i! er __PAGETWO - FINE FURS |# JUNE, JULY and AUGUST HSS TELGHANNS TRIAPH SCORFS A GREAT SUCCESS AT RECITAL IN TORONTO Kingston Young lady Wins Much Praise--sShe is lauded by the To- ronto Sunday World. ve following, which will be reac interest and in Kingston, with keen sure by many from the musical s taken page of the Wor ad ronto details Store Closes 5 O'Clock the pupils of Luigi von Kunits of Daily. 2 een RT JOHN MCKAY, Limited. ~ 149-157 Brock St. Le Underwood Typewriters New or Rebuilt Rented and Repaired. Corona bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Furniture Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- i J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Olarence Street. CUSTOMERS TAKE NOTICE June Coal Is All Sold We canpot take or deliver any further orders this month. July, We Will Have a Limited Quantity. For delivery in » for customers only. AN anion fol] cosh. Phone or- d sent C.0.D, SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155. IP PARADIS TAXI STAND Always ready for your call -- day or night. GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK ST. Phone 822; House 611 Cars washed. Gasoline and Oil For Sale. Agent ! fos, 'ml; 5 on Chaser eo Bargain VICTORIA STREET NEAR MACK STREET Detached frame dwelling, 6 rooms, bath and closet, gas, stone foundation; good cellar and barn; lot 38 x 132, $1700." McCann's, INSURANCE Fire, Life, Accident. 83 Brock Street. | | | ! Fancy Clover Toronto "Mignon W. Telg young lady from Peterborc 1 ve an entire programme play ing hr and Godard, and as a finale, the Fan- tasia Appassionata by Vieuxtemps Such a formidable selection seem- ed rather a severe test for ist 'and audience. Only ohe copver- sant with the technical and inter- pretive difficulties of the works which she played with such evident mastery could grasp tae signific ance of Miss Te 1ann accomp- she concertos len F « it may be predicted that she will soon be an important addition notable list of Canadian art have won I at home and a safely to the already s who Peterboro Examiner says: Such emphatic commendation is no surprise to those who know Miss Telgmann's innate artistic and her industry and enthusiasm as a violin® devotee. Several persons went up from Peterborough to hear Miss Telgmann, and were delighted witnesses of the artistic triumph she achieved. Those who heard her pro- gramme were especially struck with her treatment of- the Godard concerto, an heroic composition bris- tling with immense difficulties, both technical and interpretative, the five movements demanding for their suc- cessful execution, excursions into all the fields of violin art: and the manner in which Miss Telgmann conquered the difficulties and re- vealed the spirit of the concerto were very highly creditable to her execu-| Bed Achievement Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- ialist's advice. Consultation free, both art-| has a-| nature, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | THE FOURTH OF JULY NUMBER OF possession, and to her ntuition. She wc Vieutemps' w sia Appassionata, h success in performan » headlong and tenipe ale Miss Telgmann deserves ongratulations she won so complete ly and s NOI yv justified fidence of her friend in her attainment of the ambition rank as a foremost Canadian artist and as a violin virtuosa of outstand- 1 ng ability daughter, of mann, King belong the credit splendid violinist developed. Miss Telgmann Mr. and Mrs. O. F. ston, and to them of making her the into which she 5 IN MARINE CIRCLES Movements of Vessels in and About Kingston Harbor, The steamer Fairfax passed up at 11 a.m. on Monday from Montreal to Erie. The steamer City, of Hamilton passed down at 4.30 p.m. on Monday from Toronto and Hamilton to Mon treal, with package freight. The steamer Cadillac passed up at 6 p.m. on Monday from Elis Bay to Erie with pulpwood. ' The steamer Haddington passed ip light at 11 pm. on Monday from Montreal to Erie. The steamer Toronto passed down and up on Tuesday. The steamer Thousand Islander | arrived up from Alexandria Bay on her first trip on Monday afternoon There were a large number of tour ists on board. The steamer C. W. Chamberlain and the barge Aloha, unloading coal at the Canadian Locomotive Com pany"s wharf, cleared Monday for| Erie. | | The schooner Julia B. Merriell cleared from Booth: and Company's wharf on Tuesday morning for Os-| wego to load coal. The steamer Rolph, with the bar- | ges Dobbin and Sophia Minch ar- rived from Erie, with coal for the] penitentiary, The barge Kingston, coal-laden, from Charlotte, is discharging her cargo at the C.P R. wharf. The schooner St. Louis cleared on | Tuesday for Oswego. The steamer Jex | wego, on Tuesday. | M.T. Co's Bu}letin: The steamer! | India arrived,;from Montreal, light, and cleared with the barge Burma | for Port Colborne; the tug Magnolia arrived from Charlotte, with the barge Kingston, for the C.P.R wharf: the tug Magnolia cleared with the barges Winnipeg and Sel- kirk, to load grain at Port Colborne; the tug Hall arrived from Montreal, with two light barges; the steamer Westerian is due to arrive to-night, with the barge Quebec, with grain from Port Colborne; the Quebec will £0 on to Montreal; the steamer Wesl | terian will tranship her cargo into | river barges, and wil return light | to Port Colborne; the tug Hall will clear to-morrow with two grain barges for Montreal. cleared for Os- RODE ON WRONG SIDE. An Autoist Pleaded Guilty and a Fine. There is trouble in 'Store for {drivers who go on the wrong | of the street. Oliver Clarke pleaded guilty be- Paid auto | side | | fore Magistrate Farrell to riding his | Golden Lion Grocery HONEY | In one pound sections, 25 cents each. | i | | Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10¢, 12%¢, 15c. Ib, Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25¢.| General and Rockwood «. 150 Ib. W. RMcRea & Co. Golden Lion Grocery REAR When You Have Selected The Rug you like best from our wonderfully attrac- tive collection we'll send it to your house any time you say. lf it is needed at once for some special occasion we will make a spec- ial delivery to accommodate you. Or if you are not quite ready to receive it we will set it aside until you are ready. R. McFaul, arehouse | car on the wrong side of the street on Tuesday, and was fined $5 and | costs. The complaint was laid by | Constable Arniel. From time to time complants are made about people transgressing the! {rules and regulations of the road. Every driver should read them. CONFISCATED LIQUOR Will be Divided Among Hospitals for Medical Purposes. As the result of the efforts put forth by Mayor Hughes, two cases of liquor recently seized by In-| | spector McCammon and the police | will be divided among the three | local hospitals, the Hotel Dieu, | instead of | being used to flush out the city sew-| | ers, as has been the custom in the past. Permission has been given by | the Ontario ldcense Board for the | distribution of the liquor. Looking For Help. Justice of the Peace George Hunt- | | er is still besieged with requests for! | farm help. Every day farmers are | | coming to his office asking for men | lor boys to help to man the farm. If there are any men or boys who | {are anxious to be placed to help the {farmers ip increased production he| should be glad to have them call] and submit their names to him. Paid Dearly For Drink. | A fine of $10 and costs was on Tuesday morning imposed on Thos. | Shields by Magistrate Farrell for being intoxicated. He had been re- | | manded from 'Monday, when he] stated that he got his liquor from a | man who had a bottle in a laneway | on Queen street. The man who was | iso generous with the bottle is con- | spicuous by his absence. Shields' | fine was paid. ® The Canadian Rockies. The best and newest sections, and highest peaks are seen transcontinental trains of the Cana- dian Northern Railway leaving To- ronto every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For attractive booklet, through tickets, and full information apply to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn, City Agent Twenty-five Pupils Entered. | Twenty-five pupils have entered. are working hard in their garden, | and a very fine showing is eypected. | A committee of judges will be ap-| pointed in due time to make the! awards, Moonlight Excursion. Take the Thousand Islander from Swift's Dock, Thursday, at 8 p.m., for a cruise among the islands. This will be one of the most pleasant trips of the season. Tickets, 35¢ at! the company's office, foot of dota son street, | of quite a number of men in Prevost, Brock street. has received | a nice assortment of boys' and men's | paats, | | We have the best value in the city | | grounds are | for them. LOCAL GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity | -- What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Six months from veste it will be Christmas There wera gardeners on the norning H. Cunningham, King street. ey's Book Store. Judge Lavell left on evening for Sharbot Lake to Shop early only a few rarket 1 piano tuner, morning at § a.m Remember the C.O.C.F Excursion, Thursday. June § p.m. sharp, from Swift's Tickets 35c. 28th, It looked as if Kingston was in for! a good rain storm on Tuesday morn ing, but Old Sol won out and it was a most pleasant day A number of the horse men were early | for the events at Napanee next Monday Miss Kath- Brooklyn to at- Fair Grounds track morning getting ready at the Tuesday Mrs. T. C. Wilson and leen Wilson are in tend the funeral of Dr sonfin-law of Mrs. Wilson, whén in a dental chair Hussey, With the advent of warm weather | and the coming of more tourists to | that | there will be a Cape Vincent-King-| the 1000 islands it is hoped ston service in the near future An advertising card of a Kingston| found camp and was returned with the signatures) khaki. | concern entitled "Pass It On," its way overseas to soldiers' summer suits, also men's for blue and Oxford grey suits. The ladies who have charge making the supplies for the hospital. in Queen's busy now before last materials the opens. Judge Lavell was in Cataraqui on Tuesday morning to hear appeals on | reyision Bay | MPP, was reduced from $8,000 to $4,000 assessment in the court of The assessment of the Collins' property of A. M. Rankin, HELP FOR THE ARMY Purchase of War Savings Certificates of Service. There are no luxuries for the men There should and women of Canada should be worthy husbands, brothers and sons, who are fighting The sacrifice involved in exercising to the but it is essential to their comfort, their The | is tremendous. | in the firing trenches be none at home. The men of their fathers and abandoning luxuries and thrift is nothing compared sacrifice of the men in France, strength and their success. cost of the army NOTES AND ITEMS OF rday and market Tuesday) Leave orders at McAul- Tuesday hold division coygt there on Wednesday | Moonlight dock. | who died | new University sewing the | hospital | The Ladies' Home Journal On Sale Wednesday Containing four full page color pictures of President Wilson. Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell's First Note, and Putting the Stars on the First Flag. BIGGEST SUMMER MUSICAL HITS From the New York Musical Shows ---- Baby, Broken Doll, So Long Letty, | Want To Be Good But My Eves Won't Let Me, When the Girls Grow Older They Grow a Little Bolder, When the Sun Goes Down in Romany. Poor Butterfly, Pretty yg & The College Book Store, District Agents for The Curtis Pub. Co. | 160-162 Princess St. Phone 919 Pleasure White Silk . Blouses! Il That Are | Blouses Pleasingly Different and a Il The Kind We Sell White Marquisette . . We Always have "Specials' in Plamond Rings. Just now we have "Solitaire" Diamond Rings, set in platinum and 18k. gold at £100.00, These should prove very grat- ifying to prospective purchas- ers; both in quality and size, to Wear Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. $1.00 up | They can be purchased at any bank That cost can only be borne if in-| dividuals throughout the Dominion | invest in War Savings Certificates. | or money order post office. are issued in three amounts, for] three year periods, and bear in-| terest at the rate of over five per| Fhey | White Crepe . . Evening Shades in Crepe . . $1.79 up . $2.95 up $3.95 up All kind of Fox Stoles suitable for Summer Wear. | Those for $50 | money can be withdrawn at {| time with proportionate returns om | the amount | saving and | of train from the} cent. cents will and $100 purchased for $43 and can $86. invested according the period of investment. invest and your own. Change of Time. In connection with summer change Canadian June | Kingston, | Toronto will run on the same schedule as at pre- sent. except that the train now Jeav- ing Ottawa at 1.10 p.m., except Sun- day, on and after the above date, will leave at 12.50 noon, arriving in present latest time table folders, or apply to J. E. | | Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, the effective service on Northern Railway, 16th, trains between Tweed, Ottawa and Kingston same. time as at For further particulars, see city agent. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Have Your Furs Made Over Now. Kingston as well as out-of-town peo- ple should take ad- vantage of the splen- did opportunity of having their furs al- tered during the sum- mer at his store. We can give more time and attention to this kind of work now, and at a lower price n later i Twenty-one dolars and fifty | buy @a $25 certificate. be | The | any Serve by in War Savings Certificates for your country's sake j now the farmers are coming Middy Blouses for the Girlics Pictorial Patterns Sold Only by Newman&Shaw, " THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. $1.00 up W.F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O. Lobby from time to time. United States, daily 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going east, IT.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and west, including Western States ... . . ... .., 1.00 p.m. Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. C.P.R. .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. C.NR. ... 2.00 p.m. \ MORE PRISONERS NEEDED If Tile Manufacture is to be tinned at the Jail There are now so few prisoners in the county jail that the County Council fears it may have to discon- tinue fhe tile manufacturing plant which 'has been operated by the pri- soners for some years. At present {there are only half a dozen men confined, and most of these will shortly be at liberty. The liquor famine is responsible for the redue- ed jail population. Unless the offi- { clals themselves turn in there will be little tile manufactured within the jail walls this year. Con Lost Boy Was Found. On Monday a seven-vear-old lad named Smith. living at 59 Queen | street, disappeared from his home and gave his parents a great ¢eal of worry and anxiety until rounded up iin the afternoon about 2 o'clock. The father and mother were about to start off for their summer camp when the youngster started out on his own accord, and spent several hours aniusing himbelf around the city. . Market on Tuesday. | The markets on Tuesday and Thursdays is becoming smaller each year. In times gone hy Market Clerk McCammon says there used to be good-sized markets, but with the | Bearcity of men to help in farm work out Tuesday {only on Saturdays. On J morning there were no wadons on ji the square, and only a few of the | gardeners lined up along King A A A A AAA AA AA ear --~ Small Homes at Reasonable Prices Russell St. Alfred St. Portsmouth Raglan Road Raglan Road Earl Street John Street Russell Street . .. Two Building Lots on Raglan Road, 49 fee 0 » cach S ANGLIN & CO. | Fo wip " Janae ; $550 each reiwaie. |EW. Mullin & Son Lumber Yards, Sts. INR AA A AAA nt goose BUILDERS SUPPLIES eoeey PORTLAND CEMENT Canada Portland Cement for concrete work. £1000 £1200 K1000 $1200 S 1850 s|2250 $2Z:300 $1850 ~~ Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 Cor. Johnson and Division Sellers of Real Estate, Phones 539 and 1456. a bee Lumber, Conl and Wood ood + i The Rexall Stwres a} DRUG STORES TOMORROW This > ¥ - bs Be sure to drop in tomorrow and thi i . : Toma wed to pret ow pes i voi Spec ~ - Ingres NADAS | AVORITE ee Get a Free Sample -- See Our Window. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE