Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1917, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, June 22, 1917. PAGE SEVEN co------------ HA G R A N D Sl 23 3 ESTABLISHED 1855 Thyift 50% Daily (mos a The People's F orum 2--ACTS VAUPDEVILLE--2 A Five Act Photoplay Genevieve Hamper, Leg FOR CHILDREY "Tangled Livgs." | SED ADVERTISING RATES| FOR SALE TO LET f - -- E! TER S---------- The Pathe News, Comedy and Other CONDENSE , making more re Photopays. First losertion, 1c a word. Each con- paps EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST FOUND OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM i a 1 are . secutive insertion thereafter, haif- little. Once, 25¢; three times 50c; bers. Apply to A. B Cunningham Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday cent a word. Rie 0 harge for one week, $1.00 NH KL E-PL ATED TOP OF G - 79 Clarence street. rk Vaudeville one lasertion, i three Imgertions, teeter ee ------ . presumably ' - a Polite Va SOc; six $1; one month, $2, AKE CAR IN j automobile was found GOOD HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED, A Five Act Photoplay. a t lass © n. Cheap for efleld Hill Apply swell location, for three months Aik " ' z # u 1 Appl 86 Bay street. iE Office Apply Bc $616, Whig Offic 1: Ja . 1 Tahiaf . HELP WANTED ei eat ete i re mre AN AUTOMOBILE CRANK ON rer ee iE Omion, and. th Mabe alla erro, m be eee eee ' GAS RANGE AT 67 GORE STREET. Elm street on Friday morning Tr FOR FURNITURE. BE. WA- todey. "" . " | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AF- Apply to J. 8. R McCann, £2 Broce Wher may have same at 462 she wis a clean dry furniture Ww e B Prox eet Railway Office, street. Phone 326 or 621. Stree Ing, 442 Albert street. Pho A if y y ply sty FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- 2152 * Phone WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT, - G Job PLAIN COOK. APPLY MRS. y TWENTY-TWO Foor BOATHOUSE TISED FREE s------ er ---------- A Two Reel Comedy, Lone- * © S. Kent, 85° King street. located near doiton mill jock Ap- Apyone finding anything and "* * ply 69% Raglan Road, or Phone $78. wisk.ng to reach the owner may *E FOR I URNITURE OR MER- some Luke in "The Plumber." A COMPETENT YARD MAN, gio PER do so by reporting the facts to vh », clean and dry. MeCann's And Other Features. month. Apply Frontenac Hetel. [| MOTOR LAUNCH 2¢ FEET LONG, The Briiish Whig. The adver- Rea tate cy, $2 Brock St Nuiticn 10¢ Evening 10e; 5 1-8 feet wide. In-good con tisement will be printed th this Mes 3 ¢ ' F Any Any Seat ALUN Reserved, 3 Reserved, Se ie Exton! SMANT BOYS WANTED, APPLY dition. Apply Box 621, Whig column free of charge. ea---- From enac Moulding and Glass Co. | Office. "Found articles," does not in- G B. DICTA | RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND OF- EeTute he. "out, may Borger OFF ve SR NOR Ju Wi Wiotey eor ge McKay, Mana ger. | GIRL TO LE JARY 10. F MEL) FRENSES, fioe on Zar] Sires. No. M4 $n = vertised for in the "Lost" column. Smith, Printer, Apply to J. B. Car th Hee -- of Err es Endentet PT e---- | TOE 51 Welliigton siren 0 iinet Thursday, Friday, Saturday [FIVE MEN AT McKAY'S WARE-| GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN meriea's Sweetheart | house, Cataraqui Street; 0c an salections, your own choice, $27.60 LOST. dry, airy roms; your own lock and MARY PICKFORD John Mckay. Lims | Terms: 33 cash, $1 per week. CW. Key. Frost's City Storage. 139 | I MAID; NO WASH. | Sudsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. Queen strest. Phone 526; res. 989 Romance of the Redwoods." AG OOD SE NERA 1 NO SH- A BLACK SPRING AND FALL OVER- | " GEORGE BEBAN | "ing or ire NE. EUod wages. Apo TRNTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- coat heey Barnfefield and the TEN N i ply Miss IL i 127 King St. W tains, canoes, and camping sup- Bridge Finder kindly return to] F 2 CSIDENCE, 119 EARL 3 . | { te ln plies. Fishing tackls, etc. Frank farker. or > 8 : brick, $9 rooms, w fire- Aberdeen Ave., Brick vee ot a es Price $4400 | In "The Bond Between." W. Cooke, 35° Clarence St, King- Ww h x Sarqerso B.- Yarker, 'or ihe aces, nice Fi "and shade L GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE ston. Phone §91 » J 8 R. McCann, 82 Broek Earl St., brick . .. .. Price $4000, Mrs. Varnea Castle [* "gam womb woniong, sss nr oom Ey MC a; tu ontenac Moulding and Glass Co. | sy AnGE NU MBER UF BICYCLES, IN- STRAYED. Collingwood St., double frame . . .. Price $3600 ___" Ee EE Limited gluding the famous Athlete, Over- ' TWO FRONT FURNISHED ROOMS, land and Perfect Models; also tires we bys 2 3 and one bright d Johnson St., double frame . € ¥wis . Price $4000 | ST TR R A AND D™ so he. © Ri are x ol Miter Ts King Bt Phone F031 | PREMISES OF H. BLACK- pleasant ny k ini ie de THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY re vei [eno STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT ek a ney, A yd Johnson street Division es, china cabinets We also formation as tc 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874] vw 'vrisar, suvurtny = | (ore waa with Do THE wenn] bax Sng at ery sitan. mew| will be gratef ved. PHEIELELIE EE beg g z - and second hand furniture. an . orn ¥ P Iny | v washing family o n al 4 | eature "wy ¥ | her N n home, Apply Bos Thompson, 337 Princess street. We have several desirable . | "hig Office . furnished bouses with rents ° ° WM. S. HART, m | Ss | - rangiag from $30.00 to $43.00 : x TR . . per month. Apply the J, K, Car. N L SERVANT, MIDDLE TYPEWRITERS--UNDERWOODS AND 0 tical Points "The Desert Man." |" A aa bDLE 1 makes. factory rebuilt Guar: typ PARENTS OF THE SWALL BOY *U Ageaey, 3 Bok 4, 3 1 \ - er to s ant t p a ov 25.00 v ~ p wele < > : Av. Apply in the evening fo Mr to $55.00. WHI Ship on approval Sho, torkathe rieyele Irom |e | bd bd dS SE EERE ESSE Sb NO, S--Our service means th | Comedy Heels. "Lass of the Lumber- : | | CRNa0in Whine Ma Bue Coin day, will either call and pay . " pany, 25 Adelatde ¢ west, 0- the machine or face police court Matinee Se B® WILL PAY GOOD ronto. proceedings TO REN I . A FEW WOMEN, pr eding adjusting. ey INRIA San Rete Ria wages and arre ange working hours | NT i i i 0 m | clear work. ( Eive Jou k rt la wearing them nud | . fo wrmation Dominiin | $4454640085080004000 000000 FOR SALE OR TO LET Textile Co, Ltd, Cataraqui street A real bargain in lots at the TT JHE ia tt LLL dL | { 3 head of Princess street, just A NEW soLip BRICK, ON RIDEAU A well furnished sey W | WANTED REPRESENTATIVES TO outside city limits.. The bent of street BE thing new and mod urnished we eh-room R. J. RODGER BAKING PO DER | di bute tablets which wash | unrden land; city water. Inquire ern, at a "bariai n "Apply to -- CT hag rH | spot le gr: clean without | of Mrs, C. E. Fralick, Princess Harrison, 108 Rideau gtreet. Phone rent reasonably te two Indien rial makes per-|& St, uear Bath Rd. 1960 or married couple without child- Revised Prices: na Ss One hundred | § etn ren Apply to Box Ne. 30. Som per tin rer PIU Make five Quan | Saat bibs t biti tie ibt ¢ oy ------ ~~ s 6 ox. : are . 15¢ per tin Ser 1 cents for SAMPLER | eer mirc emesis } ON COLLINGWOOD ST, NEAR UNION dood fe doe os desde fo sfeafe eo 9 ox. wes wee % per tin or fo 3 gs. Bradley Com- | gup mp FOR NEW AND SECOND Street car line, a new pressed brick | cm -------- ~~ rm a. T i t S | 1202. ... ... ... ... 20e per Ha » y . Ontario hand sideboards, dressers, couches, Jesidence: all new and modern, just 16 ox. 3 «BF dle 3 per tin arlor chairs, tables, Singer sew- nished and ready for immediate BOARD AND R O1 e oap | |] 2 dh Se per tin ng machines, crockery, plotures, possessfon. Apply C. Harrison, 108 D ROOMS. stoves and ranges. Also buy new 'Rideau street FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, Our wervice is your satisfaction. Manf'g Opticians aad Optometrists. 132 Pringess St. » EE aaZa 222) + + 4 3 + and second-hand furniture, A every conve ice, central loca- | oe BUY QUICK BEFORE THERE Shapiro, 35 Princess street. tion. Apply 3 Brock street J 2 ANCE DENTAL de. Tb ' a S | Car of Cholce Eavigra Potatoes. 18 A FURTAER ADVA' {FARM, NORTH BALE. LOD 15, 4TH n P | ent ° concession, township of Pittsburgh, FINANCIAL 100 acres, more or less, well water A. BE. KNAPP, B.A. LDS D.D.S., . ed, well fenced, good bulldings, | 'o ri Pho! Telephone or woe us before buy- | Executor's convenient to school, church and Office. 5s Princess street. ne -- ANAC LOAN ND NVEST. cheese factory; best farm in town- z FRONTEN/ oy, MoD ay Ba. Although all toilet soaps are stead- | 2 | . le ; p ship. Possession in Se ptember. Ap- ily advancing and likely to continue | (C With or without experience, on " » To. " . Colonel H. R. Smith, to advance, we are in a position to | H 0 ce 0 I ors sewing and knitting machines. aro ls, Pod, Loekmaster, DR rr A VAL, DENTIOY, C.M. i ice president, w. F. Ne- " . , 3 >, « e er any of the well known varieties | . Light work; highest wages paid _---- Phcne 626. and farm proverdes tea SS which are displayed in our upper win- | ims against' the estate | while learning. Apply | country debentures mortgage y h i; 1 t by dow at 1 SR FEPEPIP EI PEE PEEP P20 P04 | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- Ee open received + tists, 1569 Wellington street, G. C terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, # is hereby given that ail per- Ng g h « 2 pbell late of the township | my; spinster who died on Kingston Hosiery, 19th da ovember under- signed solicitor atement, if of J, | their claims against the said esta One 4-cylinder 3-passenger, | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBR | +> " a ny Sr-- on 4 I ; a se + AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE + Dewar, D.DS., LDS, assistant 3 ( \KES FOR 2! [ 1916, are on or bef. th lay of Limited > Phone 340. manager, §7 Clarence St. Kingston. * + Studebaker Touring Car, second PATENTS Fire Insurance Company. Available Hoa S Dra Store | And that after said last mentioned | -------- A i pgs 1 . ick oA assets $61.187 216 Addition to date, the executor will distribute the wand, cheap for qu sale. sO v 3 7 ' gsets o e dec oe INES ose N FAN which the policyholders have for g g *""Ranks with the Strongest' | 280is Plate Sevensed aimonias those POSITION WANTED. + one d-cylinder truck. J. H. DABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade security the unlimited Habllity of | those els of fc e si or : PETE STENOGRA- | % Davis, Saxon Distributor. marks, xns. tab. 1877. Ferm- city property, insured at lowest tr footie | § HUDSON BAY § | ifn: oi Wik sins | Toommmmans vam srmsogny- + avis, Spat aies omee Eames, MOET | Soll EES, renewing . SS I< Wig Sr $i ! i : of Patent Laws Book "Patent Pre- old or giving new business get | be liab for any part of said estate to keeping, desires a position, Re- | Insurance Company any person of whose claim he shall ferences If réquired. Apply Box | HHEEREEE EL RME ERIM LIME tection" free. 99 St. James St, Mont- rates from Strange & Strange, fan then have had notice. 6621, Whig Office. real. Bramches: Ottawa, Washington. Agents. Phone 326. F J JOHNSON FIRE INSURANCE | JOHN SLEETH J. B. WALKEM, |== } Executor. Executor's Solicitor AAR rr cm A eA AAA A AAA en v Prey y = Oe ONT REA ce Bue: Dated 13th June, 1917 WANTED GENERAL BY GE. A. BATEMAN'S ESTATE| // eee gency. The Leading Florist Apply 194 Division street, eity. and Cut Flowers our speciaity. Orders Ww. H GODWIN & SONS 0 Poly Avision sires Yy Jhtest improv ements, § rooms, dou- WANTED | | | Extra Choicest for cash or in part payment of new | $3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL TMPROVE- Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. | the work of the various trades (ex- - Ligtow's. JFiastation Reand INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST | 31490, FRAME. IMPROVEMENTS, SIX Ontario Building are made and lost by Investors | yocANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, » -- : GORDON S. at the Sir Oliver Mowat Sanatorium, Chicago. TO RENT. TNA tsi gee Nt Ww Tenders are to pe addressed to Capt. and all growths and skin blem- | pumping and storage Can | ~~ ence street, Kin Fresh Cut Flowers Daily ==----| We propose to share with our customers the bene- POWER & SON, LRH ECTS, MER- | P, DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. n PERCY J. QUINN, Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets I~ re . . roe * > . of . y 4 1 le * dling promi. hone su. 11s 'rock | of W- H. GODWIN & SONS ME bE SoA" | sso, mmicrc, 7 Hoows, aur. wel] MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL planos and Victrolas. C. WW. Lind- ments; sta Japan (Green) Tea, @ cept plumbing and heating) for the BUSINESS CHANCES $3000, BRICK, Au IMPROVEMENTS; PANY, LTD. Black Tea, in 21§ Ib. Tins, ' A Pavilion and a Storage |"" tne cent unt] 700 feed. Bacoeastul 0, FR, NTS, Free trial subscription. Success- is the place to get it. Kingston mma $20; BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL L. Symons, C.E, O. i-¢ Works, ishes removed permanently, A Delicious Dessert Funeral Designs and Wedding | ha cities of the Water ARCHITECT FURNITURE FINISHING fits to be derived from a h system. am - | Works Plant and in view £nnote Ban Rk Suligrng. Sorser ar Catt or drop a card. 23 John . . . { : ock an: ellington str ree . TAXLSERVICE | of the increased water oe Jas. Swift & Co, : Limited i . Manager, Oatario Branch, Toronto PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAKING. $5500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, mn, in ply to Box 620, Whig office : provements, Bas and electrie light, Contractors | bo er ne DEPARTMENT ® SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Lump tenders will be received until f d, . 3 N On ne Kit Sa. Embed, a1 Prinosin wrod | gugge, mmc, 11 Rooms, ars. 1. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- s : in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 0 ti 1C EQ. electric Hg Ki ingston $1.40. When you require Tea Finance, ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St. Cor. Bay and Montreal Stroets. | Plans and spedifications can be seen improvements; 10 rooms and sta- | and forms of tendets obtained at the RSO) bil Phone 88, joffice of D. J Mullarkey, ' Clerk of YE NAL Y Works, Military Hospitals Commis- MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. ett sion. ithe Ramialph Hotel, Kingston HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS Kingst . . . Mbitary Hospital mmission, Ottawa . LEGAL Watts, Foe Owing to the limited and mane by" registered bose The| Pit ees Sr West or any tender not necessarily a t, 3268 A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER y Florist accepted and solicitor. Taw oes, 79 Car Starting May 1st all wool coal sales will be for cash. Eston. Bouquets t to Order. ee RING 960. | consumption, due to Eo oo Hat Cleaning Time All Large Cars reer neuction, the 'Now fu the time to get your straw Te d S d le H Finiture | Highest P " sed. | ublic Commis- Se aa aoe adi -- gr Pumama hat cleaned and ousehold [sion kindly request all Por Sv my Specialists in Panama bleach- | Black Tens, 4 Oc bo 7 Bc Will buy and pay fair prices, . . |users of water to be as A EmEIMY 4 Ou, We: Swlsisrios sutetwtend; |} but must be clean and sanitary Kingston T axi Cab economical as possible, New York Hat Clean- |Green Teas . 35¢ to 60c rie P 70k . thereby helping to re. NO LOAFING NOW ing Co. a : . Turk, Phone screamin) lieve the situation until IN WEST VIRGINIA Suecensoty tu Papges Bros. Hat | Special Japan Tea in the new pumps are instal- Law Makes All Men Work 101b. box .... $3.25|° THOMAS COPLEY Thirty-six. Hours elephone For led. Week. s . Fresh Eggs Se. woe 38¢ rerue Sop! done it ek RH.TOYE, | cues W355 sume 52. UNITED GROCERY | vis ines, To im oi | en SEE Foti Everybody worked in West Virginia 188 Princess Street. Phone recef tio Shop will please, i to-day. Each consumer was a pro-|.. "f . ja Home of Choice Groceries. ds Queen' sire attention. " Ee Noe A ducer as well a law violator. 5° ' : ! wad pmrhime ed : day every able-bodied man in this and i -- ¥ i state ween ages of d 60 Knives f We offer our customers 300 Ibs. New Potatoes, 'New - 1 % SP ECIAL! farmens' fed pork, clean and nice, in | Cabbage, New Car- promptly. Locks if : 33 and 10 Ib. blocks, at 25¢ per Ib, | Also 300 Ibs. of choice kettle ren- dependents. sharpened 3 dered lard at 25¢ per pound. Also .| i Eastern Dairy School choice lot of farmers' butter and! + Sxenmery bute in 1 pound prints, " g Butter for 43¢ per "TieutCol, T. Bart Robson, com- ib. apples, § 4 Aandi officer of the 135th Pat ! THOMPSON'S . Hon till it was broken up in 1 f Anilerson Bros. Grocery ; ob p ar ou Eos for 'the Legis- .F wi : : : Grocery ERS Rn 9 294 Prin Phone 887 Princess and Division St. om.

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