Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1917, p. 3

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_THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1917. rAGE THREE : lpiTTsBURG DIVORCE Sei Dungen MacNeil Woup KE 10 BE REE CASE IS DISPUTED. Tol d In | | . Probs: Thursday, fair and warm. Em 1 1 WAY 3 tor so Glminens Games Deine | : { REINFORCEMENTS , 0 cce e inaings : ' i" r Mao. ¥ { Canadian Soldier of First ( ontingent | of the Senate. ? Twilight | | Halifax NS Writes Remarkable Letter to Pic-| An ( + despatch s 1 | i OUR GREAT MAIL ORDER COM. fon fedative Lo on Priy 1 J he, ga it L oe Oo . B Co ] sone )t | . PARISON SALE GOES ALL 2% oon ae were sire (i SPIRITEDLY. Kent, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. | |] * Misses Bessie Smythe, Flor- |} ate granted a 0 riate ante 8 3 orce. ) nee. CHns ngham, Frances Cotton | il . ciples ell Some Exceptional Values ra Le OCI ) bell Waldron, y vidence 'before . evidence efore Kent, petitior 2 bi lice Hague Dorothy "ut a plete cu . 4 wk s We th Si se neue, | f A free sample of Dr. Cassell's Tab-! more 1an one Canadian on the sub ie case was 4 of Mrs, Flor Wh ser ' : | letd will be sent to you on receipt of | ject They 2 all strong a nst ence Ke nned of Pittsburg, Fron- "'" } . s ¥ | UN or én omaor ! ow 5 eents for mailing and packing. Ad-' 4nd a Gove rnment whi passes it tenac county, who is seeking a di Sov infor . vv, | \ dress: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ktd.,! wil be short-lived on our return. It voree from her husband The com-] . ~°Voia 18 org! eines have been |} 10, M'Caul-st., Toronto, 'a disgrace to our fallen irades | mittee reviews Senate divorce I : ily NET S Wise H ) s Tablet Yo i surest - : 5 ; hut Agia) Soents the: Nien race Evans ¢ Miss gely, To- 3 Dele cts ar [to be reinfo 1 but usually accepts the judgmen gelagarzy ol oe The values offered for Thursday's ed by consc 3 \ ronto, who are ensi Senate Divorce Committee T I on at A TTanst 82 1 |= Senin Divel STOEMOrS." wv 4 § selling should command the attention of | may seem, most of the ¢ } v fellows ar apparently quite de OTTAWA SCHOOL MUDDLE Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Barrie! e h f lighthd with th re ss Louise Ki , ri very thrift mgs s lighted with the outlook wherea street, asked a few friends to tea on | y 1 y Ki g tonian their own country has shown a very, Five Christian Brothers Now In- Monday afternoon. ] BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR poor example Borden may have volved in Court, : sal ' LY Bo j done some good in London, Gut Toronto, June. 27 A motion by Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Minnes ote] 1 4 1 Faris, Tog commits of Br URREiFy) aves They. put a Jot of gueer not! Togunie: June 27.4 motion bv Dr. sd Mes. RS. Minncs, Ott. Fine quality natural balbriggan shirts and drawers in all sizes, 32 s A tions in his head - Would that I were , LIONS " h t | shortly for a few weeks at Tadousac. | to 46. Sale price Tt re te teat cir ces ve te ee ee 45¢ to Ottawa the hearing o and n r tron cay t © same 0 tr I Pr not in the army so [ could rite | 4h tion 1 n "hairme Mrs. John McKi , visiti he Sole ro tors: Dr. ( Oi s Co., some st . . . i 0 commit Chairman a Is Fey and ON on | DIMITY UNDERWEAR Tt Manchodon. Foy . writing Saks ten or th Genest for disobedience . nae 1] A ier Of th" to the injunction granted by Justice! Mack street. left on Tuesday for her 10 doz. only white dimity shirts and drawers: short leg and short . Lad an oxved ArY | Lennox on December 17th 1914, re- ir al | No. 1 must spend my time ang Xda' straining the board from employing] Mrs J. L. Gurd went to Toron'o sleeves; most sizes; a regular 50c garment. Sale price FOR SALE i ! Pan y time and mon unqualifi teachers was refused by on Monday for a visit. NI RBG strangers, where an officer; ¢ tice Falconbridge at Os Gordon Smith, Johnsons street, | GHT SHIRTS leave every pfour months| ,_ o 7.°° srdshin enls spent the week-o + ' y » goode Hill. His Lordship enlarged | spent the week-end in Toronto. Fine white cotton night shirts, extra well made in full sizes. TS once a year if we are . moti to be brought + = sine vhat I can gather the up again on two days' notice, as the Mrs. Bulkeley and her baby, Littl Special values at $1. 25. Sale price Th te te er ee ee ea 98¢ A 1916 Studebaker | ii: . eon cndires t mer the Lindo izes wdures this co xamination of five Christian broth. | Falls, N.Y., are th sts of Mr. | " th wre they expect I wonder | : 2 Bye Dhristia eo as Mrs. A Mac lean, King Rot E | BLACK SILK SOCKS Four cylinder, first class ry to prove the al condition. me so much he Wen who are mak-| ged gisobedince to the injunction.) Canon and Mrs. Walsh: whe are 10 doz. black silk socks with lisle foot -- double toe and heel; a ing Si He iq pal me - " 3 F 2 ng so much noise about conscrip The five brothers have refused to the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. w. | mes (es 3 son wh 1 of Reine vse. Sqr, Juesione upon examination | Brown aro. rewraiag to. Drempton regular 50c value. Sale price... . .. .. 35c or 3 pair for $1.00 [We have no say at all. And all we| "0° tho, Onlatgemont was 10 yer) Miss Freda Burns and Miss val "SNAG PROOF" OVERALLS of motigns to commit the quintette Boyd's Garage [San 40 is (0 bear it until we are free, |, Lu Coon, have jecsived orders from Ot. I 120 heavy denim Snag Proof Overalls, sold Tht 4 in Kingsion at 129 Brock Street. [nd Hon wat out: romet hing el tawa and leave on Sunday for Mont- happen that will startle vou "he r to © fT on 9 5 - ~ Canadian irmy has some strange in Had Awful Attacks ob io ofl Yor Boel | Veta Aigo $2.00 and $2.25. Sale price AEE E RE: EEE ET ". . $1 48 7 ------ -- J iv idawis jo le Tanke, and perhaps of Heart Trouble nes, Gram Martin, Nora Martin, | WORK SHIRTS : we . A s Johnston, Dorothy Chown, |say. Do not come to the conclusion FOR 5 OR 6 YEARS Jee res pm Nora ro Uslow | | Made of good quality duck and denim, 1 in havy and black, plain that I am disheartened. Far from it. Diseases and disorders of the heart | [1210 UEIow ona sariofie camp- | and Paige) the famous "Sandow Brand." Regular $1.00 and IT manage as well as the next, hoe [| 20nd nervous system have bec OMe ing at Murton's Point. | write under the conditions under [rightfully prevalent of late years. | Miss Mildred Jones, King street. | $1 25 Sale price 89 which we live." One cap scarcely pick up a paper who has been visiting Mrs. Ferris. | [IH * * tr¥ sr wus a eww cr rs eee th ae ee ae ase Cc but he will find recorded instances Staten Island, returned home on' | | t and, ret | . of sudden deaths through heart fail- | Tuesdav | | Spee ial Rates For Fairs, ure, or of prominent men and wo- | | Tuesday. . ss i ii | . Diffieulty that has confronted the men unable to prosecute their ord- | Mrs. B. Carr-Harris and yong} Centril Exhibition Associa-|jnary business or profession on ac-| gon are leaving next week for To-| imi ted { 2 tion in securing special railway fares: count of a breaking down of the| onto ! e 0 ar | for the ex bition has been over- nervous system | Miss Bates entertained at a de | come. i with Andoctdtion Nia pi a We do not desire to unnecessarily | ight ful picnic on Saturday for her = Si ' alarm anyone, but to sound a word | pupils % Nr = - A | bd "7 Passe Nes Amocmtion {or speci) of warning Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Waddell and Toronto to spend a | Furnishings lern i emir gid) Queues, oan When the heart hegins to beat ir-| the Misses Waddell, Earl street, are | : « s ® nl ore Io a ' ario and points! regularly, palpitates and throbs, hes | at their cottage at Loughboro Lake. | CL re Hes a 3 ' oe: shooting pains through it, it is time | Mrs. Charles WW. Livingston ar- Miss Saunders, Ear! Street, Is | visiting her sister, Mrs. Kennedy Just received a large shipment of summer From Kingston, Prescott Brock to stop and think | d lay to visit Mr. and | ville & ds t a wil § . rive on urda) V 2 anda | 3 ith oron ts { be ind adjacent points, there 1 To all sufferers from heart and | Mrs. C. Livingston. Barrie street, af | McHlwraith, Toronto rugs. The famous De Luxe be single fare ton al roads on Sep- tember 11th and 13th, good for re- | Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. [turn within three days There will | Nerve Pills ran give prompt and| Misses W mor, Bellexinie Sun- friends in Guelph be a rate of a fare and a h rom | Permanent relief. George Spangenburg Of SUB" Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. | September 10th to 14th, g to re- Mrs. Frank Arseneau. Newcastle, | day for his home in Denver. | Montreal, have moved to their sum- Rockers, chairs and 0 el Sunda S [turn up to September 19th, on an N:B. writes: "I had awful attaeks| « eo | mer cottage at Orford Lake. Miss roads from all stations in Ontario | ©f heart trouble for the past five or | Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Eyssell, Kan- | Marjorie Pense, who is at present settees--a complete line. 124 Pri and hohe! a oud including | SIX years. and as I had tried many sas, Mo., are expected to arrive in |their guest, will spend the summer 2 rincess Street. [the >'R. and C.N.R. Toronto Sud . Edison Phonographs . . . White Sewing Machines kinds of medicine without gotting | Kinston on Saturday to visit Capt. | with them bury lines, and taking in Quebec city b p . : tov R25 Uni Branch: Princess & Division Sts and places in Vefmont. ? Fo > Twn Lassie 2 ihe Jo, ap NM - -- Bisnekiey.- 183 Carr] Mrs. Robert Jefferson, Battleford, Limited. ir ---------- 1 | Mrs Lindsay Malcolm Albert nerve troub © pr h 3 . rve troubles Milburn's Heart and | ter spending the past week with the street, has returned from visiting The members of the Government and to m y, turprise I found ease from G. Y. Chown and Miss May Chown 15 the guest of her sister, Mrs. Colin e second dose continuec . ! Miss } 3 N---- J Interviewed referred the deputation | { tne m until 1 had vend ri tie have retarned from the west. { Hamilton, Earl street. to D'Arcy Scott, of the Dominion |r I feel as well as can be Miss Annie Minpes is expected to |. Mrs. Wheeler, Ottawa, who is o J i ; ) | Reeve James H. Cla: ®, Hunger- | Railway ( 'ommission, and he gave eh °F rese nt ti jme my Slater Js spend her holidays with her parents, , spending a few weeks at Rockport , ) oe and Mrs. --- Minnes, Bagot was in town on Saturday. ford, went to Belleville last week to | th pre ' the promise that the railway : : attend the County C 2) k 16 promise rat the ra lway com- eat comfort by their use A a ounai Wt was | panies would be permitte by the 1 irn"s Heart and Nerve Pills are street | > : * I ou a that he had to hurr, to | commission to place n ry train : tory, three botes for 31.35 At al] Alan M. Jones was In town from Miss Jessie Smith, Wellington oronto where he was o rate > i ~ x a] t dealers; or mailed direct on receipt of E > { Sg for afipendiciis perated rio | So) pment at the disposal of Re price By nS T. Milburn Co. Limited Ottawa this week street, returned from Ottawa on ---- fairs Toronw,, On* ; Mrs. C. T. Casselman is leaving Tuesday Miss "Sybil Kirkpatrick, Johnson RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR mo RRERRRRRRRRRRRRRR Barto wet por ten on mom Adams. Miss Helen Hague, Montreal, is 7 [ the guest of Miss Hilda Hague, Uni- 9 ® versityl avenue, who entertained In- formaHly at the tea hour in her honor . = on Monday. - - . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr and | little daughter. Madeline. who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A Sawyer, University avenue, for the past week, are leaving on Thursday for their home at Wawanessa, Man. Andrew Shaw, Ottawa, is spend- . ® ® . | RR erore onscription tarts !| mosis his brother, D. A. Shaw. Mrs. Browett"s return to the city = for the summer months was retard- TT TT OA OAS = ed and nearly prevented hy a taxi accident in Detroit on May 2nd. She will return to active duty very | soon. Be Our boys at the Front must have assistance and this city and district are asked to Re-inforce the 21st Battalion This famous fighting battalion was recruited in and around Kingston. Its glorious record in France has brought fame and ho nor to the whole Dominion. The 21st Battalion Draft Recruiting headquarters will be at the Recruiting Depot, 187 Princess street; open daily from 8 am. to 10 p.m. Good Chances for Promotion *. & = Misses Helene and Anna Corrigan Re love returned home after attending Bongard, Ryerson & Co. the past year at the Ursuline Col- 9 | Chath J" eK innoR. assistant Supa. MEMBERS OF TORONTO STOCK tendent- of railway mail service at EXCHANGE North B h aken summer Forth at Fo i Ween 15 amily. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS & COTTON Major Arthur Mills, D.S.O.. son of the late Bishop of Ontario, has Private wires to Toronto Montreal and ' LiyiTed on leave and with h's moth- Mrs. Lennox Mills, is the guest of the Archdeacon and Mrs. Morton New York, | fe the rectory, University street, | nie", 1 | Howard S. Folger, | is M G. Craig, 78 Barri or will a on Friday, on Ki Manager. h M Balme nd iss nh Mo Rg ha Bog ingston Address, 44 Clarence St. will receive with her Phone 995. IConhted on Page 10.9, | Toronto Address, 85 Bay street. ARE BEING "BOARDED" Party of Returned Soldiers Has Ar- rived on Way Here, A message from Quebec states that part of the 700 convaleecents, who ecently arrived at Halifax will be sent on to Kingston as soon as they have been before a medical board. Lieut.-Col. W. T. Connell is expect. ing some 200 at the Queen's Mili- {tary Hospital to undergo treatment = R ka mn - | = od wm 3 Qualified instructors are now much needed and eligible recruits will be given a chance to qualify for promotion at the Infantry School of Instruction a, for the wounds they receive in 100 MEN ARE WANTED-THE 21ST NEEDS YOU NOW! BA Rm Ri ® Ri J Officers in charge: = I i a. Will find this the best place to buy your Ox- Ba =m L mm. m fe It you Are, Boing west{ take 'ad- fords for summer wear. Prices range from $4.00 vantage o ow ou ex- cursion fares offered by the Can- to $5. 00 for the best. Ne Rail i - Sian Soniners Railway, good For | Full line of canvas, Hubber soled shoes in stock. lterafure and ail information ap- ply to J. E. Ivey, station agent, or M. C. Dunn, city agent. Jac 0 'S een Mrs. E. B. Judson. Syracuse, N.Y... has given $12.000--3$1.000 a 70 Biock Street. month during the coursé of the war. to the Red Cross Soclety. / Low Fares to W. Lieut. G. B. Emery Capt. A. Trousdale Lieut. C. S. Stewart. Apply at the Recruiting Depot : 187 Princess Street mRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ®| mRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR i a)

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