Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1917, p. 9

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Canes | dhe Daily British Whig YEAR 84. NO. 146 KINGSTON, 23, 1917 ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE PAGES 13-20 THIRD SECTION There's economy in using H.P.--the odds and ends are made simply. delicious with just a few drops of H.P. Sauce. | | | | Ottawa Glimpses BY H. F. GADSBY | there is no doubt that conscription is just as much a party manoeuvre | as it is a national issue, if not more: $0. One of its prime objects is to! pinch Quebec's tail so that the rest! of Canada may mark, learn, and | digest inwardly. | Quebec's tail, by the way, is com-, | posed of Henri Bourassa and Ar-| mand, Lavergne, the chief allies of the Borden Government in the | French province. -It-is'a remarkable | tale--this one I am telling--when | the tail is pinched it howls. This! is a strange thing for a 'tail to do.| works out as it does in ordinary| Not since Balaam's ass spoke have] civil cases where the parties fight it such prodigies happened. The con-| out right up to the Privy Council it| scription bill has been delayed on] may be for years, and it may be|one excuse or another so that the | forever before the reluctant conseript| tailpinching could get into the news- | marches away to the war In fact,| papers the war may be over before his case Conscription a, June 21 There may be opinions about what tue Borden ronment intends to do with tae} club called conscription. The machinery of delay and appeal is so elaborate that it almost defeats the alleged object of the Military service Act--namely, the prompt reinforce- ment of the Canadian soldiers at the front If a cons®ript doesn't he string his protest along through three tribunals, the last be- ing a central appeal Judge, who will hold court at Ottawa. If the method taw stuffed want to go can would have a more] HERE'S WOMAN WHO SOLVED CRUGER MYSTERY, is settled, Thess artfiil prov isions for pro- | impartial aspect if a millionaire cab-| rastination would seem to show that| WIRE FENCING Trellis, Flower Borders, Railings, Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and | every description of wire goods manu- | "Ing ia not the factured by Confirmed pessimists iovernment 'Partridge & Sons. Crescent Wire Works, Kingston, Phone 380. carnest for genuine J was for national | registration cards. will all about subterf doubts back, forget like carrying far and one reeset FOR SALE t =S. A 1916 Studebaker I an } first class igh Boyd's Garage 120 Brock Street. i ------ ---------- en all druggist Pills Id by Hall's Family pass have an election and, ment could be so deceitful conscription as service via the What the Gov- say taat the conscription, if they come it. uge a step too if any Govern- But y makes oath that he firm of F busi * | ernment GLEASON Notary Public is taken .intern- the Blood on System Send Toledo, O. s, « Borden Government is about as] ronment is mainly concerned in win-| war, but an election. | This looks| A Nn | City of Teledo, inet would: sacrifice some of its| bonds on the altar of patriotism in-| stead of the children it lacks to] send to the war. It would look! more impartial, too, if it were not | a lop-sided conscription which leaves| money, industry, energy, talent and | morals untoucaed. If a sentiment, exists against conscription of men it has its root in the feeling that the last thing the Borden Government wants to do is to help the men at| the front Conscription as it stands in the| Military Service Act, to-day, is simp- ly a means of putting the poor man) under duress, while leaving the rich | man free to continue his, pillage. The predatory interests which put| the Borden Government in office inj 1911 are behind the Borden Gov- to-day. It is a safe that the Borden Government will do | nothing to hurt their friends. On| the contrary, they will do every-| | thing to give them another turn at | | plants the the trough. And while Big Business its whole four feet in the| swill the Borden Government will wave the flag to divert attention.| The people of Canada will do well | to watch tae hocus-pocus that goes for constipation. | Bp -------------------- A DOMINION WIDE REPUTATIO ONTARIO L 5 WHITBY, POSSESSED BY ONTARIO. s C s of suce of its kind 01 vent t ate rie courses {3 t Ver Univetgity : 2; Commercial Work r 4) year oremost . ft thful, pic > Music, Domestic Sciende means Lan wo systematized n An alert mind, a strong vovy,a well-balanced moral sense, a broad saad visi. ave the aims of ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE Wmrrey, OXTARIO COLLEGE REOPENS SEPTEMBER 12th Write for Calender to Rev. F, I. FAREWELL, BA. PRINCIPAL. PA on a A AAA a. SANA NA Physic odetn gymnasium, larg swimming pool and N ADIES' COLLEGE lege is recognized as one rturesque loca 1 na} om Preparatory Work to Junior Art, Oratory, al Training by wr ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. "" "SEE OUR LINE OF PERIOD FURNITURE All the latest designs and finishes, in Dining, Living and © miture. "R. J. REID, LV Bedroom Fur- Phone 577 - Leading Undertaker on under the old flag. | Waiving the question of consult-| ing the people first and passing con-| | scription afterwards--in short a ref- | | | | soldiers who bear. erendum--which would be the demo- | cratic way of doing things, Premier Borden's conscription is defective because it thinks of the soldiers as all in the fighting line in France. What about the soldiers who are in the fighting line here at iome--the soldiers of toil? In this war the sol- | diers may be. divided into two class-] es*--the soldiers who dare and' the The soldiers who dare are over in France--their qual- ity is courage. The soldiers who bear are here in Canada--their qual- ity is fortitude. In peace we would say that one quality was as good as another, but war may have given them different values. At all events the soldiers who bear have a tough fight. It is they who must bear the assaults of the food. exploiters. It is they who realize that the high cost of living and giving their families enough to eat is as bitter a struggle as anything that goes on in Europe. For the soldiers of toil, the sol- diers who stay at horthe and bear the chief burden of war by way of a forty per cent. tariff on the neces- saries of life, for the patient masses who send their sons, husband, fath- ers, sweethearts to the war, Premier Borden's conscription bill does noth- ing whatever. The United States, when it adopts conscription of life, follows it up with the logical sequel --conscription of the means of liv- ihg. The United States-has already appointed a food dictator with wide powers and is now about to regulate exports with a view to the proper nourishment of the workers at home. Although Premier Borden's con- scription bill has been on tapis six | weeks now not a thing has been done {to relieve the food situation. On the contrary the Borden Gov- | ernment as categorically refused to | ralieve it. Since the conscription i bill was first announced by the Bor- den Government the following things have happened which go to show that the unfortunate consumer is to chapter. (1) The Minister of Labor went through the staple articles of food, explaining that im each case the price was reasonable and that nothing could be done to reduce it. Potatoes in food-straitened Eng- land cost $2.25 a bag. In Canada they are $4.25 a bag. A four pound loaf made of Canadian flour that has paid freight across the ocean costs 23 cents in England. A three pound loaf costs 24 cents in Canada. Mr. Crothers says nothing can be done about it. ~ y ! (2) The Finance Minister speak- ing for the Government, has reject- ed resolutions to reduce the tariff, to increase the British Preference, to take off the duty on agricultural ek implements. (3) The Governments hints at a curtailed franchise and open vot- ing. The Junkers are not all in Germany. Y ¢4) Bacon is now fifty-two cents a pound and Joseph Wesley Flavelle has been made a baronet. Last week I made a mistake in commenting on the life of the great who has guess LITTLE WORRIES Thess Bring-the Wrinkles And Pallid Faces be skinned alive to the end of the ps | decided to try *'Fruit-a-tives™. HEALTHIEST ONE IN THE FAMILY ¥ No Sign Of Dropsy And Kidney Trouble | Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" i EEE EE HOMESEEKERS - EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE JATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. | Round trip tickets will be sold at oF LERAN HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, Ont., July 8th, 1915. "We have used " Fruit-a-tives" in | our house for over three yearsand have always found them a good medicine. Owr little girl, Haltie, was troubled with Kidney Disease. The Docter said she was threatened with Dropsy. Herlimbs ° and body were all swollen and we began to think she could not live. Finally, we She | began to show improvement afler we had given her a few tablets. In a short time, the swelling had all gone down and her flesh began to look more natural. Now | she is the healthiest ome in the family and has no signs of the old ailment. . i We can not say too much for * Fruit-a- i v N.Y. H. Service This is Mrs. Grace Humiston, the lawyer, who alone solved the Ruth Cruger mystery after the New York police had failed. The picture was taken in front of Alfredo Cocchi's bicycie shop just as she learned of the find.ug of the body and the success of her efforts to solve the mystery of the girl's disappearance I'hotozra I'hotozra other words, they became the bond slaves of Pharaoh. i GADSBY. The Man on Watch The old cronies are back to town "The Man With the] IN ™ Stick". Long may he live! ego Kingston's curfew may not be any good, but still it's nice to. hear it) ring at night, it sounds so much like| a fire: bell. 3 RE Almost every woman at the head of a home meets daily many little worries in her household affairs. The | _ care of her little ones, the work| m.. Lampman is told that meat Slut the house all Sontrivate to| and other things rot in an institution these WOr gn, he i v he em Mavi under the direction of the Military de 100 ma er oS an rater Hospitals Commission and not so far | s ' "l away, because of the lack of cold; stahi Lain that ales the ihlocd storage facilities. How would it do look prematurely old The effect ot | for the Government to fine itsell for| : { th ' these little Worries may he noticed] this Wanton waste of good food | Chalmers and St. Andrew's mo] in sick or nervous headaches, fickle | appetite. tiredness after slight ex longer hold summer union services. | Is it because Chalmers is a union ertion, and the coming of wrinkles whien ever? Wotan Jisads. To those} church and the Scotch kirk is anti-| Pills offer a speedy cure; a restora-| inion?.or is it because the mother tion of color to the cheeks bright- | church is better situated to catch the 8, : 0 a S ? ness to the eye, a hearty appetite; transient trade on a Sabbath? and a sense of freedom from weari-| ness. Among the many thousands of Canadian women who have found | dy i " new health and strength = through | Week's newspapers, told of a baby in these pills is Mrs. G. Strasser, Acton.' Shs £7, Se Sulla . gape West, Ont. says h .| the front, ng fro oe -| ent, Ont. Wilt S4¥s UT 31 he me | ishment. All the mother had to do | ther of three children and after each | birth I became terribly run-down,: Was to have had the infant sent to a I had weak, thin blood. always felt' hospital or to have informed the au- tired, and unable to do my house- | thorities. People should swallow hold work. After the birth of my; their pride when the wolf je at the third child 1 seemed to be worse, |900r. All are children of the state and was very badly run down. i and it is the duty of the promi to tound the greatest benefit from She | provide when there is dire want. Pills and soon gained my old time | pd : strength. Indeed after taking them | The military authorities should | I felt as well as in my girlhood and | secure pointers rom Gre P.a. as could ake pleasure i my work. 1 (5 how ule Ho ne rove. - The| also u wn Ta) g for my | des ] se. little: ones and have found them a grounds surrounding the military | splendid medicine for childhood ail-| stores building on Bagot street look | | ike those of a deserted house on a back street. Cannet Gen. Hemming | by all dealers in medicine, or*you send over a few of his camp decor- can procure them by mail at 50 ators to'make the commer look de-| cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 cent? from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ---- - Co., Brockville, Ont. 1™ Before censoring any pictures at -------- ! the movies, the police might first do | some censoring of garments ov thei GOOD FISHING REPORTED | 20 "0 "movie pigture shown NEAR CAPE VINCENT | can beat come of Kingston's bait- | . | dressed fairies. | | A Kingston medical professor says| | the doctors should .unite to protect] | the child frome tuberculosis. The) Lampman would add to this commit- | tee the clergymen, many of whom! at this poih: is now, #re to a great degree responsitie Large catches dow | are joining in wedded bliss people by tourists who bave| Who are diseased. bere for several davs. y have returned wi'h| ~~ THE TOWN WATCHMAN. spec'mei, d not ask in _yain That little bonus of fifty "bucks" makes the Public School teachers envious. { | There is no reason for anybody in Toronto dying of starvation. This ents." | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are'sold| Cape Vincent, N.Y. June 2. et Some New Novels for May. Red Stao--A. Abdilah. Light in te Cloaring--4, Bachell vr, n neon. . D. Beresford, tives" and would never be without them", g WILLIAM WARREN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. | At all dealers or sent postpaid on receiptof price by Fruit a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A safe. reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three de gloss of strength--No. 1, $1 Neo 2, 83; No. 3. 85 per box Sold by all druggiets, or sent e| nn ecnpt i Ea pamphlet. Aida THE COOK MEDICINE C6 TORONTO. ON" (Fermerte Wade a Sen weve writen CATE TAL A We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup fn 2-1b. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-Ib. | week only at the old price. E. H. BAKER Cor. Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1263. OH.SUCH A HEADACHE! Every now and again don't you get one of those fearful headaches that drive you to do anything to get relief P Remember, though, its a mistake to just 'smother" the pain'without removing the cause. Nearly all headaches have their beginning in the stom ach, liver or Bowels, and the best remedy is Chamberlain's Tablets, which tone the liver, sweetens the stomach and cleanse the bowels. This not only cures the head- ache but prevents its return. «Al dealers 25¢10r by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto " CHAMBERLAINS | WISE 1] \Y N ------ | "Dellevill dn LOW FARES "Geolug each TUESDAY from MAY STH to OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Return lHmit of two months, excluding date of sale. An extension of time Himit, not exceed- | Ime two months, on Homesecekees' t Kets seld in May, June, and July only, en he had on payment of $5.00 for each month or part thereof. Stop-over privileges may be had at Winnipeg and West, alse beiween Cochrune and Hearn For full particul lisnley, Agent, Corner Johuwson Ontario streets, "a apply to J. P. and EE (HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS a ox TL IE, 2F fool \ El. ~ 1 SI Nit MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th TUESDAY THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. Conway, C, Pr. R. City Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1107. CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Hamilton, Terente, Pleton, , Cornwall, Montreal and Between Kin Quebee. EASTBOUND "Believille" Lv. Toronto 10 p.m. Monday, ;, Wednesday, 5 am | "Clty wn" Lv, Togonte §& p.m. Svetiueany. Ar, Rimgwion, "Thursday mm The Separate School teachers did Pails, which we are sclling for one | «City of Hamilton® Ly. Toronto, 5 p.m. Saturday, Ar. Kingston Sunday § a.m. WESTRBOUND Montreal 7 pom. Fri. tom, Medday 4 a.m. nam. ten" Lv, Montreal, 2 Ar. Kiggston Thurs- le" Lv Ar. Ki Picton, M "City of H pon. Tuesday. dny sun. "Clty of Ottawa" Lv, Montreal 12 noon Saturday, Ar. Kingston, Monday a.m. For further information, apply Phones 206 or 21. M. E. PARKS, General Agent. A cP A - ITD LINE Passenger Service Montreal and London (Calilng Falmouth te Innd passengers) A SE Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 60 King Street Easi, Toronto a -------- ns tn NN Mas Elmira Bolton, _Thuylow township, died on Wednesday, aged ninety-three years She was born in the township ter 0 AA NN BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. - It is good. Phone 845 ~ Price's Do you realize what a Player Piano in home will mean to the en- your tire family? Every sin- gle one from father down, will derive pleasure from it that could not possibly be had from an ordinary piano. Let us demonstrate the New Scale Williams Play- _ef for you--its tone and mechanical make up are' perfect. Sydenham and Princess Streets Make Home a Haven of Enjoyment ! * JM. Greene Music Co., Ltd. Phone 1324

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