are in splendid con- dition as a result of the recent rains, and this is a good help to the dairy- men. The output of cheese this sea- son it is expected will far surpass that of former years. The trouble the c¢heesemen have been experiefle- ing for some few weeks is being overcome. At Thursday's meeting of the Frontenac Cheese Board, cheese sold at 21 3-16c and as the cheese is shipped overseas, these will be a keen demand for it, C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Columbia Grafanolas and Records For Patriotic People. $1 a week will buy a Columbia Grafanola complete with records for soldiers' wives and children, and others wanting music jn their home. We have many other makes and records to select from, and a mum- ber of slightly used machines at special bargain prices, You can pack a small machine in your trunk for the coumtry. Satisfaction guaranteed. our warerooms or write for Call at illus- list to 121 Prin- °3 22 «2 = & o > | c 8 » = = = 3 a o C. W. Lindsay, cess St. Limited, Married at Winnipeg. A very pretty wedding took place on Monday, June 18th, in St. Mary's shurch, Winnipeg, when Miss Bern- adette, Kennedy, Enterprise, Ont. was united in marriage to Arthur H. Forde, St. Louis, Mo., Rev. Fr. O'- Donnell officiating. The bride was given away by her brother, M. J. Kennedy and looked very charming in a blue moire silk suit, her blouse of rose Will-o-the-wisp.' She wore a Rose hat to match, her costume being completed by a white fox riff. The bride was attended byr Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, who wore grey silk with hat to match, James Kennedy acting as best man. After the eéremony the wedding party adjourned to the St. Charles Hotel where a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Forde will reside in Prince Rupert, B.C. KINGSTON EVENTS} 26 YEARS ACO GET AFTER A NEW STRAW Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Whether you prefer a Pan- ama or Sailor wide brim or narrow brim, you are sure to find a hat to suit you in, the CAMPBELL collection, and at almost any price you wish to pay. Sailors, in sennit, or split straw, in the most popular di- mensions of brim and crown. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Special values. in fine Pan- amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. $4, $5, $6. -Gampbell Bros, The Store of Real Styles. ~ Ere THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THER PION pp. THERAPION 1%: Nu THERAPION &%: a irainey n> Te Ro foniow up- circulars, vice LECLERC Med.Co. HAVERSTOCE RD. N. W.. LONDON, =r yar FRADE. RKED Wo IRD * THERAPION | 15 OW The Locomotive Works to-day shipped two locomotives to the har- used for the harbor improvements. The Whig is issuing a handsome souvenir programme of the tenth annual meet of the Canadian Wheel- nfens' Association to be held here July 1st. Eggs are selling in Kingsion wholesale at 83%c and 9 while re- ports from New York says the price there is 15¢ to 17c. market is glutted. WOMEN'S AILMENTS Come From The Heart and Nerves Milburn's Heart and Nerve pif was so bad I could not work. I tr lots of cures but nothing would drive them away for good until I took B.B.B. In a short time I was all better. It is a dandy medicine. I keep it in the house all the time." Burdock" Blood Bitters is manu- factured only by The T. Milburn Oo., , Toronto, Ont. but so well and favorably is it known that there are many imitations on the market. See that our name appears on the wrapper. Mrs. Alfred Winter, Castor, Alta., : "I would like every woman who is suffering from nerves or heart trouble to know how much Milburn's i bor commissioners of Montreal to be The Canadian | Ensign Cameras From $1.50 to $25 FOR BEST RESULTS in Developing and Printing, Try Us. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. A 20TH CENTURY . BEVERAGE For Everybody. In Bot-/H tles Only. "= Carling's| IO LADIES' DRESSY PUMPS HERE © ual - i §° Py At present our stock is complete with pretty white and patent pumps. Best grades . . . . $4.00 to $6.00 Other grades . . . $2.50 to $3.50 "Get Yours Now." Abernethy's Shoe Store BRIDES Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the furniture for the new home that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outfitting newly-weds, laying rugs and oilcloth, placing up art blinds and furniture fitted in position at no extra cost, and so perfectly that they remain a lifelong customer. James Reid The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Ring 147 for Motor Ambulance. Palra Beach Suits Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. i) -- Cheap When you come to us for eye glasses we do not figure how cheap we can make them--but how good te meet your pocket book. Our treatm ent is fair to you. Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. (ices on Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 6090 MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stoch i of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. Choice Selection of ring Suitings Prices Reasonable