Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1917, p. 7

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" ESTABLISHED 1833 Thrift FOR CHILDREN +» making more smve more. Sa 4 v $73,000,000 .. thrift todry, WE INVITE YOIR BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. A FOR SA Aberdeen Ave., Brick Earl St., brick . Collingwood St., double frame Johnson St., double frame THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 dilssonimiliog nat. Asivg bil --~-- an Optical Points ! NO, S--Our service means thorough- nes In examining jour eyes, accuracy in making jour ginsses, and careful- meas in adjusting xive you comfort ln wearing them ACCOUNT, Price $4000 Price $3600 correct vision. | Our service Is your satisfaction. R. J. RODGER | OPENING { MONDAY Manf'g Opticians and 132 Princess St. POTATOES Car of Choice Eastern Potatoes. Lowest Prices. Optometrl Phone Toilet Soap Snaps Although all toilet soaps are stead- | | ily advancing and likely to continue | to advance, we are in a position to! offer any of the well known rt which are gisplayed in our upper win- dow at | Telephone or see us before buy- ing. | Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 543 3. CAKES FO} Hoags Drug Store Branch Post Office 25¢ '""Ranks with the Stroagest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL "+ PBRCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS *- AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Bem F.J. Js The Leading Florist Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 Plantation Brand Jn 23 Ib. Tins, When you require Tea GORDON'S. is the place to get it. Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets, | Phone 88. | ----------' | emma mmm. ESR GET Your AWNINGS MADE in KINGSTON Patronize home Industiryy no better made in Canada than Capt. Joseph Dix, MAKER, 211 NELSON ST, If you want one, drop him a card. Liptoa's Black Tea, $1.40. SAL makes. Notice to Creditors | [tn the Matter of the Estate of John 9 Florist! Campbell, late-of the Township | Fresh Cut Flowers Daily | Funeral Designs and Wedding |, Bouquets to Order. r TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Frontenac, Yeoman, Deceased. | NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to ay sed Statutes of Ontarto, 1914, Chap 5 all creditors and others the estate o who died on or ahout day of April, AD to deliver or send on or before the uly, 1817, to the un- dersigned solicitors for the Executors) of the Estate th names and addresses a full destription of all claims and nature of securities (If any) held them, such claims to be duly veri. against that im- day of take notice | mediately after the twelfth July, 1981 the Executors will proceed i dist te the sald estate among the | partie titled thereto, having regard only for the chims of which they shall then have received notice And the sald Executors shall not be liable to any person of whose claim notice shali not have been received by them prior to the said Twelfth day of July, 1917 Dated at Kingston this Fifteenth day of June, AD. 1817 NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY. Kingston, Ontario Solicitors fur the Executors, William Gibson and Andrew McCallum. A A A EA Nl Tea Sale Black Teas, . 40c to 75¢ further All Large Cars Used Kingston Taxi Cab Co. For Saturday We offer our customers 500 Ibs, farmers' fed pork, clean and nice, in 33 and 10 1b. blocks, at 235¢ per Ib. _Also 300 Ibs. of choice kettle ren. dered lard at 35 per pound. Abo a| Snacia] Japan Tea in choice lot of farmers' butter and 101b. box .... $3.25 creamery butter in 1 pound prints, Fresh Eggs i rr] Price $4400 | Price $4000 { them no that they | P of Storrington, in the County of | Green Teas . 35¢ to 60c! ! New is the time to got your straw Panama 7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1917. HOUSE GRAND At 2.30 PM. Daily &130P M TS VAUDEVILLE--2 ri A Five Act Photoplay Genevieve Hamper, in "Tangled Lives." Pathe News, Photopays. The Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Polite Vaudeville A Five Act Photoplay. Mabel Taliaferro, in A Wife By Proxy" A Two Reel Comedy, some Luke in "The Plumber." "1 oe Features. Evening 10¢; Reserved, Se be B¥ xira Matinee Any yO a Ys GRIFFIN Ss! Friday, Saturday en's Sweetheart MARY PICKFORD "A Romance of the Redwoods." GEORGE BEBAN in "The Hond Between" Mrs. Vernon Castle in "PA R$ A" Prices: Mat. i KE a TRAND Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Charlie Chaplin, in "Behind the Scenes." Feature Photopia, y 1 NuTRdAY, . 25e. | Dorothy Dalton in "Wild | Winship's Widow." Mask 10 Comedy Reels. E vemiugs | 15e Purple and Matinee June 25th FREE SHOW Every Evening SN. se CLASS VAUBEVILLE EATURE PHOTOPLAYS Admission te Park Free If By ar. Children's Day nurs. Program Monday Thursday, Wednesday, 1-Cent New Pleture and A PA AAA AP League Baseball Athletics vs. Vics. CRICKET FIBLD, SATURDAY, 3.00, Am I i EGG-O BAKING POWDER Revised Prices: AT tim tin tin tin tin tin 4 ox. 4 ox. ® ox. 12 ox. . 16 ox. ... 2% Ihe BUY QUICK BEFORE THERE IS A FURTHER ADVANCE p.m. parlor m goods os, din ™ "wei Mb 252 er TO4. A nt Oo Contractors! until for (ex- the Lump tenders will be received Thursday, June 25th 1917, the work of the vari trades cept plumbing and heating) for erection of A Pavilion and a Storage Building at the Sir Olver Mowat Sanatorium, Kings Plans and forms of 5 pm, 18 n wd ot specifica tiv enders BJ Mutllarkey of Military Hospitals Commis- Randdph Hotel, Kingston to be addressed to Capt ns, LE, OO. ic Works, MiMtary Hospital Commission, Ottawa, and mailed by registered post The lowest or any temder not necessarily accepted I i cc tO AAA seen the the nders are IL. Sym OPERA] CONTINUOUS Performance Comedy and Other Lone=' Lake Ontario ARK Matinee Wednes- | Street | ---------- SSS First insertion, 1c a werd. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one imsertion, 23¢; three ingertiona, ; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED MOTORMEN AND CUNDLOTORS, AP- ply Street Railway a "Goon PLAIN R. E Kent APPLY MRS. N. OC. ng St. W. Phone 1938 30 PER Hotel SMART BOYS WANTED, APPLY Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co. COON. A PLAIN 165 K Polso een. A COME rRYy YARD MAN, App Frontenae CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE THESK EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little, Once, 25c; three times &0c; + one week, §1.00. A DOMINION BE der for five nis XPRESS MONEY OR- dollars costs three ce A BABY CARRIAGE, will sell reason ber: street ALMOST NEW, ible A 354 Al CAR "rn nN Cheap for 86 Bay street TOURING condition Apply STU DERARER class *k buyer GAS RANGE AT Apply to J. 8 street Phone 47 GORE STREET, R. McCann, 82 Brock 126 or $21 A PORTABLE oY RN, NO. 5 IN Goob conds in Burn coal or wood Sale fee Bs, 00 Apply Box 1146 Smith's Falls A GOOD GENERAL MAID: No w ASH-! r r i - A GOOD WOOD-WORKING MACHINE hand: steady work, good wages Frontenac Moulding and Glass Co, Limited. A BOY ABOUT learn the Act 13 YEARS oF mo Flindshin, Worm with fos 3 "PT BABY take care « Apply FOUR Box SERVANT, ~rred eve 8 Ge MIDDLE small fam ving re \ WILL PAY nge working hours | clear work. Call Dominion Cataraqui street | A FEW WOMEN, wages and ann to sait them A | al office for information. | Textile Co, Ltd | { evrtdsit teas taidyri sb intag + -* + Two salesiadies; alse girl for alterat department. Apply Steacy's Limited. + + + - |& PEEP EEE SEER EE SER E bE Sb | 7 | | WANTED REPRESENPATIVES To) distribute tablets which wash] chthes spotlessiy clean without rubbing One trial makes per- manent custvmers One hundred per cent. profit Make five dollars| daily. Se na ten cents for samples | for four washings. Bradley Com- pany trantford, Ontario GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing and knitting machines. Light work: wages paid while learning. Apply Kingston Hosiery, = Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH KiwP- SON, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant tn the Revised Starates of Ontario, that all persis having any claims or de mands agains the estate of Joseph Kimpson, late of the Cuy of Kingston, deceased, who died on or about (The 17th day of May. 1917, are required to deitiver or send by post prepair A B ukningam 79 Clarence Stre« { { for the Exec » said Joseph K before the 16h their christian and sses and descriph.o Cro of the'r cla erified, and the (if any) held of the N son, deceased, day of July surnames, add with full par { demands duly of the security on or 1917, Care | them And further the sa'd 10th notice that after day of July, 1917, the said Execators may proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said estate amongs the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the cliims or | demands of wihlich they shall then | have repeived notice, and shall not be liable for the sald assets, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person or persons of whose ws or de manys they shall not have received no. tice at the time of the distribution thereof. Dated at June, 1917 take Kingston, this 22nd dav of A. BH. CUNNINGHAM. Solicitor for Exec NOTICE COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Village of Ports- mouth for the vear 1917, will be held jon Monday the 25th day of June, 1917, at 7.30 o'clock p.m. JAMES SCALLY, Clerk. | GOOD | _ | "HEAVEN RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY fice on Earl street, No suid with either No. 52 Enquire at No. 56 AND OF- 54 can be or No. &é NE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN 8 ctions, yar own chalice, §2 0. Terms: $5 cash, $1 per week. OC. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. TO LET OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunaingham, 79 Clarence street. HOUSE or GUOD HOUSE, w ELL for Wh FURNISHED, months g Office three t « nay Ke . WA- E. WA- > by caMl 'same y ca furniture Phone re ------------------ ------------ Tok hag FOR FURNITURE. h dry street a at clean LATED TOP OF GAS. Albert ank, presumably of a tomobile was found =i Hill. Apply tc "URE OR MER- ON ing 462 ALTOMORBRILE CRANK Im street on Friday mor: have same at ' FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wist.ng to reach the owner may do so by reporting the faot The British Whig. The adver tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles," does not In- clude lost dogs cattle, horses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad. vertised for in the "Loat" column WELLINGTON 'upled by John ply to J. B. Car- ngton street A "W elll STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy roms; your own look and key Frost's City Storage, 209 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 several desirable TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. ins, canoes, and camping sup- plles. Fishing tackles, etc. Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence St, King- ston. Phone 891. LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athlete, Over- land and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories Geurge Muller, 373 King St. Phone 1032, CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND ROAT stuves, china cabinets. We also buy and sell everything In new and second hand furniture J Thompson, 337 Princess street Phone 1600 d houses with reats ming from $30.00 to $43.00 per month. Apply the J, K, Car- ---- roll Ageacy, 36 Hrock Sp. LICE\SE NUMBER + attached, either SEEEPRE FFE P PP ER EES P TP bbb Gananosg R leave at ue ad Whig Office » A FURNISHE RESIDENCE, rick, 9 rooms, open fire STOLEN. aces, nice grounds and shade J. 8. RL McCann, 82 Brock "Phe ne 326 or 621 119 EARL THE PARENTS OF THE SMALL BOY who tox he 1 , re day the st TWO FRONT Fl TRNISIED, ROOMS, 8 \ n, bright and keeping If de- 282 machine FOR SALE OR TO LET AND HELL" SWEDEN- borg's great work, on the life af ter death and the world beyond Over 400 pages, only postpaid Ww Law, 4¥8 Euclid Ave To- ronto, Ont 25¢ TYPEWRITERS --UNDERWOODS AND . all makes, factory rebuilt Guar anteed the equal of new. $25.00 up to $35.00 Will ship on approval Canadian Writing Machine Cum > 2¥ Adelaide St. west, To- A real bargaia in lots at the head of Princesa street, just outside city limits.. The best of warden land; elty water. Inquire of Mra. C, E, Fralick, Princess St, mear Bath Rd. SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND hand sideboards, dressers, couches, parlor chairs, tables, Singer sew. ng machines, crockery, pletures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess street. NORTH HALF LO av tow nanip uf diburEn 100 acres, more or less, well water ed, well fenced, good bulldings, vonvendent to school, church and cheese factory; best farm in town- ship. Possession in September. Ap- pir Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, Irewer's Mills, Om FARM, concession, I ha | » > > + AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One 4-cylinder 35-passenger, + Studebaker Touring Car, second + hand, cheap for quick sale. Also + one 4-cylinder truck. J. H. 3 Davis, Saxon Distributor. HHH PPP ere ed ESTATE BY GEO. A. BATEMANS Agency. #5500, BRICK HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, § rooms, dou- ble lot. $3000, BRICK, 7 'ROOMS, ALL ™- provements, gas and electric light, lot 33 x 132; side lane. £3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable. $4500, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL provements; rear entrance. $3000, BRICK, A IMPROVEMENTS: electric gh 1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, rooms. SIX VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. TO RENT. $20; BRICK HOUSE, rovements; ble. MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. King: ston. WANTED. POSITION tr COMPETENT LADY STENOGRA- her with knowledge of book- eceping, desires a position Re- ferences If required Apply Box $621, Whig Office. 10 rooms and sta hat cleaned and nr Specialists ia Panama bhleach- ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. New York Hat Clean- Succesnors to Pappas Bris. Hat 208 Phone 393 Anderson Bros. Princess and Division St. Princess street. The a bra Ope has Men Wanted | hihi Kingston Shipbuilding w Company NORTH END; ALL ree Feast ray A well furan ed seven-room house, with nil modern conven- ences, In good locality. win reat reasonably to twe Indies or married couple without child- ren. Apply te Hox Neo, 30. THE bee BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROO every convenience, central loca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street. A NEW SOLID RRICK, sireet Everything t a bargain rison, ON RIDEAL new and mod Apply to C 108 Rideau street. Phone INGWOOD ST, NEAR UNION ew pressed brick I new and modern, just ready r immediate Apply Har rison, 108 t car 1 a! re = Anished possesston DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA L.D.S STN AN Dion. 258 Princess str FINANCIAL WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL, send a Dominion Express Mone Order D.D.S, t. Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets' Phche 626. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; president, INVEST. incorporated DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, Colonel tists, 159 W. Sliington street, Dewar, DDS LDS, Phone. 346. DEN- Q.C assisant Money issued én Sit Dronertion, municipal an country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and In- terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLORR Sssets $61,187,215. "In b) hich the polioyho ders have fur security the unlimited Habliity of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before Tew.w old or giving new business rates from Strange & Strange, Age nts Pr hone 325 LEGAL and ho PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS. Paten rad marks, designs. Bstab. a. ----- amo SF "Patent LAWS Hook "Patent Pro- tection" free. $9 St. James St, Mont- real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 lw experience. Dr Elmer J. Eye, r, Nose | A. Throat and Skin list, 368 Bagot street. MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS 3 x most successful, rich wish marria oon confidential; most reliable of experience; descriptions "The Successful Club" Mrs Rox 556, Oakland, Calif NB. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 73 Clar- street, Kingston FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH. 23 John DRISC ol LI Lg all or drop a eard. strictly ve Street Pp >urdfe, BUSINESS CHANC! RS MARRY; FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI- | ness; many thousand members both sex, wishing early marriage; | hung pads wealthy: confidential des- cripttons free; established 10 years by The Rekable Mrs. Wrubel ders 712 Madison, Calif 1 cents. PWN ACCOUNTS Money Or- costs three PAY YOLR OUT OF T Dominion Express Club, Five Dollars Oakland, INVESTORS WARNING Soy INVEST one cent until Successful Finance, and jearn how fortunes are made and lust by Investors. Free trial subscription. Success- ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St. Chicago. WANTED GENERAL PLAIN SEWING Apply 194 Division AND DRESSMAK street, city { | LIGHT ROW BOAT: 1 WANTED--A must ply be in god conditdon Ap- to Box 620, Whig office ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Bulld'ng, corner Brook and Wellingilon streets. mm SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victrolas. CC. W. Lind- | say, Limited, 121 Princess etreei | Yama WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL DEPARTMENT Apply: J. Farrar, Supt." CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. Kingston Ontario Announcement Starting May ttall od sles will be for cash. We propose to share with our customers the bene- fits to be derived from a cash system. Limited Jas. Swift & Co, \ Household Furniture : Will buy and pay tate prices, Rags Ru Rr but must be clean and sanitary . Brass, Copper. J. Turk, Phone 705 22 Diviglen Street,

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