City Dairy 3) PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. Visit This Dairy and Decide for * Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. OMcial Test by H, B. Smith. Milk test- 1 3 » TTREET Phone 2083 Ae ea Pat tet A AA et wg NNN SWAT the Fly! Fly Catchers, Pads and Swatters, at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Phone 41. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. 4 nn N Store See Our Window Display. Ss ---- OUR HAY AND FEED' flesh on your horse and in better shape every way the feed for many of horses and you'll find of them looking fine and Try it on your horse. It will put We h put him supply finest everyone dandy will pay W. F. McBROOM "Phone 16886. mn, A Successful Picnic ON SOMETHING 42-44 Princess St A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC DEPENDS TO EAT Peanut Butter Olive Butter Potted Meats Paris Pate Camp Coffee and Cocoa Peanut Butter, ALL SIZES PICNIC BASKETS Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 GOOD Cooked Ham Pork and Beans Olives * Welsh Rarebit Chicken a la King Sardines (RNEENEEERNEENNEEENEEENNRENENEENE 9 Ww HIGH GRADE, NON-INTOXICATING Ale, Porter and Lager I beg to advise my patrons throughout the city and district that | am prepared to supply the trade and private families with the above goods, delivered at their doors, which are decidedly the best brands on the market in these lines. ' THE OLD NAME the old fame, the new qualitty. Canada's greatest mat beverage of the day, highly recommended by the medical faculty as an ap- petizing, healthful and strengthening 2% 9c tonic. JAMES McPARLAND 76 Brock Street. Phone 274 The Inevitable No man is capable of fore- seeing his own future. Noman can see beyond to-day. There comes a time in every man's life when the silver cord will break. With some, it comes unexpectedly, perhaps early in life. With some, it may be preceded by long weeks of sickness. But with all, it comes some day. Have you made any provision for your dependents? If death should claim you to- morrow, would your dependents be provided for? The inewit- able may come when you least expect it. Protect your loved ones by carrying one of our guaranteed policies. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, CANADA THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. COUNTY TAX RATE FIXED FOR THIS YEAR AT SEVEN AND A HALF MILLS. | The Townships of Portland, Kingston and Pittsburg are to Pay for the Seed Potatoes Recently Purchased. The County Council on Friday af- { ternoon decided to fix the tax rate for the year at 7% mills instead of 9 mills as at first proposed by the Finance Committee To do this it was necessary to carry as an over- draft till next year $12,000 in patri- | otic grants, for which debentures wil! | then be fssued. The rate for 1917 is two mills more than that last year, half the increase being caused by) patriotic and charitable grants. On recommendation of the Fin- | ance Committee it was decided to in-| crease the Children's Aid Society | grant $200, owing to the increased | vork undertaken by that society and | the great good being done for the county. It was also decided to pay the jail physician hereafter by fees. At present Dr. I. G. Bogart receives | $200 for jail attendance. The high| constable was also made truant ofii- cer, an official much needed in Fron- tenac county. An increase of $60 was made to School Inspector Trus- cott, for expenses. R. J. Bushell, manager of the Kingston Industrial Fair, addressed Council and asked for an increased grant, to which he held the fair was entitled, as it was run by King-| ston and Pittsbarg townships, which | paid the bulk of the county taxes. It! should therefore get more than the township fairs. Mr. Bushell asked the reeves to logk.garefully over the prize list and they would see that it had been increased by $400. Mr. Bushell made a vigorous ap-| peal to the Council to petition the authorities at Ottawa so that he could arrange an excursion to the] Experimental Farm at Ottawa for the benefit of the farmers of this dis- trict. = His Tequest had been refus- | ed, but he noticed that cheap rate ex- | cursions are being run to the avia- tion camp at Deseronto. "It is not| farmers who go on that kind of ex- cursipn," he declared. "but joy-rid- ers and slackers." Mr. Bushell also asked that he be given assistance in having the railwavs change their de- cision not to carry live stock after Sept. 1st for less than normal rates. This regulation favored the big To- ronto exhibition and hit the small September fairs. ! The budget passed gives the King- ston Fair Association a grant of $100 the same as last year. These grants were passed on recom- | mendation of the Roads and Bridges | committee: Olden $50; Clarendon | and Miller $50; Barrie $75; Bedford $50 rebate for 1916 and $50 for 1917; Portsmouth breakwater, $50; Boss Marsh Bridge, Storrington, $75; Desert Lake Road, Loughboro, $50; Wolfe Island breakwater $50; line road between Pittsburg township and Leeds county, $50; total $650. Councillor McGregor of Barrie ob- jected to his municipality being charged for the keep of a young wo- man in the 'House of Refuge. The auditor explained that the young wo- man had come in from Barrie and could not be left on the street. Ac- cording to the act, Barrie was re- sponsible, but the House of Refuge had also received a card from Reeve Gray and the clerk of that town- ship, agreeing to meet the expense of caring for the young woman. The treasurer was instructed to bill the township councils of King- ston, Portland, and Pittsburg each for a carload of potatoes some time ago purchased by the County for seeding purposes. Arrangements have been made whereby these town- ships pay for the potatoes owing to the fact that the County Council has 'mo legal right to spend money for buying seed potatoes. It is under- stood the member for Frontenac will see that the three townships are recompensed. This is the way the County Council clears its skirts of the matter, as Dr. Spankie, the Wolfe Island reeve, demanded that the county treasury be reimbursed for the money illegally taken from it to purchase the potatoes. Warden McKnight presided at the closing session of the County Coun- cfl on Saturday morning, when vari- ous by-laws were passed. The resignation of Dr. I. G. Bog- art as jail physician, was received and accepted. Peter M. Ritchie also resigned his position as county high constable. The council adjourned till the third Tuesday in November. In attendance at the Council meet- ings were Warden McKnight and Councillors Charles McGregor, J. A. Kennedy, P. J. Wensley, F. J. La- dhance, Benson Coulter, Elgin Stov- er, L. D. Parks, Charles Truscott, James Parker, T. J. Munro, W. S. Reed, James Halliday, David Gem- mill, 0. A. McFadden and Dr. Wil- liam Spankie. | LAKE ONTARIO PARK The management of Kingston's favorite summer resort, Lake On- tario Park, has secured for the open- ing on Monday evening next, a high- class bill of some 3,000 feet of new will have charge of the musical pro- gramme. Mr. Hamer will look after sent, except that the traih now leav- DESTRUCTION OF INSECTS Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Offers Free Advice. A few davs ago the Whig refer- red to the excellence of a bulletin is- sued by the Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa, dealing with the des- truction of insects, etc." A large num- ber of enquiries have been made as to the name and number of this cir- ular. and pleased to give ame. The r is No. 9, and it is entitled on Garden Insects and Their Control," by Arthur Gib- son In a preface in this circular| the Department makes the fo}jlowing announcement ' | "We shall be pleased to hear from | any one whose crops may be trou- | bled with not described in this circular and to advise them spec- | ially. No postage is required on such letters of inquiry when ad- dressed: "hk "Dominion Entomologist, "Department of Agriculture, . "Ottawa, Ont. "Such inquiries should be accom- panied in all cases where it is pos- sible by specimens of the insects, The insects should be sent packed | with their food plant in a strong! wooden or tin box to prevent loss in| transit Packages up to 12 ounces | in weight may be mailed free and] every package should bear or con-| tain the sender's We irc "Cor are insects name and address] and be accompanied by a letter." | C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Columbia Grafanolas and Records! For Patriotic People. $1 a week will buy a Columbia Grafanola complete with records for soldiers' wives and children, and others wanting music Hi*their home. We have 1 ; other "makes and records to select from, and a num- ber of slightly used machines at special bargain prices, You can pack a small machine in your trunk for the country. Satisfaction guaranteed. our warerooms or write for trated catalogue and price C. W. Lindsay, Limited, cess St. Call at illus- list to 121 Prin- Lieut. R. H. L. Uglow Wounded. Lieut. R. H. L. Uglow, a former | official in the Department of Agri- culture at Ottawa, is in the casualty list as heing wounded. Lieut. Uglow, who is a nephew of R. Uglow, Bar-| rie street, enlisted with the 8th C.| M. R., but was later transferred to; the 80th Battalion, in which he held] the position of signalling officer. When he reached England he was| transferred to the Engineers and was| in this unit when wounded The | young man has only been in France| about three months. No particulars | of the extent of his injuries have as vet been received | t Change of Time. | In connection with summer change! of train service on the Canadian Northern Railway, effective June | 16th, trains between Kingston, | Tweed, Ottawa and Toronto will run_on the same schedule as at pre- | | | GET AFTER A NEW STRAW Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Whether you prefer a Pan- ama or Sailor wide brim or narrow brim, you are sure to find- a hat to suit you in the CAMPBELL collection, and at almost any price you wish to pay. Sailors, in sennit, or split straw, in the most popular di- mensions of brim and crown. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Special values in fine Pan- amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. $4, $5, $6. Campbell Bros. The Store of Real Styles. ing Ottawa at 1.10 p.m., except Sun-| day, on and after the abeve date, | will leave at 12.50 noon, arriving in| Kingston same time as at present. | For further particulars, see latest time table folders, or apply to J. E. | Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, | city agent. | TH THE 'THER THE APIO APION APIO VITAL ios | PRICE IN ENGLAND : & symptoms for FRE No follow up' circulars | ; Oy SOLD BY LEADING CHEM SEE THAT TRADE MARKED W BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO al ann. | MEDY. s | EW FRENCH Re ROY | PAGE NINE LADIES' DRESSY PUMPS At present our stock is complete with pretty white and patent pumps. Best grades .. .. $4.00 to $6.00 Other grades .. .. $2.50 to'$3.50 "Get Yours Now." Abernethy's Shoe Stor BRIDES Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the furniture for the new home that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outfitting newly-weds, laying rugs and oilcloth, placing up art blinds and furniture fitted in position at no extra cost, and so perfectly that they remain a lifelong customer. Laws James Reid The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Ring 147 for Motor Ambulance. A A A AA AAA Ait Palm Beach Suits Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. J KINGSTON EVENTS 26 YEARS ACO A large quantity of strawberries were sold to-day at three boxes for] 25 cents. | Messrs. William Mitchell James Johnston made the trip from Kingston to Brockville in a canoe in ten hours. Rev. C. O. Johnston and family| arrived to-day. Rev. Mr. Johnston] will take over the pastorate of Queen | street church at once. { The wedding of Joseph Quinn, C.P.R. agent at Denzil, Sask., form- | erly of Tweed, to Miss Jennie Laffin, | of Queensboro, formerly salesiady | at James Quinn's store, was solemn- | ized at Madoc on Wednesday. i 1 and| | | Ensign Cameras From $1.50 to $25 FOR BEST RESULTS in Developing and Printing, Try Us. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. the moving pictures, Ss wennsaeemmra gS These Articles Are Very Nice, Seasoned with Pun- gent Sauce called Hunger Horpe Radish Cream, Mustard Salad Cream 10e Blood Orange Marmalade Jelly, P.H. BAKER Princess and Frontennc Sts. Phone 1016. IMPERIAL LIFE The Imperial was the fif- teenth Canadian gumnpany to en- ter the life assurance field. In nineteen years it has overtaken and passed seven of its compe- titors. so that there are now only seven ather Canadian com- pamies that have as large an amount of assurance in forch Their ages range from twenty. three 10 seventy Vears, When you come to us for eye glasses we do mot figure how cheap we can make them--but how good to meet your pocket book. Our treatm ent is fair to you. Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. {rie to Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 609 ' A iit MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. | { ; Ns | § Choice Selection of f Spring Suitings swindon Prices Reasonable PPPS Grawford & Walsh