Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1917, p. 9

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mas | The Daily British Whig [ re YEAR 84. NO. 147 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 25 : SECOND SECTION BORDEN GIVEN iE SAS ATONEMAN TOMMY AND HIS NURSE WAITING FOR THE TRAIN. OFFERS NO HOPE SHE AWE « aze «ike its sister province of Alberta, Saskatchewan since it was estab- al Election And Also 2 Yote on lished in 1905 has been under gov- Hold Gener. ernments of one party only First, Conscription Mr. Walter Scott apd then Mr : . M. Martin have held the premie The latter, who came into office year, had sto face a somewhat ugly H LD GET RID cituation, Members of the Legisla- ture, officials and others had been grafting and had been exposed It . was his daty to take measures to R OF THE BARNACLES THAT ARE punish them; angd he acted with more 5 5 i i' A WRECKING HIM courage than party leaders have al- A § A ' or © ways shown in like circumstances § : = L { Y -- Some of the evildoers received les-|- ; ¢ J 3 ? It Was the Tories Who Taught Dis- that should check the activities a 4 I$]. : § fons loyal Doctrine in Quebec Province of their kind at least for a time. It s=The Bulk of Quebec is Loyal. is admitted that bec ause of laxness Kingston, June 23 (To the Edi- in the ° administrative machinery : to , , there has been inferior work in con- 3 ia : | : tor); Hurrah for conscription' I! nection swith provincial enterprises : ; : : Our line of Wedding Stationery, Invi- is now assured One party says take and waste of public money; and op- 7 ; RN { , . te bull by the horns and force it position critics are making the most 3 : a hs J A i tations, Announcements, At Home th ull A Asid d y Th ha e facts in their campaign. Aside 3 X : hs LB } N » . *aer)es ~.. 332 So won fe people. The other party of "he USD hel iL RL A : 1 A Cards, Church Cards, Calling Cards, says let the people vote on it and we! . = 10 marked. Each party is pro- = § y 3 " t g 3 % pe ™ oo wer y ct PY NY 4 TT Y, S dd one Wht lon is unt marked. Bach Party is pro: I : : an ; ; Place Cards, C orresponde nce Cards, should we then_be afraid of promised; and in many constituen- To : : ; Dance Programs, Birth Cards, Me- . Sr: pat =i . vote cles it would seem that the candidate _ 3 ~ / even if we «lo not get a singl 11d count for more than the party 3 ¥ od Y : : Sh, morial ( ards, Acknowledgement of there? . Surely the rest of Cana The result in the circumstances can A ET Cords. ¥. with a population of six m#lior have little meaning outside of the 4 ppreciation ards, L.tc. carry the vote in its favor over province itself Quebec with a populs n of only two millions Has not the Tory party more faith in the rest of Canada thar WHAT PREMIER MEANT Tes RX AE 2 3 3 x ¥ : : = : \ Engraved that?" Quebec is just as loyal as her BY MAN-POWER = RD oa : ; : RE % : Printed forefathers were when they raised battalions to support England in ' 3 a 3 . ¥, x : i 3 3 3 F d 2: also just as loyal to the rights Ottawa titize w= as S b b ha 8 18 a " 1 0 ! . " - What did Premier Borden mean } pa p 3 : m 0sse of the people of all Canada as wWheh| when he talked of consecrating the } 2 ) I'apineau joined forces with William whole power of the natiyn to win- SY x < O 5 ' vr l . l.yon McKenzie in the rebellion days ning the war? Did he have in mind R&I Cen . : y 3 & See our samples. W Cc carry a choice 0 37 secure the viehts Which ,' a graded income tax? If so the pre 3 San A 3 . r . eR TY , - o I oo er u on meir is evidently the individual who fan 5 y ? = Wl line of the above and can assure you of 1) ' e pspotic i > x i R . / ¥ . ' is intoxicated with the exuberance KS h SR 3 ¥ ¥ S N / PAVIA PS - -- = > ernment, known as the Family Com- of his own verbosity, and not journals AB , a > { ° (good service, excellent WOl kmanship pact They were then and always like the Citizen, as our contemporary \ and tar prices. have been "not like dumb driven Asserts But Premier Borden is a man of hiy cattle, but were heroes in the strife." 3 | : 5 3 HR ' } | - : word in some respects. He promised : ¢ 3 F I Quebec is still loyal to Britain, ex- the empire 500.000 men and he is! < 3 s J : ' JOB DEPAR MEN T cept the National, non-conscription not afraid to conscript the flesh and | 3 element in the Tory party in which blood of the nation to carry out his Tid : 3 ; 3 § | > ® ® Y ® that party made Cabinet ministers or promise. He is not afraid to take is 3 bs 3 Ne | oY -- ~ Judges of them and helped them to! sue with one of his responsible minis- * SE x : : I'l 1s 1 1 1 Og teach the propaganda about Quebev, ters who warns his that such a course in the four leading planks of the pay lead to bloodshed and the Adis £4 : $4 S S 3 Sb S ; | Tory Nationalist's platform, viz.: ruption of this confederation. He is ha E . : . > «x: | . $ 1.--Not to support Britain in| nst afraid to indulge in platitudes : $ > o% LS Sad a X 3 ws § foreign wars about the sacred cause of democracy p | » WEL Bgainst recruiting for iti) the Soy civilization. He is While the stretcher cases are being put oa poard the hospital train the luckier "walking wounded" " Id Rule S nr 3.-- To do away with naval school. But what is the Premier doing to! are able to stroll up and down the platform, smoking and chatting with their friends. To judge from Go en nuie oervice {Not to allow our officers to jmplement his promise given two his smile this wounded warrior seems perfectly contented with his lot, and is enjoying a parting chat join Britain in any war. and to bar years ago to consecrate the whole | with Lis nurse on the platform before the train leaves. Phone 292 Phone 243 control of them wt all times power of the nation to the task of " _< ~ ww > y : rm Ian nr vo ee AA AAR eA AAA AAA AAA AA Is it any wonder that the people) winning the war? What is the party [err mmm | founded. should have a say in this momentous press on whom devolves a fearful re- .g ay! prices are at the lowest from three to James Stevens, former Councillor | question and . let Mr. Borden know! sponsibility at this time doing to see four times the prices mentioned, pub-| and Mayor of Ingersoll, and for| that they do not want such a dis- that that promise is kept as faith- : lic indignation apparently is not ill-| twenty-one years Division Court, loyal wing of the party at Ottawa fully, as sincerely and as truly as Eg Clerk of Oxford, died suddenly at hie) For some sfatements, if made inj po' premiers promise to put 500, summer home in Muskoka + 0 -------------------- parts of Evrope, they would be shot gop Canadians in tae trenches 'in as traitors. Mr. Borden, get rid of at! purope this vear | M'COON "AMILY REUNION [ least that bunch of the many, very I MBS FAMILY REU) | 0} many b¥rnacles that are wrecking Next Gathering Will Be Held in Wa- vou and 'some of the good fellows tertown, N.Y that stand by you. There will be so SIR G. FOSTER AND | Cape Vincent, June 25.-- The Mc- MARY FoLE{R Suenec toF saSvIpion FOOD CONTROLLER Retail Price of Frozen Meat in Britain Four Combs family reunion was held at that it will surprise you, and if all . Carl H in this vill the people vote as they talk both i i i the Carlton ouse in this lage & peo] y y Toi Times its Cost. Wednesday, and a very enjoyable time was had by all. The following churchés, lodges and on the high- officers were elected: President, ways, taking Kingston as a stan-| Hansard dard, you will carry conscription with| It is absolutely folly for anyone 3 : t a vast majority. Carry vour bill ©f us to imagine that we can ap- IL MINATING FIGURES Andrew Phillips, ninety-five years, through or give us elections as the Point a food controller, and that h Rosiere, being the oldest member of people want; using a separate ballot fan go into the market in Montreal, Ihe glan ; first ose president. Rey, for or against conscription which will Toronto, or anywhere else, and fix wa. John Calkins, Ogdensburg; secon not oy the a any more and Prices at his abitrar® discretion, with- NEITHER FARMERS, PACKERS vice president, D. Foster Phillips. please your people. ) out having regard to supply and de SHIPOWNERS PROFITEERS. Watertown; secretary and treasurer, --P. TRAVIERS, mand and the conditions that are Miss Ledia M. Halliday, Watertown; 227 University Ave world-wide to-day. It we try to bol; | phe Statements Given Are Based on assistant secretary, Miss Ida M. - - p-- ster ourselves up with such-a reme- ide K ledge and Are Declar- Northrup, Dexter; historian, Dr G Miles Thistlewaite, a well-known d¥ Wwe shall be trusting in a quack, Inside Knowledge and . Ar| M. McCombs, Frankfort, N.Y.; exe farmer near Flesherton, died of a remedy, and shall only meet with dis- | + ed to be Accurate--Public Indig-| cutive committee, A. J. Allen, Brown- ma es IR paralytic stroke while at work appointment. In this world there are nation is Not Ill-founded. ville, D. Foster Phillips, Watertown Te forces which no mayor of a city, and London, June 25.--On the sub--Mrs Clara Calkins, Watertown; en- no man sitting on a nail-keg and . ; Wh : | jtertainment committee, I. M. North-' ° talking to his fellows of the enormous ject of profiteering which is now be lrup. Mrs. D. F. Phillips, Mrs. F. R. t d f 0 ot 1 prices that are demanded, is going to | fore the food controller, who is ex-| (Calkins It was voted to hold the] 0 or er or have much influence, as the results pected to take drastic action, Lord next reunion at Watertown, the sec- Sti k f W d are being motived by world causes, Inchape, chairman of the Peninsular 00d Wednesday in June | ' . C OC 00 and these are as deep currents of the and Oriental Company, writes a cau ) well-dressed Canadian Men sea. (Storage and speculation are , ' Cs , ; : . > but scum and froth upon the surface, 'stic letter in the Times: "I have an a W " Cons io 4 anada, Nelso Would Almost Faint From Severe p,; (5 be allowed if they can be kept | interest in pastoral lands and meat, Gouverneur, N.Y. June 25--Nelson : Pain in Back -- Doctors Could | 5 put sedulously to be looked into : : am a direc. | BoVers. who for a number of years ( Order b Mail ) Not Get the Kidneys Set restrained and restricted: but to-dny works in Australia, and am a direc- past has followed the barber business y L Right. we are called upon to pay high | tor of a company I have interests | here, wil soon move to the old Foy ; . Bentor, N.B., June 25.--A great prices because of the basic conditions in certain steamers which bring form hose Seal Tweed, om , Where 1'S over 30 years now Since [ started selling made-to-order many people suffer the results of de-| of the times in which we live - ¢ ig (he will take charge of two large . . . Lt . ranged kidneys and do not under-| vening upon re sur of the most {roan iy n oh ey 'RIS | farms belonging to his father. Tweed shirts to Canadian men. [ sold no: just shirts--but comfort, Co. 25 "lle y am chairman 18 com- | jg SW {ingstorn; 3 atisf 1 T | stand the cause of trouble or the way | disastrous and widely destructive war |. ' Og joe tour {1s sixty miles west of Kingstor; and fit and satisfaction. That's why thousands of men in every part of Canada to obtain cure. The, writer of this that history has ever recorded. pany which owns the steamers. My lin a fine farming section of Ontario jl T 1 Shi 1 ' Ton: revs letter suffered excruciating pains in| --~---- -- statements are based on inside know- | This evening Una Rebekah Lodge now wear 1oiton Shirts exc usively, e-ordaering year alter year, I ney have g the back and in vain his physician wy | ledge, anid are accurate. will tender Mrs. Bowers a farewell found the great difference between shirts bought in a store from stock fatterns tried to cure him, For some reason | " 1 tparty in the lodge rooms. They ex- ae - Cho 1 . A . SiZ MLIOT =-LO0= gasure Sh ies t 3 niort and } iv. 1 or other his medicines did not have } COMPULSORY SERVICE and sizes, nd Tolton made-to-measure Shirts, in the comfort and perfect fit "Meat is sold in Australia to the pedt to leave town a week from the desired effect. A ED ALL British Government at the following to-day. Mr. Oits' brother was a merchant ¢ PPLIED TO prices, free of Board, Beef, 4 7-844 "NHE 'materials are cut and tailored NDi lof i i " . { PI : Ss u d tailored / D instead of being an expensive selling, among other medicines, Dr Supout RE Jouud; muih | Russia Won't Accept Peace. r soonrdt Red oo t A nis 36 ing an I sy Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and he 5 1- (abou cents) a pound.| = washington, June 25.--A storm of not according to a fixed set o way to buy shirts--Tolton Shirts heard his customers telling about Toranta Globe hit be ay tronily | cheers that echoed and verber:ted measureinents but according to the are the most economical by far. Men the Cidney de., . Every French citizen, every Bri- § 3 ctically | h the capital greeted Pr h CASOTes 2dt: of my } i . How Jhey Were ured of RS vay eo! tish subject, is a conseript of service. | Pre-war rates, The freight is 1d aj Brough the vapit ec Prot exact measurements of each of my who have ordered shirts from Telton rangeme putting them to the test These nations are democratizing Pound. If the freight Is added to the; Lo." iceion. and Dew ambatondor customers. The neck bands arc not know that they ocutwear by years the their social structure for the more | free-on-board price of meat, with; "5, "roc 'Stites when he told! approximately the right size -- but ordinary stock shirt. There arc three with the splendid results reported in . Mths' i off > _| two mouths' interest and cost of ma- . en ee" Vo FY cms adn , 3 i po o ' f this letter. lelent prosscuton of the war] TQ Kl ak And surance. it Is de-| the House Saturday that "Russia exactly the right size. The sleeves reasons for this: First, the high grade a ~ They realize that the maximum effi- | ; re." . ir. E. C. Olts, Benton, Carleton livered at the quay in Londen at the| rejects any idea of a separate peace." are never too long or too short--but of materials from which they are made. 2 ? Six British field hospitals in! exactly the right length, Second, the careful and thorough GO ty, N.B., writesg "I am glad to | Clency cannot be obtained unless |, | wing prices: Beef, 6 3-84 ver! fou know how much your medi-| there is a regime of social Justice | a; mutton, 6 5-84 per pound. | cine has done for me, I suffered | Which will not put the burdens upon |, 00" oo col may be of interest in{France were taken over by an Am-| : 5 ET i: workmanship, Third, tie cxact fit from my kidneys, which at one time ® few. Not omly in conscription of | L (CF JT 0 price at which meat is! erican medical unit. ! PERSONALLY visit the Dritish To 2h chs sbi" if } were 50 bad I could not lift a stick of Man-power, but in its levies upon | being sold in this country. Now cer-| An individual suit was begun in/ mills and select the best and hand- for only a shirt that its ¢xac ly can wood without getting on my knees, Wealth-and its measures for national tainly neither the Australian farmer | Washington against what was al- : s a ¥ L give she maximum wear. and then would almost Taint from the Organization, the United States is proprietor of meat works in Aus. |leged to be a news-printmakers' com- somest weaves and patterns they have. | ; Pain in my back. 1 consulted a doc- copying the sister democracies of | ;1a1ia or ship-owner can be said to be bine. These are the finest shirt materials F you once wear Tolton Shirts you tor about it, and he gave me some Europ§ In Canada State compul-|, profiteer." ree i made anywhere in the world. The will realize how they add tremen- medicine, but it did not*help me. My sion should be applied not only to a | * |p view of the fact that retail meat | SSSREESI PEPPEIESLEIEMIIIe "and 'shad alwavs it $04: 1 f { brother, who is a merchant, and car-| Small minority of Canadian men, | * patterns. and 'shaces are always in douzly to that "well dressed and well good taste and the materials groomed" feeling. My "'mecasure-by- is ries all your medicines, advised me to| whe ate tit Jor the hardship of the | ' VATICAN ATTACHE * try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills.. I front, but should widen its sc to SENTENCED FOR LIFE. & / ionally ig ail" 2 imple v itely got one box and they helped me, so touch the lives and interests of all i \ -- > 7 ae of eXce prionall) high mall" plan is : hp £ yer absolan ly 1 got another one and kept on until Canadians, so as to bring them into | Rome, June 25.--Mgr. Ger-| quality tat give no end accurate apd will give you comfortable 1 had taken five boxes, which cured a fellowship of sacrifice and ser- | lach former attache at the Vati- of wear. shirts fitted to your own individual figure, me. [ have had no trouble with my | vice. A purely military programme | can, wad. on Saturday found back since, and am never without Dr.}at Ottawa will not suffice. It will! # guilty of bejng head of pro- Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills in the | be the duty of progressive members | #+ German propaganda in the house. Last summer I also suffered to urge well-considered legislation | 4 Papal Court and through-out from piles. I used three boxes of | to mobilize the resofirces, the talent % high circles in Italy, and was your Ointment, and it cured them. I|and the energies of the nation for | + gentenced to life-imprisonment. can certainly recommend Dr. Chase's | the task which ought to be laid up- + Pomarice, an accomplice, was Pills and Ointment." on all. + sentenced. to be shot. Both Dr. 's Kidney-Liver Pills, one # convicted men were fugitives pill a , 25¢ a box, 5 for $1.00, at Women launched at Massey Hall, + from Italy. all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & | Toronto, a campaigy to raise $50,000 Co., Limited, Toronto. for a soldiers' club-Bpuse Just a note from you ov imply your b bring you my sample book end measurements cre carefully reteined + order at any time without furiker trouble .. HARRY TOLTON This is the book. : 9 College St. - KITCHENER, ONT. Write for it. PHILP BL SBIeD e i BF

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