Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1917, p. 10

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. PAGE FOURTEEN Interesting Features men of the army and navy circles are banded. . Several of the large hotels in New York city are now emploving women to replace the men called away for war service. Miss Jeanette Rank). the only woman member of Congress, | likely to be unade chairman of _J) committee on woman suffrage = wom t whieh it ie expected will be created C tr Ei A VISITOR. | her learning into what a deplorable i, Congress. state my affairs had fallen. But about The biggest employment bureau | Menu for Sunday jeverything else 1 was incapable of | in the world, that of the women AREAKFAST connecting or logical thought and girls' d.vision of the employ Cerenl with Dates Even when my mind turned to Ai- ' x ob% t » rp § oo Codtish Cakes One lesson which [| drew from } ; assert elf I ment service, Is directed yt 1e fed Bro renitee ' i and which: I] 12 it: refused 'to assert jiself. eral department of labor in Wash Patate | Sylvia's misfortunes and hi realized that I ought to take some oe -- wD applied to my own experience 8 | ste i riliat So i : ' Be old » of the advisability step to bring about a reconciliation For the first time in the history LUNCHEON the time-old one o ! ior. | With him, but beyond the mere re- of the relations petween Mexico and Stuited Peppers of aveiding misunderstandings with. 4ine of this idea my brain would the United primi OR ve) So AN theft Ovér Chicken) the person you love. In her case) not go. I could not act. Either my a Oho we es z Ran Marka tion i ¢ : i k ' q J the penalty of not observing this|mental faculties were too weak to a 1 oF NOTE MW felt. Tn rule was death. In my case it meant | impel my body to execute their com | tries is about to ma 5¢ Or al Pine NE ny continued separation from my Rus-| mand or my frame was too inert to Lady Frafiees 'Baltour. Daan Pointe Pufls : " 7 band. Sylvia might still have been | be stirred into action by any sort of of the London Soc ety of 1 a onal Baked Cucem AK IW alive had she trusted Edward and I | power : Union of Woman Su frage an pre Cheese nis bi. d certainly would have had Arthur hy| How I managed to sustain life|sident of the Travelers' Aid Society. fee HY 3 re ny side had he had faith in me through that period I have never|claims that the aid of women is I OWDI BK 'What would be the penalty in my | been able to guess. I was alone in| necessary to win the war. i case and of whom would it be ex-| my apartment throughout the en- Besides giving her three soms to Stuffed Sweet acted? Would Arthur be the one to| tire time. At first I had thought of] the colors, and her daughter to the Select plamp oval suffer because he had taken the in- [havinga maid, but the suggestion was| Red Cross, Mrs. Esther Gaddis of |, oo 000000 o EW.GILLETT COM COMPANY LIMITED, itiative, or would I have to pay? dismissed immediately. | wanted to| Atlanta, Ga., has herself gone to the | 0° = "0, ® as wea ONT. oars During the days which followed be alone with my own morbid Charleston navy yard to run a sew-| oo hor orthwise and NS my retirement from the millinery | thoughts. The shadows which had|ing machine for Uncle Sam. pulp; put it in a howl Boston university has prepared u | husiness [| had ample time to medi- rome SpoA Ny. tila; ag ShYstuped During the absence of Der hos pepper to taste : series of courses in general business |iate upon this matter, and it seem- | : : b I int band, who has been called to melted butter, one t an OVE y OR al Ciro BR SERA aused | Sinning to enjoy the gloom into} giors of Uncle Sam, Mrs. F. A. Sav- [a0 00 hors ' methods for women over the age of |ed to me that circumstances caused dered herbs and or whieh they cast me. 1 was growing|,zo will take his place as gencral sixteen years for the nurpose of fir- | my mind to dwell upon it to an a 1 omber th hts. to ag N : whip light ' ; : accustomed to somber thoughts, agent of the New England Mutual nishing them with the business fun-|abnormal extent. solitude, to morbid introspection Se I n Baltimore damentals which will enable them £0, | pad given up my employment be- | wag at a junction point of two roads, | pp po pi BW ve Tor par | C760 fill positions formerly held by the .;us0 1 could not bear the surround-|one leading to insanity and the lin. Germany, there were on Janu- men who will be called to the colors. [ings yet I knew that from the|other to a higher and better life. G y We e on BY Secretary of the Interior Lane de- |.tandpoint of prudence I had acted | Which road was I to travel? ws im re a clares that the women of this coun- {very foolishly. During the time | The question was answered for me. tink AD Hed And avs the try waste enough foodstuffs in one had been on M. Viteaux's pay roll Late one gray afternoon as I lay| 3 bv ng respectively 274.600 week to feed the Belgians for onel| had saved a portion of my salary, |in my accustomed place, gazing out pr cos g resp y o=% year but the sum was rightfully insigni-|at the clouded sky, 1 was startled bw in Florence A. Young. who has The United States war department | ficant when I contemplated a long, the violent ringing of my front door- Hoan captain of a woman's motor has made an appeal to the young wo- | period of idleness. But I could not |bell. The very fact that the bell rang cycle division in England since the LUNCHEON Yk ndergarten are a men of the country to take up tele- [help myself. My mind was in a|al all was enough to startle me, for beginni 1 the 'van. Is heav In th's Scalloped Corn in Ramekins light e things he brings hot no one visitdd me and the vigilance | beginning of the war, Is f Rand iches whi » himself has made ATE graphy. condition of numbness which made of the janitor prevented beggars or| country where she will he at the v } himse has ade a s i > JE ' ! o ; wonderful. His joy in hia | x Jmposrible for eae think of solicitors pentrating beyond the en-|head of a corps of women motor "Y nee school knows no bounds. When he nding Work of any sor A PrO-| ance hall. Who could it be? cvelists whom she will train for war en y ) N os rare \ rai ery al OSL. he | found lassitude had crept over my Chivken Stewed with \sparnszus g 0 e first é , almo the | © o Before | had recovered from my| service. THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) Costs a hittle more per pound than ordinary tea - But - less per cup LYLE POWDER (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Nawspaper Syndicate) with shells with the pulp Menu for Monday BREAKFAST A A A A AA At Aa AA AA ANNAN ANNAN NNN 1.87 $Y SUNG r ANALY IAIN Rice Waffles T Syrup their intelligence, His first days in| heavenly WHENEVER | see the word : : Creamed Baked Pototoes f ir tru 15 not know | physique I did nothing for hours astorishment gahere was a second _ Brown Breed ante hit u 4 208 Rony YCLEPT IN print I want to at a time except loll about on a di- and longer ring, followed hy an im- WM serantne Satud ¢ { beg 8 : xan and, dream ha Walsiinst a patient knock on the panel of the Sop blob Cherry poms. 3 ht ihe PULL SOMEBODY'S hair. 1 dreams. thought and moved as i door Whoever was there was eager ' : , i . evening begin DON ing the I were under the influence of some |anough to gain admittance, and ap- J nYRRm H go to T BELIEVE in using Powerul narcotic which, Raving parently the person thought ue or Cocoanut Cookies fth his former a rity, DICTIONARY AS a seized upon my nerve centres, would |ghe had a right to eater. There was ' B hh i avr fe > eat until cream Wo ougj ) 1+ the same buoyan er not release its strangling grasp. It{pothing for me to do but investigate, T ih ht gar and one cup of butier. add t comes home at night, he no longe STUMBLING BLOCK for the was impossible for me to think |and I did. Summoning all the ener- wi 1g well-beaten eggs and | , speaks of s teacher with his old FOLKS AT home or elsewhere. clearly of the past and equally im-|gy | possessed, | arose, went to the add ome cup of chopped co 'qt. OF ine enthusiasm. and he frequent possible for me to plan for the fu-|door and opened it. In an instant| $4 64484 Petttdd SPIES #89 | (caspoon of almond extract, two tea | ly complains, "1 eannot § HEARD a woman say ture. two arms went about my neck and spoons of baking powder and ted RODS 1 don' know The only time when I seémed to[a curly head was resting on my bos- " (Continuad from Page 7.) flour enough to ro arithmeti- is about." *] USE a preparation. possess reason was when I thought{om. tev. Daniel Strachan, Toronto, has with cutter and bake i hot oven. is farther on than YOLE! RPICIDE." of my mother. Perhaps this was be- "Mariam," I cried. returned from spending several When cold cover w th white frosting @wired to learn | PT HE cause I felt the vital necessity of wri- "Roxane! weeks at Miss Agnes Richardson's] =. sprinkle over with cocoanut, | Make an acre, and how many cubic HER HAIR was really beautiful ting to her regularly so as to prevent (To be Continued.) Soimynieasens Home for Soldiers in : inches 3 n 3h is worrving Rr AA AAA ~-- ~~~ {the Ride 1 es. T " k discon longitude and anguage ae L - What Children Study in Arithmetic. | J bank discount, longitude aud BUY Itt BuAg Ernest ( Tv \ y », compound proportion, al quot DE ME sick Yours for beautiful hair, a r n p art t y T jew - v taking an active part In the war| ayo. gous Cartwright will be the Ve Foon forward og , | parts, and cubic root. The problems STOIC dems held In the State guest of Mrs. Alex. D. Cartwright. child's going to schoo Ther we | sh x ome make her parents " : Ottawa, for a day or two enroute to vr. th Sor of | | 7 like ths: Divide Banking and financial institutions | Kirk's Ferry y say, the majo i A glass of this bubbling tonic is like a shaft of THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN two or three weeks. ers. They will set his feet in the Barnard College girls are knitting Mrs. Walter H. Boyd and children, | he should go. In them sweaters for the soldiers in France. | Ottawa, are coming te Kingston on| have coadjutors of the spirit Rhode Island was the first Mate| he German aviation corps now |the 29th 'to spend the summer | wil} supply wisdom for - lack of | 25 acres to grant presidential suffrage. has several woman fliers connected | months. . it and will mightily sap nent our | treme Instances i ilo New York has more working | with it. Lieut. William Niekle was visit- fumbling effcrts By the sureness to do with exireme instances i } ing - in Brockville this week, the women than any other state in the | The French railways employ over | oq of Mrs. D. B. Jones. Union. 6,700 women in places formerly « & » Mrs. Lois H. Allen and Mrs. A. M. | held by men. Mrs. Minnie Thorn, Mrs. Arthur Over 20 per cent. of the em- [Tisdale and Mrs. Fannie Bowne, ployees in the French munition | Kingston, Ont., visited with Mrs. M. plant are women. E. Bernhardt, Cape Vincent, N.Y. More than 1,000 girls In Welles- Capt. Victor Williams, R.AM.C., ley CoMege have enlisted for mili- is in the city visiting friends. He tary drill. spent over a year at Salonika. There are 376 women to avery Prof. Buchanan of Kingston, is 1.000 24 'ed in the Bri visiting his sisters, Mrs. Thomas : workers employed in the Bri-Ipayies and Mrs. E. G. Lusty, Rodney. tish industrial plants. Mrs. L. A. Pierce, Kingston, has Unskilled woman munition work- | been spending a few days with Mr. ers in the English factories earn as jand Mrs. E. A. Pierce, Athens. high as $15 a day. Mrs. Stanley Bagg, Montreal, will Wellesley College girls have de-|spend the summer at Kennebunk clared martial law on ice cream and | Beach. other delicacies. Miss Lucille Cauley, Smith's Falls, Dressmakers who have been on [Visiting her brother, A. A. Cauley, strike in Paris have been granted |Queen's University, returned home on RE 2 Re CNSR 3 an 'mncrease in way. Thursday. bi Fahy 7 . Housewives in Belle Citv, Is., Miss Lieneau, Napanee, is spending C A RN F E have adopted overalls as their cos- |the week-end with Mrs. W. A. Beil- tumes for housework. house, Earl street. will help to assimilate a glass of $ milk or cream and will insure easy : The Union of the Women of Mrs. L. M. Brigstocke and two France has to-day over 2,300 nurses [Small children, Wellington street, wili digestion of both. Being light and nourishing, this is the ideal distributed in 360 hospitals. donve carly i 1He week fo Price bed-time lunch for a tired student. What is the cube root of | ~ . ~ Find 14 2-7 per cent. of There is s hardly a 'trade or "pro. These are, to he sire, ex fesrion that we used to consider ab But what has she | solutely masculine that does not now Chgage many women o I i art of oor ple | nau. nE : A ? vy, where she will visit | wi) he over . H have the ex | 63 2 by 31-32. If the principal 1 . n England employ over . Professor and Mrs. Collander for t care of wise an wn leat is $567, 1 ime 11 months and 13 Manforerdle inner sunshine. ww «4 | women. Pert isi of ¥ he wa vs, § the amount $763, what is Gloom or a grouch cannot live in the same body with it. » AT ALL DRUGGISTS i Policeawomen {in Kansas work only eight hours a day. » Cn et A AAA NETS Ant After Home Work A dish of this cereal and then to bed. A A AO A A AAA A AANA PMN ABBEY'S VITA TABLETS MERSIN ow --For Nervous People--50 Centsa Box | Cochran, newspaper editors, are GMOOSE PURE AIDS. CHOOSE CREME ELCAYA THE PURE, DAINTY, TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST FOR YEARS. "Makes the skin like 'velvet" SEND 100 FOR LARGE SAMPLE JAMES C. CRANE, 104 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK Every native in Belgian Congo Edward Island, where they will spend will be taxed 40 cents for every ex- cess wife he possesses. le y Graham and little daughter left Near AUN edie » Widew i this week for their summer cottage ed In the United States army. at Thousand Island Park, it is expected that more than Mr I Ki 750.000 weddings will be performed [ion snnoumce the engsement of in England after the war. their daughter, Emily R., to Claud Miss Mary M. Buckley has been | Gilbert, only son of Mr. and Mrs. the summer. Mrs. Samuel Birch and Mrs. Stan- Insist on the original by ask- ing for the red, white and green package. Others are imitations. ge Run-down" od Nere Therefore. when you take and 48 the tame Bo i ey i #3 a fmported in Two Sizes--$1 Wincarnis is the one thing you need when you are-- Weak, Anaemic, Nervous, Run-down JE wonderful results of Wincamis in cases of Weakness, Anaemia, Nerve Troubles, four-fold Ne shat Wincarnia pues Wincamnis is not "tonic "--it is a Tonic, a Restorative, a and becomes Ty 10,000 Doctors recommend Wincanis. of the od Take suman new | = VIVIIERGIY condition, are due to the Food--all combined in one. Wincamis, you derive new time, new rich blood--and at feeling of new life. Juting, huni Wincarnis offers unrivalled that Wincarnis has an EE ------------ * and extra large bottle $1.65. Setaitia anadian 0 igh Portland St Putting, Toronto, forthe Proprietors: aman be Cet Wincarmis sworn in as a United States deputy marshal in Massachusetts. The bnsiness women of Wall street in New York have organized an auxiliary for Red Cross work. All the women's organizations. in New York City enmaged in war work are to he pnt under one head. The English Government has em- rloyed a woman to break in the horses exported from Canada for use in 'war. Women working in the English munition factories turn out two thirds as much work in 5% hours as the men do in eleven hours. A German woman and a prisoner of war, usually a Russian, working s'de bv side in the field is a com mon_sieht throughout Germany. Mrs. R. E. Darbee, who has seve- ral acres of violets under cuitiva- tion in Colman, Cal. is known as America's leading violet grower. MMe. Cheng, whn has jnst passed versity law school, is the first Chin- ese woman lawyer. army "commands" throurhout Ger- many now has a woman attached to it as direetress of the division of women's service. Mrs. Frank O. wife of the Governor of Hlinois, ix the offi- eial shopper for the IH!nois na- tional guard treons whe . are im, earn at Serinefield. Mrs. Newton D. Baker, wife of the 'Secretary of War, and Mrs. Jose- phus Daniels, wife of the Seeretary ittée of the lay woman's ser- vice of the Red Cross, in which wo- ¥ 8. E. Gilbert, Sherbrooke, Que. The wedding to take place June 28th. Pictorial Review For July. The patrictic spirit of the country 's exemplifiet in the July issue of Pictorial Review. An editorial, Pat- rictism Begins at Home, cals on wo- men to do their "bit" to assist their men at the front. The cover design, a Red Cross nurse, is by Ruth East- man and there is a fine reproduction of the painting by Maren Powers, in four colors, entitled The Girl I Left Behind Me. The serials in this issue are: Part two of College Face, by Eleanor Hoopiwell Abbott, and the third in- stalment of the great story by Emer- son Hough, The Broken Gate. The short stories are: The Way a the final examination at Paris Uni- lw Bach of the six chiefs of the! a very The Last Word in Canning. A very En aa aia sterflizing of vegetables -and {ruits fs included. The famey work and enthroidery 'section 1s as usual very practicsl. The subjects discussed this moath being Sweaters and Some New Em- broideries for Householi Linens. The fashions of the month are well displayed. MADE IN CANADA. The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake C "0. Limited. Head Office and Factory: , Ont.

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