Send in War Letters. Letters and photographs soldiers and sailors, de- the of the liberty a wel- from scribing struggle Progress for the have had great of the world, come place in the Whig's pages since the war began. When desired, the letters: and photos to the friends All such con- are returned who supply them. tributions will be gladly re- ceived by the Whig. Any per. sonal or private passages in such letters will carefully excluded from the published be account, Procrastination is the thief of health: Keep yourself wal by the timely use and help of BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest 53 Sale of Modicine i he he World PA i FRECKLES Veil; Re- Othine Don't Hide move T hem wit m with a them with the Prescription. for the This pres of freckles as written hy a promin physician and is usually 80 suc ful in removing freckles and giv a clear beautiful complexion that it is sold by Mahood's Drug Store un der guarantee to refund the money if it fails Don't hide veil Get au ounce of othine ble strength --and remove liven the first few applications show a wonderful improvement of the lighter freckles vanishing en tirely Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is his that is sold on the money-back guarantee Give it Fair Play not decide NOW to give 2UTO0. 'Tablets, the remedy so generab Ay for headache, a fair and square If there is any doubt in your mind as to the worth of these tablets or of their essness, try them and KNOW the truth. Don't sacrifice your comfort on ao count of prejudice or skepticism. Try the Sail apid. 5. 2 fobimon 8 by Zutoo Best's The Popular Drug Stere ption ent o ing your freckles under doy then should Ome Open Sundays 124 Princess Street. Branch: Princess & Division Sts ii treatment SNL LE EOL e Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, and Eye Glass Fitting || Our Charges Are | Moderate Our Work Is Guaranteed. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 3 doors shove the Opera House. Princesa Street. | OPTOMETRIST ND OPTICIAN, removal | a kl A Nd i} storm, fl o'clock before 1 could get to sleep. lj \ took about seven boxes and gradually ll: boxes and recovered the weight I had WAS BURED FOUR TIMES, HAD -- CORPL. McIN' TOSH ANG EXPERIENCES AT FRONT eye--He Had Many Corporal D Narrow Escapes, J. McIntosh, of Peter- Kingston, to on his eye, pro + he is strong to stand it. Corporal McInto the front He we d Battalion, home on J The firs sometime in O¢ aT He ed a bayonet wound on the am, wound being so bad as to require | fourteen stitches to close. He also | had his jaw broken gat the same time and twenty-seven pieces of shrapnel In his hip he had seventeen pieces, and his hip was also broken. One piece of shrapnel went through his arm on one side and came out the other side, and one piece also went through his foot, Corpl. Melntosh was also buried four times The first time he was iried he was under ground for six hours and forty-three minutes, He had his chest broken and badly ised and when he was uncovered was unconscious for over a day. Corpl. Mcintosh belonged to the readquarters staff of the 42nd High-| anders and was on his way to the| ergeant-major's dug-out for hip boots. The only thing that saved him was his gas helmet and the three bunks that were in the dug out On the way te the dug-out Corpl, McIntosh met the sergt-major, | who was one of the first to give the| | alarm when he saw the dug-out| blown up | The second time Corpl. McIntosh was wed on Dee, 7th His eye { was blown out of his head and the) hone broken. He has two | «silver plates in his nost and forty edght ches on his forehead He lost one eye completely and can just enough with the other one to see | white pavement on a bright day. enough home from overseas with Peterboro, He was he was s from ine e 1e ed twice, tobe the wWour In his nose the and Montana Visitors. touring party from Wis friends of Suth-| yesterday in the | SWisconsin A family onsin and Montana, ertynd Bros, spent Bn: eing its sights, and surround- | ings #h which they were much pleased The group comprised A. C. | Mo('ofnb, son, and two daughters, | Osh Wis.; Dr. Isaac McComb, Brillion, Wis.; Mrs. Ina Rineking, | Hortonvikte, Wis. ; Dr Homer McComb and Mrs, Emma E. Lewis, Hardin, Montana The party left] this morning by the Thousand Island | route for Lake Champlain, the Adirondacks, Quebec and other points, sh, The Canadian Rockies, best and newest sections, and peaks are seen from the scontinental trains of the Cana- Northern Railway leaving To-| ronto every~Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For attractive _ booklet, through tickets, and full information Apply to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, o~ . Dunn, City Agent The ghest | Sold "Grass for sale public auction on Saturday, 6th of Park Grass in 1867. Will be sold by | the grounds on | July at 1 o'clock | p.m., sharp. the grass now growing in the city park. in lots to suit the purchaser Terms cash A. M. Jrown, chairman Park Committee, and John Linton, auctioneer. King-| ston, July 3rd, 1867." | The above is from the Whig's files | half a century ago For Armenian Relief. G. E. Hague, treasurer of the Ar menian Relief Fund the following subscriptions: Queen's War Relief Fund; Halliday, Mrs. D. E. Mundell, 2, Rev. J. Fairlie, Miss L. acknowledges | $50, | $5, J.| CIM Elliott. Trouble comes fast endugh out the © aid of a messenger, A Nerves Weak Had Hysterics with- Orillia Lady Tells of Her Pitiable Condition When the Nerves Gave Way and She Became Sleepless, Irritable and Excited. Ont., June 23- There is an of proof found right here, in Orillia that Dr. Chase's Nerve] Food is unrivalled as a means of forming new, rich blood and buil€ing | ap the exhausted nervous system. At this season almost everybody | feels the need of restorative, tonic] to keep up vitality and ward off the tired, languid feelings. | This letter will give you some idey of | the splondid results to he obtained) by | using this great I cure: Mrs. Percy Moulding, 28 West St. | | Orillia, Ont., writes: "Some years ago my nerves got the | better of me. I became so bad that | ,on one occasion, during a thunder-| 1 had a severe attack of hys- li tevics. Then I became anxious about | my condition. It was sleeplessness tand nervous debility that were my | trouble. Some nights it would be 1 Orillia, ibundance | Knowing the good results obtained from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve | Food, I commenced a treatment. I it I could feel my nerves becoming | steady and my appetite returning. 1 | could sleep well, and stay alone with- out any difficulty. Some little time {ago 1 commenced losing in weight, ii and I began using the Nerve Food | again as & tonic. 1 used only two i i lost | cannot speak too highly ptf Dr, ! Chase's Nerve Food and when "1 see ll anyone looking ill or nervous 1 say, | 'Get' busy and use some Nerve | Food." | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ceo, Limited, Toronto. Peterboro Hero is Now in Kingston | |, to Undergo an Operation on His | Was Wounded Twice and | | ed | from the | Mrs | Edna land | married under an arch of ferns and | pretty white flowers. | with | couple left by automobile to take the | writes | Dr | Geneva, | stein, | ly {lack of self-assertion would be a sin 'industry depends on the addition to THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, BRYANT-TURNBULL NUPTIALS EAR Told In Twilight +P EERE EERE $0400 $00 Miss Edna Lockett, Stuart street, spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haines, Belleville. On Monday she will go to Toronto and on Wednesday proceed to Ham- fiton to be present at the wedding || of her brother; Dr. W. F. Lockett. Graham Brown of the Merchants Bank staff, Kingston, spending vaca- tion at his home in Perth. Mrs. Kelley, Kingston, is spend- ing a few days with her granddaugh- | ter, Miss Gladys Miller, Napanee. Miss Pansy Spafford, Napanee, . . Mrs. J. B McLeod chaperoned al very jolly picnic this afternoon to Sydenham . Lake. Those present | were: Misses Doris McKay, Evelyn | Nic Catharine Minnes, Marjorie McClelland, Grace Dunlop, Chrissie Goodwin, 'Phyllis, Roughton, Helen Mcl.ean; Harry Orr, Jack Renton, Alex. Newlands, Donald and Herbert » Le An enjoyable high tea wa iven at thé€ountry Club on Thursday when covers were laid for ten--the guests including Misses Gwendolyn Folger, Doris Folger, Margaret Hem ming, Ethel Kent, Helen Strange, Edith Carruthers, Audrey Macleod (St. John), Harriet "Gardiner, Sybil Kirkpatrick and Isobel Fraser. . . -. Sole ---- quiet] afternoon a quiet! was solemnized by the Rev. T when Anna Isabella daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tho Turnbull, Johnson street, was marriage to Thomas Al som of Mr. and Mrs ant, Rochester, N.Y. The b who was given away by ber fat and was "unattended looked sweet in a gown of grey silk poplin with hat to match A cor- | sage bouquet of roses and lily of the valley added to the charm of the costume and in her hands the bride beld a white prayer book presented by her father. While the register was being sign- by the bridal party "Perfect Love" was sung by Miss Lydia Shep erd The choir, of which Miss Turnbull was a faithful member for five years, was also present, and the organ was presided over by Mrs. A B. Williamson.. After the ceremony buffet lun- cheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, and was attended by immeaiate relatives and friends The bride was the recipient many beautiful and costly gifts, among which was a beautiful cut glass pitcher and berry bowl from the choir, accompanied by a note secretary, Neil McCaig, ex pressing their appreciation of her faithful services Mr. and Mrs. Bryant will reside in Rochedter, N.Y. in the future. Wedding Was Church Quiet in St. James' | On Wednesday | but pretty wedding St. James church \W. Savary Maud mas ( united bert Br Thomas in vant er, » a spent the past week at Dr. Assel- stine's in Kingstom, of Robertson, Donald Roughton, Reid Rankin and Hugh Nickle. Sutton and Maxwell Wedding. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, tobert Maxwell, Sharpton, Wed- evening, June 20th, at eight when her voungest daughter, was united in marriage Sutton, only son of Mr Sutton, Newburgh officiated The They were The members of the Prince Charlie Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire are to be congratulated on the success of their garden party which was held in the Queen's Uni- versity grounds on Friday afternoon. -. * * nesday o'clock, Rose, to Harry E Mrs, Alfred Mr. Spencer were unattended. Rev couple Invitations 'have been issued for the weekly summer dances at the Yacht Club--the first one to be held on Wednesday next. The teas also ! begin then. The house was beautifi)lly decorated with masses |of flowers and ferns After receiv ing congratulations the guests assem | bled : Jn the dining room, where lunchion was served, the table cen tred with the wedding cake decorated Jily-of-the-valley The bride lookely lovely dressed white silk with customary veil carried a bouquet of whi roses Her going away gown was grey broad cloth with hat to match The bride received many beautiful and costly presents and will he greatly missed in her own community The newly-wedded . Mrs. Otto VanLuven, entertained at tea on Thursday ternoon in honor of her friend, Price Augustine, Vancouver. » » Union street, af- in Mrs, and te and Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stuart street, left to-day for Toronto and after a few days there with friends will go on to Hamilton to be present at the wedding of their son, Dr, W F. Lockett, which takes place on Wednesday, 27th instant. Miss Marjorie McKay, Upper Wil- liam street, left on Saturday to visit Mrs. C. S. Parker, London, Ont. Miss Helen Meek, University avenue, left on Friday to spend sev- eral weeks as the guest of Miss Jean McAlister, Hawkesburg, Que. Mrs. L. Whalen, Aberdeen avenue, has returned from New York after a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Clarke. . * Mr. midnight train at' Napanee for To- ronto and showers of rice and good wishes. On their return they will take up residence in Newburgh, SATISFIED MOTHERS. gives as great as does Tab)ets No other MOOT re satisfaction to mothers Baby's Own Tablets. These are equally good for the newborn babe or the growing child. They are absolutely free from injurious drugs and cannot possibly do harm ---al- ways good. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Morneau, St. Pamphile, Que. "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and am well satisfied with them and would use no other medi cine for my little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or | by mail at 25 cents a box from The Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. Miss Irene Stanton, Buffalo, N.Y. is home spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Stanton, Barriefield. Mr, and Mrs. George Belleville, have been spending week in Toronto. Mrs. Fisher and her children, who have been Miss Helen Campbell's guests, left this week for Tweed. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. J. A. G. Hudom, and Miss Flossie Hudon have moved to their summer cottage at Garden Island. . Mrs. Sweezy, Quebec, is the guest of Mrs, R. O. Sweezy, Union street. | bd - . Graham, the THE LOWENSTEIN WAY. Canada and France. The Lowenstein joke is reported in a Central News message from which says: need only to pay | Only a Good Slice of Mrs. AT C. Campbell, Miss Hay- ward and Miss Shields, Gananoque, spent Thursday in town. Miss Pringle, Belleville, is the| guest of Mrs, R. Wilson, Gore | street. Mrs. Brown, who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J Gorrie, Albert street, are returning to their home in Victoria Harbor on Monday. Miss Dorothy Chown, who has been attending Maedonald College, | Guelph, came home on Thursday to | spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, "'Sunny- side." ] H. sell Canada her war ex- "England to us in order penses and also the war indemnity due to Germany and her Allies." This astonishing suggesiion was made in all seriousness a fow days ago by Prince Frederick zu Lowen- in an address on "Germany's economic future and the German peace' in Munich. The occasion was a conference called by the independent committee for a German peace, at which, says the Neueste Nuchrichten, of Mun- ich, "the attendance was surprising small, in view of the attractive- ness of the subject "To conclude a bad peace through * * Miss Ada Birch gid Miss Florence | Emery, who have been visiting Mrs. Clarence Putnam in Utica, N.Y. have left for Thousand Island Park, where they will spend tha summer. | Miss Edna Booth left on Thursday | for New York. Ms. L. I. Henderson and family, Westmount, left on Thursday for | Suffered With Heart | For Ten Years Would Nearly Smother, There is nothing ¥ ht brings with | tt such fear of impending death as to fn foreign Germans in with strained when they against our compatriots lands Two willion Russia are awaiting hearts for the mcment are to be jeined again to their Fatherland. They must not be dis- appointed. Then Germany's iron our territory of Briey and Longwy. The nation must not listen to the cry of peace at any price, The leaders of the German people have no right to give away the property { of the natien." Prince Lowenstein does net en- | tertain the glightest doubt about the | varfoct right of the leaders of the | Genman people to take the prope of courfe wake up in the night with that awful | sense of smothering. The uncertain | and irregular heart action causes the Sreston distress of both mind and | Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are the only remedy that can give prompt relief and effect a complete cure in cases of such severity. They strengthen and Invigorate the heart, so that it beats strong and regular, and tone up the nervous system so that the cause of so much On Thursday evening, June 14th, 'AlXiety becomes a thing of the past. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wheeler were Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella, | presented with a cabinet of silver at | Sask., writes: "I am not much of a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick | believer in medicines, but I feel that McCrum, Smith's Falls. The pre. | it is only right for me to let you know sentation was made by 'W. Hunter What your wonderful remedy has on behalf of the C.P.R. employees done for me, and in a very short time, of the mechnical, operating and too, I had suffered terribly with my stores department on the occasion heart for nearly ten years, could: of Mr. Wheeler's departure ty ~Narih | scarcely do any work.and would near- 'Bay, where he has been promosted to ly smother at times. I had many rem- the post of general foreman. A few | edies, some only relieving me for a happy remarks were made Oy Mr. | time. I got a box of Milburn's Heart Wheeler, in which he thank~>d his and Nerve Pills and felt so much of other nations, but that, fs another story. A CABINET OF SHAVER Was Presented to OC. A. Wheeler at Smith's Falls. co-workers for their thoughtfulness | better that I kept on using them, and | and kindliness. He is a son of Mr. |can truthfully say I feel like a new | of the bride's and Mrs. C. 8. Wheeler, Uriversity | woman. avenue. "I would advise anyone with heart ---- | trouble tonse thei W. Lewin, teller on the Bamk of | Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Montreal staff, Tweed, has been [are 50c. or three boxes for $1.25, at transferred to Welland. His place is ! al] dealers or ed direct 3 receipt | en Brown and little Miss Joan | Queen's Military Hospital Getting in {and { son, Ernest de B. Strathy, JUNE 23, 1917. PAGE SEVEN ih I | | i | | HOSIERY For Boys--120 pai lue today at 25c a they last Tonight . BOYS' JERSEYS 120 boys' fine "Zi effects. Tonight TABLE DAMASK Added to our already long list of wonderful Bargains™ are the following very special values. For Ladies-- 180 pair black and tan fancy cotton hose. are regular 25c and 35c values and old dy es -- all sizes. While TO-NIGHT AT STEA Store Open to 9.45. "Comparison Sale r fine black cotton ribbed hose--an extra va- pair--in sizes 9 and 9} only. Tonight 18¢ These . 10c mmer-knit"' cotton Jerseys, with long and short sleeves, in colors white, navy, and grey, with combination 39c 150 yards bleached table damask, full 70 inches wide; a splendid quality at $1.00 a yard. Tonight . 69c 300 New York S "A MILLINERY SALE" on sale Tuesday. Watch this space Monday for the price! WITHOUT PRECEDENT port hats priced from $1.75 to $4.50 will be J | ser. re ---- their summer home at Thousand Is- land aPrk. » . . who is on leave few days in way to his Capt. E. Gladney, from France, spent town this week on home at Marmora. Miss Elspeth Shortt, New York, ar- rived to-day to be the guest of Miss | Marjorie Gamsby, Hale's Cottage. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Doward, To- | ronto, who have taken Col. Hamil ton's residence on Sydenham street, are expected to arrive about the nest | of July. a his . . . and Mrs. H. B, Sherwood, Napanee, have opened their summer home at Sydenham for the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Miller, Nap- anee, received news that Miles Miller had been promoted to major and re- ceived the Military Cross. He is @a graduate of the Royal Military Col- lege. Mrs. Hugh McPherson, Kingston, after a fortnight's visit with Mr and Mrs. A. Powell, Lancaster, has let for Barre, Vermont. ¥ * Mrs. McCutcheon, Princess street, left Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. B. McCarey, Rome, N.Y. Miss Veta Minmes, who is visiting | her aunt, Mrs. Powell, New York, is expected home next week. Major Bolston Carr-Harris is in town from Petawawa for the week- Mr. HTT TT * days in is again Albert d. Miss Burden spent a few Brockville this week, and with Miss Kathleen Daly, street, * . J. Wallace Wood, who has been in town for a few days returned to To- ronto yesterday. Mrs. W. G. Matthew and Mrs. G W. Asselstine, Gananoque, spent | Thursday in town. (Continued on Page 14.) * PREPARE FOR 2350 MEN, 3 Shape For Open The officers of the new 'Queen's Military Hospital are making ar- rangements to receive 250 returned and wounded men at the hospital either on Monday or Tuesday. The rations have already been taken out the kitchen staff have started preparing the plans. The elevator of the hospital has been completed and made ready for the handling of bed cases from one floor to the next. There are now some ten or fifteen people sleeping at the building. The | nurses, dietiticians, medical staff, quartermaster staff, kitchen staff are now doing their work, as are also the electricians and: other work men who have been making the STEACY'S - Limited SAB SUMMER Furnishings Just received a large shipment of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines I. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. HEE RAAT = = 2 = = = = = = athieus Syrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nerviné Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds. changes in the building. Gives Up His Seat. H. Gordon Strathy will in a few days give up his seat on the Mont- real Stock Exchange in faver of his after a long period of forty-six years. He was born at Kimgston on July 29th, 1846, and received his education at the Kingston Grammar School. Moonlight Excursion, Do not miss taking the popular Str. Thousand Islander. 'Thursday, June 28th, for a cruise among the islands. Boat leaves Swift's Whar! at 8 p.m. sharp. Tickeis 35¢c. One of the prettiest of June wed- dings tock place quietly at the home parents, Perth, on June 13th, when Ellie D., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, formerly of Smith's Falls, was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Herman Robertson Jamieson, Surith's Falls, A waning popularity gets much being taken here by C. E. Begleton. of price by The T. Stirling. | Toronto, Ont, free assistance, HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $33 per dozen. 11 274 14. lino prints. For engagement apply' by G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Coplewn of all my photos in Whigs Allustrated supplement may be secur. ed from me. > J Wit find this the best place fo buy our Oxfords for summer wear, range from $4.00 to $5.00 for the ull line of canvas, rubber-soled A hes - stock, 's Shoe Store 70 Brock Street, Pric