Tg TO I TST FY A TY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1917. SOLDIER LOST SPEECH BUT RECOVERED IT AND WENT BACK ON FIRING LINE, | Pte. Thomas F. Holland Has Been on Casualty List Three Times and is Now Suffering From Shell Shock. Pte. Thomas Francis Holland, whose mother resides at 114 John- son street, and who is a br Arthur Holland, driver for adian Express Companv, has h thrilling experience at the fron went overseas with the 53th talion from Niagara-on-the-Lake. His fe lives "n Montreal | Mrs. Holland, has just received word that*pPte. Hoiland is laidgup for a third time suffering from shell shock He has been on the casualty list three times, and one one occa- | sion was buried by a shell, and on another occasion lost his speech as | a result of shock, but when he re- turned to the trenches on June lst he had regained his speech Pte. Holland has four overseas, and saw service in brothers rerving one sister Two of the brotiers tue South African war Arthur Holland wanted to go overseas too, but he could not pass the medical test, and as a result he forced to stay aut. home, his will has been much against - : Military News NEW SUITS FOR SUMMER WEAR - EE ht Pevea Men who appreciate newness in design and cleverness in tailoring will surely be delighted with the splendid showing of new suits at this store. been back of months Probationers at the Infantry | School will likely continue work at the trenches in the laying of mines, They are priced at $15.00, $16.50, [ cic. 1: ixnow being planned to have $18.00, $20.00, $22.00, $25.00. side of that exploded Saturday. Communication and other trenches | can then be dug, connecting up this new front line, Our hats and furnishings are worthy of your careful inspection before you supply your summer needs. Do drop in and see " Rural Dean Spencer, and son of Reeve Jafmes Hademan, and H. R Bank, all of Camden East, were at | Barriefield camp on Monday morn ing. Capt. W. J. S. Sharpe returned on J ° 9 | Monday from Ottawa. 1 V Ings on S Dr. J. W, Edwards, M.P., was a| visitor at the camp on Monday, Arrangements are being made for forming a district band. be a bugle band section started this Brock Street If Off Your Route, It Pays To Walk. week - Retreat is being sounded at 7.55 p.m., this week. One must have authority to keen a dog within the camp limits, accord- ling to a recent order Officially ) there are now five dogs at Barrie- mmm oan (10) as follows: Nitro" an Ayredale owned by Capt. E. Campbell, Special Service Company; 'John' a bull dog owned by Ideut. W. H. Slinm, 5h F.C.C.F.; "Skinner" a ooach dog owned by Lieut. F. McCarthy, No. 5 F.C.C.E.; "Jack" a collie owned by Sergt. W. Simms and the rest of the officers, N.C.O's and men of No. 3 AMC. Depot; and finally "Duteh' a Attractive Showing of Boston bull terrier owned by Pte. H.| Wea er S. Kennedy, No. 3 C.0.C. | | The School of Signalling and Wireless will likely be opened in the near future as the equipment is now being ins'alled. ~ & | in Capt. F. A. Palmer left on Monday for Omemee on engineering duty. Capt. W. J. McManus, District Ad- w jutant was in Trenton on Sunday. | There are now twenty-eight enroll- ed in the motor mechanics' class, which is being carried on at Queen's University for tue men of the Mowat Richardson apd Elmhurst homes. 3 2: Prof. Gillette i$ giving instruction in . Many new and fashionable styles mn this work. The carpenter shop will silk, fibre, wool and bruslted wool coats, [be under Mr. Lake and classes in . - . | elementary work under A. R. Walk- showing all the new features in collars, poc- kets, rose, peach, melon, copen, green, white, reds, black and many new combina- tions. Moderately priced From $3.75 to $15.50. AA A A AAA AAA AAA AA AM Smart Styles in New Coats A splendid assortment of new coats for touring, motoring or general wear. First showing of what will be worn this fall. who was reported wounded on June From $8.75 to $29.00. 4th. His mother, who lives at 17 _ Charles street, has just received a Lletter from him, from Ward 8 Mili- W ' N » o, tary Hospital, Colchester, Essex, Eng., in which he states that he is omens New ba US fies ease A Ea LY ., Vi a _ Stunning styles in the new one-piece de- The Rousing" Tour ve Woumls sign, attractively trimmed with contrasting his back, four in his knee, three in colors. Priced at $2.50, $3.50, $4 and $4.50 Bathing caps in hew and novel designs, 1 { No time of the arrival of the first | consignment of men to the New | Queen's Military Hospital has been | received yet, although it is expected | at any time. The first meal is being served this (Monday) evening with dinner being given to the nurses and staff for the first time, KINGSTON HERO GOT MANY WOUNDS Gunner P. Breiter Suffered Thirty-8ix at the Hands of the Huns. There is one Kingston hero at the front, who has had his share of Ger- man fire. He is Gunner P. Breiter, this is the second time Gunner Breit- er has been wounded. It is not ex< pected that he will be sent back to the firing line when he recovers, He has certainly done his "bit." "I beg to acknowledge the receipt of a parcel the date of which was un- readable, but for which I am very grateful," was the message on a card received from Corpl. Alan A. Beddoe, 2nd Canadian Battalion, how a pris- oner 'at Zerbst, Anhalt, Germany. Pte. Clovis Bourdelois, 10th Battal- From 25c¢ to 90c ion, also wrote acknowledging a par- cel from the American Consul, WALDKON S ch visiting friends in Kingston, "| up a wealthy young clubman, who is | 3 camp | McHowell, manager of the Standard | There will | his head, and four in his hand. And' | At the Theatres At the Grand. For to-night the Grand offers an excellent bill with a programme var- ied enough to please everybody. Miss Mabel Taliaferro, the sweetest of stars, is seen in one of the best screen dramas of her career. The part is wonderfully suited to her. She is a poor Irish lassie, whose fathér, be- fore his death in the "Old Country," urges her to go to America and look under obligations to him. She be-| comes entangled in a strange "'quad- rangle' of love and intrigue The | four characters are: a man without a soul, an adventuress, a young man vheee fortune and happiness are the spoils sought for, and a witty, clever tittle Irish immigrant girl, "Jerry," who battles with great odds and wins out in a manner that is startling. All who enjoy good, clean comedy can- not afford to miss the gecond Lone- some Luke two-reel comedy, "Lone-| some Luke the Plumber." This comedy is a scream from start to [linish The ever popular Pathe News, and feature vaudeville round | out this fine programme for to-night, | to-morrow, and Wednesday. At Griffin's, Having scored with a proncunced | success as the vivacicus little Eng- lish actress in (he days of the pow- dered wig and courtly manners in 'he Winn ng of Sally Temnle," the | charming Lasky star, Fannie Ward, will now be seen as a modern and | clever young society woman in the phato-?ramatic adaptation of the comedy, "A School of Hus- bands," which will be the Lasky- Paramount picture at Griffin's to | day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Also | the fonrteenth ericnle of "The Se-| cret Qingdom" and a tilariously anny "Lonesome Luke comedy | will be shown the first three days of | th.s week | | | | clever | | , | The Guilty Party. | This is the title of the second O'Henry story reproduced in motion pictures, also "The Girl from 'Fris-| co," will be shown at the King Kd- ward Theatre to-night and Tuesday. | Usual admission in the afternoon { + STOCK MARKETS. | Quotations Furnished by Bongard, | Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. | ' Open 2.45 p.m.| Atchison 10114 1013 | B.&O .. vis «+ 74 70% | jC..P. RR... ava. 181 16114 | Erie .. ... ... . 28 3% 26 5 | Marine . iv 2 27%! Marine, pfd. .. 83% N.Y. C .. 934% Reading Lo 98% | Southern Pac. 94% Union Pacific .. . 137% 138 | Alcohol .. . . .. 5 14 164 Am. Loco .. Ya | Anaconda v |' Beth. Steel "'b" I Crucible wins on { Inter. Nickel Kennicott .. | Mexican Pet ! Rep. Steel |U. 8. Steel | Utah | Midvale | | | | | | { | 92% 1311 111% 6414 -- . Canadian Stocks. Braziian .. ... . 39 Can. Cement .. . 62 { Can. Steamship 43% Cons. Smelters .. 26 Dom. Steel .. . . 62 | Maple Leaf .. 102b | Nova Scotia Steel. 991% | Steel of Canada 65814 War Loan, 1937 933% BASEBALL RECORD, International League. Saturday's scores: Toronto, 8-4; Baltimore, 1-6. Providence, 2-8; Rochester, 1-3. Richmond, 4-4; Montreal, 3-3. Buffalo, 3; Newark, 2. Sunday's scores: Baltimore, 2; Toronto, 1. Buffalo, 4-0; Newark, 3-2. Rochester, 8; Providence, 7. | National League. Saturday's scores: Brooklyn, 3-7; Boston, 0-5. Chicago, 2-6; Pittsburg, 0-4. Philadelphia, 88; New York, I St. Louis, 5; Cincinnati, 1. Sunday's scores: Chicago, 2; Pittsburg, 1. St. Louis, 4-4; Cincinnati, 2-15. American League. Saturday's scores: Boston, 4-5; Washington, 0-0. New York, 10-2; Philadelphia, 4-1. Chicago, 2; Cleveland, 1. St. Louis at Detroit--Rain. Sunday's scores: Detroit, 4; St. Louis, 2. Chicago, 1; Cleveland, 0. TWO MEN AND BOTTLE. Figure in a Police Court Case Heard on Monday. Thomas Shields Farrell in the Police Court on Mon- day morning, when charged with being drunk, that he had secured his liquor from a man who had a bot- tle in a laneway on Queen street. He declared that he did not pay for the liquor, but that the man who knew im had shared the bottle with him 0 give him a treat. . The Magistrate remanded the ac- cused for a day. A Long Wooden Pump, . Eganville, June 25.--On the old Costello place at Brudenell, J. P. Seeley, Pembroke, and his assistant, Mr. Burke, put in a wooden pump last week which is sixty-three feet long. The pump was instslled for Mr. Bennett. It is perhaps the long- est woodenspump in any well in this district. . Moonlight Excursion The popular r. Thousand Islander will lea Swift's wharf, foot of Johnson streel, on Thursday SERGE VALUES + That should interest every thrifty woman, be- cause many of the serges we are now showing will not be had at anything near present prices when fall comes. 36 inches wide Navy and 36 inches wide 42 inches wide Black inches wide Serges .. 50c .. 75¢ .. 99¢ $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.75 inch special .. inches wide inches wide inches wide inches wide inches wide inches wide inches wide inches wide ALL WOOL CREAM SERGES 36 inches wide 40 inches wide 42 inches wide .. $1.25 42 inches wide .. ... $1.50 and up to $3.00 .. 75¢ $1.00 CREAM SERGES WITH HAIRLINE STRIPES 40 inches wide . . 46 inches wide . 52 inches wide . . . ALL WOOL SUITING GABERDINES 52 inches wide at $2.25 a yard in Ivy green, Burgundy, Copenhagen, navy, taupe, fawn, black. Pongee Silks A large stock at old prices. And this means a considerable saving to you. .. .. ..49c ce oo. 59% ceo... 5c co... .. $1.00 32 inches wide at . . 32 inches wide at . . 34 inches wide at . . 34 inches wide at . .. .. An extra good quality for coats, 34 inches wide at $2.50 yard. John Laidlaw & Sen told Magistrate |= evening, June 28th, at 8 pm. Tick- lets 35¢c at the Company's ofice. Cool, Dressy Shoes Desirable In extremely warm weather one desires to Keep Cool We are showing several lines of Womens White Canvas boots, with canvas covered and enameled heels, from $3.00 to $6.00. Go ER The Lockett Shoe Store