THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN eS E. COUNTRYSIDE to spend a couple Mrs. J. J. Teasdale Lattany and daughte the Misses Margaret and Dorothy Lettany, of London, Ont, arrive t | | week to spend this summer at Bern 1] Winnipeg months. Mrs. Fred ard Mills." Mrs. Henry Murphy, of Lachute, Qus&,, last week at her fatl Simmons. The W.M home of Mrs. Charles Stover on nesday afternoon last. 3 Switzer entertained the Miss at her home on Saturday af hy J surgeon in the Hotel Dieu. H. H. Frayne is the recent purchaser of an automobile. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the an- , 0) hy | ing his brother, Albert Price. A. R. | Hanton, sold a new auto last week 10} { Z | Mr. Wilson, Rock Spring. Several! s Pea does not seg ate in the | from here attended the funeral of | un Ba bottle --it is the same Frontenac nS DL yy CY IS FY CY PRY EP CIR YY 1% >. ; = 4 » § ; Py », : 4 » ) ) M hy ) p ) / < b) 4 ¢ 1&4 Ml : B s V) AJ % hl : ; ) % " - : 5 bh p p LD) ) RR i rere ; i Black, Again the 28th of the month brings to Victrola owners some Wonderful New Music on the July Victor Records JUST OUT No matter whether you are fort y- nate enough to go to the county or have to stay in the city, "you will find these Victor Records sparkling with joyous music. Dance to these fascinating selections 00 CENTS FOR TEN INCH, DOUBLF-SIDED From Here to Shanghai One-Step Victor Military © Poppy Time in Old Japan- Fox Trot Victor Military B Captain Betty One-Step Central American Marimba W | Kiss Me One-Step Central American Marimba Baod | $1.50 FOR TWELVE INCH. DOUBLE-SIDED Hawaiian Butterfly Fox Trot Victor Military Band | When It's Circus Day Back Home On: Step Victor Military Band 1 Can Hear the Ukuleles Cal ing Me Fox Trot \ Victor Military Baad Victor Military 8B.) 8) #22 Way Down in Arkansaw One-Step 3 $ Popular Music 90 CENTS FOR TEN INCH, DOUBLE-SID'D 'That Girl of Mine All the World Will be Jealous of Me Fve Got the Sweetest Girl in Maryland Thou Shalt Not Steal 'A Heart Away) ( Sterling rin) y Chas. Harrisca ) "83% American Qu! has H Hae) 1854 Beautiful Instrumental and Sacred Music 980 CENTS FOR TEN INCH DOUBLE-SIDED Neapolitan Trio} Won. H. Reitz | 83% Mr. & Mis. Wheeler | Eisie Bake: ; 1338 Instrumental Xylophone Solo The Dawn of Love La Cinquantaine What a Friend We Have in Jesus That Sweet Story of Old Appropriate Patriotic Selections for the 50th Anniversary of Upper and Lower Canada 90 CENTS FOR TEN INCH, DOUBLE-SIDED O Canada! Harold Jarvis | coq, Standard o' the Braes 0° Mar Harold Jurvis | Maple Leaf Forever Turner and Male Chorus | 104, Canadian National Airs--Medley Souss's Baad | 1 surenthan March Grenadier Guards of Canada news Here's to Tommy Grenadier Guards of Canads ) > Charming Red Seals The Old Refrain (Contralto) Julia Culp 61557 Senta Lucia (Baritone Emilio de Gogorza 6°64} Simple Confession (Violin Mischa Elman 74515 Hear them at any" His Master's Voice" dealers' Write for free copy of our Musical En. cyclopedia lifting over 9000 Victor Recorde Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. LIMITED Lenoir Street, Montreal Played Lvecy sls w : a AY Made in Canada Qae Price from Coast to Coast Dealers in Every Town and City Don't Forget! There are no othersi You cannot pur- chase these néw monthly records except at the following exclusive dealer in Kingston . F. W. COATES, 158 Princess Street This one firm and this one ONLY is our authorized dealer to sell Victrolas and Victor Records or any other "His Master's Voice" products. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED Remember--there are no others! -- nm ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES, a RyRy 'v* APNPN NINN NAP NN ANS INI NNT NN EAE aS TOR VISTI EY IE VR AE) ry i A i a Ao FE A oo do on oe a LC Ln rots FAINT NAN P NS NAF Green and Mixed. Packed in King- GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. | receiving a | cheese. | a new | holidays, Mr | Sunday at James Murphy's. i | | | \ | | Syrup oF TAR & Cob Liver Oil Ps Co | dall. drew Waters is the cheese maker. JOYCEVIILE. | The cheese factory is .arge amount of milk, | quite satisfactory prices for T. McCarey has purchased | auto. Miss Mary Keyes, ! Kingston Convent, is home for the and Mrs. M. O'Neil, | June 25. M. Kelly and children, Taylor, and | M. J. Shortell, Brewer's Mills, spent | Many | are looking forward for the soc jals | to be held on coming evenings ot | this week in Dean's Grove, Brewer's Mills and Hyland's Grove, Cushen- GLENDOWER June 26.--The ground is becom- ing quite dry for want of rain. The boats are drawing feldspar in the lakes. Mr. Austin has returned to his home in Toronto, Many attend- ed the camp meeting on Sunday-fast at Godfrey. The meeting will break up this week. There will be a camp | meeting at Verona mext week. A} good supply of milk is being obtained at Glemdower, cheese factory. An- LAKE OPINICON. June 25.--Crops are looking fine since the recent showers. M. Hugh- son has commenced work on his new barn. A. N. Sharp has a number of men engaged cutting heading. Jas. Smith, who has been so seriously ill, is somewhat better. Mrs. C. Tolson still continues in poor health. Dr. Bracken is in attendance, Miss Eliza Smith, Kingston, is spending a week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shewell have returned to Violet after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Sharp. Mrs. M. Darling, Buck Lake, and Mrs. G. Darling, Smith's Falls, are visiting relatives in this vielnity. GLENVALE. June 25.--The members of the congregation of the Methodist church drove to Elginburg on Fri- day evening, June 15th, and spent a few hours with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Codling, prior to their depart- ure for Battersea. During the even- ing Mr. Codling was presented with a purse of money. Sincere sym- pathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Orser and family in the loss of their son, "Jack," who was killed in ac- tion somewhere in France on June Sth. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibson and Mrs. (Dr.) GaMoway and daughter, Barbara, Cataraqui, also Mr and Mrs. E. Day and children, Harrow- smith, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson. Mrs William At- kinson, Gananoque, spent last week with her sister, Mrs Edwin Clark. Miss Madeline Amey, Buffalo, is the guest of 'her cousin, Miss Mildred Orser, ) LELAND June 26.--Crops of every kind are looking fine, Rev. J. E. Carson has returned from attending camp- meeting at Yarker, Miss Mary Kel- lar has undergonéa very serious operation in the General Hospital, Kingston, for acute appendicitis, but all are glad to hear she is progress ing very favorably and will soon be able to be out again. H. Kellar is also on the sick list. A wee girl has arrived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cooper, who have been visiting at L. Youngs' for a couple of weeks, have returned to their home in Brockville, accompanied by Master Melville Young. Mrs, and Mr. E. Johnson speat Sunday with friends in Tamwonth, Misses Mil- dred Campbell and Phyllis Lake spent Sunday with Miss Dessie Sills. Mrs. J. Buck, Latimer, visited her mother on Sunday. HOLLEFORD June 26.--Prospects for crops are very favorable. A number of far- mers are having milking machines instaMed. Rev. Mr. Stewart met with his people here on Sunday and addressed the Sunday school, it being the annual children's day service. Robert Babcock and party motored to Kingston Saturday evening. The friends of Miss Lena Redmond, who trained in the Hospital of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse, N.Y., are glad to know she has been successful, having graduated on June 13th. A Women's Foreign Missionary society has been organized in connection with the Free Methodist church. A few from here attended the camp seriously - il Sydenham, has improved so as to he. able to be brought home, Miss Mabel Maxtin, Reid and Gers ald O'Reilly were In Sydenham last week writing on the entrance exam- inations. Frank Sigsworth of Hart- ington has purchased the Trousdale | tarm here owned by Matthew Trous- the late Mrs, Mort Knapp at Eloida " | on Sunday. OUTLET 26.--The gentle rain of] Tuesday did much good 'to the gar- dens and meadows. Mr. and Mrs. R J. Running of Greenfield spent Sun- day with W. J. Running, Woodvale, who has been quite 31 for some) days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirkland and Ettle son Gordon of Lyndhurst were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.| Slack. -Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vander- | burg and daughter Vera and Mr. and | Mrs. S. H. Babcock motored to Gan-* anoque on Friday afternoon. Mr. | and Mrs. Arthur Slack of Delta mo- | tored to this place on Sunday and | called on friends. Mrs. Edward) Vanderburg returned home on| Thureday evening from Bethel where | she had been engaged nursing for the past seven weeks. Quite a num- ber from this vicinity attended the! baptismial service at Sand Bay Lake| on Sunday. A number of sportsmen | from Montreal called here on Tues- day. June DELTA June On June Calvert united in marriage Miss| Pearl Dauby to Orm Reid, both of Soperton. or 29 mer's mother, Mrs. J. A. Bell. Miss Vera Calvert, who, has been attend- ing BeMeville Ladies College is home for her holidays. ily of Westport spent Sunday at F. S. Laudon's Last week pupils wrote on the entramce here, with J. McGuire, I.P.S. and Miss Hough presiding. Mrs. Horton's cot- tage is occupied by a number of men from Prescott, who are enjoying a fish. the pavilion into a private cottage for his own use. Mrs. C. L. Broley has returned from Saranac Lake, much improved in health. Mrs. W. W. Stafford last wek attended the wedding of her niece Miss Grace Mac- kay of Smith's Falls, to Rev, Mr. Mackay. Mrs. C. A. Lafleche has re- turned from Watertown, N.Y., where she has been spending the past few weeks. Mrs. E. Howard and S. How- ard of Charleston have been visiting at H. Howard's. A number of the young people from here motored to Bigin on Friday evening last and made a presentation to Miss Fahey JUNETOWN. June 25.---Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 'Warren were recent guests at Robt. Tennant's, Lyne. Graham, Guelph, visited their aunt, Mrs. James Herbison, on Wednes- day. Miss Beatrice Flood is re- covering from her recent illness. Walter Purvis and Ross Purvis at- tended the funeral of 'the late Mrs. John Earl, of Warburton, on Wed- nesday last. Harold Fortune spent the week-end in Athens. Miss Joy Foley, 'Tilley, is guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Baile. Miss Mina Pritchard spent the week-end a guest of Mrs. Norman Marshall, Grahamton. Master Willie Purvis, who is ill of typhoid, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Franklin and Miss Fern Warren has returned from visiting Miss Viva MoCrea, Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Fortune dnd Miss Orma and Har- old Fortune motored to New Dublin and Bellamy's one day last week. Mrs. Herbert Scott spent Thursday last with friends in Gananoque. Misses Beatrice Avery and Gertrude day last. of Mrs. E. Scott, Yonge Mills. LOMBARDY June 25.--Mr. and Mrs. A. Co- vell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bass motored to Brockville on Saturday and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Stanley Blancher, North Lan- caster, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frayne, and other relatives in' this vicinity. Miss L. A. Cauley, was in Kingston last week to see her broth- er, Dr. A. A. Cauley, semior house "FRANKVIIDE : June 24.--Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Price spent Sunday at Crystal visit- 20th Rev. R./ Mrs. S. H. Mott and chil-| dren of Toronto are visiting the for-| | B. Foster, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wing and fam-| forty-six | George Morris has converted | Mr. and Mrs. R.| sons motored to Kingston on Thurs-| Scott spent the week-end the guests | nual garden party on Thursday eve- ning in Smith's Falls in aid of the Public Hospital. One of the pupils from the public school, McLean Houze, wrote on the entrance exam- inations in Smith's Falls last week A team owned by Michael O'Mar: and hitched to a seed drill made a wild dash for liberty on the street Saturday morning but were fortun- ately stopped before any serious dam- age occurred. Captain Ingram, Mrs. Ingram and nephew Gordon Neville, Ottawa, motored here on Saturday to visit Mr, and Mrs. William Covell. Miss Margaret Hughes, « Cleveland, Ohio is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jams Hughes. On Saturday evening, Mrs. Joseph Jordan, while milking, was very seriously injured by a cow, and was taken to St. Fran- cis Hospital, Smith's Falls for treat- ment, CHARLESTON. June 25.--Miss O. Sullivan, a re- cent graduate of St. Vincent de Paul hospital training school, Brockville, is the guest of Mrs. R. Foster. Miss Muriel Wilson has gone to Frank- vile to stay for a time with her aunt. E. Bryan and sister, Miss Lenna and Miss Madaline O'Connor, Long Point, motored to Charleston on Thursday and spent an evening at M. J. Kavanaugh's., Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Slack, Miss O'Sullivan, Miss | Troy, the Misses Heffernan, H. Webster, Messrs. George, Roy, Ben- nie, Willie and Paul Heffernan, B Slack, Dr. Hayes and L. Bostford were also there. Mr. and Mrs. E King and George King paid their annual visit to the cemetery at Lyn on Friday. G. Heffernan has pur- | chased a Ford car. J. Williamson | has purchased a Chevrolet car. Mrs. A. C. Dial, Lyndhurst, spent a few | days last week with her niece, Mrs. J. {| Flood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tye attend- ed the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. | John Dillon, at Lyndhurst on Tues- | day. A party of young people mo- {tored to Brockville on Saturday evening and attended the movies | Mrs. "Jack" McKenney, Frankville, and James McKenney, Syracuse, N | Y., were visitors at T. Hudson's over Sunday. A number went to Long Point on Sunday to attend the Mec- | Cready camp meetings. W. Finley, | Mr. and Mrs, F. Finley and son were | Sunday visitors at R, Finley's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mulvenna were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mulvenna. Mr. 'R. Watson motored from Sand | Bay on Sunday to' visit at Charles { O'Connor's. | 4 {Lenmox and Addington| the Alderville Indian donned the khaki, and six have been | excellent snipers. gry all through --the last drop is as delicious as the first. boiler Rev nex K. NeStorms is having a new installed in the cheese factory F. W. White and family leave week ircuit at i field for their new « Indians Doing Full Share. Cobourg, June 27.--Forty the three hundred and fifty members of Reserve have SILL TUTE) of These Indians killed in action. Cheese Markets. Utica, N.Y:, 2,000 at 22c. Lindsay, 528 at 2le. St. Paschal, Que., 700 at 21 3-1 Tears are the war cry of an an- woman. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ..... ao sane s CHOLERA DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy knows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. 5 de oaly palliative ia NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Ollorodyne is a liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady 18 ispariably relieves pain of whatever kind ; creates a calm vefreshing slech @llays srrilition of the mervous system when ail other remedies fal. leaves wo bad effects: and can Oc taken when no other medicine can be A CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemiste. Prices is England: Vis 29, 48. Sole Manufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT, Lid, INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense success of this Remedy has givea rise to maay ' NB. --Every bottle of Geasine Chlorodyas bears oa the stamp the samegofl the iaveator, Dn. J. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. Co., Limited, Toronto | | MILLHAVEN. { June 26.--The farmers are all | through planting and the meadows | and grain are all growing nicely. | School closed on Wednesday. Th children presented their teacher with | a silver butter dish and knife. Wil- | liam Clement and Mr. Snider, of { Kingston, spent Sunday at John | Clement's.. Mrs. J. Ritchie, of Bath, | is visiting at Mrs. Collupea's. Mr. {and Mrs. Harry Milligan, of Toronto, |'who have been visiting at Oscar Amey's, has returned home. Misses Ethel Rickey and Emma Henderson, spént a few days at Miss Milligan, of visiting at Oscar {ot Kingston, | Robert Rickey's. | Kingston, is | Amey's. -- i BETHEL. June 25.--Rain is being needed | quite badly in this locality. Cle- | ment Marion went to Newburgh {last week to try 'his entrance ex- | amination. Mr. and Mrs. John Curl | and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Curl mot- | ored to Hay Bay last Thursday and ! visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Higgs. | Miss Box, Camden East, recently | with Mrs. Perry Alkenbrack; Miss | Gordon, teacher, at her home in | Napanee; Leonard Hudgin, Selby, with John Jayne;. Mr. and Mrs. | Claude Leggett, Yarker, at Mr. and | Mrs. George Smedley's; Mrs. John | Jayne and som, George, with Mrs, | Black, Napanee, on Thursday. A reception was held im honor of David Saul and bride on Thursday evening. Mrs. Archie Uens, Smith's | Falls, has been visiting Mr. and | Mrs. W. Ueng for a few weeks. The | farmers are this week doing statute labor for the season. Large crowds gathered at Yarker and attended the Holiness camp meetings. Miss May Hamilton is suffering with rheumatism. Mrs. Clarence Allen visited her parents on Sunday. Word was last week received by Mr. . A. Salabury that their son, Harry, been many months in France, had been award- ed the Military Cross and was spending some time In England, where it was to be presented, for noble deeds dome at the battle of Vimy Ridge. The many friends of Harry Sdlsbury will be pleased to hear of the honor which he has re- ceived and is more than worthy of. are a common sight i fi i 7g ri CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notation "No fire 16ft when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and. blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY"S SILENT 500s CASTORIA Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always A Bears the Signature --_ Ea CCI