PAGE TWO FINE FURS "> JUNE, JULY and AUGUST Store Closes 5 O'Clock Daily. JOHN MCKAY, Limited. 149-157 Brock St. DEL SATURDAY EVENING (ol. J McMillan, Chief Secretary For Canada Fast, Turned the hey -- Mayor Hughes Gave an Address. The week end was official open the Citadel adc J. McMillar of Canada East to of Colonel tary On Saturday ev tended was hel the Citadel on Princes Following and singing hymns the 3 the jel] where 51) extension mealung band of selections the of a number ationists official conneclion took place into opening ceremonies with the new | The ) declaring the building open [or use Mayor Hughes was Mien called on for a few words by Brigadier More hen, was presiding otficer, and the z the visi- mentioned McMillan's years and his as secretary v 3 visitng secre who mayor a civic this first visit in first is new capacity He remembered him as one of the staff of the old Kingston division With regard to the ceremonies His Worship complimented Adjutant T it ypewri ers Smith and the people on the splendid structure, New or Rebuilt Cil. McMillin replied to the words Rented and of welcome by expressing his pleas ure of returning to Kingston after £0 many years in other countrie He complimented the adjutant on the work and then called for a spec Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Ofice Furniture ial offering The sum of $100 was J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. raised 41 Clarence Street. He nel welcome oto twenty tors that was ( five in During the service the band and ' the sougsters gave several numbers On Sunday morning Colonel Mc- Millan conducted a holiness service at which there was a good atten dance On Sunday afternoon the colonel {gave an address on "A Trip to Aus tralia and back' having had that ex- A A A A AA A AA AAAS Achievement SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- ialist's advice. Consultation free. PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. At the Golden Lion Grocery VICTORIA STREET NEAR | wm | HONEY Detached frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath and closet, gas, stone foundation; good cellar and barn; lot 38 x 132. $1700. | Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy .. Evaporated Apricots Sweet Cider "te ses een McCann's, | INSURANCE Fire, Life, Accident. | Golden Lion Grocery When You Have Selected The R you like best from our wonderfully attrac- tive collection we'll serid it to your house any time you say. If it is needed at once for some special occasion we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. Or if you are not quite ready to receive it we will set it aside until you are ready. R. McFaul, 2 | Kingston Carpet Warehouse wo OPENING OFTHE EXTERSON TO THE SALVATION ARMY CITA. (source of great nuisa ments of vessels and Harbormaster j.. week turned the key, William McCammon gave orders to tagious case reported FancyClover | In one pound sections, 85 cents each. W. RMcRea & Co. 5 ARETE ARRON [TT TTT =| every subsequent trip, however, the TRATES O THE DAILY BRITISH WHI = INCIDENTS e part of his tw the antipodes. were lwo open-a n Ly evening after ok gave an address WAS HINDRANCE TION AT FOOT OF whic! WELLS WAS RASED TO PRINCESS ST. sold to Collingwood Parties-- ed Along the Harbor. The schooner Kitty Wells, which of Kingston, are the guests of Miss} unk in thé harbor at the foot! jennie Blair, Westport was of Capt Princess street, was raised by Moon, of the schooner Mary few weeks ago, and was a nee to the move some have it removed The - schooner Horace Taber, a | well-known coal carrier in this port of University &venue and the road- and Gapanoque, has been sold to Collingwood parties and will be used on the upper lakes, where she was formerly engaged. The sciaooner Abbie L. Andrews arrived from Charlotte with coal for the Kingston Shipbuilding Com- pany's doek. The steambarge Jeska from Charlotte with coal | M.T. Co's. Bulletin:--The steam- r Wf erfan passed up light on her from Montreal to Port Colborne; ie. tug Bmerson arrived with the barge Davis, grain-laden from Port Colborne, for Montreal; Bronson arrived from Montreal with | three light barges and cleared with two grain barges for Montreal; the tug Clyde arrived from Montreal, with three light barges and cleared with three grain barges for Mont { real; the steamer Jex and barge Hia watha arrived with coal from Oswe go; the tug Magnolia arrived with the barge Burma, with grain from Port Colborne; the Burma tranship- ped her grain cargo into Fiver bar ges; the Rug Magnolia will bring the {barge Kingston from Charlotte, coal-! | laden, for the C R.P.; the tug Emer-| | son will clear with the barge Mel-| rose to load grain at Port Colborne and the barge Eagan to load coal at la lake port The barge Hamilton is undergoing] general overhauling in the Kingston |8hipbuilding Company's drydock, | which she entered on Saturday It is {expected that she will be on the do k for the most part of the week The steamer T. J. Waffle, which {has been unloading coal at Swift's, | cleared Saturday for Fairhaven | The steamer Toronto passed down| {and up on Sunday. The steamer | Pellatt passed down on Sunday at} | midnight from Fort William to Mont | real | | The steamer lonic passed up from | Montreal to Toronto on Monday at| 2.30 am | | The steamers Kingston and Thou-| | sand Islander are commencing their| | runs this week, the former from Tor- | ronto to Prescott, and the latter from | Ogdensburg to Kingston, with spec-| | ial trips arrived way OPERATIONS QOLOSSAL rm | Mobilization of Country's] Financial Resources. | More than one million pounds of {high explosive was blown up under | the German forward trenches on the | first day of the British advance in| {the Ypres salient. It is a war of | unprecedented magnitude. The tre-| mendous amount of high explosive] used on one day only supplies an in- | dication of the colossal nature of the, | whole struggle. Expenditures of money are on the same giant scale. | | The Dominion is carrying a financial | burden unprecedented in its history | If it is to be carried successfully,| | the financial resources of the nation | {must be mobilized and utilized. | It is for the purpose of such | mobilisation and utilization that the National Service Board has launched | | ts present national campaign thrift, The object of that campaign | Demand co. 10c, 12%0¢c, 18c. Ib. |, "ove ever | i S S y possible cemt that! | Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs w mer may be invested in Government | War Savings Certificates and so help! | directly in the winning of the war. | | True economy dictates investment | in the War Savings Certificates. | | Your money is guaranteed and the| is excellent. In addition you| are doing real war service. Save] {and give. HOW ABOUT THE "BURG? | Young Men Will Require a Short i Form Passport. | With the first run of the steamer | Thousand Islander, many of the| | young men in the city are wondering | |it they will be able to take the Fri-| {day trips to Ogdemsbirg now that | mew regulations have béen passed to| | check the immigration of young men | of military age to the United States. | | The Whig was informed that a young {man with good intentions would! | have no difficulty in alighting and! spending a few hours in the burg if] | he obtained ¢he necessary permit! | from the immigration inspector. On| {the first trip a short form passport will be issued if for a pleasure seeker which require no photograph. For fuller passport with photograph and verified by a minister or some gov-| ernment official will be necessary. Canadian Casualties, Killed in action--H. Baird, West- boro; G. R. Angus, Merrickville. Died of wounds--I.. A. Slitter, Sturgeon Falls; G. J. T. Ridley, Ot- tawa. Prisoners of war--A M John- cock, Belleville; S. Corbett, Min- den. - Wounded and gassed--J. N. Thom, Smith's Falls. Missing --J. Hutcheson, Wilton. Wounded and missing--P. Mer- | acle, Belleville. MJ. M. Simpson, Napanee; M. | Temisco, Pembroke. Shel shock--A. Cross, Cornwall. Wounded--G. W. Webb, Minden; 1G. J. Wilkihs, Brockville: W. D. Kearns, Peterboro; F. G. Worester, Osgoode; G. A. Lumseden, New- | castle; A. Déwitt, Perth. ra A large number of citizens were NAVIGA- | K Schooner Horace Taber Has Been ey epent The Movements of Vessels Report- ; y Court at Sunbury on Monday preceeded ann Lydon. The schooner went dowil jhe hearing only one case starts work. a fine quarette, 'One Sweetly Solemn Thought" in Queen street Methodist church on Sunday evening. % Prevost, Broek street. has received the tugl at worship by those in the city dur- J made happy to-day. A heavy over- sa mail arrived. 7 . ' ' SFE IEEE OEE OF THE DAY | "LOCAL "NOTES AND ITEMS OF) GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Were any Whig readers in n on the lst July, 1867?) Cunningham, piano tuner, .21} treet. Leave orders at McAul Book Store Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at lensant Valley } Mrs. Pritchard and Miss Pritchard | Kings- of 1 Kingston, | Bow en's, Bowen, Albert Division morn- Judge Lavell cond ucted A cage of typhoid fever was re- ported to the medical health officer This was the only con- The City Engineer is awaiting the' providing of funds for the paving] way to the causeway before he Mr. and Mrs. MeCallum, Mme Evans and A. J. Pettigrew rendered a nice assortment of boys' and men's suthmer suits, = aléo men's pants, We have the best value im the city for blue and Oxford grey suits. Rev. J. D. Elis in Queen street Methodist church «urged attendance ing the summer God's obligations rested on all to honor His day, and His house. ' s Rev. E. R' McLean was elected a member of the Presbytertan General Assembly's Committee on Sunday school work, and is leaving to-night tor Toronto, to attend a meeting of that committee, Through the efforts put forth by Mrs. Smith, wife of Ensign Smith, of the Salvation Army, a good heme has| been secured for a brigit-eyed baby | girl who has been sadly neglected by| her parents The two streets surrounding | Sydenham street Methodist church] looked like a taxi stand Sunday noon, automobiles were lined up from| the corner of Johnson along Syden- | ham and up William to Barrie, Mrs. Frederick E. Fillion has re-| turned to her home, 12 Arthur street, | as G, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. _ THE FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF The Ladies' Home Journal On Sale Wednesday Containing four full page color pictures of President Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell's First Note, and Putting the Stars on the First Flag. BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS From the New York Musical Shows Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want To Be Good But My Eyes Won't Let Me, When Poor Butterfly, Pretty the Girls Grow Older They Grow a Little Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany. The College Book Store, ¢ District Agents for The Curtis Pub. Co. 160-162 Princess St. # Phone 919 VOILES-- Ottawa, after a visit with her mother, | Mrs. Chown, Deacon street. Mrs Instant, Steller, was on a visit to her | mother and sister during last week. | The remains of Agnes Mary] Tousignant, aged ten days, were] transferred to Godfrey on Monday | morning for interment by the firm of | ames Reid. The infant was a] daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Tousignant, Princess street. To Hold Special Services. Special services to commemorate | the fiftieth anniversary of Canadian | Confederation are to be held in all] the churches next Sunday. Bishop | BidweH has issued, a special form of | service for the Anglican churches in the diocese. The Presbyterian | Generally Assembly, ha§ sent out al special form for Sunday schools. | There will be a united service Sydenham street Methodist church | at 4 pm., with Principal Gordon as | speaker. in | | Instructions to Mariners. { Harbormaster MeCammon is issu- | ing instructions to mariners that in| accordance with civic by-law num- | her three they must proceed into | Kingston harbor at a rate of speed | not faster than five miles an hour. | This precaution is being taken ow-| ing to the fact that many of the | vessels are entering so fast that at times there may be a danger of al serious collision. Gasoline Pump Repaired. The gasoline pump owned by W. J Lee, comer of Earl and Albert | streets, which was damaged by being hit with an automobile, has been put in A 1 condition and ready to supply gasoline in any quantities. { { | | | | Carleton Place can boast of over | eighty automobiles owned in the town. ---- Hats for Every- body Hats for Men. Hats for Ladies: Hats for Boys. Hats for Girls. The biggest variety in town is here. i itil their brothers and friends POPLINS-- CREPES -- NEAR SILKS-- SPORT CLOTHS -- GINGHAMS -- Come in And ".0ok Over Our Range of Wash Dress Goods Beautiful Colorings -- Handsome Designs ---- Serviceable Weaves NEW CLOTH MARQUISETTES-- Diamonds We Always have "Specials" in Diamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaire" Diamond Rings, set in platinum and 18k. gold at $100.00. These should prove very grat- ifying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticlans. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. | | | CHAMBRAYS, ETC. \ Prices range from 15¢c to $1.00. Big Range of Middy Blouses and White Wash Skirts, $1.00 up. Pictorial Patterns sold by Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. W.F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. & Shaw, Bn A A A A A CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information ted at P.O. Lobby from time 4 time. United States, dally 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, 11.30 am. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, T o and west, Including eastern States ... . .. ... ... 1.00 pm Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. C.P.R. .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 pm. CNR .. "es 200 pm. | HE WAS A "PEACH AT SLINGING RIVETS" Youngester Wanted to be a Shipbuilder During the Summer Months. Schools have closed youngsters are looking their vacation with | light-heartedness. A large number jof the pupils were dismissed and given their standing some time ago jon condition that thev do several {| months' work with farmers or in other lines of work which are essen- i tial at the present time. oN { A large number of the lads and | girls are going to camp on the banks { of the St. Lawrence, but many more jare looking for a "job." On Mon- {day morning the Kingston Ship- {building Company had a number of | applicants at an early hour for work on the trawlers which the company are constructing. One young lad declared that he was a "peach at | slinging rivets." It was the same at many other of | the industries in the city, and each of the boys seem to 1ealize that this is the time for industry on their part to do their little bit in helping to 1 "keep the homes fires burning" un- can come home from the seat of war to and the forward to characteristic {resume their vocations in the indus- trial life of the mation. Y © Tweaty Ladies to Knit, About twenty ladies of the city] F. 8. 8 for the nn Small Homes at Reasonable Prices pee BUILDERS sUPPLIES SOFT LUMP STEAM COAL Russell St. Alfred St. Portsmouth Raglan Road Raglan Road Earl Street John Street R MH Street * ce _ Two Building Lots on Raglan Road, 49 feet frontage each at $450 and $5650 each EW. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Sellers of Real Estate. Phones 539 and 1456. $1000 $1200 . $1000 . $1200 $1850 $2250 $2300 $1850 Car Lots or Wagon Lots. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Out. Phones! Office 66, Factory 1415 FP eee Lumber, Conl and Wood ood Vy: T= TH RUBBER BATHING CAPS -- KEEP THE HAIR DRY-- iN KC AA RITE DRUG STOR Tight Fitting Diving Caps Loose Tops with Tight Bands. Green, Blue, Red, Rose, Blue and White, Black, Ete. 25e to $1.00. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Princess and Bagot Streets