Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1917, p. 10

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THE DAILY LL WHIG, NEDNESDAY. JUNE 27, 1917. PAGE TEN Nor Et In PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM. Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oficial Test by H. B. Smith: Milk test. ed 3.2 Butter Fat. FLY DOCTORS 74 ooNFESSIONS OF ROXANE || Todi fon G00D ADVICE (By Frances Walter ToGo On Taking "Fruit a-tives" ie Because They Did Her Good | Tgp Rocumox, P. Q., Jax. Mth, 1915. "I suffered for many years with ter- Twilight SEER | PopularCakes astiten nro} --| and Pastry {Continued from Page 8.) An enjoyable and successful tea As ee Bares the Liver Requires was given on Saturday afternoon by occasional slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION, the Queen's College Alumni Associa- Genuilge Sui J doubted Cream Sweet Post Almond Macecaroons, Rolls, Almond Wafers, Sandwich, Fancy Cakes, ies, Always Pure; "He have me." "Granted, but that is tion. He does doubt you, day that passes his mind is more firmly made up that should never not the gques- and each all the he was tion of Ottawa for the benefit of bears. Always Fresh. signature the two military hospitals supported by Queen's, one im France and the jhe sigenct of Non, In the blood, other in Kingston. The weather had spent we After Mariam and 1 > rible Indigestion and Constipation. I had frequent dizzy spells and became greatly run down. A neighbor advised me to try "'Fruit-a-tives". Xdidsoand to the surprise of my doctor, I began to imprave, and he advised me to go on with "Fruit-a-tives", I consider that I owe my life to *"Fruit- a-tives" and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, Constipation or Headaches--'try Fruit-a-tives' and you willget well". CORINE GAUDREAU, b0c. a box, 6 for $2.5), trial size, 25e, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit a tives Limite d, Ottawa. tn A The consciousness of having the hair and scalp sweet and sanitary, brings a feefing of comforting self assurance wining HERPICIDE isis ! I Applications at the better barber shops | Guaranteed by The Herpicide Ce. Seld Everywhere A AA AA We Have a Nice Assortment of Pure Corn Syrup In 2-1b. tins, 8.1 pails, and 10-1b. pails, which we are selling for one week only at the ol} price. E. H. BAKER Montreal and Charles St, Phone 1208. Youthful, Beautiful Sein Faty to Have || s * bird wm a poo omplex sons and temuera- vd dirt, are apt to even though the gen- od When these ex- Il the complexion, thing is to remo the rnal means Ordinary viax will do this It will | al rb weather-soiled v Mittle each day In a week | I have a brand new com- | psn The exquisitely | vouthful complexion comes so easily, with- | omfort, there's no rea- | woman should nb adopt | le treatment, Get an ounce of | zed wax at any drug store, ap- | nightly lke ocold cream, washing off morndngs This will not fail in, case Cor. remove wrinkles, signs 1 hath the face occas- | on of powstered sax- "digs dved in a half 1 hazel The result, which s, will suprise you 1edients are of course fo quickly FOR SALE Farm of 150 Acres 135 of Plough Land, balance wooded, Township of Pitts burgh, four miles from King- ston. Cheap, W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 494 I SUGGESTIONS T0 L SICK WOMEN How Many Are Restored To Second. ful in relieving female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It strengthens the organism; For forty years it has been making women strong and well, relieving back- ache, chs. Der voueI: ulceration and in- displ Wirecuinrty og pools has also proved invaluable ing Sm childbirth a Be Che of LOMhrd. Ths tent amber of uto- Ricited testimonials on file at the Pink- ham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published ion, are proof of the value of DE Paki 's Vegetable Com- pound, in the treatment of female ills, { did anything wrong? many hours discussing our future evolved a .plan which seemed to us to be as near perfect as could be expected under the circumstances She had refused to move into my ap- artment and I had been equally positive againd® moving into Mr. Gordon's 'house, 80 we compromised by renting several modest rooms far- ther downtown and fitting them up for two jut certain details had to "be ar- ranged before we could move in. In the first place it was necessary for Mariam to arrange her affairs just as if she were going. on a long jour- ney, for in her uncle's absence she possessed his power of attorney, and her signature was required ever so often by Mr. Gordon's lawyers and business associates. But this was arranged at last and Mariam found hersel? free to betake herself wher- ever she wanted to go or to hide her- self for six months if she liked. ' The est was simple. All she had to do was to tell Mr. Gordon's servants that she would be absent indefinitely and no suspicion would be aroused, When these details were finally arranged we occupied our little ap- artment, laid aside the clothes which we had been wearing and put on less expensive ones. Assuring ourselves that we were on the threshold of important careers, we sat ourselves down to ascertain what we could do to earn a Nving. But on that first evening we did not get very far in the direction in which we had start ed, for Mariam turned the conversa- tion to my personal affairs. "Roxane," she said, thoughtfully, "I hope you will not take offense at what I am about to suggest. You know, we are partners now, so | have a right to make any suggestions that I think is for the advantage of the firm." "Certainly!" 1 agreed. "If yon are sure that you will not | be offended, I want to suggest that you write to Arthur." There was a dead silence for a few moments. Finally I broke it to ask, in a rather unnatural voice: "Why?" 'Because you owe it both to your- self and to him," Mariam declared. "I have felt that way about it ever since you told me of the time you were kidnapped sand of Arthur's leaving for England. Surely you would not have him believe that you Yet, by your silence, you are permitting him to continue in that very belief." right In his original suspicion. 'Why let him believe any such thing. Tell him. the truth Write him .im- mediately and tell him precisely what you told me He will know that he was niistaken and will hasten to make amends "l have thought the matter over very carefully several times, and each time I have come to the same conclusion. Even if you do not care for him, and even if you do not want him to return, you should, neverthe- less, tell him what happened to 'you. You should not permit him to think ill of you. After you have told him everything, thon it will be up to him to act. If he does not believe you, 50 much the worse for him. If he does believe you, as he should, then it will be optional with you whether there shall be a reconciliation, for he undoubtedly will come back to the United States on the first steamer that leaves Englund, "Think it over carefully, Roxane Perhaps you will not want to decide now what you will do, But take the question to bed with you tonight and sleep over it. | know that you will do the right thing in the end." (To be continued.) Be A 10, Experienced Nurscs - prefer Mennen's One Nurse writes-- "I prefer it to any other powder for chafing, abrasions, prickly eat and irritations caused Ly teething in infdate." Another one says-- "Best of all powders to prevent chafing, and x aldiog is entirely o overcome by it." MENNENS BORRATED TALCUM Gary & Practical Home Dress Making Lessons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review An Attractive New Box-Plaited Jacket. Bou-plaited jacket of summer serge, with square yoke and marrow panel fruat. The skirt is a two-piece cir cular model. The slim, youthful figure looks es pecially stylish In a box-plaited jee ket of the design shown here, and there is no more charming way. of developing the summer serge, front is made in panel effect and be low the square yoke there are trim- ming pleces which simulate pocket laps. In medium size the jacket re quires 2% yards 54-inch material and is about 2% yards around the lower edge, with the plaits drawn out To cut the jacket. properly, it is necessary to- place the material fall leugth, on a smooth surface (the fioor or a table). Study carefully the lettering on the various sections of the patterns in order to be famil- far with each part of the garment The back, for instanee, is perforated with the letter "M"" and as there are triple "TTT" perforations along the edge they mean that this section of the pattern is to be laid on a length- wise fold of the material. The side front comes next and the large "0" perforations rest on a lengthwise thread of material. To the right of the side front come the collar and the yoke, each rest. ing on the lengthwise fold. Because of the peculiar shape of the facing, he exceedingly careful to have the siraight edge marked "T" placed di- rectly on the lengthwise fold. The Lelt comes next, but this may be laid on either a crosswise or lengthwise fold of the serge. The material remaining easily will accommodate the other sections of the pattern. The lower sieeve section, opposite the back, has the large 10" perforations resting on a lengthwise thread. To the right of the fon "H" comes "K", the front, with the upper sleave section, yoke and sleeve trimming' occupying the remaining unuged material. All of these have the large "0" perforations resting on a lengthwise thread. There are two styles of collar and 'the straight belt is provided in two styles also. With the jacket is worn 'a twoplece circular skirt, which re- quires 2, yards S4inch material to make. Review Jacket No. 7274 S! Skirt Mo. 7145, Se Adare, was delightful and the new pavilion erected by the Ottawa Improvement Commission at Roekcliffe was kind ly loaned for the tea, fidde an ideal spot. Ty hospital commiittee, of which Miss Jessie Connor is conven or,-will be richer by a couple of hun- dred dollars. Al the arrangements were perfectly earried out under the able direction of Mrs. J. A. Jones, president. The refreshment table way In charge of Mrs. C. H. Bland, the ice cream, Mrs. A. F, Cornett, and delicious candy was sold by Miss Grace Jeffrey. . os 0» The first tea of the season was held at the Yacht Club this after noon, and there will be a dance this evening. » Mrs. Vernon Castle is the guest of her husband at Mohawk Camp, Deseronto, Vernon Castle is a fem ber of the Royal Flying Corps, and was on active duty in France, being recently nt to Canada on instuc tional duly. Both Mi and Mrs Castle are favorites of the dramatic world, particularly for their public exposition of society dances and creation of new steps -. * * Miss Gladys Dix, of the engineers' bramch of the Militia Department, Ottawa, who has been visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Dix, Union street, returned to Ottawa tasday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sutton, New- burgh, are in the e¢ity from Toronto, and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellis, King street, have left for their camp at Wolfe Island. Mrs. H. W. Airth and son, Ren frew, are in Kingston to spend a fortnight with Mrs. C. S. Anglin, Wellington street. Miss Frost, Kingston, is visiting Mrs. M. B. Malcolm, Pembroke. Col. Perreau was in Ottawa week. this - » -. Miss Jennie Shaw, is visiting Miss Nan Cataraqui Lodge. _ Miss Lieneau returned to Napanee to-day after a short visit with Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse, Earl street, "we * ss = Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sullivan, Peterboro, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Aileen Mary, to Francis Joseph Hickey, Peterbero, the marriage to take place July 4th. . . - Clergy street, Skinner at The engagement is announced in London of Lord Stanley, eldest son of the Earl of Derby, to the Hon. Sibyl Cadogan, eldest daughter of the late: Viscount Chelsea. Miss Cadogan is granddaughter of Earl Cadogan. Menu for Thursday BREAKFAST Fruit Uncooked Cereal with Milk Sausage Scramble C raniiles INUCHEON Strawberry Omelet Coconnut Cookles Lemonnde DINNER Reef Loaf Baked Potntoes Creamed Fried Eggplant Pepper Salad Crackers Cheese ¢ Rice Waffles site into a bowl one and one-third cups of flour, three teaspoons of bak- ing powder, two tablespoons of sugar and one-fourth teaspoon eof salt, beat in two thirds eup of cold cooked rice, two beaten eggs, one tablespoon of melted butter and one and one-half 'cups of mik. Cook on well greased Lot waffle irons and serve with maple syrup. Colorass or Pale Faces wes usually indicate 8 condition which will be greatly, belped Carter's Iron Pills == a A tt, lA A BE SURE YOUR MILK IS DELIVERED IN SEALED BOTTLES. All our milk is thoroughly pasteurized and bottled at once. It is safe. It is pure. It is good. Phone 845 - Price's ang ---- == ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. It maintains healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by stimulating and renewing the hair-growing processes. HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. M. 8S. 0. SHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other bair health ingredients, which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition. Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then'! apply about two tablespognsful, which will fnstantly work up oceans of lather that will thorov fhly cleanse the scalp, and after thorough rinsing will leave the hair beautifully soft, Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, will be convinced of our claims. Price 50 Cents All Druggists, Everywhere, or {f your dealer cannol supply pou with the genuine write us. MUTUAL SALES CO. 32 Front Street West Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches - For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to J. E. IVEY, STATION AGT. or M, Ci DUNN, gry AGT, Or write R. L. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 King | CLALIT LY. 1 LXV Yl \ILWAY Crothers' King St. Bakery New Ship ment Just iv Pratt's Animal Regulator, Pratt's Poultry Regulator, Pratt's Cow Remedy, Pratt's Baby Chick Food, Pratt's Disinfectant (Liquid and Powder), . Pratt's Cholera and Roup Remedy, Pratt's Cold and Heave Cure, Pratt'sLiniment for Man or Beast. J.R.B.Gage, Montreal St. Phone 549 A i, a Cook's Cotton Root Compound; A safe, reliable o regulating mediet. Bold in three dee Joes of Jirenath--No. 1 n Sold by po N all druggists, or i Free pumpien" aides THE COOK MEDI TORONTO, OR" (Farmers Wise! NA ct ir ALINE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Points in ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKAT- CHEWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION- AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH BAY, SARNIA OR TORONTO. Round trip tickets will be sold at LOW FARES Golng each TUKSDAY from MAY STH fo OCTOBER 30th, 1917. Retarn Hmit of two mouths, excluding date of An extension of time limit, not exces ng two months, on Homeseekers' the keta mold in May, June, aud nly only, enn he had on payment £ @ on Sfop-over privileges may be had st Winnipeg and West, wise berween Cochrane and Hearst, o> Pap particulars, apply to J. P, Agent, Corner Johuson and Ontario streets. a tt A AA tl ti CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamilton, Toronto, Picton, Kingnton, Cormwall, Montreal sad Quebec, EASTBOUND "Relleville" Lv, Toronto 10 p.m. Monday, Ar, Kingston, Wednesday, 5 a.m. "City of Ottawa" Lv, Torente 5 p.m. ednraiuny, Ar. Kingston, Thursday "( a re Hamilton" Lv, Toronto, § pam. Saturday, Ar. Kingston Sunday ® a.m. WESTRBOUND "Belleville" Lv, Montreal 7 p.m, Fri. day. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m.; Pleton, Monday a.m, "City of Hamilton" Lv. Montreal, 2 pm, Tuesday, Ar. Kingston Thurs- day a.m. "City of Ottawa" Lv, Montreal 12 noom Saturday. Ar, Kingston, Monday a.m. For further Misormation, apply Phones 208 or 3 M. BE. PARKS, r SE IAM [ITD Ad A (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and Thies local Agents or to The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General 50 King Street East, Toronto. General Agent. Genta, ae acentury--and sold e Refingey that name-- BY it wil ATH. "Let Redpath Sweeten it."

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