. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1917. ____ PAGE SEVEN Oy G R A N D ) % RA, : [HE 1101 Dy crm The People's Forum BANK or TORENTO aE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA Mabel Taliaferro, in Capital R3,000,000 "A Wife By Proxy" Reserved bunds . $6,139 382 A Two Reel Comedy, Lone= coxpENSED ADVERTISING RATES TO LET iH rmore-------------- THRIFT some Luke in "The Plumber." , _ ion. ic a word. Bach con- THESE EFFEC ADVTS. COST {OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM And Other Features. secutive insertion thereafter, hailf- little. Once, 25c; three times 50c¢ FOUND bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham Thursday, Friday, Saturday cent a word. Minimum charge for one week, $1.00 7 bers, Apply to A Pe TF VAUDEVILLE one Insertiol 25¢; three Ingertions, ais 0 . "Five Ree stoplay I an y2. ¢ SIA y I CONTAINING GOOD HOUSE, WELL FURNISHED, A Five Reel Photoplay EC A tt ther | <r y . » CHANEE owner 1 swell location, for three months ' - - RAYE Sue by calling wi W) Apply Be 5. Whig Office . ® . . a y Directors: June Caprice, in HELP WANTED ---- aed he Ry Box ROS . : Tne 199 ) N STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. E. WA- "Small Town Girl wAN Ww ANTED. APPLY FRONTENAC TOURING CAR 2 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- b clean dry furniture Hing amd Glass Co 8 cor or heap or . : : "Albert st Pho Charlie Chaplin in : ir bu ply 86 Bay street TISED FREE : Albert sitvet. * Prone ' " i rem---------------------------------- ---------------- a -------------- ve h . '» woTomwy AND CUSULCTORS. AP Anyone finding Anything and The Immigrant. Dl a I Y, ieeiiovanss AT 67 GORE STREET. ising to Teach the SWier way STORAGE FOR | URNITURE OR MER- a 4 P oN « Co Appl 2 §. R. McCann, 82 Brock o #0 by reportung . ots to i . ir : wi Oc. Features. COO, ELE MRS hn *hone 326 or §21 ' The British Whig. The adver- : =~ tisement will be printed In thig column free of charge M Bankers: Matinee n ON CITY N CD BAN LT ' \ . \ Any Sedq n Seat " " N i 1 NATIONAL I ERIENCED GIRL TO ¢ tur arg bs R 6) RR CR rare 3 56 A PORTABLE OVEN, NO. 5 IN GOOD Found articles," does not in- it ix Wi p OMMERCE NAL store on Satu cord urn or Woo ¢ ors . horees 1 HOUSE Georg e B. McKay, Mans ger. = ( ~BIFFIN'S] sy Sate ries. 315000 Appi Box 11ta Jl] Ste These. if lost, may be ad [|| CONE HOUSE. 0 > PEP brePPPrPP IIb Pee Smit "alls vertised for in the "Lost" column pos . ro A HA 3 SJ MF Two salesladies: also girl for $ _ $ L) Emm------ a gy Mon Tues Wed I aa der 3 0E I. PROPERTY AND OF- CE OR Snor, 153 WEL INGTON oy .y ad stency's Limited. J = , 56 LOST. x : tex Apply a y RO ae * a oe h 9: 33 OF NO. 39 - . Fothats. ha ellitetn Ara F Ward "A a re XU WAN To en: bE on ERY GE : A 5 PORTE A N SMO as, Toran STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, . . v Pollitt's Bake NONOLA 3 _ * Reward & . poi Ay Aberdeen Ave., Brick... .. .. ... . Price $4400 anny ary, in Uoninfweed Sree : TW LICENSE y . 'ity Storage. 59 Earl St., brick Price $4000 School for Husbands." iin wrens ENTATIVES . T an ea Bi Ne iuy or dh Siren Toone Si Ta ID .. hie, ! - ~ dist t ; ts whi wash leave at Collingwood St., double frame . . . Price $3600 Fhe: Seovet Kinzdom; la TR THEEIIEEIII IIIS Johnson St., double frame sh eas . Price $4000 Lonesome Luke Comedy per cent roll Me k tia . o : * AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE hd re. or bety v » ve 4 hedees ich = Summer Price Se Mmhs « ranging from £30.00 1 f . K 4 - per month. Apply the J. Kk. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Sanitadtel 100, Yar. Ia Le ha Srantf 0. + One 4-cylinder 3-passenger, + - SA roll Agency, 36 Breck St. - EE = 3» Studebaker Touring Car, second + 56 6 Brock St. B Co _ Phones: Office 68; Res, 8 874 S' | R A N D + hand, cheap for quick sale. Also + ; FEE at - mm one 4-cylinder truck. J. H. #1» kN APP, B.A, LDS, DDS. |<TorE oy WELLINGTON ST. NO. 171, FURNISHED HOUSE FOR FAM. Davis, Saxon Distributor. * Office, 258 Princess street Phone secupled b dian Northern Ex Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Tw ipl B 662 Wh g > 52 1 ly Ap . wk * ° 0 tical Points ! Charlie Chaplin, in "© = srestreesteissssseiiesies ET ------ Ph to C Livingston & Be * "Behind the Scenes." ! - "corner Princess and Bagot streets Fay 2 E, 118 MARL SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Phe 2 , the print "blur" after Feature Photoplay for cash or in ayment of new | -- . Poche $20 5 hi lo x. } gr A 1 § 1 grounds and shade for a short ti oie : " * iRNos @ las. CW. Lind N i rons Your Dorothy Dalton in "Wild say. Limite Princess street | uy GRO. A. BATEMAN'S ESTATE| pRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- frees noe Senor arr 83 Brock and writing should he Wi «9 . '" : | Plpbiy 5 rel Agency tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C inship's Widow. -- Dewar. DDS. LDS. « asslatant ; © our Optometrist examine jour Purple pt Comedy Toeeln. PERSONAL | 5800, BRICK HOUSE. NEARLY NEW, Phone 345. i NP Fi RNISHE D Rooms, efully and give rou relief and | Matinee 10¢ Evenings 13¢ | -- eer eee. | latest improvements, 8 rooms, dou y comfort through perfectly made and ee ep rr ble FOR SALE fitted glasses. L ke 0 tari HAIR. MOLRS, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS Rows: AEG. IM wT SasIRAL ADR { a e n 10 all growths, and skin blem- |g3000., BRICK, 7 ROOWS, JL ---_ A : : : ! {shes removed permanently, with- vements, gas and electric light, 155 SYDENHAM STREFE wNISH- R. J. RODGER » scar; 30 years' experience. Dr 33 3 side lane ABOIT TEN TONS OF PRESSED eq \ Yartr i "i n r n 2 J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose -- | straw 1 re at § Barr I 2 f nd Skin Speolallst, 25i £3300 DOUBLE STONE ALL IMPROVE- street et ments; stable Manf'g. Opticians and Optometrists. and Every Night oo [$4300 BRICK. 11 ROOMS, ALL IM-|4 NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDE Tonig ht ck Tw, Sonn, man os mos Toilet Soap | nr nemrrmen I ya op a ; ' - ern, at a bargair A Vv to © FOR SALE OR TO LET retest eee { NTS ison. 14 dea po hone la ale "TOMATOES omy Wednesday at 3.30. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, » MER- S000, BRICK. ALL IMPROVENERTY: Te yinen. 108 Ridedu street. Fon " 1 1 ! TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES AT ° HIGH CLASS chants Bank Bulld'ng., corner _ Brock and Wellington streets $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX Sharbot Lake, "Oriole Park." Wood % ice aud boats furnished. Ten min S 5 Vv rooms TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- i Sg ; iis " na 3 We © holo ® f AUDEVILLE Rc SE SS RECO -- tains, CANOES, and camping sup- AS ow from station Jeau tal Carry Shoe SCR a FEATLRE PATENTS VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES. piles. Fishing tackle, etc. Frank Shade. tree and mirrakndings: or : ' A W. Cooke, 39 Clarence St. King- Particulars apply to H J Thomp home grown tomatoes, Choice 1 son Sharhbot TAK: inta | vegetables. Seasonable' fruits. PHOTOPLAYS TO RENT. ston. Phone 831 = mm Crm iI Fresh groceries. BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade $20: BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END: ALL Although all toilet soaps are stead- r ] | Program Changed Monday and | marks, 'designs. Estab. 1877. Ferm. nprovements, 19 rooms and sta-| 4 3 ARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- BOARD AND ROOMS. 1 o v i ily advancing and likely to continue || Thursday. erly Patent Qfice Examiner. ble cluding the famous Athlete, Over: | =e ° FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, to advance, we are in a position to] of Patent Laws Book « 1 \ » Free 3 _ land and Perfect Models; also tires offer any of the well known varieties ! Admission to Park! ree if By Street tee tion" free. 99 St. James S 3 - MONEY TO LOAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. and bicycle accessories George every convenience central loca- which are displayed in our upper win- ™ ednesday, Children's 1-Cent Day om | 8! thaches: Dunn, Mugtse, Ingston Muten 18 ing » Bone les : Brock rh = dow at | ars. ---- -- wo , rs A ---- ; 210 Division St. Phone 543 CHOICE STOCK OF < AMP AND BOAT FINANC 1AL g 5 . china cabinets We also -- - 3 CAKES FOR 235¢ | Tome? a ~ and seil everything In new } EGG-O { second hand "furniture. J. | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES | Thompson 337 Princess street ment Society: Incorporated 1863; Phone 1600 president, Colonel H. R. Smith, N Hoags Dru Store | BAKING POWDER | Cowon TENET | Ly ee greaent wp . 5 | kle. K.C Money Issued on olty Ranky with the Strongest' i st 1 » e ri and farm properties, municipal and . J In « PT. JU country debentures; mortgea, Branch Post Office | HUDSON BAY Revised Prices: 1 fi 3 ady for rdiat chased; Investment bonds : 10c per tin 7 » "se wiy C rrison, sale; deposits received and A A AA 4 on. . tin / street terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, 6 ox. : ® 15¢ per deau t Insurance Company ® ox. 3 tim manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston. 12 oa. PUEEAAT un Wl -- N RK F I JOHNSON FIRE INSURANCE Na we ber tin TIPER RITE DER WOR 0 " 2% hy ... ... ... ... 63¢ per tin A 1 2d the 'be , : > Head Office. R 11 Bldg. anteed the equal affnew. § 1 R LONDON AND GLOBR eon onan re | | PPly eal | Shoe Company. Avaiianie to $85.00 Will ship on ap 5 Canadian Writing Machine o Assets 1,187,215. In addition to The Leading Florist Florist Maser: dg SEN BUY QUICK BEFORE THERE { pany, 25 Adelaide St. west, To which the policyholders have for Floral Designs, Wedding Bouqu | IS A FURTHER ADVANCE ® ronto security fhe uniitited Mabithy 52 and Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders | W. H. GODWIN & SONS i , possible rates Before renewing Sled promptly. Phone 230. 113 Brock * AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ ee ee aaa 111 fo OI old or giving new business get ' * - > rates fre m Stranke & Straage, SE ------ "AUCTION SALE ns -- EETTT--y 1 ( I. ~4 ° ° * Extra Choicest Cafe Fittings, TII3 Princess Street, a 1p 11 1 1 1 Oo : J 2 .m. Re te ro > set A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Japan (Green) Tea, N 0 1 C ee. Y. oifer orn ni cash reg-1 and solicitor Law office, 79 Clar- 3 or Th « rn andare nge. 2 gas rire ------ teria secre oo -- - ence street Kingston in 5 Ib Boxes, $1.50 ti eT Sons Sanden make. 8 a JON cs _ ates, « » al nd large SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND --_ v » 1 2 2 ger T ut ler fist € vok- y aang sideboaray, Jraeaers couches, | FURNITURE FINISHING , tb 8 | ------------------------------------------ i Black Tea, in 2% Ib. Tins, AT cafe v e wffered en bloc first ompaimy par machines, TIE save P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. $1.10. When you require Tea 0 a { er. f t twill i Won stoves and ranges. Also buy new er. Call or drop a oard. 123 John - ta: and second-hand furniture. A street. GORDON"S ALLEN, The Auctioneer. | Shapiro, 35 Princess street ee oo . Telephone 252. J FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 19, wn BUSINESS CHANCES is the place to get it | | Sm -------------- } oi 8 a 0 . i Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. || | eam ee a concession, township of Pittsburgh, | -- rr | | | 100 acres, more or less, well water. | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST | ed, well 'fenced. good buildings one cent until you read Successful | | otice to ors convergent to ashool church andi Finance, and learh how fortunes cheese factory; best farm in town are made and lost by Investors i (aa ll ll X J A real bargain in lots at the head of Princeas street, just outside city limita... The best of garden iand; eity water. Inquire of Mrs. C. E. Fralick, Princess St, near Bath Rd. AL FY rye * hd oh : Lipton's Plantation Brand . ship Possession in September. Ap- Free trial subscription Buccess- IN THE ESTATE oF sosErn Kiwp- ph Thomas Todd, Lockmaster ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bi. People's i NS ol - 8 . Watts = Owing to y the Limited! Contractors! | tol, Jerson. Sutte sveciucing, ne cone Sov BECEANED. TL Ret i, On Chicago. ' Flo 2 _ i A aaa ar 1 1 House will be prosecuted. the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that rm ; perd ms having any claims or de- kW ns and storage ca- : n. T vo. 8. ANDERSON. | 1 Or rains the estate of Joseph (ex | A Kimpson, late of the City of Kingston Designs and Wed | pa ities th W . a ky T the deceased. who died « about the Funes) iy to 4) ding citi of i. ater A A St Buildi a of May, 1917 are reauired tes nm and a orage uid me | deliver o i by post prepair to A po. " =~ " Mota Sesatehuin urrall or B © inn ingham, 79 Clarence Street, WANTED Kingsto fe he Executnrs ---------------------- Works Plant and in view {7 "7 VT SE nim MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL TAXISERVICE ['6f the increased water|ifi, wii, i sili" h a Lo DEPARTMENT and RING 960. consumption, due | Tender Sa, d Gemands duty erie and the : ¢ Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. Works, | ture © Greater Production, the Be 0 reminiered et | vy Ama ar sae gotiee Mel ne CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- iy tender cessarily | Firat Trip of the Seanom om Palace | ihe sad 16h : PANY, LTD. BY Largs rs | Publie Utilities Commisut2ctiel __ _ "701 Ret GBSRONER [at Fok Her pig i JF : : ' sion kindly request all iemm-- | FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH Raving. regard only w the claims o: Kingston :s Ontario ' Dessert demands of wii they = en ------------ | users of water to be as sonny iets Re Lo ed Ta | = ee | eC nomica as poss J ner e----------n-- thereof so distributed, to amy person Kingston Taxi Cab { 0! 1 ible, | i Died at Ellisville or persons of whose claims or de a itl, manys they shall not have received no- Co. | thereby helping to re-| | Ellisville, June 23.--The death oc- | tice at the time of the distribution thereof. lie | curred on June 17th. at the residence Dated at Kingston, this 22nd day of ) lieve the situation until| | of her son, at ElMaviMle, of Mrs. John | sane. 191 yp oC 0 Se |the new pumps are instal- | Dillon, as the result of heat disease. Butirar I on rir aati | Deceased was eighty-two years of For led. ~ ! [ae and § mas born wt Lue Pont Paint. : | | R.H.TOYE, || [she was the widow of the lace Jon =T g a Sa Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. Fresh Cut Flowers Daily . Se and 10¢ Packages | Chairman. | JSRLEEEEE | || oon 7500 Sons oiler We propose to share with our customers the bene- d urda | Ne | ,. Distributars. | Jacob Dillon, of EMisville, survives. (fits to be derived from a cash system. p -- 7 2 sane fook pace on 3 13% | Black Teas, . 40c to 75¢! § . ' HE . . Luke's church, Lyndhurst. Rev. - > We "offer our 'customers 300 Ibs. | SPECIAL! || Hat Cleaning Time | nitiara Smith of Lyndharet, omer. | Green Teas . 35c¢ to 60c Jas. Swift & Co, . Li 0 ri ; . | rq ery | per a Joes . Also 300 Ibs. of choice keetie ren. || Eastern Dairy School [|| simesme et "cemned amd | ome tama ghee t+ |Special Japan Tea in lard at 35¢ per pound. Also a ! Berry and William Warren. A choice lot of farmers' butter and B for per i ny lias in Pahama bleach ! the relatives present gy 10 Ib. box wae $3.25 { TO OBTAIN THE Ee umery ratte JA 1 Pound lh 1 New York Hat Clean | ouwer We. amt Mra. G. Dilton bane. FreshEggs ....... 38¢ Household Furniture Highest Price IS 3 . {| downe: Mrs. H Warner, Elgin: Mr. Wil buy and pay fair prices, Rags, Rubbers, Iron, HOMPSON"S ] ng Co {and Mrs. A. Diflon. Chaffey's Locks: A ] I { . { but must be clean and sanitary Ison Bros i Suecensars te Pappas Bros. Hat (Mr. and Mre. Thurston, North Au-|1a8 Princess Street. Phone 267 goods, Brass, {ensta; Mr. and Miss Karney, Figin Home of (Choice Groceries. DROP A CARD TS 2 208 Pri " 208 Pala street. Phone 395 -------------------- Pl i Pt i T I 387 Five doors below Opera House, | A man who takes offense makes a To be a gentleman ail a ma a J. urk, Phone 705 | A. SP Princess and Division St. . J» a a 3 poor selection. to do is to hide his meanness. ; J| - pe y