Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. "Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive Summer Dresses For Ladies, Misses, Girls and Children. Correct Materials-- Newest Styles. Lowest Prices Because our selling expenses are the lowest in the city. Try us for your summer garments. We guarantee to beat any catalogue prices. Kingston's Leading Ready-to-wear Store. == T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 "Higher up street, but lower in price." City Dairy | 3 PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H. B. Smith. Milk test- ed 3.2 Butter Fat 24 JOHNSON STREET Phone 2083 L SWAT the Fly! Fly Catchers, Pads and Swatters, at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Phone 41. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. "4 - NN Store See Our Window Display. J x ee AA eee AeA ee eee eat ee ea eg atta eae @ When you come to us for eye glasses we do not figure how cheap we can make them--but how good to meet your pocket book. Our treatment is fair to you. Optician and J J STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist, Cor, Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 609 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed, Packed in King- ston GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. A Successful Picnic A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC DEPENDS ON SOMETHING TO EAT | Peanut Batter Olive Butter Potted Meats Paris Pate Camp Coffee and Cocoa Peanut Butter. PICNIC BASKETS GOOD Cooked Ham | Pork and Beans | Olives "Welsh Rarebit Chicken a Ia King Sardines ALL SIZES Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 White Canvas Shoes Fashion Says: "Wear white canvas shoes." A complete assortment of stylish shapes and designs for men and women. Suitable footwear for all out-door sports and recreations. Allan M. Reid, 111 Princess Street. | paved | MPROVEMENT OF STREETS BY « ONTARIO DE- | OF HIGHWAYS. DEALT WITH PARTMENT Kingston's Road Methods Are Given Prominence in the Government Book, Which Has Just Been Issu- ment issued 3 ! ment in O ' | the devel lopment ral pages, wit 1 ) being donated to a descri ) f Kings- ton's pavements » work generally. Here are a para- graphs taken from the report "In the King st pavements wer when a semi-business k surfaced with asphalt blocks « inch concrete base, and a ous conerete face was also con- structed on an old macadam founda- tion "The few street telegr une ree les of roadways | of which are majority red with wires und on telephone, rer lines fo} are business st » are 42 m in the city, 8 per cent permanently paved ft ainder water bound 1 "There are with carts employed cleaning the streets. The pavements are led in smmmer from times a day, the the property 2% cents per lineal foot "The majority of the roads receive a treatm cent. asphaltic o] annuall) cold applic cf tar was also used on a T and cost was le 1 again the prog owner cents per lineal "There are sidewalks in the width from 4 to 6 on residen- reets to 10 feet on business They are constructed by the cost in 1915 being 14 cents square foot "The city pays 10 per cent. of the cost of all wi the rema'ning 60 per cent. being assessed against the abutting property. The intersections are paid for by city and an al- lowance of one-third of the total frontage on both streets is granted on corner lots 'he city owns a quarry which stone is obtained at the delivered any part city. The quarry is operated contractor, who rents it from city and supplies the plant The and 11 towns in the province there | 2.281 miles of streets. of which per cent permanently This paving covers a total 10,206,000 square rem hand paved sprink- two four being paid by owners at the rate of cost macadam of 40 per A light adways the jerty 70 miles of concrete the city, feet streets day labor, per the from above of the cost to the are 27.41 are area of and the average proximately $2.00 per square yard, thus representing a total investment | of over $20,000,000 Sidewalks in length of 2,498 miles, and were id'd at an average cost of 12% cents per square foot; the total investment in sidewalks thus represents an invest- ment of over $6,000,000. THE GALLANT ACTION Of Pte. J. Wood of Kingston at Fire in England. PTE. J. WOOD In No. 2 District orders, Canadian Forestry Corps, commanded by Ligut-Col. W, R. Smith, with head- quarters at Orton Park, Carlisle, England, appears the following: "An extract from the findings of a board of officers assembled to en- quire into and report upon a fire which occurred in Orton Park on Friday, May 4th, 1917. "The board wishes to put on wre- cord the gallant action of No. 1036341 Pte. J. Wood on entering the roof space single handed and re- maining there alone putting out' the fire yntil he was overcome and ren- dered in a semi-comscious condition by the smoke and fumes and until he was lifted out by Lieut. Spence." The above mentioned is a sof of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Wood, 144 On- tario street. He left in August 1916 with a Canadian Forestry Ba'talion which trained at Toronto. Canadian Officers Promoted. Capt. J. A. Turner, 13th Royal Scots. has been promoted to major for his work during the winter and in the battle of Arras. Major Hay, 12th Royal Scots, did splendid work. When his colonel was killed he took command of the battalion, and he is recommended for the DS.0. Low Fares to Western Canada. If you are going west, take ad- vantage of the low houseseokers' ex- cursion fares offered by the .Can- adian Northern Railway, good leav- ing Toronto every Monday. For literature and all information ap- ply to J. E. Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, city agamt. Thrown Out of Buggy. While driving in Pittsburg town- ship, William Gordon had the mis fortune to be thrown out of his buggy when his horse ran away. The animal shied at some culvert materi- al erred the io out, Mr. Gordon was i t|from , | The weather in March was very wet,| bitumin- | by a | report states that in 21 cities | filled vards, [a part in this great undertaking was cost has been ap- {a privilege and I shall never forget it.| 19 cities and 10 towns have a total | can truly say it was wonderful, but PAGE F IVE _ SENED UNE A OREM AN OFFICER WRITES ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCES IN BATTLE | Lien. Franch C. Smith, of the Second Battalion, Formerly of the 146th | Battalion, Says Men Are Fighting Hard and Are in Good Spirits. interesting "Somewhere in France, written by Lieut. Frank C. Smith, lof the Second Battalion, formerly of {the 146th Battalion | "I- suppose vou have all read aj good deal about our Canadian suc-| cess on Easter Monday. We are all] exceedingly pleased that it was a| | good success, as we planned and| | worked under terrible conditions.| { ! letter| was The following |and the consequences were that the| trenches became nearly impassable in places. Men who have been here {ever since the Canadians came out, say that they only remember them [being worse once before. So we! |'went into the battle very tired, but | determined. Since then we have been advancing slowly, but very carefully, |and the last two weeks have been] | very delightful from the standpoint] of sunshine. The mud has all gone, | and we are now back from the lines| some distance in tents, enjoying a few days rest "1 was very sorry to learn that Lieut. Bush, op officer of the 146th, Pretty Pumps for Ladies PUMPS ARE THE FAVORITES Our stock of white, patent and kid pumps was never more complete--ev- ery shoe a beauty. pleased to have you try on a pair. Best pumps; $5.00 and $6.00. Other good grades, $3.00 to $4.50. Abernethy's Shoe Store We would be whn went to-¥he 3rd Battalion, was killed in the battle of Vimy Ridge. | It is our first break in the circle of| 146th officers He was a particular | friend of mine, and I saw him a num- ber of times over aere He and a; GET AFTER A NEW STRAW HAT Major of the 3rd Battalion were! caught by a shell The major died instantly, but Lieut. Bush lived for| a day, but never regained conscious-| ness I understand shrapnel pierced | { his scalp, which proved fatal. He was| a first class officer and very popular| with his men, but he is: only one| among the many who have to make| the supreme sacrifice for those things that mean everything to us. {| Noble ideals, purity of life, protec- tion of the weak, liberty and justice, etc I am sure he could not have | given his life for a greater cause. | "Lieuts. D. L.. Bennett and Whaley the 146th Battalion were wound- ed on the day of the attack I be- lieve Lieut Bennett was struck in the | right arm with a machine gun bul-| let, while Lieut. Whaley received al piece of shrapnel in. the hip. They| are now both in England 1 under- | stand a number of the 146th men are casualties, but I have no definite information as they are not near us 'The last month (April) was one with extremely thrilling and fatigueing experiences for me, but |am thankful I was able to bear up | under the strain and come through it all safe and sound, To have taken of | | | 1t seemed more like a dream when |1 was going through if; hut since I have been able to reflect over it, I 1 can assure you it is beyond descrip- tion. ) | "The war is far from being won, and the Germans are fighting hard, but we are all in good spirits, and mean to pusa on to the finish. We Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Whether you prefer a Pan- ama or Sailor wide brim or narrow brim, you are sure to find a hat to suit you in the CAMPBELL collection, and at almost any price you wish to pay. Sailors, in sennit, or split straw, in the most popular di- mensions of brim and crown. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Special values in fine Pan- amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. $4, $5, $6. | Campbell Bros, The Store of Real Styles. are hoping this year will see the| finish, but sometimes it looks doubt- ful." C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Columbia Grafanolas and Records For Patriotic People. $1 a week will buy a Columbia Grafanola complete with records for soldiers' wives and children, and others wanting music in their home. We have many other makes and records to select from, and a num-| ber of slightly used machines at special bargain prices, You can pack a small machine in your trunk for the coumtry. Satisfaction guaranteed. our warerooms or write for illus- trated catalogue and price list to C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Prin- cess St. { Call at -------- [amosTon EVENTS| 26 YEARS AGO This is a great year for cabbage plants. T. J. Rigney, Kingston, has po his matriculation examination at Ot- tawa Universty. City clergymen to-day against the illegality of Sunday excursions. Mrs. Andrew Erskine, 2nd line of | Dalhcusie, died at her residence last | Sabbath evening, aged 73 years. | A A A A AAA ANN Suffered From Severe Headaches | FOR TWO YEARS. proteste 1] proposed | } i Headaches are many and varying; but when the head starts to ache you may be sure there Is some chief cause. The stomach may go wrong, the bowels become constipated, the blood may not circulate properly, but the presence of the headache clearly shows that unless the cause is re- moved some other baneful lisease is liable to assert itself. Burdock Blood Bitters has, for the past forty years, been 'curing all kinds of hendaches and has provgl itself to be a remedy that cures where others fail. Mr. I. N. Petershea, Duieper, Man., writes: "I am only too zlad to be able to state that I derived wonderful benefit from Burdock Blood Bitters. I suffered from severe headaches for two years. | was treated by several doctors, but received no benefit until by chance I heard of B. B. B, and I at once procured two bottles and in a short time I was completely cured. I am, and always will be, grateful for what Burdock Blood Biiers has done for me. I am glad to recommend it to all who suffer fre headaches." B.B.B., is the oldest and Dest known bipod medicine on 'he market to-day, having been manufactured for the past forty years by The T. Milburn Oo,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. | remem RENOH REMEDY. + WF No.1. comes | DISCHARGES. a SOLD BY LEADING CHE MISTS Send stamp address enveove age A 37: No ExsTOCKR ™ T 1 =D ox © 1S OW SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD *THERAPION' 1 BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS an | , Ensign Cameras From $1.50 to $25 || | FOR BEST RESULTS in Developing and Printing, Try Us. Prouse's Store |B Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. A 20TH CENTURY BEVERAGE For Everybody. In Bot-| tles Only. Carling J a {put him in better shape every We Prospective housekeepers will do well to come here for the furniture for the new home that they are about to start. We make a specialty of completely outfitting newly-weds, laying rugs and oilcloth, placing up art blinds and furniture fitted in position at no extra cost, and so perfectly that they remain a lifelong customer. James Reid The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Ring 147 for Motor Ambulance. A A A A AA AP AAA Palma Beach Suits Fine English Worsted Suits Large stock of Indigo blue serge and wor- sted suitings. Summer Weight Rain Coats JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailors 131 Princess St. OUR HAY AND FEED horse and way supply the feed for many of the finest horses and you'll find everyone of them looking fine and dandy Try it on your horse It will pay. flesh on your put W. F. McBROOM 43-44 Princess St. "Phone 1686. MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock 139 Clergy St. | of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS, Phone 637. --, ma Choice Selection of £ Spring Suitings train Prices Reasonable PN Grawford & Walsh TAILORS Princess and Bagot wi

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