Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1917, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1917. PAGE TEN RAILWAY EI i Lh SYSTEM HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Te: Points in A, MANITOBA, SASKAT- KWAN & BRITISH COLUMBIA, Via COCHRANE and "THE NATION. AL ROUTE" or CHICAGO, NORTH RAY, SARNIA OR TORONTE, Round trip tickets will be sa) at LOW FARES Gulug each TURSDAY Jfrom MAY STH COLONEL DENISON'S ADVICE. fs | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | (By Frances Walter) oF You may want to change your automobile, or your piano, or even your home-- but you will never want to change the COFFEE, .when once you taste the delectable flavour of Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. 5 In 3%. | and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--also fine ground for Perco Never sold in bulk. British Statesmen Now Healize That | He Was Right. More than once men from the British overseas Dominions have given the statesmen at "Westminster very sage advice. Just at the present | time Kpeonjc of the Old Land are learning from) bitter experience of one Canadian who was more far sighted than they realized. The food condition in the British Isles is very serious just now. How different would have been the situation if British statesmen had bad ears to hear the warnings of such sound- headed friends of the Empire as Colonel George T. Denison of Toron- | to. Few men have had their opin- ions on public questions so justified by events as Colonel Denison. It must give him ironic amusement to look about him and behold among the host of his disciples so many of those who heaped ridicule on his ideas of twenty years ago. In 1897 | he went to England as the delegate of the British Empire League in Can- ada to jmpress its views on certain | questions, and especially to urge the | taking of vigorous steps to provide | that the British food supply should be grown within the Empire. Those who have not read Colonel Denison's "The Struggle for Imperial Unity" should get it and read it now. There The free trial bottle of MARY T. GOLDMAN'S HAIR COLOR RESTOKREF gray bh J n man and place of that to you. | business affairs at this time = { which should exist betwes wife As to time and jour reunion, 1 leave io not know what have a <laim upon you | but whatever claim there iz [ do not wish yo disregard it. We have waited this long and we can wait yet a while 'but [ hope the time will not be far distant when we may be to gether "I do wan® vou to think that I am in need, for IT am not I am with Mariam and whatever is neces- sary for support will be readily furnished by her until you can repay her not worry about that part of my situation. Go ahead with vour work and when it is finished either return to yourvhome here or tell me where | can join you. You may be sure that I shall do as you wish, for 'my only thought now is te prove vou that I am your very dutiful wife" As | read these words over a sec ond time [ was struck with the fact I WRITE TO ARTHUR. - the al; does the McClure . hing. Muke i i = wis test on sir and you will never accept a cheap imitation. Thea buy a full 1 bottle trom your druggist or rect {roam we. Bat be sure that the bottle you buy is Me real Mary T. Goldman's. Send for tric] botte today and say whether your hair is naturally black, dark It brown, medium ! or Mght brewn. 1 ; | sible, send a Jock your letter, Mary T. Goldman | 62 Temperance St., Toronto, Can. Goldman Bidy., St. Paul, Mina. E.'ablished SO Years Free Trial Bottle | | ered Mariim's ad |: nd that it The more 1 pc the more 1 f¢ fed with the dictates of my own con | selence Arthur should be told the {truth He should not be permitted to believe that | had deserted him for another man. It was my duty to keep alive in his heart a firm belief in my honor I owed it to him as his wife If he had acted hastily, that was his fault and his should be | the atonement; but his sin of com | mission would not excuse my sin of | jon I should write him fully telling him without reservation ev erything that had befallen me on {that fateful night when 1 was kid |napped by Harry Pendleton and of {my adventures throughout the weeks | which followed. Mariam was right | I obtained Arthur's Londen ad | dress without difficulty and then be gan the ardous task of narrating the coneid u to Ain evtension lug two mon kets gf in not lators, 182 mo both or part thereof, Stup-over privileges may be had ut Winnipeg and West, alse between Cochruue and Hearst, For fell particulars, apply te J. P. Hanley, Agent, Corner Johuscun aad Untarie streets. my City Bairy foe PASTEURIZED MILK AXD CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Official Test by H, BD. Smith, Milk test- ed 1.2 Hutter Mat. 24 JOMNSON STREET Phone 2083 A ----------------_ So do | omis (HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS to We Have a Nice Assortment of aration Pure Corn Syrup In 2-16. tins, 5-1b. pails, and 10-1b. | pails, which we are sel week only at the old price. 11 E. H. BAKER Montreal and Charles St, Phope 1263. Cor. C CATARRH} : OF THE me g for one {had failed miserably to put on paper actual ed "if 1 have not been able a true picture of what I have endur- ed, in the days which followed that incidents which had caused eur sep When the letter was finish- 'd | looked at it in dismay Indeed t was not a letter, but a book. There >» parts of it that did not satisfy "ant on the whole 1 felt that I] he vivid feelings which had been nine when | had been thrilled by the happenings which 1 describ- | concluded, to give you "But, Arthur dear," | it is the fault of my pen and not »f my heart You know everything You know why 1 left home that night and why you did not hear £rom me I know you must have suffered, but I, that they expressed a very different feeling from that which I once had toward Arthur, yet the words were true. I felt exactly as | wrote. Ar thur's absence and my own trials had changed me. [I was no longer the wilful, 'independent woman | once was Three years of married life had worked wonder It was even possible that | might be as sub missive as any spouse ever was. 1 might learn to look upon Arthur as "lord and master," just as was the case in olden times, for, after all is said and done a woman's way is very often marked by perverseness, and it just possible that | might not have been as gentle and kind as 1 should have been On the whole, [| believed Arthur would like my "book" and I allowed my fancy to dwell upon the kind of is they will learn how the colonel talk- ed to British statesmen and British audiences on this food question, and | in the light of present-day -~vents | they will be able to see, as clearly as | he saw then, that in the food-produc- ing resources of the Empire, proper- ly developed, lies the main defence of the Empire. At a meeting of the British Em pire League in London on the 5th of | July, 1897, he pointed out that for the daily bread of three out of every four | of her population Britain was. at that moment dependent upon two foreign nations. 'Let the method be what it may," he said, 'whether great na- tional. granaries, a cuty on 'ood, a bounty or what not, but let some- thing be done." In a discussion with the famous statistical authority, Sir Robert Giffen, Colonel Denison some | Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. The dragging weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the BEN muscles that the contour « ¢ the figure is spoiled. ut the bust back where it be longs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of Hab BX "ou biness, eliminate the danger of R A dragging muscles and confine the Bl Sl S flesh of Bl ibe shoulder giving = gra eful line to the entire upper bod They are the daintiest and most di HAE nable--come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with " Walohn," rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, {f not stock- ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. days later showed the fallacy of the | HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $335 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. letter to For engagement apply by |! | MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER | "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West hi og a 3 hil 4 e too, was a sufferer, and if your heart BLADDER | was racked with doubt of my faith- Relieved In 24 Hours Canada . on the map. thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via answer I should receive (To be continued.) | view that command of the sen would | of itself ensure a plentiful supply of foodstuffs, He was in England again | G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Whig's illustrated supplement may be secur- fulness, mine shuddered constantly because 1 could not get word to you Each Cap- sule bears the (MiDY) 4 name SJ 4 Beware of counterfeits 4 t t FOR SALE ' Farm of 150 Acres 135 of Plough Land, balance wooded, Township - of Pitts burgh, four miles from King- ston. Cheap. W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Street Phone 494 A reli. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 8 ulsting Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for So Wold at all Drug Stores. or mailed $0 say address on réceipt of puis. Tue SoosxLl DRUG Co., 88. Catharines, Ontario 'Realores PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. %i'os Vitality; for Nerve and Bmin; increases 'grey matter' ; a Tonle will bulld you up. $3 a box or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of price. Tux Scoseil Dave Co, St. Catharines, Ontario "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." a mn Mme, Steinheil Weds. London, June 27 While a big force of police kept a great crowd of the curious at a distance, Lord Abinger was yesterday married to Mme. Marguerite Steinheil. All Lon don apparently was attracted by the wedding and the streels were liter- ally jammed with men and women anxious to see the woman whose ac quittal in 1909 of the charge of murdering her husband and her mother created a sensation in Paris A resolution favoring eonserip- tion was passed by French'Canadlian War Veterans' Association of Mont- real. It will be sent to Premier Borden Rochester, N.Y.,, has given $1.- 631,170.02 to the Red Cross chest The original allotment was more an doubled. Ontario and Bruce County Coun- cils have decided to adopt the good roads system with provincial aid. It is expected that Greece will join with the Allies within three months' time. ne al [in | and because which actually happened me planation as soon as | was liberated Your lack of faith in me cut me to avoid would appreciate my feelings when [ realized that all my effort had been in vain and that, to my vows through evil and good report my husband was the only per- son who thought ill of me. me now, and I hope that our experi- ence will teach us both a lesson in the together. married life I hope that we can enter into the happiness which has been sa 1 feared the very thing expect an ex- much to you with too to "It was to fly he quick. If you only knew, Ar- hur, how scrupulous I have been to even the semblance of scan- ial ever since we were married you after | had adhered "1 know you will'no longer doubt hereafter in which we shall be When we resume our long denied us and that nothing shall happen to mar the perfect trust &Practical HH Dress MaKing| ary e Fol Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review Box.Plaited Coat of Summer Serge. Summer serge is used to fashion this smart looking coat, which Ras the fromt and back dor-plaited below @ square yoke. A large collar of self- material finishes the neck. This smart model fs fashioned of may bé white or blue. The coat is box-plaited and has a square yoke and open neck finished with a square collar. The front may be rolled back to form revers or buttoned in high effect. Cuffs finish the two-piece sleeves, but these may be omitted, if desired. 'In medium size the eoat re quires 25% yards S54-inch material As today's home dressmaking les son deals with the cutting of the coat it is necessary to study the guide, provided to simplify the work of the seamstress. First fold the material In half on a smnoth surface Any table large enough for the pur pose will do. Now, on the length- wise fold place the back «f the coat, then leave sufficlent spac: for the cuff and lay the collar and yokes on the lengthwise fold also The cuff is so laid on the serge that the large "0" perforations rest on a lengthwise thread. Above the cuff is the yoke, and to the left of the yoke, and opposite the back, are the lower sleeve section and underfacing, all of which sectionis have the large "0" perforations laid on a length- wise thread of material. The upper sleeve section and the pockets are placed above the yoke. The remain- ing material will be sufficient for the front of the coat and the belt The large "O" perforations in the front are aid on a lengthwise thresd and tho belt on a ¢rosswise fold. These little coats are in exeellont style for summer wear and may be ia tod rmaterials with «a1 devas? \ in 1899, and in a speech there he sald: "Our food should be grown under our own flag, or there should be large stores in England, 000,000 quarters (80,000,000 bush- els) additional in the British Isles a preference to the colonies soon produce the balance within the said that a system of preference to the cost of fopd. Crows and Other Birds, About the only bird that the aver- | age farmer notices particularly is the | crow, and that is because of the trouble that it gives him at corn- planting time, and for a few weeks; the useful birds are seldom recog- nized by him or other dwellers in the rural districts. If the fruit-grower, for instance, would give up sufficient of his time to observe the work done by robins, | woodpeckers, and other common birds, in cutting down the number of | harmful insects, he would be satis- | fied to devote a good deal of his time | to the protection of useful birds of | all sorts. i The great increase in the number | of crop-destroying insects of later | years and the resulting necessity for increased activity in spraying to pro- tect crops, is largely due to the de-| crease in the number of insectiverous birds, and who would not prefer hav- ing a number of birds protect his trees, to standing out day after day in a rain of poisonous liquid in order to ensure his fruit crop. To gain an idea of the benefits to be derived from the presence of a large number of birds in our fields it is only necessary to recount the experience of Mr. Nash, of the On- tario Department of Agriculture, who fed a robin 70 cut-worms a day for 15 days, and Mr. Treadwell, of the Boston Society of Natural History, who fed a young robin 68 earth worms in one day. Under the super- vision of the United States Biological | Survey the crops of 3,500 birds were examined. Thirty grasshoppers and 250 caterpillars were found in the crops of cuckoos. In the crop of a nighthawk 60 grasshoppers and in another 500 mosquitoes. Mr. Fur- bush, State Oruithologist of Mas- | sachusetts, estimates that a single | yellow-throated warbler will con-| sume 100,000 sphfds or tree lice in a day.' The protection of the useful birds, winter, and places should be set apart where the birds may nest with- | out being disturbed. : To return to the crow--even ja i The crow is a devourer of harmful | birds and insects and as such does more good to agriculture than harm. | Having produced a shallow brain, | nature usually tries to évem things! up by supplementing it with a fluent tongue. With the exception of some of he gold mines offered for sale by pro- | moters, there jsn't much left on | earth to discover. Money doesn't always lead to! but it helps materially in| the search. and a | preference which would increase the } growth of wheat to the extent of 10,- | would be the best-spent money for | defence that could be expended, and | would | Empire." Recently Mr. Lloyd George | could be established without adding | | ed from me. YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT ANYWAY. You ha a hard day Weary nerves frazzled you reach home Nothing w Md suit you better thay to stay right home But you go-out cabaret oud Parad yo want way want from home when to at home You try to sat¥sfy vour music hunger with a hand- wut around the corner That helps a Httle What you really want, though, is a musie feast in your own home in right shirt sleeves, dowm- comfort your own Plano or player-piano or tatking machine and tha whale world of music from vhich to choose the musle 0 fit your mood have a plan» or player piano pr . You are emtitled to one You're ay ing for it but not getting it. That at 1 go music hunting oasts as much, 0 own an instrument, player plano or talking machine ean sonable price, and the payments can fc huraing money will more than take us ft Over "The J. M. "GREENE MUSIC CO., Ltd. Sydenham and Princess Streets Phone 1324 mus The Note of Refinement An air of quiet distinction hangs around some ple like an atmosphere. So it is with Liril Toilet wy Its subtle odour of Parma Violettes is an out- -- indication of inward elegance. VINOLIA LIRIL SOAP Delicious sweet oils and scents used in the manufcture of Vinolia Lirii Soap make it the toilet soap for the coms plexion. Its continual use soothes the tender skin of youth just as. it sids 10 retain the bloom of youth to the elderly. Just try Vinolia Liril Soap today. All Druggists sell Vimolia Livil 10c. a cabe. Royal Visolia Tooth Paste 25¢. Royal Vinolia Face Creams 25¢ end up. Vinolia Face Powder 50c and up oT TEN, - VINOLIA COMPANY LTD. london TORONTO Paria ERrREEGEA les sIReR ween CP -------- Canadian Pacific Particulars from F. Conway, C. P. R. City Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1197. CANADA SS. LINES FREIGHT SERVICE Between Hamilton, Toronte, Pletes, Kingston, Cormwall, Meuntreal and. Quebec, EASTBOUND "Belleville" Lv. Toronto 10 p.m. Monday, Ar. Kingston, Wednesday, am. "City of Ottawa" Lv, Tereonte § p.m. Wednesday. Ar. Kingston, Thursday ® a.m. "City of Hamilton" Lv, Toronte, § pam. "Belleville" Lv, Montreal 7 p.m, Fri. day. Ar. Kingston, Monday 4 a.m. Pleton, Monday a.m, "City of Hamilton" Lv, Montreal, 2 pom. Tuesday. Ar. Kingston Thurs- y Sm. CUNARD LINE | Between Montreal and London (Calling Falmouth te land passengers) Montreal and Bristol For particulars of sailings and rates apply to local agents or to Thé Robert Reford Co. Limited, General Agents, $0 King Street East, Toronto, Generil Agest. Touring Car Service Phone 566 Office: Clarence St., near King. Barriefield Camp and All City Calls Promptly Attended To, A PA AAA Pl These Articles Are Very 1 Nice, Seasoned with Pun- gent Sauce called Hunger Horge Radish Cream, 10¢ Bottle Heinz Mustard Sapee, . 20e Buttle Mustard Salad ( ream 109¢ Bottle Blood Orange Marmainde Jeily, 15¢ Bottle Fry Our Steel Cut Colfer P.H. BAKER Princess and Fronteane Sta. > .. FOR SALE A 1916 Studebaker Four cylinder, first class condition, " Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street.

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