Simplified Driving HIS MODEL is a great family car because it is so easy to handle. All electric controls are cn the steering column--within natural reach. The wheel is large and easy to steer with. The shifting lever and emergency brake can be reached without changing your driving position. So it is just as easy for your wife or daughter to drive this Overland Eighty- Five Four as it is for you. And as you know, that cannot be said of all cars. Step in today for a demonstration. $1250 Overland Model Eighty-Five Four 35 horsepower linen wheelbase Cant ever rear springs Auto. Lite starting and lighting Other Overland Fours Model 85-Four Roadster, 1230 Light Four Touring, 75 Country Club Sport Model, $1110 Light Four Roadster, 50 All prices f. o. b. point of shipmen Subject to change without notice Overland Sales Rooms: ARTHUR W. H. CALLAGHAN, Dist.,, 210-214 Wellington Street. Phone 1410. -- PAGE SEVENTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. | a iC BBB GGG NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE | - In the base of a new shaving mug is a lamp to heat the water Death" by prevention of sleep is a legal form of punishment in China. Boiling tomato parings in alumi num utensils will brighten the lat- | ter. Artificial wood for matches is be- ing made from straw by an inven- tive Frenchman. A new machine for sealing let- terg and attaching stamps has a speed of 6,000 an hour. - According to recent official esti- mates there are about 80,000 sheep { in Argentina. | A new vacuum cleaner is speci- | ally designed to remove dust from books on library shelves. A Tarachute ing cords that draw in its sides. | A new burglarproof lock bles a hinge and the bolts drop per- | pendicularly into sockets. i Paper clubs for policemen, tically indestructible, have been in- | vented by an Englishman. | To help in picking | fornian has patented a thimble with | a knife blade at the end. | Motion pictures are be ng used to | | teach improved methods of agricul-| ture to natives of India. Seeds of rubber trees have been { found to yield an oil similar in its | to be held in a w usefulness to linseed oil. Men drilling an artesian Argentina found | copper at a depth of 100 feet, well in For twisting wire together a New | York inventor has patented an at- tachment for an ordinary brace. For tourists'sconvenience an Eng- | lish firm is compressing tea into | blocks that resemrble plug tobacco. The dial of a new bathroom scale | faces upward so that a person stand- jing on it can read his own weight. | Natives of Peru use a boat made | ent rely of reeds and straw, even the ; i | sink faucet without interfering with | sail consisting of straw A clock has been invented records at a central int the time | each machine in a factory is | ning. Experiments are { China with American matting. under way in cotton seed invented by a| | Frenchman can be guided by pull- resem- | prac- fruit a Cali- | deposits of | * raising of that | run- | | positt of with a view to improv. ng the native | cotton. | In the there has been interest of at each end. What is believed to be the oldest a mansion in that was built in 700. An inventor has patented a motor driven machine for splitting apart cakes of ice that freeze together when stored, As much timber in New Zealand has been found suitable for wood pulp, the government will foster the industry there. A new witch to be fastened to an automobile steering wheel is en- cased in rubber to make it vibration, shock and dustproof. Swedish chemists have developed a method for removing carbon from Germany PA A PAA Ai NN. AAA AMAA ANNAN NNN iii When You Market Consider Your Less Fortunate Neighbor. cleanliness | invented a bottom- | less milks bottle, having paper caps | {ly | Smith inhabited residence in fhe world is | coal tar, leaving a clear, transpar-) ent, golden brown liquid. | To prevent their ashes falling an | inventor has patented a tubular re- | ceptgele that slides along a pin to be thrust into cigars. English experts are carrying on | extensive tests of the value of coal | gas for annealing, tempering, hard- | ening and melting metals. { The Russian Government has au- | thorized the cultivation of the poppy | for the production of cpium and oil | for domestic consumption. i Propellers made cf pressed steel, | lacquered to give them perfectly smooth surfaces, are the last word in aeroplane construction, Norway 'has been found to pos- sess extensive deposits of titamiuin irgh ore and a $1,000,000 company | hfs been formed to exploit them. { Sheet metal splints, adjustable to | various sizes, have been patented by | a Virginia Surgeod for temporarily | dressing broken limbs. ! An Ecuadorian naval clficer has | | invented an autmotic alarm to notify | the master of a vessel of any devia- | tion from its set course, i In the first three months this year | the United States consumed 83,652, | 907 pounds of cotton f.ber in the manufacture of explosives. | An chservatory in Berlin claims {to have the world's most accurate | | i | clock, which is kept in an air tight glass cylinder in a basement. Clampless roller skates have been invented, being held against the | feet by cords terminating in handles | arer's hands. | | A telescope-with two parallel bar- | i rels to enable two persons to see the | same object at the same tie has | been built by a Swiss optician. | One of the newer shopping bags | { for women is made of waterproof | | material and contains a pocket in; | which a folding unibrella can be | carried { The Government of Chill has tak- en steps to encourage the domestic | chinchillas, heretofore! lonly a wid animal in that country. A bubbling drinking fountain that can be attached to a kitchen! its regular duties has been invent-| ed. Geologists who have explored Fin- nish Lapland have found large de- thte 'highest grade iron ore, equal or super.or to the best Swedish. To prevent hair falling down a man's neck when a barber cats it an inventor has patented an adjustable bib that fits a neck of any size close- | Huge piles of refuse around iron | and ccal mines in Scotland, regard- | ed for years as worthless, are being utilized for the manufacture of 'bricks. { Driven by a two Norsepower mo- | tor, a portable machine has been in-| vented that can load 500 pound bar- | rels into railroad cars at a rate of 180 an hour. | Apparatus has been invemted* by | two French doctors to massage the lenses of the eyes with a view to im- proving or entirely remedying near- sightedgess. a An INinois inventor's rat trap is made in-the form of a dog, is set by turning the trap down and catches LANSDOWNE NEWS BUDGET Motor Boat Burned After Family Landed on Island. Lansdowne, June 20.--Samuel Mc- Cracken arrived on Tuesday at Mr. Stringer's and on Saturday returned to his home in Hamilton, accompan- ied by Mrs. McCracken and boys, who have been visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earl motored to Fairfield Sunday last, Wesley McCullough, T. A. Bradley W. H. Ratte and Wil- mur Bradley motored to Lake Eloida on Friday to attend the annual meet- ing of the Ayrshire Club. Nel- son Bowen was in the village on Fri- day. Miss Edwards, Gananoque, is presiding at the lower school exam- inations. Miss Myrla Mulvaugh returned last Friday from a visit to 'western pro- vinces, accompanied by her- cousin, Alice Landon, daugater of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Landon, of Enderby, B. C. The annual decoration day at the Union cemetery takes place on Fri- day, June 26th. Rev. Dr. Cooper is to conduct the service. The funeral of the late Mrs, John Cross of Halstead's Bay took place Tuesday afternoon. Quite a num- ber from here were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. William McConnell and Mrs. Fred. McConnell motored to Toledo on Sunday. Miss Ruby Bowen, Brockville, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Wesley Burns, who has been quite ill, is getting bet- ter. Allen Burtch and family, while out in his motor boat near Fiddler's El- bow. had trouble - with the engine "back firing. They went ashore at Wood Island as flames broke out which they were unable to extinguish and the boat, which was an expen- give one, was burned and sank, The family escaped without injury. John Serson has returned to town after spending the winter and spring in Gananoque. Mrs. Elza Leacock, Brockville, was a recent visitor here. David Dempster, reeve, and B. Cook deputy reeve, motored to Brockville on Tuesday to attend the "ounty Council . Mrs. E. B. Johnston is giving -a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mabel Johnston on '| Thursday, afternoon. Mrs. Georgel. Cavanagh and son, B.C. are visit- ing Mrs. H. C. Mulvaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. D. G. Copeland's. . The district Sunday scaool conven- tion is to be held in' the Methodist church on June 25th. Miss Helen primary examinations of the Lon- don Conservatory of Music. Roy jeft Tuesday to take a posi- tion in W. E. Austin's drug store, Kiggston. The Military Hospitals Commis- gion reports 7,178 members of the force under | up the Ford {and Beckstedt has passed with honors the | The Automobile World rodents that enter its mout the bait. Anrong the latest sanita ances for publ.c eating pl spoon pressed fr | be thrown away Guatemala's salt indu dates back to the era full Spanish conquest, bh r it now produces pounds a year, The corners of rugs can be pre- vented from curling up if pieces of corset steel or whalebone he fasten- ed under them, which can be done with adhesive tape SMITH FORM-A-TRACTOR A Big Aid to Modern Farming Me- thods, | A new entrant into the tractor field, which gives evidence of i olutionized methods in the com-| paratively new industry, is the Sinith Form-a-Tractor. This is an attachment which fits to tae Ford machine, converting it fren a plea-| sare car into a piece of farm ana-| chinery within a period of fifteen | minutes. ~ By removing the rear wheels of | the Ford and placing in their stead | the giant wheels of the Form-a- Tractor, the farmer has a power plant which can pull machinery which otherwise entailed the em-| ployment of at least four horses. The Smith Form-a-Tractor mere-| ly util®zes the romarkable power | and economy of the Ford to do profit-inaking farm work It does not injure the Ford in any way. It] consists of two 42 in. wheels of 10 in. tread, to which is attadhed a] frame which runs the full length of the Ford; and connects with the] front axles, an arrangement which reinforces and strengthens the Fard frame, while eliminating any possi bility of injuring the car Other features of tae attachment are the collular type of radiaiors, many times as efficient as the Ford ' radiators, and a patented force-feed oiling system. Fifteen minutes will convert Ford into a tractor, or your tr your actor | into a Ford, after you have installed | system. | the | the radiator and the ceiling Simply back the Ford over Smith Forn-a-Wactor frame--jack | rear axle--remove the | wheels -- replace them with Sm. th Form-a-Tractor roller diiving pin ions--fasten the Smid Form-a- Tractor axle back of the Ford axle] clamp the front end of the Fonm-a-Tractor 'fraune to the] Ford front axle. To change back to] touring car, unclamp the Smith | Form a-Tractor axle frame---roll the Smith Form-a-Tractor axie and wheels back, take off the driving | pinions and replace the Ford wheels. | Just as Smith Form-a-TruckK has | revolutionized haud¥ing, Smith Form-| a"Tractor b.ds fair to revolutionize | all farm work--do it better, f | and at a much lower cost." Couibln ed with Smith Form-a-Truck for farm hauling, it. makes expensive horses entirely wnmecessary ister Ruined health is often the result of ure cancelled anortage. At the regular meeting of Si | Lawrence district, No. 50 1.O.O.F, at Lyn, Wednesday, W. H. Nute, Brockville, was elected district dep- uty grand master for the ensuing year, | At a meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist echureh, Athens, Walter C. Smith wns ap pointed recording steward in place of | Wilson Wiltse, resigned. | J at 8 ------ i" -- who ingly rapidly compelled to make 'a sudden stop rr. -------------------- ------------ Smith FormaZruck $450 F.O.B,, TORONTO. Do All Your Hauling With One Smith Form-a-Truck MITH Form-a-Truck will keep your horses on the farm doing real farm 'work. And it will do even more than this for you. In one piece of equipment it will give you every type of farm body, if you use the famous Eight-in-One Convertible Body fur- nished at slight additional cost. You don't have to maintain extra' wagons. One Smith Form-a- Truck with this body does it all. Keep your boy on the farm by using Smith Form-a-Truck with the Eight-in-One Convertible Bolly. He knows how to drive a Ford, and enjoys it. nas 2 FERN ass er 7% TH ALT ALA =A a A RI PR AZARAE es vie With this Eight-in-One body he can do ali of your farm haul- ing for you--Ilet you spent your time on the work that brings bigger crops better stock. AA ad, Or if you drive yourself, you won't have to start away before sunrise and get back at dark. ' Get up at the usual time --do your your chores--start away an hour or two later than vou ordinarily would Have an hour or two more time tospend in town doing the errands you want to do, and get back from two to three hours earlier That's what thousands of farmers are doing with Smith Form. a- Truck. It is what you can do and what you will do if you want to get real efficiency and save real money Use Any One of Six Chassis Using any one of six chassis, Smith Form-a-Truck combines with any Ford, Maxwell, Dodge Bros, Buick, Chevrolet or Overland chassis to make a fully guaranteed one ton truck. It gives you real truck construction that will stand up under the hardet hauling you could ever do. When You Are in Town, Drop In When you are in town drop in and see Smith Form-a- Truck. It will pay you well W. F. KELLY OIL CO. Cor. Brock and Ontario Streets, £ Ae=rromrepsrsrsingeieset\ AA A PA PPP AN A NNN MY 2d Phone 486 It should be a rule with everyone) Carbon can be removed to a great to use the brakes spar-|extent by inserting in each cylinder never to drive his caP| while arm, about twé ounces of that he will be|keros oil and allow to remain for hours Et a a drives and enough so : = f thi Get it fromyour (EE f 7 Ey AT! fs dealerorfromus. |¥ ~L || x 0 Outfit consists of one Durham Davlex Demino plex Blades, packed ina - : ine red leather Ki DURING THE LIFE OF THIS ADVFRTISEMENT "DURNAMN DUPLEX RAZOR CO. Ltd., 43 Victoria, St.,, TORONTO, ONT., CANADA. A A A ta 7 Cornwall Mild Ale ano Porter Delicious Summer Drinks WN \ Served cold at all leading Hotels, Restaurants, etc. St. Lawrence Brewery Limited Ontario.