Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jun 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1917. | aye particular about his standin'." QUEEN'S GENERAL HOSPITAL] +27. very casual view of the life and work carried on by » 102 sisters and MISS HELEN "DRUMMOND GIVES le medical officers of No. 7 Can- AUTHORIZED PICTURE OF IT. |adian General Hospital, but if it 'is { hard for the reader three thousand An Interesting Description of the | miles away to realize the extent of . the work done it is equally hard Big Institution and of the Diver- |! : y ig for the writer to give a complete sity of Human Beings Who Enter | picture of that work Suff ce it to | "Out of the High Rent District." Ie. say that nowhere in France is the O'Connor's LADIES' Exclusive Following is a racy account of | British Tommy better cared for, ® ® the situation and life at No. 7 [housed and fed than in the Queen's | eCcla of [ es (Queen's) Canadian General Hos- pital. It was written by Miss Helen University Base Hospital, No. 7 | . Drummond, of th Q n"s rt i For the Balance pf this Week on All DS 3 Pray Anti | General class of 1916 and published with! the consent of Colonel Etherington: FAMOUS 9s ST BATTALION Lines of A long, straight road, with the | dust blowingkin our eyes, troops by | the thousands tramping by, in i | CALL IS BEING JING ISSU ED TO RE- For Ladies, Girls and Children distgmce, long ridges of sand sil- INFORCE THIS BODY houetted against a blue sky and be- : > A Large Stock of Correct Sytles to Choose From. fore us a cluster of low huts of {which Has Won so Much Distinction BARGANS i in Millinery -- Stock Must Be st in ious r e . mo unpretentious appearanc and Glory Battlefields of this is No. 7 General Hospital, the | : Flanders--There is Keen Inter- Hats to Suit Every Face--At Low Prices. PAGE FIVE New York's Latest Shoe for - Ladies This is a very fine white canvas low, laced shoe, rubber sole and high, very stylish heel. It is New York's latest dressy sport shoe. 5 The most comfortable of all summer footwear. Call and see them. on the biggest and busiest hospital in | France, at least so it seems to us est in Kingston Over the Gallant | 21st, who work there. We are not flone, | No battalion from this district has for on either side are the large im- ari h 2 i { perial hospitals, while a hundred | won more distinction and glory than [the famous 21st, organized and| yards or so down the sandy road {trained in Kingston under such al stands No. 1 Canadian General, 'hich een he since the first | . - Wi ye een, Bere. since Ges | capable officer as Lt.-Col. (now Gen-| ' | hy 7. 8 DH S. To an outsider, who has but the | eral). w. § : Rierie Hutnes { ome -------- _-- AR vaguest idea of active service the Brig.-Gen ughes was in com-| Ww EEE EES E ---- group of low huts, with its back- | mand of the 14th regiment when the . # ny ee. 'war broke out and he quickly rallied | T 'C But very Hille Kea. of What a how. hundreds of the most experienced | \ the centre table piled with dress- | In the trenches, on the battlefield | fice and many may be Abernethy's Shoe Store A At tat tata" When the Sandman Comes How lafe you feel when you place baby in this free-from-worry crib. The high sides prevent baby from climbing over, the upright filler rods are close together that GET AFTER A NEW STRAW HAT ut very little ide v a hos- : 383 pu BY oh do oa 0f hai a hos | soldiers in the various active militia ||} of over two thousand really is. but | units of This division. The evening | could they 566 the inside "the long {of their departure, in the spring of | Tows of beds, each with its patient | 1915, will ever be a memorable one . 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 ings and surgical supplies of every | °f Flanders, they have covered them-| . is 3 [seleves with glory, and their career| : ' 3 = sort-- then they would understand |Seleves with Flory, a " rss re Kingston's Leading Ready-to-Wear Store. Tort outer ey would understand | "cen followed with keen Inter- : jest by the citizens of Kingston. Many | paid the supreme sacri-| occupant--the cléan wooden floors, | IP the history of tais old city. {of them have he seen w alking | very lfttle-en active serv.ce Facing the 10ad stand the "acute surgical' huts. communicatirlg with them are the two operating-theatres, X-ray department and the den- Behind are row the al department after row of wards, any in the cen (tre are the administration building, | the quartermaster's stores and the | cookhouse Behind them again are more 'wards, while at the extreme | A our streets daily, wearing the famil- | | iar bar In France to-day this battalion is still under the command of a Kings- tonian, Major Harry E. Pense, who! writes that at Vimy Ridge and in the recent great offensive they have heen in the thick of it. It is to help the men of this battalion that the call is now being issued Let it not be in vain. For full information apply at the recruiting office, 187 Princess street at any hour during the day. | | -- TT ---- | i SWAT the Fly! Fly Catchers, Pads and Swatters, at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Phone 41. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. Store See Our Window Display. Straw hats are light in weight, and afford a pleasing relief from the compressing ef- fect of the soft or hard hat. Ih TH] mh Fu Whether you prefer a Pan- 4 ama or Sailor wide brim or | so narrow brim, you are sure to b } } find a hat to suit you in the & 7 CAMPBELL collection, and at v aby cannot get caug nt almost any price you wish to mn them. and oo Pay. ELA Us Arrangements Being Made for Out- | s Baby mo lo Re ower we and: + asl|| Sor. in sennit, or spit lll high chairs and doll carriages. many | «. R. Powers, who is to act as straw, in the most popular di- | camp director at the annual Y. M mensions of brim and crown. outing to be held at Grenadier $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. has already re- | back are the great marquees for | the walk ng patients, accommodat- | ing eigiity each Each of the thirty- | nine wards holds thirty about a dozen trestles, which are: laid down to accommodate the overflow The convoys nearly al- night, and if .you | night | "indicat on is beds, and HE V . . > ways arrive at THE Y.M.C.A. CAMP. happen to be a hardworking sister, the very first generally the arrival of the who orders so walkers Cheap When you come to us for eye how cheap we can make them--but how Our treatm ent is fair to you. pocket book. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Optician and Optometrist, Opp. Post Office. glasses we do mot figure good to meet your Phone 699 | quickly as you can hear the tramp of the stretcher bearers from the admit- ting hut, as they carry their bur- | dens to the wards. Soon the doors the lights switch on, and the | stretcher open, first is carried in As | possible the patient is | lifted into bed, bathed, attended to, and pain, he generally drops off to sergeant, trestles down, according to the num- A + MM. ber of wounded who are being {C. A. d at G adi brought down the line. Shortly af | Island this summer. has s ady | terwards the hospital train pulls in, | ceived fifteen applications | I ® and is met hy the ambulances, all | boys and young men who want to | driven by girl's, and 'n a short time | spend several weeks beside the | : | St. Lawrence. Mr. Powers his wounds | unless in severe from mighty St expects to leave about Saturday to | open the camp prior to the coming of the boys on Tuesday next. It is expected that there will be about {twenty at the camp, and arrange- ments may be made to have junior teams from Alexandria Bay and Thousand Island Park come to the camp to play baseball. Special values in fine Pan- amas, with black and colored bands. Special values. $4, $5, $6. James Reid The Busy Store and Leading Undertaker with the Motor Services. Campbell - y : KINGSTON'S NEW ELECTRIC STORE | The Store of Real Styles. | Now that the warm weather is here why not buy one of our ¥ electric irons and enjoy ironing day. If you require any new fixtures or shades, we have a large assortinent of dainty shades, and our fixtures are of the newest desjgn. sleep for very weariness-- many of them not having slept for nights | At Lake Ontario Pagpk. A Successful Picnic DEPENDS ON SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Peanut Butter Olive Butter Potted Meats Paris Pate Camp Coffee and Cocoa Peanut Butter. ! A SUCCESSFUL PICNIC Cooked Ham Pork and Beans Olives Welsh Rarebit Chicken a la King Sardines aa a A a a a ig your If the night Is a busy one, some- |inc tne vaudeville held the interest | tmes we fave both convoys and |i ihe audience. Bert Lamont show- THE with what good management and walking and unsu pported ladder | dispatch these are carried on: the | yo lancing in 'a neat showmanship | T™ > Poi { | way The act is original, iy ean wards being given to the sisters, the many novelties. Bert Crowley, the | A IN viru woos BURKE & GRAHAM eo se ey 2 "blighty" clothes by the orderlies. |. }is changes and his rendition | , TP. Coons: Phone 423 § 72 Princess St. and are carried on stretchers to the | ot jirrerent numbers. especially his | BEET AP FIAAD TO ALL GRNCINE PACKETS | checked over by the sergeant-major |. "The Sunshine of Your Smile." to ensure absolute correctness. Out- | The Pathe Gazette, with the war i ed up, into which the stretchers are . { of ius Ni " s 8 3 to-night. To-morrow there will be | | ALL SIZES PICNIC BASKETS carefully lifted. and from thence to [17 "08h Tomorrow there will IN I 'OUR HAY AND FEED hem to the coast, and at last home | i" : -- ' t : . : | Mrs. Ronald Lewis, organist at Crawford 8 rocery, across the Channel, the Mecca °f| John Street Presbyterian Church, ! | will put flesh on horse and | | sented at choir practice with a piece | We supply the feed for many of { Record of 23,000 Patients. | of silver. She is retiring. | the finest horses and you'll find -| = Since its arrival at Etaples in --- { everyone of them looking fine and November, No. 7 has a record of |dandy. Try it on your horse. It 1440 Bottles of ABBEY"S 3,708 X-rays. These sound like bold [ousaron os W. F. McBROOM 'Phone 1686. From $1.50 to $25 before being admitted to hospital. | 44 [ake Ontario Park last even- | evacuations, and it is wondeiful | oy versatality by Introducing wire | T Repairs of all kinds promptly attended to. list of names with" their respective | with | ratients are then dressed in the | tamale impersonator, won applause ® smtoms for PRE ARD.N.W (Opposite Robertson's Crockery Store). admitt'ng hut, where the names are [Spanish song, "Espanona" and | side the hut the ambulances are lin- | pictures, was good. The same bill the hoepital train, which carries | every Tommy. | Belleville, for some time, was pre- {put him in better shape every way "Good Things To Eat." Phone 26 gs 10 . one 23,600 patients, 3,137 operations, fit pay. facts to the casual reader, but could EFFERVESCENT SALT they picture the actual scene--the 26 YEARS ACO operating theatres and X-ray, run- ning day and night if needs be--the Regular 23¢ per bottle, on sale Friday and Saturday, 2 Bottles y for War Tax Extra. Only two to each customer. 1000 Pounds of freshly roasted, properly ground, nicely flavored Breakfast Coffee, regu- lar 50c value, on sale Friday and Saturday, 2 pounds for 51c. 000 large packages of Sun Ammonia Pow- der, Friday and Satutday, 2 for 16c. MARKET SQUARE. Austin's Red Cross Drug Store, White C anvas Shoes Fashion Says: "Wear white canvas shoes." A complete assortment of stylish shapes and designs for men and women. Suitable footwear for all out-door sports and recreations. ~ Allan M.. Reid, 111 Princess Street. J rows of stretchers lined up outside, the steady tramp of the bearers as they carry the patients to and from the wards, the care and attention given by the sisters, medical offi- cery and orderlies to every man-- they would then realize that behind the bare recital of statistics lies a world of its own, where medical science battles day and night to mend the broken bodies of the men who have given their lives for Eng- land. Side by side, in the long ward they lie, the patient British Tommy, the lean, long Australian, the merry Canadian--all good friends, all indulging im wordy discussions as to how they would have arrang- ed the last "push," all eager to get over to 'Blighty, and one and all with a pleasant smile as you pass down the ward. It is amusing to hear the disputes between the Tom- mies and the Canadians as to the merits of their respective countries, but what is even funnier, are the heated arguments between perhaps a long, lanky Black Wateh High- lander, brought up as a orthodox Presbyterian, and a little Tommy from the Midlands, who has had the tefiets of the Prayer Book drill- ed into him by the village curate: "A dinna hold wi' you Episcopal- fans," remarked a lantern-jawed Scot one day. "How's that, Jock?" enquired the C. of E. adherent with interest. "Because ther's too much kneel- in"; a body in a kilt has his knees to conseeder," answered Jock with some asperity. They are very particular, too, about their rank. "Good morning, Jones" --this a very small person, swathed in bandages. "My, but you're such a little chap." "A'm no so wee, when a've me cap on," returned a slightly indignant voice from beneath a layer of cotton 4 corporal, too." then ensue, which are graciously received, and the voice adds politely, "Aweel, 'twas no your fault, sister, but when a body's that stumpy, he has to be Ald. N. C. Polson and wife are summering at Winchester Springs. Telephones will be placed in the Mayor's office and the City Coun- cil chamber. Sunday street cars were quite pop- | ular to-day, owing to a heavy down-| pour of rain: { W. McCammon and A. Lanigan came to the rescue of two boys who | were dumped out of a boat near | Cedar Island. t "HAD INDIGESTION | Could Keep Nothing on Stomach Indigestion is one of the worst forms of stomach trouble. The stom- ach becomes 'upset and you have a raw, debilitated feeling in it. After a meal you feel that you must get rid of that nasty, bilious, burning sensation; that souring and rising of the food which is so unpleas- ant and in many cases very painful. It is not necessary for you to be troubled with indigestion when Bur- dock Blood Bitters may be so easily obtained. This old and well-known remedy, which is a combination of nature's best roots, herbs, barks and berries, will cure indigestion and all stomach troubles. Mr. Lazare Savoy, Pokemouche, N.B., writes: "About two years ago I was troubled with indigestion that bad I could keep nothing on my stom- ach. 1 was sorely disappointed in everything I tried to relieve me. At last a friend advised me to try Bur- dock Blood Bitters. I took four bot- tiles and can. now eat anything that is set in fromt of me." has been on the market for the past forty years, and we claim, without Manufactured by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FOR BEST RESULTS in Developing and Printing, Try Us. Prouse"s Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. STH CGENTORY | BEVERAGE | For Everybody. In Bot- | tles Only. Carling's, Porter Made 'from pure spring water and bottled at the Brewery, London, Ont. J.R Henderson, AGENT. 50-61 Brock 'FALLON BROS., | 42-44 Princess St. MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stoch | of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. [aa ] Chaice Selection of Spring duitings Prices "Reasonable Ore Grawford & Walsh TAILORS Princess and Bagot Streets.

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