PAGE TWENTY INDIANS WIN ! Dozens of People Have Now Tried and INDIAN BICYCLES and they pronounce them the best ever. Made by a strong reliable company with a | strong guarantee that will stand the test. ° COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE ROADS There must be satisfied people. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. |HE WANTS M'GRAW - Cincfnnati Fan Starting a Petition Against the { {. Out in who 'headed a | "McGraw | deague. | signatures to | Tener. Just what this fan means by "'Me- { Grawism' | episode 1 | knockout | he d:slike Jlengery make-up. The try {it is a good thing for baseball. | fighe part { there are Ores OUST The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. Other people tell you that you can get something just as good. YOU GET THE ORIGINAL This is the week to buy. Bicycles will be higher when our present stock is sold. TR "READGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 woh TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble, The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 887 Princess Street. Telephone 1931 i witnessed the combat between | John McGraw and Umpire Byron has He plans to send b's list of started his pelition after the TOOKE BROS. LIMITED, OUT OF BASEBALL | Cincinnati one of the men he removal of petition for the National sm" from President John K * 8 uncertain, but the fact at resulted in Byron's is sufficient evidence that s the fight part of the Giant 1th of "MeGrmawism"™ is that The i=mn't, but the of it ,of few men course Jincluding Aw) 3 NAM ASAE 20¢ each, 3 for TS0c. port Cincinnati fan, who would have 1l's- CHARLIE MITCHELL'S SON tened to Byron calmly if insulted as McGraw declares he was Johny MeGraw undoubtedly is ome of the finest figur an baseball. Not only is he a4 succe leader, a top- notch general, but his personality and shrewdness make him sought Has Given His Only Som to the Em- pive's Cause. Charlie Mitchell, the famous old- time British boxer, who ranked with John L. Sullivan, Jake Kilrain and { out many, many times for advi e on {James J. Corbett, has given his only the big question of baseball. He js| SOR to the cause, according to ad- | level-headed enough to hold h s| Vices from the Old Country. Writes temper at most times. The fac: tha: | 30 English boxing critic: *"The sad ! he did hit Byron should be suf-| "ews has reached me that Charley | cient to convince any one who know: | Mitchell's only son, Charley, has| McGraw *hat Byron went a step 100 | been killed =in action in France, | far. {whther he had gone with the | McGraw was a fighter when he Sportsman's Battalion. Young Char- | was a baseball player. His hot tem- | !6¥ Was a chip of the old block, and per made him the target for taun's 3S game as pebble, as all who re- and rough playing. In liter years member his famous 'fight with however, he has been able to bold | Binks' Cohen at the old Arena in down the fire. He was pushed to] Yifiers Street eight years ago will the Hmit at Cincinnati. be willing to testify. He was born in A baseball elub widout a spimt| Buffalo, N.Y., about 25 years ago, such as that MoGraw throws into bis | and spent a good deal of his life in players is lacking in the most es en-| America. He answered the first tial part. A mam who won't fizht; call, and was one of the first to go for the best of it in baseball auto-| into the Sportsman's Battalion. He matically drops from pub¥ec sight. A | had been over a year at the fromt, fistic exhibition, of course, is' a bad | and now comes the finish, a glorious thing, and fighting spirit, as it ig | one. All the old sports will sympath- meant in a game, doesn't consist of | ize with Charley; he was very fond right crosses and left hooks. It con- | of the young 'un.' The veteran box- sists of a dash _and vigor of playing champion of England himself is that knows no bar<er. Thai's the!in rather poor health, and this last way the Giants have been playing Plow only added more sorrow to the ball. | game old fistic warrior. M tcheli has t appears the Cincinnati fan has | @ host of warm friends, who will be taken advantage of McGraw's tattle | Sorry indeed to hear of his brave with Byron to charge the entira New |S0n'S death at the front. York club with bludgeoning hair | ar way through the league. { BOSTON HOCKEYISTS. { Omly Two Members of Arena Team | Have Not Enlisted. Pop Conley, one of the best stick handlers who ever left Canada, to play hockey in Boston, has enlisted with the New England lumber unit, 'which will serve in England. He {came originally from Sherbrooke. | He has won laurels as a forward on Joe's Half-Finished Letter, "Dink, Campbell and the late Joe | McMahon of Hamilton were close friends---in fact. pals. in one of Joe's pockets his family found a half-finished letter to "Dink" who is overseas. It will be sent along | the crack Arena Hockey Club team | of Boston. ; | Red Synnott, who hailed from {'Chatham, N.B., w:ll join some line 4 i 5 45; {of the U.S. army service this week, | Altczether only two members of the Arena team remain. They are Paul { O'Sullivan, late of Montreal, and George Myra. i wt } ENGLAND LOSING HORSES | As Result of Prohibition of Racing During the War. As a result of the prohibition of {racing in England seventeen year- { ling race horses, the get of celebrat- 'ed sires, and forming the entire | stable of the famous Sledmere stud, Cool--Clean--PURE It is difficult to describe the difference in taste between a Pure Crystal Spring of running water, and the kind of water we usually drink. Tt is just as difficult in taste between CRAVEN "A" and other | You must try CRAVEN "A™ to appreciate the difference. What we can say is that CRAVEN "A" cigarettes. cigarettes are pure. and purest of Virgihia tobaccos properly matured and blended. Like spring water, they are cool, clean, satis- fying. Neither too mild nor too strong. Neither too light nor too heavy. You can smoke them more freely than the average cigarette, and feel better at the end of a long smoking day. It is a healthier smoke. Its natural purity guarantees that. Boxes of Ten Fifty Hundred LOOK FOR THE RED BOX. « | have been sold to aneAmer can buy- {er Dy Sir Mark Sykes. The buyer and the price hgve not yet been an- | nounced, but Slédmeres always have | fetched big prices at the annual | Doncaster sales. In the last sale | before the war nineteen animals { fetched $47,000. x COBB IS HITTING. | Georgian Peach Has Hit .862 For Last Fifteen Games, | Myrus Raymond Cobb Is still go- (ing. He has slugged at an .862 clip | during the last fifteen games, mak- ing thirty hits out of forty-eight | times at bat. From these thirty hits | he has seen fifty-one bases. Inci- | dentally he has obtained five hits out of six times at bat, against the mighty Walter Johnson in the last two games. to tell you the difference Nothing but the finest Baseball League Standing. Naticnal League--New York, 653; Philadelph'a, .620; Ohicago, 552; St. Louis, ,628; Cincinnati, 450; Boston. .435; Brooklyn, .404; Pittsburg, .353. ) American Leagne--Chicago, .65§; Boston, .623; New York, 568; Cleveland, .491; Detroit, 471; St Louis, .434; Washington, .385; Philadelphia, -.367. International League -- Newark, .635; Providence, .611; Baltimore, .585; Rochester, .558; Toronto, 537; Buffalo, .375; Montreal, .380; Richmond, .345. - loc = 80c. - $1.00 Again Playing Real Ball. a ------ BRINGING UP FATHER After two years of deep gloom the Shibes, who are Connie Mack's part- ners, again are smiling. The Athlet- les have begun to attract Philadel phia fans to Shibe park. A year ago the Yankees played a game there thet drew $5 in gate receipts. But that is all over now. The Mackmen are last in the American league We Live But Once Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking. Milo Cigar Made in Kingston by GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of previding for your old age or your beneficiary is the Monthly Income Policy of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, S. Roughton, 60 Brock St, Phone 610. me TF EE -- Kingston's Electric: Store Now that summer is here at last you will be using electric irons, toasters, grills and fans. We have a splendid stock of all at reasonable prices. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO 79 Princess St. Phone 441 This Canadian-made .sum- mer underwear has the famous, patented 'Closed Crotch" with ample seat opening, as shown. Another comfort feature is the "Rein- forced Webbing" in- serted across the back. This gives the gar- ment a very desirable elasticity and enables the wearer to enjoy perfect freedom of bodily move- ment. You are sure to like this garment when you see it--better still when you wear it. Made in nainsook, madras, silkeen, silk and other light summer fabrics. Underwear Also W.G. & R. fine shirts, collars, pyjamas and boys' blouses. W. GQ. & R. Products are sold in Kingston by E. P. Jenkins D. 8. Collier Roney & Co. rack, ut they arc--noviding entor- taining baseball o EV is slowly but surely improfing and the fans are enthusiastic. Some time jl 4 20 it was their stock in the Ath-|mors have ceas:l Philadelphia can with Mack building up support two w.2 'ng ball clubs By GEORGE McMANUS. vould sell tics. but, NO SIR: ILL NOT JOIN ANY DANCIN' CLUB - 1 BELONG TO ENOUCH OF THEM KMNITTIN SOCIETIES NOW - WELL "TO &\T RID OF THE REST ID BE WILLIN' TO PART reported that the Shibes | another baseball machine, these ru- )