PAGE TWENTY-TWO INDIANS WIN! Dozens of People Have Now Tried and il -- ZU } IE, > INDIAN BICYCLES and they pronounce them the Pest ever. Made by a strong reliable company with a strong guarantee that will stand the test. COUNT THE INDIANS ON THE ROADS Theregmust be satisfied people. The good old Indian motorcycle still leads. Other people tell you that you can get something just as good. YOU GET THE ORIGINAL This is the week to buy. Bicycles will be higher when our present stock is sold. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. | TEN STRAIGHT GAMES | Phillies Have Done Best in Consecutive Winning in Present Pennant Races. Ten straight vict record records as they i Again formula, {the 1 | way > Ly, T C | Makers TRY ti. 4 ne 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar, S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 897 Princess Street. Telephone 1981 Nn BRINGING UP FATHER been hung up in z leagues to date. onsistency is the prime In The World O \ ten games. The Cubs have accom- plished nine straight ones, while the Giants' best is six in a row. The Phillies have an added record of five straight, while the Giants have knocked down this many vict- ories in a row a couple of times. The second best mark for the Cubs is - three, The Red Sox come nearest the Phillies' mark of ten straight ones, having come out on top in nine straight games on two streaks of winning. The White Sox have IS LIMIT THIS YEAR of consister nning that either of the factor » pennant, Philadel- and Chicago should final struggle in White and Red on the face stand to-day. known consistency is the record of their a sud- tag end a row on two oceasioms. The Red Sox haven't had much time to ac- complish side records, but they managed to get away with a run of three. he White Sox have done a four-time parade, ! Not the Athletics, but the Senat- ors, hold the record for conse cutive losses, having massed a count of | ten without a victory. The Athlet- | ics" worst run is eight defeats, just ongy more than Wilbert Robinson's | one time fearsome Dodgers have] turned in. in the and e » American, the well however, >, who once drove championship by aval toward the s to one winning streak of A PA Bender Back With Phillies, { "Chief" Bender, the veteran In-, dian pitcher, who was unconditionally released by the Philadelphia Nation- als early in the season, is to be given | ancther trial by Manager Moran. | Bender accepted Moran's terms and joined the Phillies in Brooklyn. The | salary he is to receive was not an-| | nounced Since his release Bender has been pitching for clubs. KE JL. f HT A NEW FULL WEIGHT independent | Old Wrestling Champion Dead. Joe Action, w restling champion of | America and England a quarter of] a century ago, and known to sport! followers as the "Little Demon," died at Portland, Ore., on Wednesday, aged 65 years. 20¢ ench, % for 50c, TOOKE BROS. LIMITED Montreal A mn Genuine -- PURE Genuine diamonds--pure stones--are valu- able. -Imitations are worthless. To the average man it is hard to tell the difference. When we buy diamonds the naine of a reli- able merchant is our guarantee for a genuine ---pure--stone. So with cigarettes. Pure tobacco in the cigarette you are going to make your regular smoke is a valuable asset to health. Cigar- ettes made of added ingredients are only imitations--naturally pure tobacco cannot be improved upon. Why experiment with cigarettes any more than you would with diamonds? Smoke CRAVEN "A." This name on a cigarette is your guarantee of purity. Pure, mild, high grade, selected Virginia leaf. Properly mellowed by age, and cor- rectly blended to bring out all the best quali- ties of the tobacco in the different grades used. You cannot buy a finer or purer Virginia | Baseball Briefs | downed the opposition eight times in f Sport oy | i { | Sem 3! "Umpires try to be fair and the | close decisions even up in the end," ! says President Frazee of the Red Sox. 'I strongly favor clean baseball." | Walters, the Yankees' kid catcher| is the best thrower in the American | League, When the Boston Red Sox begin to| hit look sharp for a winning rush. | Donovan's pitchers are coming | back to winning form. Fisher Mo- gridge, Cullop, Shawkey apd Cald- well ought to check the enemy in| future. -- | Jack Barry is hanging on to Piteh- | er George Foster in spite of the lat] ter's lame arms. Barry's patience | may be rewarded. | -- 1 Peckinpaugh is ohe of the Yank- | ees' best pinch hitters. He is bat- ting more successfully than ever be- fore, If Fritz Maisel could hit in the 300 class he would excel all of the other big league second batsmen. He is a corking goed fielder. Boston is in gloom. The Braves are wallowing in the Slough of De- spond and the Red Sox have lost | eleven out of their last eighteen | games, Hugh Jennings is ia the coaching The Tigers have struck lines again. their gait. Griffith and Mack are fighting | tooth and nail to keep out of Ban | Johnson's cellar. With the Giants running rough shod ovér the Braves, George Stal- lings is the saddest man in Mas- sachusetts, Mamaux of the Pirates still is a doubtful factor. If this great pitch- er should suddenly come to life Pittsburg would celebrate. "Hank" Gowdy, catche™ of the Boston team of the National\League, left New York yesterday for Colum- bus, Ohio, where he recently enlist- ed in the Ohio National Guard. We Live But Once Let Us Partake of Earth's Good Things by Smoking. Milo Cigar Made in Kingston by GEO. A. McGOWAN CO. wo § MONTHLY INCOME Surest way of providing for your old Age or your heneficlary Is the Monthly Income Polley of THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA. S. Roughton, 60 Brock St., Phone 610. | -- A ------ a ------ A a Our New Address after July 2 167 Princess St. how Newnan EcelrRic co Robert Bescher, left fielder for the St. Louis Nationals, has refused to Join the Louisville American Asso- | ciation team, though the St. Louis | Club has arranged to pay the larger share of his $6,200 salary while he played with Louisville, ° | William Leard, an infielder with | the Seattle Club, has been purchased | by the Broklyn Nationals and will | report at once. He will play short- Stop in place of Olsen, who will be | shifted to third base during the in- | ness of Mowrey® | | LONGBOAT BEATS BRITISH Canadian-Indian Rediscovers Him- self in Race at Front, Canadian Headquarters in France, June 29. Sports held by the army with which the Canadian corps is | connect resulted in the rediscov- ery of Tom Longboat, the famous | Canadian Indian runner. In a three-mile cross country race Long- boat romped home well in advance of some of the most famous British | and Canadian runners, without even extending himself. He had a great reception from his regimental com- rades. The tug-of-war com petitions were won by a British Columbia battalion and the Canadian heavy ar- tillery, with the English infantry and artillerf teams in second place, The British won the artillery drive easily, cigarette than CRAVEN "A" at any price. Bozes of Ten - 10c. ur Fifty - 50c. Hundred - 31.00 LOOK FOR THE RED Box, othe a Canadian battery taking second place. New Endurance Erwin Baker, of Indianapolis, mo- torcycle racer, it is claimed, estab- lished a new endurance record for 24 hours at the Cincinnati speedway, when he covered 1,386 miles against 1,153 miles made by Alan T. Bedell. Baker's riding time was 22 hours 26 minutes. He made 19 stops and al- together spent one hour and 34 min- utes at the pits for gasoline and repairs. The official timers were furnished by the American federa- tion of motorcyclists, Baker, it is said, broke ali previous records for 500 miles by one hour 19 minutes and 30 seconds. His average speed per hour was given at 57% miles, - A Comfort Feature that will appeal to all men is the Reinforced Webbing inserted across the back of this W.G. & R. underwear to make the garment elas- tic and provide for free and easy movement of the body. Another feature is the patented "Closed Crolch""--with gen- erous. opening in the seat. THERE IS NO OTHER Canadian-made un- derwear that em- bodies all the spe- cial comfort feat- ures of W.G. & R. » Made in nainsook, madras, silkeen, silk and other good underwear fabrics. * re | Underwear sn W.G.&R. fine shirts, collars, pyjamas and boys' blouses. W. G. & R. Products are seid in Kingston by E. P. Jenkins D. 8. Collier Roney & Co. * a Nt By GEORGE McMANUS. YOURE YOO LATE -ME WIFE'S BEEN THROUGH ME CLOTHES - WHO BROKE -} HESE GLOBES? FOR Two PINS 'D BREAK YOUR ° JAW =