: THE DAILY Bai ISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. PAGE NINE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION, Geanine ears Senally indicate the sbuencs of rou in he biood 8 coadition which will be greatdy Belped by Color'ess or Pale Faces As Age Advances the Liver Requires occasions! slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE Carter's Tron Pills a SWAT the Fly! Fly Catchers, Pads and Swatters, at SARGENT'S DRUG STORE . Phone 41. Cor. Princess and" Mahtroal Streets. See Our Window Diep ------p--" a re SEE OUR LINE OF PERIOD F URNFTURE All the latest designs and finishes, In nit ure. R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker U Dining, kiving and Bedroom Far- Phone 57 New Potatoes We have just received a car of New Potatoes that we are selling at a seasonable price. Get your picnic requirements tomor- row for Dominion Day. Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things To Eat." . Phone 26 N\ 1 -- -a Poultry DEMONSTRATION ! At the Exhibition Grounds, Kingston Monday, July 2nd A demonstration on the Caponizing of young cockerels will be held on the above date from 9 to 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Kingston Poultry Association in conjunction with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Young poultry will be on hand for the demonstration and any one interested may perform the operation themselves, ok the demonstrator. Come and spend a profitable hour in becoming atqiaint: ed with the modern way of preparing poultry; for market. Demonstrators: S. K. Burdin, Tofonto, and Miss Yates, Guelph, via Mr. Burdin is recognized as the leadifig au- thority in this work. aii ------ Ny 9 ) JUN At HIGH GRADE, Ale, Porter & Light Beer I beg to advise my patrons throughout the City and Vicin- ity, that [ am prepared to supply the Trade and Private families with the above goods, delivered at their doors, which are decid- edly the best Brands on the market in that line. THE OLD NAME the old fame, and new quality. Canada's greatést malt beverage of the day, highly recommended by the medical faculty as a mild and healthful tonic. a JAMES McPARLAND : 76 Brock Street. 'Phone 274 WON'T ERECT MORE LIGHTS : |ON THE STREETS TILA. A CON- TRACT IS MADE | Utilities Commission Will Also Ask City Council to Pay Sgreet Light- ing Bills Monthly--Lights For Fort Henry. The Utilities Commission yester- day afternoon decided not to accede at present to the request of the City § Coumeil for the erection of eighteen more arc lights on the streets. The ' Commission, although it came to i thexCouneil's aid last year and struck |'$5, 000 off the street lighting bill, is | not disposed 10 be so easy this year owing to the price of coal, which is | more than twice as costly as a year ago. In the first place it wants a | contract with the City Council for! | street lighting. Such a contract has never existed. Furthermore the | Commission thinks that when the Couneil found its street lighting bill | oo | $5,000 too high last year it should not suggest at this time that another ftaousana dollars worth of eleetricity | be added. Therefore, there is no | chance of more lights being added to the streets this year. The four! | « hanges of lights asked by the Coun- {cil will be made, Then the Commission is going to | ask the Council to pay its street | lighting bill monthly like the rest of | the people The bill for the first quarter ending March 31st was paid only a few days ago and as a resu't | the Commission is $60 out of Po ket | in interest. Another Score Against Council. | The Commission. has another | score against the Council--with re- | gard to the proportion of the silar- | tes of civie officials with which it is | charged Recently it had a confer- | ence with the elvic finance commit-| | tee of which Mayor Hughes is chair- [man, and asked that the sc hedule | be revised, ac it considered it was | | paying too much for the service it | received The finance committee | made a revision and knocked off | $100 It asked the Commission to pay half the salaries of the city sol- icitor and the city ' auditor. The | Commission strongly objects to pay- ing half of the solicitor's salary and sent the revised schedule back to | Mayor Hughes' committee for an- | other guess, Manager Folger stated that the { coal proposition was a difficult one | to handle and asked the Commission | {to relieve him of the task of also! providing for the Board of Educa- tion's supply. This the Commission | afd. The manager will try and get [5,000 tons for the utilities as this {amount may be needed even with the assistance of power from the Hydro-Electric Commission before | the end of the year. { { Light For Fort Henry. | Lieut.-Col. Benoit, 3rd divisional | engineer, asked the Commission to supply electricity to Fort Henry. | The Militia Department desired to | erect a number of lights around the place. The Department would erect the poles, wires and lamps. The Commission will supply the. current | necessary in the meantime, but will | endeavor to secure a contract from | the Militia Department for. perman- | ently lighting the Royal Military | College, Fort Henry and Barriefield | camp. At present it has a tempor-| ary line over the old wooden bridge which connects the city with the Pittsburg shore. A permanent line will be required over the new cause- way, which will cost $3,000 to erect. If a pérmanent contract can be se- | cured from the Department, the] Commission would at once construct | this new line. Col. Benoit and Man- | ager Folger will take up the matter | with the Department at Ottawa. The resignation of William Cullen as chief engineer of the waturworks, was accepted. Mr. Cullen is retiring | because of ill-health. The Commis- | sion granted him three months' ary and the use of the house he is! occupying as a retiring allowance. The 'chairman and the Aioetor] were authorized to negotiate the Dominion Texte Company and the Canadian Locomotive Company | with regard to power asupply. | It was decided that tenders for | the concrete work of the new gas | tank would be called both on the! percentage plan and by contract in! bulk. A letter was received from City Solicitor Whiting stating that the! Commission would not have to pay taxes on .its plants this year. | These accounts were passed: Ontario Municipal Board § Pay Lists May 28th Mrs. Ellen Chapman .... Edward Stanford ... A. M. Rankin ' F. A. Fish Coal Co. Canadian Customs BM Excelsior Electric Co. ... Grand Trunk Railway . Garlock Packing Co. Pay Lists June 12th IBdward Stanford j Nationa) Electric Heating | 10.00 2,271.48 20.00 21.46 186.70 2,103.01 38.53 35,28 1,113.87 70.66 2,074.08 21.46 46.92 54.40 2,171.99 20.00 28,399.82 59.00 Daraion Government ' Pay Lists June 27th Mrs. E. Chapman Debentures and interest I. Allan 4.00 25.33 73 1.80 57.25 17.28 8.70 8.65 40.75 3.17 2.99 36.23 ake 113.82 Canadian Gas Association 10.00 2.25 1.44 Alexander Armstrong ive Avo Tire & Vulcanizing British Whig Pub. Co. J. B. Bunt & Co. Burke & Grabam Burroughs Adding Ma- chine Co. 1,121.30 Oty Registrar | William Dackburn | Grand Trunk Railway {Standard Pub, Co. | Que., | the city able service. | ronto every Monday, Wednesday and Japnly to J. E. Ivey, Station Agent, or with | g * Donoghue Elliott Br os | M. Eves |F A. Fish Coal Co. | Frontenac Coal Co. | Gananoque Eleetrie Co. . . Grand & Toy, Limited James Grimshaw L. Guess J. Gunn .... HalHday Electric ae Canadian Customs ... Hanson, Crozier & Edgar Imperial Oil Co. The Jackson Press John Kelly & Son Kingston Sand & Gravel Co. Kingston Shipbuilding Co. M. Kirkpatrick T. McAulgy .. R. McFaunl McKelvey & Birch McKelvey & Son, Hugh C. MacLean D. J. Millan National Meter Co. .. S. J. Nesbitt Northern Electric J. M. Patrick W.. J. Paul N. C. Polson & Co. Allan M. Reid Roddy & Monk Samson Cordage Works . . Selby & Youlden Limited porting ootwear Yachting shoes, tennis shoes, running shoes, barefoot sandals, and dressy sporting shoes for street wear or camping, for men, women and children. } ] All the latest styles at popular prices. Abernethy's Shoe Store Simmons Bros. Susman & Cohen Taylor & Hamilton J. VanCoughnet Weekly Bulletin George A. Wright Public Utilities Commis- sion Total v wei 349, 770. 78 In attendance at the meeting were R. H. 'Toye (Chairman), G. Y Chown, R.©'E. Elliott, T. J. R'gney and Mayor Hughes. BABY'S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE J. A. Lagace, Ste. Perpetue, writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have been of great value to me and 1 would strongly recommend them to other mothers." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing They have become convinced through actual use of the Tablets that noth {ing can equal them in regulating the bowels and stomach; driving out constipation and indigestion, break- ing up colds and simple fevers, ex- pelling worms and curing colic. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. Mrs ON POLICE FORCE TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS Sergt. James Bateson Has Completed Long Service For the City. When the Sandman Comes How safe you feel when you place baby in this free-from-worry crib. The high sides prevent baby from climbing over, the upright filler rods are so close together that baby cannot get caught in them. Baby high chairs and doll carriages. James Reid The Busy Store and Leading Undertaker with the Motor Services. a at tt tat ttt et att. ta ta tl A New Hat tor the Holiday ATT rT walkers and Line up with the Army of Good Dressers who are buying their hats at Campbell's, Straw sailors in endless va- riety, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Genuine Panamas in fash- ion's latest shapes, exceptional values at $4 and $5. Soft Straws, Light Crash Hats, Everything men's hats, Felts, in Sergeant James Bateson will to-| morrow, (July 1st), complete twenty- seven years of service on the Kings- ton police force, and wil receive the | congratulations of a wide circle of friends, for "Jim," as he is known by scores of citizens, is one of the best-known men on the force. Sergt. Bateson took up his duties as constable on July 1st 1890, and during his long term, has rendered His appoint- ment as sergeant took place a year ago last May, following the death of the late Sergt. Alexander Snodden. Campbell Bros. The Big Hat Dealers. Cheap - @» When you come to u s for eye glasses we do not figure how cheap we can make them--but how good to meet your pocketbook. Our treatm ent is fair to you. Optician and J. J STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist, Opp. Post Office. Phone 609 ~~. A A ar tna, | THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. + No. 1. cures C/SCHARGE 8. No. 2. cures #000 POISON. T Nu. 3. cons HERAPIOI VITAL WEAKNESS SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS PRICE IN ENGLANU. 8 | Send stamp address envelope, age & & symto: oms for FRE vice ou suitability in your ¢ 'se tn LECLERC Med.Co, HAVERST " BEE THAT TRADE MARKED we Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL G nuINE PACKETS ) The Canadian Rockies. The best and newest sections, and highest peaks are seen from the transcontinental trains of the Cana- dian Northern Railway leaving To- Friday. For attractive booklet, through tickets, and full information . Dunn, City Agent Dasdaaasss sas as sass s sd los id + + + NO WHIG ON MONDAY. +* Monday being a statutory | % holiday in honor of Canadian + Confederation, the Whig will + not be published on that day. % The people are called upon to ,% take part in the patriotic events % arranged for the day. Pat- riotism can also be shown by working in the interests of Greater Production. + *@ Presets t eee + a | Canadian Pacific Railway Summer tour rates now in effect, good returning October 31st. Home- seekers' rates every Tuesday tol points in the Canadian northwest. Return limit, two months, Full particulars and sleeper reser- vations made at city ticket office, corner Princess and ; Wellington streets. Monster pichic- at at Biophys Point on July 2nd. . ; rs cn a OUR HAY AND FEED Ensign N Cameras From $1.50 to $25 will put flesh on your horse and put him in better shape every way We supply the feed for many of the finest horses and you'll find everyone of them looking fine and dandy. Try it on your horse It will pay. | W.F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess St. "Phone 1686. jo FOR BEST RESULTS | MONUMENTS in Developing and We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock P rintin 2, Try Us. | of marble and granite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy S St. Phone 637. Chaice Selection | Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church. KINGSTON EVENTS| 26 YEARS ACO Bicycles valued at $60,000 will be ridden in the big procession'of 'the C. M.A. on Dominion Day. Rev. M. Magillivray has arrived in Glasgow. On the Frontemac Cheese Board to-day sales were made at Sic. of Ohio, City of Toledo, cas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath. that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, doing og 'the rh Cou ¥ LI tS Wore: he y e sum of ONE HUNDREI DOLLARS for each and every case of Cata cannot be cured NET CATARRH CURE Sworn t ha subscribed ay of Decem- . 1886. A.W in my | Ro Publie. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern. ally and acts thre the on the ucous Surfaces 'the System. Send for Sesmual free. . J. CHENEY & S00 (To Stat, 8 O. : gent fy? all ol Be Carling's| "A 20TH CENTURY BEVERAGE For Everybody. In Bot- tles Only. pring Suitings a ----] Prices Reasonable PAR Crawford & Walsh TAILORS Non-intoxicating Ale and Porter Made from pare spring water and bottled at the Brewery, London, Ont. J.R. Henderson, Princess and Bagot Streets.