Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1917, p. 2

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PACE ESIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ,» SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. 5 | INCIDENTS HP ------------------ CHURCH SERVICES | _. 5 OF THE DAY THE FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF N { KI! $ | GENERAL INTEREST. . 3 . . And <' (1 areh--Res . W. preach at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Sunday | suophene re ing ser. school, three o'clock: Epworth league Happenings In the City and Vicinity | e d 1eS ome oum Nn e e es a vice a.n Rev. E *. Torrance, ' meeting, Monday, & p.m.; Prayer ser-| --What the Merchants Offer to the iD By . evening service, 7° pan, Rev. vice, Wednesday, 8 p.m. A cordial | Readers of the Whig. UNE JW. Stephan. Sunday schol and | welcome to sl. _ | ty Cunningham. giana tuner. 21 Containing four full page color pictures of President Wilson, J » ents and soldier ordially invited. Princice Serves Methodist (burch ey's Book Store. ) | Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell's First Note, and Putting the , urry, pastor. Se ces iss Gra in. Selbv. is i --~. JULY and Fitgor] Th a. a8 1 boa merce by the] prein Grace Hudgin, Selby, is im Stars on the First Flag. St. Paal's--Rev. Canon proving under treatment at the AUGUST ald. MA, rector, 371 Brock street. pastor. Sunday school 2.45 p.m Kingston General Hospital. one 1617 ornir rayer, 11 o'-! EJ th League Monday, 8 pn " - Store Closes 5 O'Clock |." hi. Morsiae eetor. Sun. | Prayer meeting Wedneslay, 8 bok] hel rome eho lunes. mantior et in| BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS y p 3 \.. evening prayer, A cordial invitation to all " McGuinnes. 65 Yo | ~ . Daily. Ss A ~ mmr, 5 pty samme, From the New York Musical Shows -- Poor Butterfly, Pretty cugol ghenie, Thursday, | Calvary Congregational Church--| | arvnivhmiday was fed $13 and wosts Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want To Be Good But My Eyes 11 am., The Lord s Secret' | 28th ins Magi farrell on S « JOHN MCKAY | : pm, Sunday school and Bible oY Nolatrate Farrell on Swurday|§ Won't Let Me, Whirn the Girls Grow Older They Grow a Little class; 7 p.m. He 3 Great Test First Baptist ~~ Church.--Rev. | Canada Steamships, common has $ret 1 oF h ser. Monday, 7.1 S ps, : w m Limited. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both ser | Monday, 730 pu. Ss reached a new stock record, Oa Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany. vices. 11 : , "Sins Concellation'; | Thursday it sold to 45 1-4, the 149-157 Brock St. . 7 p.m, 'Emancipation'; Bible | meeting. All are heaphiy welcomed { J ny vp > : AAA Aid Aa " Nn nN } 5.45 8.1 » U . | to these services. y. John Lyall, lschool, 9.45 am.; B.Y.P.U, Mon-|0 > | The regular meeting of the Civie serps - hes a pn. woe -- ha -. ------ Sunday |day, 8 p.m Strangers cordially in- | pastor, 266 Rideau street. 1 td all the services. "0 Come | Utilities Commission will not be held | vites 0 a he service 3, PA AA cm A AA pr ae Queen Street Methodist Church-- | 00 Monday. A meeting may be [Fr ' 8 . Rev. John D. Ellis, pastor. Public | | eles on Toesbuy or Wednesday, " oO e e 00 ore, " ] Court meeting o ° St. Jaumes' Church, corner Union | worship at 11 am. "and 7 p.m. Sun- e Hig and Are streets Rev. T. W. Sav- day school at 2.45 p.m. 'The pastor | Canadian Order of Foresters at Ham- : District Agents for The Curtis Pub. Co ary,' rector 8 aun. Holy Com- Will preach at both services. 11 a.m. | #iton, the question of increasing the 1 . . munion; 11 a.m., morning prayer topic, "Our Summer Relation to the rates up for discussion, and 124 60-162 Princ St. Phone 919 and litany preacher Rev. G. 8. Church." 7 p.m. topic, "A Message | over for another year. A special Despard; 3 plmi., Sunday school; 7 Spoken vs. A Message Lived." Seats committee being appointed to look | p.m., evening prayer and sermon; free. Everybody welcome { into the matter. Bi NP NTN Neer Sr TT TT... --_ ee . subject, "Christ's Commendation." -- | Prevost, Brock street, has received -- Cooke's Presbyterian Church-- | a nice assortment of boys' and men's Chalmers', = Barrie and. Earl minister, Rev. E. R. McLean, M.A, | summer suits, also men's paats. streets Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D, B.D., 372 Brock street. The minister | We have the best value in the eity New or Rebuilt minister. Morning, "Storm-tossed, Will preach morning and evening. | for blue and Oxford grey suits. a Rented and Repaired. But Pulling for the Shore"; even-| !1 am, subject, "The Growing Mrs. Sarah MeGrath, Hungerford ing, 'Man's Place and Purpose in Seed." A springtime service. Chil- township, died on June 12th, aged the World"; Sunday school, 3 p.m.; dren specially invited. 11 a.m., a| seventy-seven years. She was born ; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 beginners' and primary class; 3 p.m, | inp Kingston township, her maiden te. orona p.m. Strangers made welcome. main school and Bible class; 7 p.m.,| pame being Mullholland. She is sur -- subject, "Why Some Men Don't | yived by twelve children one being ) p---- } L.B.S. A.Class--Meets for Bible Pray." Strangers cordially invited. E Miss Catharine Mulholland,. Kings- Ar RA study in LB.S.A. Hall( over Sar- gy ton. Portable, Folding, 3 Rib- Hi ont's, entrance Montreal street). First Church of Christ, Scientist, a We: Alwiys Bive: "Specials bons and Carbon Papers. {Sunday, 3 p.m. topic, "The Bible Johnsen street, between Bagot and | TWEL FTH "OF JULY. in Diamond Rings as a Divine Revelation, Viewed in Wellington streets. . Sunday school, | ora-- , the. Light of Reason'; 7.30 p.m. 9.45 a.m.; service, 11 a.m.; subject, Big Celebration Will Be Held in tople, "The Purpose of John's Gos- 'Is the Universe, Including Man, | Kingston. Just now we have "Solitaire" el." All interested in Bible study Evolved by Atomic Force?"; Wed- The 12th July celebration in 1 : Diamond Rings, set in platinum J. R C. Dobbs & Co. iaTiie, nesday, 8 p.m., testimonial meeting. Pi will take the form of a See our Beautiful Display of and 18k. gold at $100.00. 41 Clarence Street. \ Public' reading room same address, | rad Patriotic procession. Every Brock Street Methodist Church-- Open every afternoon, except Sunday, | jjember will carry a Union Jack. The Ladies' Fancy Collars 25¢ up These should prove very grat- eee | Rev. Geo. S. Clendinnen, pastor, will | 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in-|,q4resses will take the war as the oT aT xn ifying to prospective purchas- vited to the services and the reading chief topic. ------ A A A A A AAA AAA A AA AAA A AA ors: Doth th quality anos ! 4 room. | Horse races, motor races and bi- --- ecyele races at the fair grounds at Wi 1 St. George's Cathedral--Third | {wo thirty o'clock. indsor Ties, all colors CC SOWARDS i 3 Sunday after Trinity, St. Jehn Bap- | The et Foon ; A Achievement y y Ny | The procession will form Lt the | A A A A A A AA g COAL | tist Day. 8 p.m., holy communi mn, | Market Square, and proceed to Vic ° ! {11 a.m., matins. Preacher, the very | toria Park, where addresses will be 1 KEEP £3 Rug om Bid pend To i, whore Adiiaes Crepe Ties, all colors . . .. .. cn mi ros ° evensong. Preacher, Rev Cecil | Orangemen are expected from Water- Jewelers and Opticians. cept on Tuesday. Holy communion, | met at the dock by a committee and a boy until he suddenly dis- _-- to have a flotilla of airships from the |' made by Am. A Ar Gl ] | Whalley. Services of intercession | town, Clayton and Cape Vincent White Silk Boot Hose Lee en : Issuers of Marriage Licenses. SOWARDS. Ex-President Roosevelt ge Mi A oh om a rs, a Black Silk Boot Hose covered that he could not see ff | Sydenham Street Methodist Church | camp at Deseronto to manoeuver Sox for Tots .. .. .... . - All Sizes AND | Through school, 4 p.m, holy baptism, 7 p.m.,| A large delegation of American daily in the chapel at 10 a.m. ex-| The American contingent will be was awkward and stupid as | munion at 10 a.m. Jack. Arrangements are being made PR AR as much as other boys. --Rev. W. G. T. Brown, B.A, B.D. [over the city during the celebration. glasses | pastor. 11 a.m., Bible school and | Arrangements have been made by all ee eee eee eee eee He tells us that ar- | the hotels and restaurants to provide | congregation in annual flower ser- 8 £ PARADIS changed his career. | vice. Bright programme Address | dinners at reasonable rates for ten TAXI STAND Yours may be such a case. ne Rev. * w. Stephen. of St. An- | thousand visitors. Ladies' Vests .. .. .. .. ... .. .15¢c up i urs -- Come in and get our spec- drew's. Speeial offering. School to ------------------------------ A Ae A A a Always ready for your call ialist's advice. assemble at 10,45; 7 p.n., Rev. Dr Public School Standing. day or might. : Anal © > . Consultation free. {#prrance. Music by choir and The final standing of the Public l. Class soting, 9.45 a.m.; [School Baseball League, which fin- 60 Dozen Corsets . . .. .... 50c to 3.50 GARAGE FOOT . l | Sone. League. Monday, % ams jabed is hl with the game on Ag rp $ All kind of 'ox Stoles OF BROCK ST. JS. Asselstine D 0S prayer and praise service, Wednes- [Tuesday when Victoria took the suitable for Summer . | |day, 8 p A rdial Ico t rh fonship from Macdonald is ~ rw Phone 823; House 611 : all, iia i pl aE 1 See Our "Dollar Special" Corset -- It's a Wear. Oars washed. Gasoline and Registered Optometrist. i. . Won Lost - Oil For Sale. HE ar CoTTOAL | St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin-| victoria ... .. .... . ae Beauty, All Sizes 19 to 30. Agent for Imp. Carbon Chaser cess and Nelson streets--Rev. J. de {Macdonald ... ... .. ... . &. Bp 18, Prop. STORE. | Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, | Frontenac ... ... ... ... p 4 Eg 311 Alfred street. Phone 871. St. (central ... ... ... .... ¢ 4 ---------------------------------- . » John's Day. 8 a.m. Holy Com-|ponise ... ..°% ........ ¢ 4 munion; 11 a.m., matins; interces- |g EE: At the sion for those engaged in war; ser- Sydenham aa ---- PICTORIAL PAT TERNS sold by 80 Brock Street Rid Str . mon subject, "John the Baptist"; Canadian Pacific Railway 1deau eet Golden Lion Grocery 2.456 p.m., Sunday school and Bible| g oo 0 © ao at effect | study class; 4 p.m., churching and good returning October 31st Home- Phone 700. Frame dwelling, almost new, holy baptism; 7 p.m. evensong; | soo Kt ery Tuesday to ewman aw modern, 6 roams, good cellar, sermon subject, "The Christian's | 5 FF, TE ower J y Owner out of town. Offering ! anc over Duty." Music--Anthem, "Holy Join 8 8 je San me y for a few days at, $1500. | Father, Cheer Our Way." Seats yrs wile iro ond oe riots | free. Strangers and visitors cirdi- Trois, JSTECR a bist Pa THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. ] Colborne Street. HONEY ally iovited wo attend. | corner Princess and Wellington . | | Bethel Congregation Church,-- Streets. Near Clergy street, solid |} jn one pound sections, 35 cents each. Johnson and Barrie streets, Pastor, Te Critically om. m omes at brick dwelling, modern, 7 ||| presh California Prunes, nice and | Rev. T. De Courey Raymer, residence) = cally TH. goose BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ewey rooms. Rental $216. Yours || Juicy .... ... 10c, 12%e, 15¢c, Ib.| 220 Johnson street. Phone 2116. "Stephen Amey, Emesttown Sta fur $2430, | Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. United summer services 11 am. In tion, was suddenly taken down from CLOSING OF MAILS ; Re on le | Evaporated Apricots ... ... 18c¢ Ib. | Bethel church a memorial service tory an attack of appendicitis on Monday. ) - British mail closes irregularly. | Sweet CIdOr ... eeu ous 40g gal. | the late Mrs. J. C. Huater, thie pa | Dr. Mabee motored him to the King TnTr i posted. at P.O; Lobby HEMLOCK | tor's topic being, "Do Christians | ston General Hospital, where he was from time to tim C ann | Die?" The male guartette will sing! operated on, and mow lies in a eriti- at this service. 3 p.m. Sunday cal condition owing to the bursting | United Baran Say 3.10.30 82 Brock Street, V. RMcRea & Co. {os os 7 p.m., in First church, the {of the appendix. Grand Tryak, Soin 8 cast, a. LUMBER rices " | 1.30 a.m. and 13 p.m. Phone 826 or 621. | pastor will preach, "Can Germany Grand Trunk, Toronto and Russell St. 1006 | Winthe War?' What is the spiritual ! including Western . . ! ' Golden Lion Grocery | ji nincance of the Kaiser's mud am- | - X L civamg Westin, For scantling, joist- {| Area sc. CITT samen | bition? Is the Kaiser the Anti-| The Ha Stage Grand Trunk and ali 'west Portsmouth ... ... ..._.. $1000 \ J Golden Lion Grocery T R - . pI one: "rou howia near 'shi | HATS | cfierihiatTise ||| ine planking, sheath- JRun, © 0. om Siam = | NR .. ORC sian ree United choirs at each service. Come. | Raglan 81850 | The church with a welcome. FOR EVERYBODY {i ) ng, flooring, ete, Earl Street ... ... .., $2250 -- John Street FE LL. $2300 First Congregational Church,-- | Russell Street | $1850 | Wellington and Johnson s!reets.| } . Two Building Lots on \ Raglan | Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcys Rayner. | LOD.E. GARDEN PARTY S ANGLIN & co Road, 49 feet frontage each Residence, 220 Johfffon street. Phone $430 and $530 each" { 2116. United summer services. 11 | A Successful Event Took Place on am., in Bethel church, the pastor's | Friday Afternoon. L 1 4 topic being, "Do Christiane Die?" | | A very successful garden party x E Ww Mullin A glad message of love. The male Iwas held Friday afternoon on Kingston, Ont. . on ..| quaretts will sing at this sefvies. | Queen's University grounds in front | | Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 Cor, .dohnton. 4nd: Division Sta. Eta {3 p.m., Sunday school. 7 p.m. in| ' f th 1 en. e Real First church, the pastor will preach | | Prince Se re LODE. ae Ballots of "Can Germany Win the War?" What | | which Miss Bessie Smythe is regent. is the Spiritual significance of the | The grounds and tables were prettily | Kaiser's mad ambition? Is the Kaiser | | decorated and many willing workers the Ant-Christ?" You should hear . | helped to make the affair a success. this. United choirs at each service. RE | There were a large number of citi | Come. The church with a welcome. » \ | zens present and it is expected that x {over $125 will be realized. TO HELP THE BELGIANS od N Thou 4 Siulge of the wibles werd ' RUBBER BATHING CAPS | Another Big Shipment of Clothing b . D. Sem --KEEP THE HAIR DRY-- Sent From Kingston. / ! : 3 Another big shipment of clothing was made on Friday for the Belgians. boos Lumber, Coal and Wood ood Phones 539 and 1456. a When You Have Selected "The Rug you like best from our wonderfully attrac- tive Sollection we'll send it to your house any time yo If it is needed at once for some speci nh we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. Orif you § | about the new Barrett way of are not quite ready to receive it we will set = y fs tne Cptopared soot: heayes Steen, Els, Red, Rous. Hiue it aside until you are ready. = ; Mrs. W. : Ji for ten years. Sold five thousand | fl = : | square feet of the Barrett speeifi- 25¢ to $1.00. i.eation roof this week. Sole agents, Simmons Bros. Ring 494, R. McFaul, = | sn ; , | l. 5. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE . { Mr. Richard Irving, 'evangelist, |] | | 3, : : p Princess {seven o'clock at Ne ah w Orange | ground foor, ) Weather. Tight Fitting Diving Caps While the fine weather is here get your roofs properly looked after. | IB 1o0se Tigh Re make a specialty of roofing. Ask Tops: with t Band,

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