rAGE THREE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. DISCHARGE OF DR. BLANDIFLUTTER OF DIGTENRN Probs: Fine and warm, some local showers. Is Much Regretted--Political and After Quite a Search in Which Scores | | ALL THIS WEEK -- MAIL ORRER COMPARISON SALE. A MILLINERY SALE without precedent ! Tomorrow we will offer the greatest mil- linery bargain of the season -- when a great variety of the latest and smartest New York Sports and Outing hats will be offered at a fraction of their regular price. Regularly priced at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3. 00 up to $4.50. To-morrow 98c. See Window Display. ] Capitalistic Viewpoint of Board is| of People Took Part Lost Ring | Said to be Responsible. | Was Found in Cuff of Young Almond Maccaroons, Cream Rolls, Almond Wafers, Sweet + {| Sandwich, Fancy Cakes, Post ies. Always Pure; Always Fresh, Man's Trousers, A diamond ring; how it was lost and found." This would be a suitable title for| a little wl sode which occurred wl noon on Saturday, near the corner of Guide, W g be widesprea regre t] western rural com-| tt action of the Board of} 'ollege, Winnipeg in dis-| charging Rev. 'Dr. 8S. .G. Bland from| the teaching faculty There is more than a suspicion that the political and | Princess and Bagot street, and which | viewpoint of some mem-| caused quite a flutter of excitement | and a great deal of anxiety on the | Drug Store bo ard was responsible for) tior There has never beenl part of a wéll-known young society | jon as to Dr. Bland's effi-| &irl, who took the principal part in fl i! ciency as an instructor, his sincerity, | the affair I | " -- 7 J ' | P | ( k FROM THE STAFF OF WESLEY WHEN A DIAMOND RING FELL | Best S | opu ar d es | COLL er WINNIPEG. | OFF A YOUNG LADY'S FINGER - -- probity and devotion to his cause The girl was coming down Prin- But Dr Bland is a democrat to the| cess street, with a couple of girl com- hilt. More than that, he has a habit] panions, and just as they were on | of expressing his views plainly and| thé" wrossing, her diamond ring in ing St. Bakery | fearlessly on political, economic, so-{ some manner, fell off her oe fy THOMAS COPLEY 1 d religious questions By so Quite a number of people were pass-| doi had endeared himself to the! ing at the time, and immediately a| Telsphore 87 roe: great mass of the people, but at the! half dozen or more people were en-| | 3 ting anything eo in e © 10 time } s in vd & stili rin 2% | Branch: Princess & Division Sts ry line. Estimates Elven on all kinds | S3Me time he has incurred the hostili-| gaged in looking for the lost| De ir k: also hard v of crooked politicians and aroused | sparkler To the people passing n Kin nds. All orders will considerable antagonism among the|ts and fro. it tooked like the old- f || Open Sundays | 124 Princess Street. 'pt attention. Bhop 60 privileged rich and the "let-well-| yime game of * 'button, button, who's | ¢ ~nough alone" members of the clergy.| got the button?" The search was || I ombination was too strong for a most diligent one. It seemed as if ||] and after fourteen vears of faith-| ovary inch of the pavement had been rvice he was summarily dis-| ong over carefully, but the ring ed without expression of regret could not be Iocated. It eee for pumeeciation hetner or not he) SW i Cor hod opened wp and may be sure that, hie free tom or| SWallowed it. But stilf the-search | | | speech will not be curbed and that he went on As time passed, many | 1 1 others joined the hunt. | Il remain a fearless and outspoken \ 3 . ch h sol the) mpion of democracy. Our great oung chap, who passer e| nstitutions of learning have too long| YOUNE lady just as the ring did tet [heen muzzled. They are not keeping disappearing act, took a leading part | ip with the spirit of the times m the Soard h. and it was well that) | he remained, for he was to play a prominent part in the round-up of | ! the ring, for after a thorough search, | the young lady played a trump card | - NEPHEW OF R. UGLOW 7 This is a genuine sale of the season's best novelties and just at a time when most wanted. All new goods. No old stock. A RT Just received a large shipment of ' summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines I. F. HARRISON COMPANY Phone 90. Limited. gn ne J RAR PAE | Washed and Unwashed | On saturday, R. Uglow, Barrie| "¥ had by chance, been caught in H I G H E S aT CASH ® France. 1a @ Dre . casualty | lurned down the cuffs of his trousers, IN int wan annum "ad Lieut | er mare spovety wan he box If has succumbed to injuries received \gricuiture at Ottawa, and while in] J 0 Fn, To merry laugh over the | S i E Al Y 'S - i imited : . served with liquor in & hotel, re- -- at x T jones 'AS aziness a John McKay, Limited [mm ire om ow sms sonsma| 50 0 pee se es Bem 157 Brock Street, Kingston. -- Rev. J. W. Stephen Gave the Ad- | t Beware of i ection of a 690-bed military hospital | L The annual flower(service for the | Master and make the world better morning" in the church, which was | day school and day school, but, best tendent, and A. Shaw, associate | these little foxes that are ready to | W. Stephen, who preached the ser-| after all that has been done to make | Solomon II, 15: '"Take us, the fox- | Christ's army." grapes." '"h t I' | grape vines, olives, figs and pome- | ginners' department sang 'Clover als slyly crept, making straight for | Tweddell, Margaret Best, Myrtle Me- | the flowers or extracted the juice |gpnecigses by the E.C. Girls and "The Is Reported as Having Died of 3 A Yet the cuff of his trousers on making | RCCFFRTRRRRRCRTRRRRRR ERR Street, received the ean shtelligence] 05 SOE YY, Sie rofissre ~ PRICES PAID es EO iniTaat Laent Uglow had been wounded but in the | well as the other searchers, but im- : oo the owner, and with a very kind, et batt rlow. before en- 3 OR PHONE FOR in action. Lieut. Uglow, before en "thank you ever so much," the WEIGHT. :: :: France served with the Canadian | coor. No Liquor to Khaki Men. | -_ TT -------------- Montreal, Jane 25 --Beginning IN THE CHURCHES SUNDAY -- ET IIT TARR ban was adopted at the last meet- STREET METHODIST. | said Mr. Stephen. "Do you ever get l.ondon has been assured of the er-| dros Rev. G 8. 1d Promchs | action lies before vou? t S U MMER = . 5. Desy pa - | if vou wan {' to cost about $300,000. | ed in St. James at the Morning to grow up men and women who | children of Sydenham Street Me-| because you have lived in it. Build | most artistically decorated with | of all, take Jesus into your heart | superintendent of the Bible school, | pop in at any moment and destrqy men you useful, happy citizens of our A splendid programme was given In the Holy Land, said the speak- | Campbell after which Doris and Edna granates. Around these gardens | Blossoms" and the primary depart- | got out of repair, and through the | Gladys Smith, Hilda Angrove, Jean IF your husband is one of the many who think | the "ines. They nibbled the tender | queen Eva sanaban and | Ethel | | from the grape so that the vine Blue Birds", recitations by Harry 1 | Wounds. by asking the young fellow if the that his nephew, Lieut. R. H. L IAN Ra. ip i Uzlow had died of wounds received Quick as a flash the young chap : J CANADA. WRITE latest list it is announced that hel hed ately handed over the ring to PRICE S. FULL liming, wae in Me Leporiment o young miss tripped off with her com- Engineers. to-day no men in mniform will be ing f the provincial legislature. the tired feeling when some duty hat requires real effort and prompt t vielding to this little fox i Service, shall give useful service to the | thodist Church was held on Sunday | up the walls of home, church, Syn- flowers. E. P. Jenkins, superin-| garden to help you conquer all | were on the platform with Rev. J.| the fruit you ought to bring forth . | Mr. Stephen chose as his text | Dominion and good soldiers in es, the little foxes that spoil the : A cab | vines, for our vines have tender |by the young people. The procession !al march was lead by Mrs, W. M. ---- | er, there are gardens planted with | Pound recited a welcome. The be- ( of f ee [low stone walls were erected as |ment gave an exercise, "The Lad- | fences. These walls, however, often | der." Those taking part in this were | breaches in the walls foxes and jack- | Brown. PhyHis Monteer, Helen {bark of the trees, trampled upon | Horsfall Other numbers were ex- that good coffee can be had only at the best { dressers' labor was all in vain McQueen, Eva Newell, Abraham W : IIR mm! ~ - 3 hotels, surprise him! Get a can of the same coffee | These little foxes suggest the | mebumond: sion te Miss b. Ames little sins that steal through the un- and Miss A. Tweddell and a tableau | gnarded walls of our heart. They | by the Primary Department. | are wonderfully like the foxes, for | ° " | they, too, are very sly and full of | pretense. These small sins, which . 0 \ i | are so easily overlooked, are the aS Despard, piiaseinl 45d i > IR 4 se 3 ones that finally destroy our heart of England Deaconess and Mission- as the best hotels usc--Royal Blend, the American ERRATA ETT coffee. Prepare same according to directions, and Need of Trained Women. 2 serve it to your husband. garden and Probably he will say to you, with warm appre- ciation: -- "This rivals the coffee of the best hotels. How did you discover the secret of coffee-making?"' Don't tell him. Just say-- "I'm glad you like it." W.G. CRAIG & CO., Kingston, Ont. Wholesale Distributors. rob us of the spirit's | | fruits { 'Perhaps you would like to know thé names of these destructive little | foxes," said Mr. Stephen. "There is | the word 'spoil' In our text. and I | am going to make the letters of that | { word stand for the names of these { little sins." Selfishness was the first one | named and how soon a wee tot learns to say and think "me first"! No | wonder that this fox tries to spoil the tender plant of love that hears | such precious fruit. "Selfishness and love cannot grow together, boys and girls, so keep a sharp look-out | for this little fox," said the speaker. | "Pride" was the next one, and of | how it creeps through any little hole | in our hearts. A new dress, or coat, | cap or hat and thoughts of their beanty lifts us up in pride until we | scarcely see people we think not so! nicely dressed as we are. A pretty bad neighbor is this little fox, | "pride." Keep him out of your gar- dens if you wish for happiness. * | "I wonder what foxes name be-| gins with the letter 0," said the! speaker. Did you ever see people who | 3 own way in spite of any or people? They set down their feet! |ifke a balky horse or stubborn mule | a RB | | i Land nobody can persuade them to a better way. Obstinacy is a . ta a hard fox to conquer for little folks as well as older ones, are sp sure | their idea of things is the very best 'and count themselves gifted with jo firmness when their friends see they | are just obstinate. Many a friend- | ship has been broken up because we: will not give up our wishes and eur way for the sake of another. Irre- verence is the next fox, and how he does prosper in this generation. Hardly any'hing or any person es- ler at the morning service in St | address on "The Need of the Hour- ! able manner. The music of this an- ary Training House, was the preach- James' Church, and gave a splendid Trained Women for Work Among Women and Girls." The speaker pointed out the pro blems that must be faced Music at St. Luke's. During the offerory at St. Luke's church last evening the chair ren dered the anthem, "Holy Father, Cheer Our Way" in a very accept- them was composed by the organ- ist, B. Couper, and reflects a great deal of credit upon this talented musician, At Cooke's Church | A very bright and helpful service for the children was conducted by, Rev. E. R. McLean, at Cooke's Church, on Sunday moming. It was a special springtime service with an | appropriate address from the pastor | who spoke on the parable of "the growing of the corn. The speaker | set forth many useful lessons for! were so determined to have their the children in the growing of a stfong character, i During the service, Miss Christine { Diack rendered a x solo very sweetly, | The Late F. W. Spangenherg. | in St big cathedral on Sun- {day evening, Dean Starr referred to ithe passing away of the late F. W. Spangenberz. He mentioned that the deceased was a member of the cathedral for over twenty-five years {and for many Years was a church warden, When a man has nothing to lose he delights in making other people capes him. Boys and girls seem to | take chances. think it proper to speak lightly of the sacred things, or in a careless t as if nothing was to be kept hoiy, 'and. ah! how much our heart gardens feel {BE blighting conse- quences. What sort of frnit ean we ¢ expect from those "who hold God's! work, God's day, God's command: | ments with so tle re: 'erence' The, LLS Are Cured by HOOD'S PILLS 4 ] | HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $335 per dozen. TLIE 141A. JAR Prints, For engagement apply by G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Wega illustrated supplement may be secur- ed from mé. We Manufacture SHEET LEAD BABBITT METAL SOLDER, LEAD PIPE SPOT STOCKS PIG LEAD PIG TIN INGOT COPPER ZINC SPELTER The Canada da Metal Co. Fraser denne TORONTO J Pak 761