Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1917, p. 17

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 191 7. PAGE SEVENT EEN ¢ PROFESSOR MULVENEY'S World Famous Tape Worm Exterminator Is Saving People's Lives in All Parts of the World, While the Professor Sits in His Office, Where You Are Invited to Call, at 167 Dundas Street, and Be Convinced of This Facts The Indisputable Evidence to Be Seen, the Result of What His Remedy Has Done for Suffering Humanity, Removes All Doubt. It Would Be Wise to Save This for Future Reference. WORLD FAMOUS REMEDY. ULVENEY'S MANY CHILDREN'S LIVES SAVED BY PROF. R. L. M 9 How People Feel When They Have Tape Worm Tape worm This parasite ferrale In one Ing tw the Ket four eggs, which with body an er slime na wh indivi The the SOI) € longer than cated, and them are found of solld worm. a of the worid to the ng individual © may be so unfort to have Ii, the parasite eelng tse (or the water would Lardest task thout do inju to the parasite ow nate as clings to the | of body breed und the symp- The believe Dowels, the and another It 1 Auseca its viethm to worm re to 4 an inleinal demch suffer wl clever- that toms of disease imaginable est led to the patient is suffering from some other physicians ure disease, as nearly person has dif- ferent symptoms. ed for cancer of tion of the bowels. the lungs, chron' dyspepsia, nervous prostra tion, melancholia, hypochondria, hysteria inflununation of the bawels appendicitis and other complaints. when one or more Of these Internal demons their lives away. Prof. Mulveney has covery to free the this mon ster without Injury to the system, de stroying the parasite, as well as expel ling the worm, with one dose of med!- Cine, without any previous starvation Visit his office, where he has In his Possession the most wonderful collec- Lou of these death-dealing wonsters in | the world, which heve Leen expelled from Lundreds of peuple rer ©). sore, boitles conte Woiius, ml wnyone Wet nag ine Low ve could sibly live with then iu his bowels It ls surprising the number of people that have them. Thousands have them and are not aware of the fact. The letters and testimonials the Professor has in his possession are enough to convince us of this alarming fact. Some of the | most prominent symptoms are: Raven- | ous appetite, dizzy spells, headache, | cramps in the bowels, a fe ling of some- thing moving in the bowels, also a feel- | ing as though something was up the throat. The only having one In the system is when seg- ments or Joints are seen, which come Away almost any time. They are flat | and from three-quarters of an inch to! vue Inch long, and have often been mistaken for pin worms by those who do not know the difference. There are many other feelings of distress, which would take too long to enGmerate. Suange to say, some people of strong Constitutions have very little distress every Some have been treat- | the bowels, censurup- consumption ef were eating made vietim of the dis L Hs fainous ng colonies of seer thew can - sul os crawling | certainty of MOTHER'S FRIEND FOR SICK CEILDREN Expels Stomach and Pin.Worms, But is Not for Tapeworms. This valuable medicine expels Stomach or Pinworms. Tt is not only valuable as | a Worm Medicine, but is an excellent | Tonic. Physic and Appetizer, strength- ens the Stomach, ldver and Kidneys and has stopped some of the worst cases of Wetting the Bed Many children that were wasted away to a shadow have been built up and made heaithy and well from fis use, and their mothers made happy. Goud for Coughs and Colds; alse checks Fever ia a real Mother's Friend. and gains its name from restor- ing sick children to health and quietness This valuable medicine is working won- ders In all causes of sickness among chil- dien. 1 have one case in mind just now of a little girl eleven years old, who had Le treated for over four years with- marked improvement. In fact worse all the time. Her case tecnved to puaszle the physicians In at- tendance. and they finally agreed that an operation on the stomach would he | necessary tno find out what was the mat- | ter. Her father being of ed to an oper- ation, called and got a tie of Mother's Friend He told me his Httle girl was in almost a hopeless condition: that she measured 3% inches around the stomach and her body was wasted away to skin ani bones: her arms no larger than a broomstick: she was a beautifisl, patient child, with u lovely disposition: to make a long story short. Mother's Friend took avay the enlarged condition of the stom- ach, bullt her up, so she was able to go to school. which was, of course "| Surprise to everyone in the neighborhood | and her mother and father made happy Another case comes to my memory of a baby about two years old. The mother brought her to me in her arms. She was | wasted away to a living skeleton, and « any she got all reasona 0 . 1 thought, , your faith | if you ever expect ond set well. She purchased a bottle of Mother's Friend, and took It home, used iL and the Httle one was relieved of scores of worms of varfous kinds, In was about three months later when this | lady brought the little one to mv office | She was after another bot . Friend for her own chiliren and another for one of her neighbors she had recom- | mended it to. I $id mot ize either | the lady or the child unt ma of the circumstances Ne ! oS were soores of | \ Yourse!r | Jus® 9 o'clock one night a lady calle? { bottle of Mother's Friend. $ | had been taking fits | and the doctor had given | brain fever She had ssi 0 oall In and look at him nounced him to have worm | mended her to trv Mother's a few minutes after tak'n~ he went to sleep ant nes | Nas relieved of a lot of stomse little fellow has had to fus| Wishing healthy and well | II think it | Enclosed 1 | virtue of | me six bottles of Letters Fro m Satisfied Customers The Originals of Which May Be Seen At My Office, 167 Dundas St Ave, Dec. 13th, 1816 ~Please send another bottic rs Friend ™ heen giving rk ment have my nd ans it of ey trouble, Wishing losed §) two and try to en M. D No. 2 Bay. March 3uth Sir. --Enciosed find $1.85, send I another bottie +8 1 feel quite a bit better af nearly all first Yours truly Shanty for one taking 152. Chapleau April 24th Would you kindly send me "Mother's Friend" | have my litte boy. and him good Would by return mat for $1.3¢ Yours Ont 1917. Box I r One Lottie tried one Sir of bottie for has done another botue ng girder like of ruly 127 Clarence St. Ottawa, Ont Ade mend B Weil Dear Professor Wy me (wo + packages of your or which | enclose §1.25° Kindly send ae soon I win ot the other, as possible, Sincerely as 1514 a bottle fina eun- April Tth send me for which Sydney, N.S. Dear Sit Please of ""Rheumaticide closed thirty cents. Yours truly If people were aware of the Rheuwmaticide." there wouldn't home in Canada without it. Pr. 8 be m7 sone Streetsv'lle, Jan. 9th Dear Sir I sur send more of your Moth though! this t 1 "eg would the icine has don ich guod there form, ws sour n we und the baby su un No doubt, you iemeniner | was Just about a month ago 1 enciose a postal-note for $1.26. and If it is any more the amount let us know and | will send it to you the next time Yours truly. R. R. No. 1. Biythe, Ont. es of your "B'Wel." t hel my son, who is sub- to epileptic fits Yours truly. 7¢ Cremazie St, Quebec, Oct. 9th, 1916 Dear Sir: Please send two bot- tles of "Mother's Friend." I am giving it to my three children, and | think it is doing them good Please send as soon as possible, 1 have finished the bottle I have. Yours truly me 166 Perth 'Avenue. Please find one dollar and cents ($1.25) for your Dear Sir: twenty-five BW vor. Please send Yours truly. by return of post Box #0, Honeoye, N.Y Nov. 22nd, 116 Please send me four pack- Friend" and two Dear Sir: ages of "Mother's packages of "B'We You will find P.O. $3.25. and pease mail as possible. 'Mother's Friend" order enclosed for 10 me as soOn is a very valuable medicine, and I don't want to be with- out it for my children 1 thought I would try "B'Well" and see what it would do for myself, as 1 am not very strong, and thought, perhaps. it would tone up my system. so please send as soon aa possible Yours very truly. 7 Henry St, St. Catharines. Ont Dec. 21st. 1916 Dear Sir Enclosed please find éne dollar ($1.00) Would like some more "Mother's Friend" as I feel sure it has helped my child Yours sincerely. Whitby, Sept. 2Ind, 1813 Sir: Wil you please send a box of "tapeworm medicine'? Having got two doses of your medi cine, and found it successful, we would Hike the third dose for another son Kindly send as quickly as possible Yours truly, 143 Queen St, Nlagara Falls, Ont, Mar. 23. 1916. Dear Sir Enclosed please find $2.00 of your valued "Mother's After giving the frst dose my children passed scores of wor Yours truly. Fairmount, Ont., April th, 1918, Dear Sir: 1 received the bottle of "B'Well" you sent me be a good tonic, Wil you please sem: "B'Well,™ gor which you will find enclosed 36.00% Please send {t by express to Meaford Express office. Yours truly, Box 141, Port Stanley, Ont., July 13, 1914. Dear Sir: Will you kindly forward, by return mall. one botlle of ""BWell™ for whieh for $1.50° My father is certainly improving. ami] felling stronger, Yours truly. 143 Queen St, Niagara Falls, Jan, 1300, 1917 Dear S53: Enclosed you will find 31.08 'or which please seni me another pack- > "Mother's Friend" worm medi- ~ FOU every success, | am Yours truly, ell" powders, which are still in fa- | find enclosed order | .» Toronto, Ont. "18 your 5th, used Tavistock, Sept As 1 have Mother's Friend" medicine «go. and found It a » i . u lke to have $2.0u worth agaiu, by mall Dear Sir who, at u and 1 thoug! little boy s his stomach it again We have a complains of 1 would try Yours truly Desay 81 ing 1 you in regard to your B'Well Medicine, which | can recommend to all sufferers I have been cured myself by your wonderful medicine. Hoping this gets to You safely, I am, Yours truly fewisville, Moncton, N.R June Sth . 3 I have tried one package of Mother's Friend" for my little girl, and I found it has helped her a lot She doesn't seem to have the dizzy spells, or fits, whatever they were, nearly 80 much, and she sleeps betger, 80 | want send me oie pac kage of "B'Well."" Soing Ww try that, as | thought it might help her head. and will enclose $1.25. for which you can send me one package Yours truly. 1917 Dear Sir -- Pleasant St Dartmouth, N 38 Dear Si Your wonderful Cure" did all you said it boy didn't pasa the thing that looked hour afterwards felt all right, and out June 10th 'tapeworm would de. A, tapeworm. but some like vast, a half He his stomach now $s able to go 197 It has made a happy home, and you can use my name any time you want to 1 think now I will try your ""B'Well It is also doing great work, I see. Please send me $2.50 worth of "B' Well" in pow !des fori. I owe for sane ha money Yours truly & Wil Mother [ES Clie boitle of Aly beby is sick. and 1 worms of some description 1 had several bottles of your ° Friend," and it was splendid Yours truly. s Friend feel sure it is Mother's 33 Regent St, St. Thomas, Ont, May 12th, Dear Sir: I am sgein sending you an- other order for "B'Well." 1 have taken one bottle, and it has done me good more than I could ever say of others and have taken a great many, without | results. I will try the powder this time. as it is more convenient for mailing, and at no risk of breaking by mail Please send to my address one package of "B'Well" In powder form. and ei closed you will find Express Order for $1.35 in paymm for same Hoping it will continue to do me good. and wishing you every success, I remain Yours truly. 1917 Route 2, Tupperville. Ont., March 20th, 1916 Dear Sir Please find enclosed an or- der for $1.00 and twenty-five cents in stamps, for package of ""B'Well" powder Have used one package, giving a quan- | tity of it to different peopie. and they seem to think it good, and will send for another soon. Yours truly. Box 323, Acton West. Ont, Jan. 23rd, 1917 Dear 8ir : Enclosed find $1.00 for $1.50 bottle of "Mother's Friend." I got a bottle before, when we were down, and it helped one of my little girls very much. May God bless you and your kind fam- ily In your good work Yours truly St. Ola, Ont, June 11th, 1917 Dear Bir: Enclosed please find postal note, $2.58, for which please send by re- turn mail one bottle ""B'Well." also one bottie "Mother's Friend": twenty-eight cents allowed for postage on both, "B'Well" is a most wonderful medic'ne for the nerves. and, in fact, everything. Trust to receive your best prompt- Ness, as | am entirely out of the medi- cine, I am, yours truly. R. R. No. 3. Hanover, Ont, June 9th, 1917 Dear Sir : Enclosed find $6.00 for six packages dry "R'Well"" (Please send it dry.) Yours truly. 815 Pape Avenue, Toronto, June 12th, .1917 Dear Sir: Wii you kindly send me two bottles of "B'Well." [I certainly feel the benefit of taking it. Yours truly, Stoneleigh, Sept. 18, 1313, Dear Sir: I rocelved your wonderful Mmédicine, B Well, rnd did not know the Pries sen. you much rr forwarding the medicine without get- ting the full price, I am sholosing an . . Thanking vou again for your kindness in forward- ing the medicine, and hoping you may ba red to help poor suffering MRS, Stoneleigh, people. Ont, iPhone Parkdale 4830 | t Mother's | Read This Announcement Carefully i have ihe pleasure of writ- \ | | | A Recent Picture of R. L. Mulveney Born June 15th, 1861. Friday was his 56th Birthday. Letters From Satisfied Customers The Originals of Which May Be Seen At My Office, 167 Dundas St, Toronto, Ont. Bex #1, Durham, Ont May 16 I tried. some little time your "B'Well." and it cer done me the orld of good kindly send me another bot- Pickering, Oct 1816 1 am scnding for some more Well" medicine. It is the ave ever got yet I have for over six years Soon a8 you can truly 2 1917 1 ago ear Sur Dear Sir yi a bottle of tairly has 20 will you tie? "When mailing it ttle more firmdy the roken kindly wrap bottle a as the other one - and a quantity of Winnipegosts. Man., Aug. 14, 1916 Dear Sir Tou must excuse me for not Writing ner about your wonderful tapeworm " yvhich I rece ved some Jale, Ont. Mas 1 : not take It H about Am sending for more medi- | oo ' find } is © ginning t f 1 A : " wi mrsed about een feat he a small read, and what the head was i came to a small t re the head u don't know ) You for your cure wil all can here to advertise wonderful cure Yours truly 18 have Friend" \ ours truly Please send this to M tohedl and I will pay the Station same sours truly express on Hane Please AS wo y., and I woul or, May 1916 d enclosed $1125 of my ne ghbors think jt is so try it. Please 2 mmonville sending yc BW d 16c for postage. Pleas. powder. 1¢ B'Wek™ doe Dear B'Well * go it 1 th it scon ve ir send Yours truly. Dundas street, t. May 4, 1916. for another for my lit Is doing her a lot of good ringir@ a. quantity of skme and away from her, and she has not fit for a week now Please. Nue te give it to her every vinston, June 18 send me 's Friend." so well Please another Voodstock My Ifnttle as when takine send it by return am r I "Mother's Yours truly S----; ad 162 Dundas street. dol and fourteen lar " . very respectfully. wheneve I can say 1: will send 1 saved her lfe Hamilton, Ont. as sooh as possible" I had better write uccess I had with Norwood, Ont ase find $1.00 for " Wou'd xk in the moming ad Mr. Worm in a Had eaten my din- ne, and suffered no vor I had been ound for ten years edge. I have never t tL present. t t nonlal in ad- e you have, just refer them n powder form 2 high- ly spoken of as a reilef for sour stomack mali? Staples, April, 1918 Yours thankfully Prof. Mulveney Dear Sir: 1 received NAL me s all right Please send worth as soon as convenient, Sincerely yours, CT. Staples, the package of March 20, an! ma $6.00 May Please send me a bottle of I have used ome bottle of it for my stomach and nerves, much better Send as soon as possible by mail Yours truly. 12, 1917 Ont, WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, FREE Sead self-addressed stamped envelope, with your address written plainly, for reply. These remedies are sold only by Prof. R. L. Mulveney, 167 Dundas Street, Toronto, Ont, and 73 Niagara Street, Buflalo, N. Y. Mail orders from United States, address 73 Niagara Street, Buffale, N. Y, Canadian orders, 167 Dundas Street, Toronto, Butfalo phone, DR 3547-J; Toronto phone, Park 4830. oe : and I feel! sults. } } § i f Letters From Satisfied Customers The Originals of Which May Be Seen At My Office, 167 Dundas St., Toronto, Ont. Midhurst, Jan. 9 1817 Str Enclosed find $1.35 for of your B'Well It te to make you feel well, alright Yours truly Dear package stuff a the Fairground Dear Sir t a sent me has done dur girl a lot of good She has never had any fits gince we gave her the medicine. it has been a great refief for her and for us Everybody says she ls looking so much better. and 1 am glad we have found some help for her As it ls doing her #0 much good we thought we would send another package of the medicine Yours Ont', March 6th, 19 our maediaina th " fos traly Miliviile. N.B Dear Sir Mailed you yesterday. un- der separate cover, WwDewolnm extermin wied by your wonderful remedy I took the remedy Sunday. the 18th At ten o'clock, and at twelve-thirty 1 had the worm without havigg the sign of sickness 1 expect to be in round the dirst of at your office and sce 201} 16 April least Toronto sometime May and will cal you Yours very truly, 47 DBetles Releviile This is to state that i exn ough about your wonderiu 8 it relisved me tapeworm hours, without alter St Dear nol EN remedy, a fow ts Make only too anybody 1 Sir i any fed what you like of 'thie, glad to say It, snd shall tell find about your emed) Yours gratefully as I am 242 Liverpool St, Guelph, March 12th, 17. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find $1.00, and for the seme kindly send me some of WOoliu cure The last box 1 you gave salisfaction your trom good Yours tr gut iy Allandale, R. R No 1 Jan 20th Dear Sir Would you kindly send me Cne package of "B'Well," as | Ave used it. and it has done me the world €00d, and am feeling a lot better since I have taken HK? # Enclosed 'you will find the price of one package. Please oblige me by sending It &8 800M &8 you can. Yours truly. Waterford, Nov. 16. 1916 You will {ind enclosed $1.00 for two packages of your "worm de- stroyer." I have your medicine and It did me so much good at the time 1 want some more. Yours respecthilly, 166 Perth Ave, 1916 Dear Sir Toronto, May 8, 1916. Enclosed you will find one dollar and twenty-five cents Jor more of your "B'Well" .powders. It is doing so much for my sons, we wish to try it a little longer. Hoping to receive convenience. 1 am, yours Dear Bir: It at your earliest truly. Box 1218, North Bay, Nov. 23rd, 1918 Dear Sir: Enclosed 1s $1.00 "Mother's Friend." 1 got it In lquid form when down to your city, and found it an excellent medicine for children Yours truly. Hamilton, April 19th, 1916 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find §1.25, for which send me another package of "B'Well" powders. They are just fine, and do all you elaim for them. Kindly send as soon as possible. Yours truly. Hamilton, Aug. 3. 1915. Dear Bir: I am writing you for to send me one more bottle of "B'Well,"" as I have found good benefit from what I have used. Enclosed please find an order for $1.25. Kindly inform me If I could use it be- fore or after meals. Yours truly. 151 Stanley Avenue, Chatham, Ont, 1th. Dear Sir Enciosed please dollar for "Mother's Friend" worm medi- cine. for | oO B'Well ? It Makes People Feel Well B'Well is a medicine that assists na ture. made from roots, barks, herbs, leaves, ete The concentrated extracts these herbs tone up the stomach, regulate the liver, act on the kidneys, and it contains a harmless worm destroy - thet is sure death to worms, and can used with perfect safety, B'Well is not a tapeworm exterminator, and is not recommended for that trouble, B'Well 1s restoring thousands of people to health I am not going to enumerate the different diseases and complaints that people have been relieved of from the use of B'Well, as it would take up too much I can simply say that restlessness remain if you take this medicine for a time, and it will sure~ mbkke you feel fine of or be space and disease cannot iy It does not contain poison in any form, that ouly relieve pain, but different roots and herbs that regu- It stimulates the stom- hte healthy ac- +. helps digestion and keeps the bow- all gases from the and takes away the bad feellng around the heart and fearful feeling from depressed spirits and melan- and a cheerful spirit tukes place B'Well is a blessing those that life Issa burden to them, that are downhearted and unhappy H' Well carries the poison though the natuml channels and, as the poison is carried vut of the system, nature restores and a cheerful apirit follows, as there Is nothing like good health to | make a person cheerful and happy. Peo- ! ple treated for Epileptic Fits have been Don't ask me If 3 end the other disease. It most medicines nd cure-alls. and 1 ~-a Bol advertising this remedy as such, but advertising Ht as « medicine that has and will reguldte the system, carry the poison out of the blood, and conunen- sense must surely tell you the result Men and women who have beén nervous F wrecks, with hollow cheeks and sunken brow, have become plump, healthy and cheerful from its use, and I can only say what i has done for others it 'will surely do for you. Young men and women whose faces are covered with pimples and a sickening sight to look At, are now (ree from them from its use. Mén, women and children who had eating ulcers and runaing sores have been healed. and | what it has done for them it is likely to do for you. Prof. Mulveney"s World Famous Tape- worm Remedy is saving thousands of valuable lives, and B'Well is doing just as much for those requiring this kind of medicine B'Well ts put up in Jowaer form for convenience to send to foreign by of break - makes or narcotics the late the system liver and kidneys els regular. expels system the head choly shnply vanish thet to teel from disuse out of the system of health herselt restored by its use cures this, that 5 different fromm Veo tised as simply mall, which does away with ages. The package of powder twice as much medicine for the same | amount of money. Full directions for | making. Price, $1.35; six packages, $6.00. Write for further Information, free, | and send self-addressed, stamped enve- lope, with your address written Plainly, for ply. These remedies are soid ly by Prof. la Mulveney, 147 Dundas street, TorontoeOnt., and 73 Niagara street, Buffalo, "NY DON'T FAIL TO READ THIS LETTER St. Catharines. Dear Sir, ~When I was In Toronto a fow months ago I got a bottle of your remedy ceiled Mother's Friend orm Medicine, and # has been a treasure. end I am now out of it and want b= more. The first time | gave it to there came from her like a neat ust full of worms ong. and also » Would it be possidle to send It by re- | turn mail, a8 my children both need it badly? Yours truly Hanover. Ont, Dec. 23, 1916. Dea. Please find enclosed $6.00 for six packages of dry "B'Well." Please send it dry, as we are going to move. Thanking you for same, I am, Yours truly. Holland Centre, May 25, 1916. Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find the sum of $1.00, for which send me another dollar's worth of "B'Well." or "Mother's nd." 1 used the last with good re- Yours truly, 83 Pearl St. WwW, Brockville, Jan. 8, "17 Dear Sir: Enclosed find $1.00. Kipd- me a "Mother's end." We are it to our little girl, and it has shown good results. Wishing you a Bright and Prosperous New Year, 1 am, Yours truly. These Remedies Are NOT Sold BY Druggists Branch Office, 73 Niagara Street. Buffalo, N.Y. PROF. R. L. MULVENEY 167 Dundas St., Toront Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. i herself and kicking and getting and talking. J up and gave her Mother's Friend Worm Medicine, and this morning her stool was full of pinw and those three lstge worms Nke I have one more dose give. and I must have mor an order for $1.25 as I don' what it will cost to send Rt here, so any more thand 36c tw send it know. Thanking you very much valueble wedicine. My little git years old. doping to receive this medi- cine by return mal, 1 remain, yours re- spectfolly This le'tér can be seen at Prof. Mul- veney's office, 167 Dundas street, Toronto, ont, i ' Prof. R. L. Mulveney's Price List Rheumaticide for Phemmatism and off pam Free 25c and $1.00. Burnguit' for eatarrh, also a wash for aleers and sores Price $3.00. B'Well. the prent siston regulator, read about it Price $1.25, in kquid form lec voMtage: in powder, $1.25. Mother's Friend. the famous Child's medt- o'me, $1.00: Equid form, $1.00; 14c post- 'Re Best salve. for uicers, sores, scalds, burns. wie. | 28¢c. Goad sintment for itchy, sealy skin éis- wune, ec. Pref. HB 1. Mulverev's word famous Tape Worm Ilxterminator: the price ser with the inform' ton Send stumoed, ad- dressed ervelape for full particulars. 167 Dundas streng, Parkdale A215 Ww 10 pan anil,

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