Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1917, p. 21

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® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . THE DIRECTOR OF BRITISH STRATEGY . SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. v alo's Na " ; Ro: rative, T | i % : 2 3 i; ts . tial « ¢ old In A safe, reliable veguiating | ong ! ep t the first | on Wed 3 3 Probs: Sunday, fair. [| TONIGHT 5 THE NIGHT At Sas Store Open to 10 O'clock----Closed All Day Monday. TABLE DAMASK 280 yards bleached table damask, full 60 inches wide; a very special value today at 60c a yard. Tonight .. .. .. .. .. 48¢ SILK GLOVES 144 pair French silk gloves, white with black poly and double finger tips; all sizes; a regular 75c value. Tonight . .. . 59¢ SILK STOCKINGS 300 pair fine silk boot hose, in colors black, white, grey, mauve, navy and burgundy. A value worth 75c a pair. Tonight, 50c NEW VOILE WAISTS 120 "La Vogue' novelty embroidered and lace trimmed waists, in four beautiful new styles--just arrived today." Regular $1.50 values. Tonight .. .. .. Ce ee ' juriou ce 100 pu Tremain Xupply Co. roronte, ont, "Pincess and M nts eal 5. esent medicine, Bold in three de ¢ (Le Yacnt Club dances rees of Jrgogth-No 1 81 : {v. 2,83; No.3 $5 per box, Bold oy all druggists, or sent repaid nn eceipt of price, WwW. R 'ree pamphlet. Address: oe THE COOK MEDICINECG | 5 - ToRoNTO. ON" (Formerte Wades | Ciipla.n and Mrs heath and Mrs. A Fred Cays, Mr Mr. and : son, Misses Eva Richardson, | Anglin, Helen Hague (Mont Frances Cotton (Toronto) rarrett, Dorot}! wi Folger. Harriet G MacLeod (St Jo thers, Helen and (Gananoque), Kipp' Campbell, Lilian Kent, Ethel Eva Martin, May Rogers | Saunders, Isobel Waldron, Margaret Hemming, Hart, Beth Small, Major Birdsall, Captain Grant, Capfain ind Messrs Sherman HI, Taylor, Douglas Chown, J Elliott, R. Garrett, E. C. Gilder Jack Hickey, Howard Folger Herbert Steacy, Kirkpat Ww K. Macnee, 9 Driver and A. McGowan. 285 King Street. a ening Mr Givens, W Livingst Va ai mn, a Mrs LIFE Polson, jr.; Robert Mamie "IMPERIAL The Imperial Life wax the first Canndian company to place lin entire polley reserves upon n 14% per cent. interest basis--the pre- nent sinndard. In was #lso the first, and no far is the only compuny, te value lin total assurnpces on the more stringent 3 per cent. reserve basis, _J: B. Cooke, Dis. Mgr. 832 King St., 503; Residence 842, Government iin- nj, Edith | Helen Kent, | Mollie He Kat Major Captain Bill Rees Phone sleeve Geo 8. | 1 Leslie number of members en opening at the Yacht Wednesday afternoon. TI! which was centred with lovely crimson peonies, was of Mrs. R. Waldron | Nell C. Polson, jr. | . * Opposite Castom House Phone 749 Boat, Traln and All City Calis t Promptly Attended to. All i 26 modern five and seven passen- 'fii o ger cars used. tea 16 S Major and Mrs. D E. Mundell, Brock street, are spending the week- | end in Deseronto with Captain and | {' Mrs. John Aird i | Misses Lucy and Gwendolyn Wad- | dell were in town from Loughboro | Lake for a few days this week Dr. A. KE. Mahood, Ottawa, Kingston to spend the week, Lieut. Lewis Carling, in Ottawa for/ weeks with several weeks with his parents, Mr 115 Johnson street ENTER GREAT WAR | and Mrs. Fred Carling, is leaving on + 0» Monday for Kingston Toronto, open- The Queen Warns That Danger | "ss "Rockford,"| Continues to Menace the This is General Sir William Robertson, who has had a long and distinguished military career. He received his first commission in Get your share of the sensational bargains offered by our 'Mail Order Somepadson Sale" which closes tonight. See them in the win- ows 1888 and he is now the chief of the British Imperial General Staff. FOR SALE A 1916 Studebaker Four cylinder, first class condition. HOLLAND MAY YET in re ------------------ spending 181 past | mother ome, Yo Scott, New George and Mrs Mrs. J. H. the guest of Mr Cliff, Napanee Dr K. Lake the guest of Mr Rose, Simcoe. Mrs. L. I visit ng her Bartlett has recently and Mrs. A Ss been Boyd's Garage G 120 Brock Street. Kingston, i Mrs. ¢& E Johnston, mother, Napanee Miss Freda Stothers, the guest of Mrs. J G Elliott, Barrie street, for a few days. Mrs. A. Hitsman andHlittle Kingston, are the guests of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. | H. Mackay Brockville street, Smiths Falls. - - A Ottawa, is New Potatoes, New Cabbage, New Car- rots, New Beets, But- ter Beans Cucumbers, Lettuce, Radishes, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Pine- apples, Strawberries, Oranges, Bananas, at THE Bon Marche Grocery Phone 1844, Cor. King & Earl [ONE CENT) FOR A POUND OF PURE 8 son, . . street, where Miss Harriet Henzy, Brock left for New York on Friday, she will visit friends. Mrs. Jack Watters, Watrous | Mrs. Bloucher, Yarker, with children, spent Friday in the the guests of Mrs. J. Jarrell, street. Frank A. Hanley and his niece, Miss Mae Hanley, arrived at Sydney, Australia, on Friday, June 29th, and report a very pleasant journey. Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Geoff- rey Francklyn and little Miss Peggy arrivel from Ottawa on Waednes- day and are with Mrs. Hugh Fraser, | King street. » . BAKING | POWDER | 'With each purchase of 25 cents or over we will sell ope pound of Baking Powder for one cent. This seems an impossibility, but you can see for yourself on saturday that we will, so long as the two thousand pounds last and if you don't like the powder bring it back and we'll refund the price. Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays. Phone 59. Branch and their city Albert? * = Rev. T. W returned from Ottawa to-day. Miss Marjorie Savary McMahon, Syden- | ham street, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. V. Blakeslee, Bellev lle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson left to-day to spend the week-end in| Morrisburg Miss Agnes Rogers, who has heen attending the Eastern Township Col® lege of Music, Stanstead, Que., is | the guest of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. T. X. Rogers, Clarence street. [s Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Detroit, are the guests of Miss Agnes Richard- son, University avenue Miss Marion Booth, Johnson | street, left to-day to spend the week- end in Toronto. Miss Watts returned to New York : jHad Headache J for Two Years | A Barrie Man "rells of Persistent | Headaches and Indigestion -- Fin- ally Found His Way To Good Health. 201 REED SEF US RT LTR CANNOT SEE Barrie, Ont. June 30--For two long | years the writer of this letter was| subject to severe headaches. The] nervous system got run down, di-| gestion failed, and there was con- tinued loss of weight. The use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food | changed all this, and now with scores of other people Mr, Nader is | recommending the use of this food ll cure as the best means of building up | the exhausted nervous system and curing headaches, indigestion and all ll the annoying symptoms of a run- il down condition. Mr. John Nader, 38 Penetang St. Barrie, Ont., writes: | "During the last two years I had an attack of indigestion, accompan- {fed by severe headaches. I suffered | trom loss of appetite, and my system {became run-down. I also lost con- l siderably in weight. 1 began using | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and as they { helped me I continued this treatment ] My condition is now || greatly improved, my headaches are | gone and my health in general is |! much better. I can cheerfully recom- mend the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to those suffering from ner- | vousness of any kind." | | As a spring tonic and restorative to i overcome tired, languid feelings and build up vitalidx at this time of year, there is ng to be compared te Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50¢ a box. a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.50 While a woman jnay nob\care for at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & a vacation she hdtes to admit that | Co. Limited, Toronto. Do not 'be We Maintain the Highest Standard of Quality in Sight Testing, Lens Making, an Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 8 doors sbave the Opera House. 236 Primceas Street. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, , coe | Buest of Metcalfe, |All she 'passed the entire summer at: | talked into accepting a substitute home. ! 1mitations only disappoint. Mrs , Tore ison Ff are 3rockville, day and Miss Strachan and Mrs Winnipeg, who is at friends Monday Ett v.siung mto, 1s present \ pre 1 ting in Concord, is expectec McGowan, Miss 1elyn Barri in Mrs Gore summer od and street, hav George mov- eir Siin- Island. Miss Dorothy 'Burton arriv from Bélleville vesterday and is! Mrs. C. Livingston, B cottage at street. » » . Miss Helen Miss Hilda to Montreal Dr. and Hague, who has! Hague's guest, returned yesterday. Mrs. HO T. J. Ce '"Roselawn." have returned short stay at Bob's Lake Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor and Miss Jean Taylor, Johnson street, motored to Cobourg to-day to spend the" holiday with ~ Rey and Mrs Samuel Sellery Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac street, is visiting friends in Ot: Miss Taylor, Rockport, for a few een from a wa days - = . Duff, Prin for Bell t of Mrs Miss left she ham. Mrs has been Mrs. Frank left Friday Miss HKlda visiting her son, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland motored fi Windsor ti and spent a short Alfred stree . . . Marie Mills, nurse-in-t the Bellevue Hospital, York, returned on T spending the past her grandmother, deen street Mrs. H. Jean yesterday is the gue N.pP W pendin Phillips, Johnson for Bowmanville McDowall, Go Mi sister, Miss ing at ain New ursday a er with Aber two weeks Mrs. Mills, who Mrs W. Airth, has been visiting her Charles S. Anglin, Wellington st has returned home Mrs i and Master Harold accompanied her and will remain for a few days Missed Ionson and Hunter, Toron are guests of Mrs. M. GG. Storn lingwood eet. Mrs. Stanley Harrison, G the guest of Mrs. Peart t street Renfrew, siste | to, Co 18, 8 1, is S bey . @ Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace Stuart street, announce t ment of their daughter, E to Capt. James Howard C.AMC., son of the late James and Mrs. Moxley, Ottawa marriage will take place early August (Continued on Page 20.) * DUMIos: CRICKET GAME. R.C.HA. The Sergeants Defeat the Bandsmen by a Big Majority, The cricketers of the R.C.H.A. sergeants' mess last Tuesday even-! ing at Petawawa Camp indulged in| system so that the cause of so much home soon. a friendly match w.th the R.C.H.A. band. Several - members of (he band, who have played the ancient and noble game in almost every country where the Old Jack defended their wicket nobly finally succumbed to the on of the young hiood, Temple, and Kelly, of the R.S.A. tional staff. The members sergeants' mess team took full vantage of the easy bowling of the bandsmen and drove the ball all over the field, much to the discom- fort of the old soldiers. The score stood; Band, 34, all out; Sergeants, 166 for nine wickets. Don't miss it. What? Why the, picnic at Brophy's point on Monday. James Lark:m, British labor lead- | er, who was arrested last Saturday while addressing a Socialist ing, was released. instrue- ad- Mikes | Manning, [ on | body. - ice by The T. Milburn (oe eR Country. 1, June 30.---In a speech | at the opening of the | session of parliament | Queen Wilhelmina, referring to | the almost unanimous declaration of the dissoly ates-general in favor of a revision of the provisions of the constitution dealing with suffrage and education, said: "It is the states-general to de- cide whether the work thus begun shall be completed. No other meas- ures will be submitted to you. Thus| vou. will able to devote your ful | attention to the questions arising| from war, and preparations for the vigorous development of our | Should this year pass with- | peace so ardently desired, fromthe throne extrao nary be the country out the manifold be demanded of the Netherlands peo ple, and we are confident that the sacrifices will be made cheerfully. | "Although, thanks to the new tax- the financial situation gives no ground for anxiety, a considerable | strengthening of the finances Is nevertheless unavoidable. "'Our relations with foreign powers are favorable. There are many rea- for gratitude ,but let us not for- that so long as the war wages dangers threaten the country, and the people may again be called upon to use their utmost strength for lib- erty and independence That God | may guard them is prayer." es, SONS | ret | "my Cha ange of "Time. tion with summer change rvice on the Canadian Northern Railway, effective June 16th, trains Letween Kingston, | Tweed, Ottawa and Toronto, will run same schedule as at pre- sent, exce that the train now leav- in tt ai 1., except Sun- day, ar after the above date, | will leave 12.50 noon, arriving in Kingsto same time as at present Fo furt ther particulars, see latest time table folders, or apply to J. E. Ivey, station or M. C. Dunn, city agent. pen Your friends will be at the picnic! on Monday The Eilder-Dem steamer Ad dah was torpedoed without warning and sunk by a German submarine on June 15th ne fired the killing eight In conne f train se agent, pster * subman captain's boat, men Suffered With Heart For Ten Years | siding. Would Nearly Smother. There is nothing that brings with | it such fear of impending death as to | wake up in the night with that awful sense of smothering, The uncertain | and-irregular heart action causes the greatest distress of both mind and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills |are the only remedy that can give | Vanest. prompt relief and effect a complete cure in cases of such severity. 1 They strengthen and invigorate | | the heart, so that it beats strong and | tegular, and tone up the nervous) | anxiety becomes a thing of the past. | Mrs. M. O. McCready, Wapella, Sask., writes: "I am not much of a believer in medicines, but I feel that it is only right for me to let you know | remedy has| Alfred Howarth, Ottawa, visited his | parents here over i CW what your wonderful done for me, and in a very short time, too, I had suffered terribly with my | heart for nearly ten years, could: if the scarcely do any work.,and would near- | 5¢ Deseronto yesterday. ly smother at times. I had many rem- edies, some only relieving me for a time. and Nerve Pills and felt so much better that I kept on using them, and can truthfully say 1 feel like a new | woman. | "1 would advise anyone with heart | trouble to use them." . 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills | | are 50c. or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt Co, Limi- | sacrifices will continue wv earnest | made by | met at the dock by a committee and | dinners | and I got a box of Milburn's Heart} STEACY'S - Limited Wools Fhospnocaas, | Fnglish ; Debility, Mental and Brat Ford, | - Heart, rt Memory. ri cure. "Bold for $5. One will nage, will au druggists or mail Ev Ea A al as Bae "THOMAS COPLEY - Telephone 987 anything dune in the earpen- Estimates given on all Kinds « + and new w ; also hard- w f of all kinds AN wrders will r e prompt attention Shop 60 Qufen street TWELFTH OF JULY. Big Celebration Will Be Held in| Kingston. The 12th July celebration in| Kingston will take the form of a Grand Patriotic procession. Every member will carry a Union Jack. The addresses will take the war as the chief topic. Horse raced, motor races and bi- {cycle races at the fair grounds at two-thirty o'clock. The procession will form at the Market Square, and proceed to Vic toria Park, where addresses will be prominent speakers. ! A large delegation of American Orangemen are expected from Water- { town, Clayton and Cape Vincent. The American contingent will ee EE -- gE be | the mayor of the city, and each dele-| | gate will be presented with a U nion | Jack. Arrangements are being made to have a flotilla of airships from the camp &t Deseronto to manoeuver | (over the city during the Selehration, IS) Arrangements have been mad | the hotels and restaurants to toa at reasonable rates for ten thousand visitors. VERONA 18 PREPARING For Free Methodist Camp Meeting | Opening Saturdny. Verona, June 22.--Miss Sadie £a-| wards, Cataraqui, is the guest of | Miss E. Yorke. Mr. and Mrs. Pai-| rick Kelly are at Odessa attending. the funeral obsequies of the for- mer's father. Division Court wil be held here on July 4th with Judge Lavell, pre-| Mrs. Hugh Deline, Kingston, little daughter Doris are with her parents here. Frederick Sim- mons, Toronto, is here visiting his, father, M. Simmons. , Pree Methodist camp meeting itt be held here, commencing Saturday. Mrs. Harold Grant and children] + Portsmouth, arrived to-day on a visit | {to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'H Mrs. L. Vanest has gone to, Smith's Falls to see her sister, Mrs. | Lillie, who is quite ill. i Mrs. Maggie Williams has re-| { ceived word that her son John, over- | {seas, is wounded and will be sent Mrs. R. Hartman and children, Kingston, are with her parents, Mr. ¢ Mrs. A. Pero, Mrs. Frederick Ellerbeck and Mrs. Thom- as Kerr, Pleasant Valley, was the guests of Mrs. John Green last week. r. Ged- des and Mr. and Mrs. C Y.eadlay and family visited the aviation s¢hool Miss F. is visiting the Martin Cooke, Haileybury, N.O., her grandparents at House here. Two teams of Brockville bowlers journeyed to the Eastern Hospital on Wednesday and captured the much coveted Higgins Cup. Peterboro is raising $10,008 for its YYM.C.A. It has aiready over $7,000 subscribed: Mrs. Arthur Doran, an aged lady, and a former well known Belle- I villian, died at Butfalo. SRE SUMMER Furnishings Just received a large shipment of summer rugs. The famous De Luxe Rug, made by the Crex Carpet Company. Nothing better for bed- rooms and verandahs. Rockers, chairs and settees--a complete line. Edison Phonographs White Sewing Machines I. F. HARRISON COMPANY = 'Phone 90. - AT HOME PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY $383 per dozen. 11 in. x 14 in. line prints. For engagement apply by G. BLAKEMORE, KINGSTON. Copies of all my photos in Walt ustrated supplement may be secur ed from me. 7 mnt Warner's Safe Remedies A CONSTANT BOON TO INVALIDS SINCE 1877, Warnes Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure. Warner's Safe Asthma Cure. Warner's Safe Nervine. Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Blliousness) THE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINES For sale by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of ten cents. w ARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES C0., Dept 208, TORONTO, ONT. Will find this the best place to buy your Ox- fords for summer wear. Prices range from $4.00 to $5.00 for the best. Full Line of canvas, rubber-soled shoes in stock. | x «va A C--O

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