THe DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. INDIANS WIN ! [lo the Foid Of Scort Ji MiekiveferOnce, 4 [ ON RAMPAGE AGAIN * | . ® * Baseball Briefs | Frourishes "in Boston and' Sporting Notes : Milo Cigar The American Association will uo | Came Close to Causing | Made m Kingston by Dozens of People Have Now Tried and The ee Yutfield F dre Pp he single umpl Jaren. fof the te Trouble. ue Pir Bie GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. mainder of the season as a matter ~~ of economy The change from tha] The gambling devil has been ac. | 8 the Philadelphia Nationals. double systemg will mean a saving of | cused of stirring up the row at Schulte joined the Chicago Cubs in | $1,000 a mont { Fenway Park, Boston, last Satur-|1904 and played with them until last| summer, when he was traded to css ci ---- | day, during the progress of the Red . { . When Pat Moran's Phils are gong | Sox and the White Sox game. It is { Pittsburg. : MONTHLY INCOME right they are well nigh unbeatable | said that this particular devil and | Don't fi hat I B xl | Surest Way of providinx for ¥ Ma » a 'ey Pe fof a ite i . } iscinles a a | on gure tha the rookivns |! A b or your ge or your beneflcln It's a case of either the pitchers Or | numerous of -his disciples make a Ihave uo a Sn wid 44 ¥h { in the Monthly Income Policy of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, the batters or byth coming to the | practice of gathering in the right- | Jaye S20 ce 9, n ahef or pei] ee ini ' A wr 1 . . _| nang- abrique 'has strengthened front when the outfit needs a win-|field pavilion at the Boston Ameri- | i ning tally. can grounds and carrying on open | them, and as soon as all of their! S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. } on | betting, and that the professional |Pilchers are fit the enemy teams will | i os -- The signing of Gene Dale, former- | devils who have taken the Boston | ®XPerience plenty ot trouble. i ly with Cincinnati, in the National |end of the wagering have lately League, last year with Indianapolis been losing so heavily that they $ | L gr pride : et ten dozen baseballs a week from | in the srican Associ: he | became peeved into a state of riot- | & 2 in the American Association ,and t Cleveland; The Cleveland Ataioey] f | a Ras . " : . » release of "Lou' Green, also former- | ousness, which culminated in an at CE Gr 3 ' : ly of Indianapolis, is announced by |tenipt to break up last Saturday's| Baseball Association will adopt a| Hughie Jones, owner of the Denver} game, when Boston appeared to bé| Te solution at its next meeting to send | ghie > ! all the baseballs used each Sunday { . PAGE TWELVE SR -- iim eis Amerfcan soldiers in France will| _ Western League Club, losing again. ve £ oe Before the Red Sox returned home | '© France. } | I ------ sm E. W. Dickerson, who a few days ago became head of the Western] aw Ale le. oy » is Gol- | ©n bet for every game. Consequent- 3 : INDIAN BICYCLES eve gr san One le G11 1 emanate | Logo imgus, Sears fat ee . x : ' -| th betti ing 'for every game of | 'S ' ih seba . and they pronounce them the best ever. ington, of Little Rock. The only | tell betting ring for etery game of |, % py tom mercial side and petty] weakness of Covington was his in-| quarrels among the magnates, which | . . " | Pr series, and we ffer- | Made by a strong reliable company with a ability to hit, but this year he | Sane Deteolt oe 5 he Siar have no'bearing on the game itself. 16 P . q 7 Princess Mt. | Southern League expents say ghere | they had a record of nine straight lare two first basemen who should go | victories, and looked to be an odds- are t s s s | smashing the ball hard Golvin, whe | Instead of winning at home, the | on ic Saier, [first-baseman with the | was in the Three-l League last year, | po; g,v had lost nine of thirteen | Chicago Nationals, whose. leg was COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE also is pounding the ball. | games. The crowd thaf stormed thei rekon eariy is Die season, ay beoh| | -- ame from that portion of the » ROADS Pitcher Palmero, of the Louisville Ha)F cus fron Rig iting ring is | evidently figures that Fred Merkle | -- m be i American Association, formerly With | ¢, 0d each day. sa better man. | H W NEWMAN El | IC There must satisfied people. Toronto, has been sold on option to | "jot why this betting ring is al- i . . Li 2 Little Rock, of the Southern Asso- |, wei in Boston and not tolerated in Frankie Russell, the featherweight | ciation. It is understood Palmero| iner cities, never has been explain- boxer, who went overseas with the} was dropped because of the neces-| o4 hy the baseball magnates, but it Sportsmen's Battalion, has returned. | J) sity of trimming the number of play- | jo supposed to carry a political angle . " ers to bring it within the limit al-| which has the Lands of the mag- . Deon io 2 Filler yg oe AAA lowed nates tied. ained under waivers by the Boston . ot i President Ban Johnson has turn-| Braves from Cincinnati, says he will SEE OUR LINE OF PERIOD FURNITURE The White Sox may not be a smart}eq his eagle gaze upon this phase | NOL report to Boston. He has agreed ball team, as some of the experts|op the Hub s tuation. and promises | to play with a semi-professional assert, but the Comiskey clan is |immediate and drastic action team of Joilet, Ill. certainly able to stick around the] -- forward position in the American | COBB LEADS RIVALS Al. Schacht, pitcher for Roches- ter team, has been arrested at Balti- eague hunt. League pennant ry { FOR BATTING HONORS| nore on a charge of disorderly con- « va ! -- luct as the result of a fight in a "Lefty" Gilbert, former manager | 4 C 8 of the Terre Haute Club of the 'Cen- | "Ty's" Average is Now .368-- | cafe. fro) Dasehal Lomae has row ool Cruise in Front in Na- Harry Wolverton, former Newark $ . pomied manager o hg PH } and New York mana as S x ; a | 4 2 ger, has resign- The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. team of the Cent ral Ledgse, Hel tional League! ed his position as manager or iY succeeds Joe Evers, rother 0 | Ty Cobb in the American League, | San Francisco club of the Pacific Other le tell : 08 Soe people : you that you can get Johnny Evers, _ and Cruise in the National League, | Coast League. # something Just as good. Former Manager "Billy" Smith of | ave gradually dpawing away from ye the Richmond club of the Interna-| their rivals in the race for batting | ne Chicagn Anerisans ae farms tional League will sue the club for leadership. Cobb's average, after a | IN& <3 players on their present east- YOU GET THE ORIGINAL full salary, which he claims is coming | Stretch of nineteen games of un- [ern trip. Eight of them are pitchers, H fo ny "Ww > claims broken hitting, yesterday, was .368. three are catchers. six infielders and| AH the latest designs and finishes, in Dining, Living and Bedroom Fur. . | Cruise is slugging at an even .350 | the rest outfielders. nit ure, a -- | ) ) a Chic he . | ait. ' gn The 1 hicago ( ubs SerAihly Joe This Speaker is far behind Cobb, The Longwood Tennis Club, re- 52 giving a good account of themselves, with a mark of .343. Beb Russell, | garded as the oMest organization in oi the United States devoted to tennis, . 8 3 IR 1 3 3 but they will have to continue-at top| ~ °°" © og ner al This 18 the week to buy. Bicycles will be Sol "eat out the Phils, the Chicago, tbs - Mim wih .337, Ab has already twenty members on ac- Leadir ng Undertaker - Phone 577 strong guarantee that will stand the test. to have found a batting eye and is|'% 3 . nN; - though he has appeared in only six- | A § ! higher when our present stock is sold. Giants and the Cardinals. teen 'games. Stutfy McInnis and | tive service. Heading the list is R. , rr George Sister are tied for third place | Norris Williams, the national sin- om The way "Happy' Felsch has been | oy ory ymong the regulars, each | les champion. -- chances to climb up among the elite | 10,006 are Hamilton, St. Louis; of Swatville. Ruth, Boston; Gainor, Boston; |d¥, has signed for war service, Mar- we e------------ Rumler, St. Louis; 'Chapman, Cleve- | anville has enlisted with the Naval Wambsganss, Cleveland. Reserve. pe ® ® | . . land; DISSENSION AMONG GIANTS? y ~ A Bar alin in he N League the .300 T IN ine NalOBy) Laazve hs According to "Bill" Scott, of Win- strikers are Prendergast, Chicago; 4 sw pounding the ball of late augurs well having amassed a mark of .310. --" . for the White Hose gardener's| ine. 300 hitters in the Johnson Walter Maranville, following the lead of nis team-mate, 'Hank' Gow- . ' ' . ° Herzog Denies He Will Quit Because |. 14 ke. Cincinnati; Rousch, nipeg. who has just returned from ortin 00 S 0 of Trouble. Cincinnati; J. Smith, St. Louis; |Vortlasd, California will have hock- : 9 J Charles JI.. Herzog, acting man- | Fischer, Pittsburg; Hendrix, Chi- ey next winter. ' ager of the New York Giants, denied | cago; Burns, New York; Setifith, f . . a report that he is about to quit the | Cincinnati; Cadore, Brooklyn; % | 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 - team because of insubordination on | Grimes, Pittsburg; Zimmerman, MIGHT DRAFT LAJOIE. the part of the players. A despatch | New York; Hornsby, St. Louis; . ] 5 froth New York stated that the se- | Mann, Chicago; Whitted, Phila-| Clarke Griffith Suggests How He eee ee ---- cond baseman was ready to pack his | delphia; Groh, Cincinnati; Kauff, Could Get Veteran From Leafs. Mo # grip and go back to the farm to | New York; Wheat, Brooklyn; Raw- Clarke Griffith nage tf th . « spend the rest of his days. lings, Boston. Wash ngton America Tae Club, We are placing on sale a limited num- "Why should I quit?" asked Her- SHm Love of the Yankees, and is mn ns ' ' ' . zog. "The club is going good and | Ferd Schupp of the Giants, maintain ot Sopris vides dion Io ber of women's brown and dark grey silk the players are hustling harder than | their places at the 'head of the re- joie is not for sale. Griffith did not pli ] . hcut laced sl at ever 'before. They are my friends | spective pitching lists. Neither has seriously conte and I have had no trouble with | been defeated. Love has won five A TaoWHINS 3.3m 6} the them since I have had charge of the | and Schupp has captured eight con- thing more then casual mention of T R Y team. We have won nine and lost | tests. Other undefeated American the . fact that Lajoie would three games. That's a good record." |leaguers are Bader, Boston, and strengthen h n ---- Cunningham, Detroit. Williams, RICE aan ae Wesnington teams Chicago, has seven victories and one The Washington club aid Hot ® P hd : fe: Ruether, Ohi is the | Take Him, Out! defeat. uether, cago, make an offer for -Jajole and does 5¢ . oet Cigar 5c The fan sat in the upper deck, ree undefeated National |, 0 propose to do sd. Griffith pants || . » Fating peanuts by the peck, i : out that the draft route is open to 4 Rating Yenuts by Be hook. i Te tal ihe galt Toute I Sieb 19 These shoes are the very latest in wo- Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. ! The mystic slogan: "Take him out!" Scores League Leaders. desire to acquire the former Ameri- men's summer footwear and the regular ~ President Frazee, of the Boston |can League star. ae price is $6.00. ' The game rollel on; the batter hit, | pag Sox, has complained to Boss S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. - |]| The peanut tan unloosed a fit, | ~ | hod Sox. has complained to Boss And after each succeeding clout |; o.000 that the Chicago White Sox -- He'd rise and holler: * Take him | "0 playing clean ball. They are Scores New Being Sent. [Baseball follows , the American Ar -------- and Canadian flags. The proof out!" SDE Opposing Pnyers on came this week when the New York \, . 1 gave that guy a baleful glim ah ro ys, bat iS 48€ | correspondents of London news And asked him what was biting him, He blames the Rowland ¢lan for | PAPers received orders to cable dally > And what the noise was all about; eb Bes r , the seores of all games in the Na- . He only answered: "Take him out!" | the recent riot in Mston, and not tional and American Leagues and ® n ® M OO N U M N the gambling element. . the scores of Canadian teams in the ih, i A baseball hit him in the neck International League. And stretched him prone upon the| Shortstop Bedemk has been re-! So many Canadiaps and Ameri Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. | deck, " leased from the Portland Eastern |cans are now in" England---and more The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. But ere his soul went up the spout, |L#ague team and Moers, from the arriving daily--that the British ~~ 897 Princess Street. Telephone 1931 § | He faintly muttered: "Take him Richmond club of the International | newspapers are trying to get special > . out!" . League, has been signed. features to please them. mmm BRINGING UP FATHER : 3 By GEORGE McMANUS. SINBAD WAS J YER- §TOP! WHY-1 THOUGHT OH! WELL = P . IN BAD, 3 MAGGIE - PLEASE :1 Co YOU LIKED MUSIC ? SHE'S Nov ' 5 : x ANYWAY! |--=__ Te