Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1917, p. 7

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Af r - ro -_--rlme » ATE ------nm JHE 183535. IBANK or TORONTO ar AD OFFICE, Capital Reserved | unds' MIN « BANK OF A TORONTO, CANADA, £3,000,000 $6,439,382 THRIFT Vice p GOODER HAM, I. GEAR, I . Supt of Brar Bankers: ITY ANK. LTD NATIONAL AND AM '" CHIL BANK Georg e B. McKay, Mana ger. pn Optical Points ! sour eyes? Hghes? gmas--color the strained \ Does the bright sunlight hurt Do you work under hright NO. 7 Do your eYes avhe! Crookes almost invisible--soothes ere and glves comfort even In a bright light. Manig rm ------ =~ Tonig ht We Crookes. ean make Ask us al R. J. RODGER Opticians nd Optometrists, » FOR SALE | Aberdeen Ave., Brick Earl St., brick . Collingwood St., double frame . Johnson St., double frame . . . . . Price $4400 Price $4000 Price $3600 . Price $4000 THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Special . Talcum Offer With { of Talcum in our | are giving, absolutely | Powder Puff. Popular each we Dainty ~~ Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 874, ih | $13,000 10 Year5% % odors, Popular makes, Popular tints. | Your Choice, 25c. oag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets tnd Cut Flowers ow ity. Orders lied promptly. Phone . 113 Breck Street. me Extra Choicest Japan (Green) Tea, in 5 |b Boxes, $1.50 Plantation Brand in 21% Ib. Tins, When you require Tea GORDON'S. is the place to get it. Cor. Bay and Montreal Streets. Phone 88. Lipton's Black Tea, $1.40. Fresh Cut ome a uneral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. oi TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Large Cars Used ter - Butter Saturday, 8 to 10 p.m. 300 Ibs. Choice "Dairy Butter. ac Per Pound ENOTICE -- Stores will close at 10 am. Monday, «-- Order Early. a Princess and Division Streets. "Phones 438 - 1846, | [va d i | | Swift's Whar! at City of Kingston Deben- tures For Sale. Amounts To Suit Purchaser. Apply to 0. V. BARTELS, City Treasurer. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of John * Campbell, late of the Township of Storrington, in the County of Frontenac, Yeoman, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chap. 121 16, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Campbell, who died on or about th twenty-sixth day of April, AD are required to: deliver or send by post prepaid, on or before the Twelfth Day of July, 1817, t the un- lersigned solicftors for the Executors if the E st ate their names and addresses and a fu iption of all claims and h re f seourities (if any) held such claims to be duly veri. 1% a them, take notice that im- the twelfth day of July, 1917, the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claims of which they shall have received notice And the Exec shall not be liable to] any person of whose claim notice shali | [not have been received by them prior | © the sald Twelfth day of July, 1617 { And further mediately after tors | The THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. 'GRAND nt 230 PM. D aily &130P.M POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Reel Photoplay June Caprice, in "Small Town Girl" Charlie Chaplin, in "The Immigrant.' AND OTHER FEATURES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act Photoplay. Lionel Barrymore, in "The End of the Tour." Pathe News, Comedy and Other 100 oe Evening 10¢; _Regerved, Sc Extra Sc Extra Matinee Any Seat -Liiie- Seat STRAND Mon., Tues., Wed. Feature Photopiny Bessie Barriscale, in "Bowles o' Blue Ridge" "ler Comedy L _Matiace 1 P and We J TN Lake Ontario ARR Ev a Eveping Ise 15¢ at 8.30 Matinee gnt 3 3.30. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS Program Changed Monday and Thursday. Admission te Park Free If By Street | ar. Children's 1-tent Day on Cars. i" ednesday, What is Going to Happen During the Week Commenc- ing July 9th? Better ask the Daughters of the Empire. Pr tt A Pa A A a Holiday Baseball C.L.C. vs. Athletics. Cricket Field. Monday, July 2nd. At 10 am. sharp Hat Cleaning Time Now in the time to get yout straw or Panama Ant cleaned and bleached. < ing. New York Hat Clean- ing Co 208 Princess street. Phone 393 Five doors below Opera House. in Panama bleach- | Sa ction guaranteed. Dated at Kingston Shis Fifteenth day | f June, AD. 1917 | NICKLE, FARRELL & DAY Kingston, Ontari s for the Executors, Andrew McCallum Solieite Willam Gibson and Islands Under the auspices of the Kingegon Co- perative Sumimer School STR. THOUSAND ISLANDER Thursday, July 5th, 1917, will leave 1.45 p.m., return- Tickets 30c. ing at 7 p.m. Maple Leaf Baking Powder No advance in price 15¢ Large Cai This baking powder is put up ex- pressly Jorn Swi) Wade aii we +p JR.B Gage, '-- Montreal St. Phone 549 orse Races GANANOQUE, DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION JULY 2nd The following are the entries: Free For All--$300.00 Aygriek. Flak Patchen, i Tem } Tester. Jude ars . 2.50 Class--$200.00 Arete Pointer. Hinek re Frank mM. Prince Wilkes. Brad McKinney, W. C. Me€CARNEY, See's Race Committee. OPE R. \ 3 HOUSE CONTINUOUS Per formance and Every Night ASE LiLysn The People's Forum CONDENSED Firat insertion, 1¢ a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter, haif- cent a word. Minimum eo we for one immertion, 23¢; three mgertions, S0c; wix $1; one month, $2. ADVERTISING RATES HELP WANTED AT 90 BARRIE GENERAL SERVANT rect GENERAL HOUSE- to 148 Barrie street FOR Apply A GRRL work MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS. AP- ply Street Railway Office. GENERAL HOSPITA | MAIDS FOR Rt Kingston ~Gener Apply Matron Hospital ED aid POR 3 R, MIDDLE Good wa brea Hote! A Nicar man pre Apply Prince M AD AND EXPERIENCED | » children Ap "Barri efield, Al or FOR GENERAL who can » plain in evening at 251 COMPETENT o, AD ki bili EY eet A GIRL TO WASH DISHES IN AN ICE cream parior. aiso an experiend ed dippe Apply Rest Co, 29% | Princess street Men wanted, Mc- Kay's Warehouse, | Cataraqui St., Tues- || day morning, | an hour. 40c GENER AL SERVANT, MUST BE GOOD cook: no washing nor iron reforer required; wages r m Apply Box 630 "Offic plain ie; $2 Winig | | LADY PERMANENTLY l earn twenty dollars weekly In own od. w proportionately | i | ANY CAN Particulars free Distributors, INTATIVES which wash clean without makes per - One hundred per ce nt ¥ rofit. Make five dollars i daily nd ten cents for samples for es "washings Bradley Com- | | | WANTED TO distribute clothes | rubbing | manent spotlessly trial pany, Brantford, Ontario, GIRLS! With or without experience, on' sewing and knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply WANTED GENERAL SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victr C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess strees. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping in down- town district if possible. Apply Hox 123, Whig Office. FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. oe oul or drop a card. 13 John ree! Phone | FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST little. Once, 25¢; three times boc; one week, $1.00 3 MOTOR soll, Seen Nn aL. ES PER il , Rox < I * CAR IN Cheap for 86 Bay street. GAS RANGE AT &7 GORE STRERT. Apply to J R. McCann, 82 Brock street Phone '3126 or 621 PROPERTY AND OP- No. 54 can be 52 or No. b6. TOURING condition Apply STUDEBAKER first class buyer ¥ RESIDENTIAL fice on Ear! street, sold with either Ne. Enquire at No. 56 GRAPHONOLA AND TEN your own choice, $27.60 ash, $1 per week. C. W JAmited, 121 Princess St. GENUINE salections Terms: § Lindsay, : FEEIEP PIEPER PEEP + + AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 3 -- > One 4-cylinder 3-passenger, % Studebaker Touring Car, second < hand, cheap for quick sale. Also + one 4-cylinder truck. J. H. 1% Davis, Saxon Distributor, +» Sede er ed i i Apply J FOUND ON DIVISION STREET, A Sum of money Owne may same by applying to Phone AF RUG ON STUART riday morning Owner ave same at 462 Barrie § FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREER * Anyone finding anything and wWisr.ng to reach the owner may 40 so by reporting the facts te The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. v i lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. TWO PEDALS WITH CRANKS AND sprocket, for motor-cycele, an Gan- anoque road. Finder please return to 283 Johnson street and receive reward TO LET OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, rence street FURNISHED, Apply 196 Unten FOR St SEE TO RENT, two months West UNFURNISH location Apply T™O0 OR roms 150 Bay THR in good street SEVERAL nents to stieet THREE-ROOM TENA in rear of 87 Johnson Ply to 103 Raglan » GUOD HOUSE, WELL FURMSHED, swedl Jocation, for three months Apply Box 6816, Whig Office STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. then has a clean dry building, 442 Albert street, 2152 E. WA. furniture Phone HT ROOMED furnished, with « rent reasonable Whig Offtce AN STORAGE FOR I URNITURE OR MER- chandise, clean and dry McCanti's Real Agency, 83 Brock St, Phones or 621 DENTAL A. EB. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Oimioe, 258 Princess street, Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phcne 626. GRO. A. BATEMAN'S ESTATE BY 1 Agency. | asso, BRICK HOU TSE. NEARLY NEW, latest improvements, 8 rooms, dou- ble lot. $3000, BRICK, provements, lot 33 x 132 $3300 DOUBLE TONE ALL IMPROVE- ments; stable - 7 ROOMS, ALL M- Bas and electric light, i side laae. $4500, BRICK, 11 ROOMS, ALL IM- provements; rear entrance. $3000, BRICK. ALL IMPROVEMENTS; electric hight. $1400, FRAME, IMPROVEMENTS, SIX rooms. VACANT LOTS, ALL PRICES, TO RENT. BRICK HOUSE, NORTH END; ALL improvements; 10 rooms and sta- ble. MONEY TO LOAN, e7 CLARENCE ST. Kingston. LT Two Brand New 1917 Model Seven- Passenger Stude- bakers For Sale. Closing Agency and will Sell at Dealer's Cost. W. J. Moore & Son. repairers TEACHER WANTED A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT EXPER. enced teacher for 8. 8S. No. 4, Pittsburg. Duties to commence Sept. 1st Apply to N. H. Maclean, Sec.-Treas., R. R. No. I, Kingston. FOR SS NO. Kingston, a 8S, TOWNSHIP OF second class teacher with Normal training Scho is one mile from' city. Apply A. E Weller, Kingston Station, 8ecre- tary TEACHER FOR SCHOOL No. 1, Portland and 12, Kingston, with first or second class cert'- ficate, State qualifications and salary expected. Duties 10 com- menee Sept. Ist Apply O. B. iene derson, Sec, Harrowsmith, Ont SECTION Laborers mm Wanted For Inside and Outside W ol. Steady Em- ployment. A. Davis & Son, Ld, ' bbb ddd 0 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C Pewar, -D.DS., D.8., assistant Phone 346, FOR SALE A NEW SOLID BRICK, ON RIDEAU street Everything new and mod- ern, at a bargain, Apply to C Harrison, 108 Rideau gtreet. Phone 1869, ALFRED STREET. VEAR street, an § fomed brick Hardwood floors modern ¢« iences and reranda, Apply Johnson street. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- thins, canoes, and camping sup- Rites. Fishing tackle, etc. Frank Cooke, 39 Cldrence St, King- ston. Phone 891. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN- ding the famous Athlete, Over- and and Perfect Models; also tires and bicycle accessories. George Muller, 373 King St Phone 1032. CHOICE STOCK OF CAMP AND BOAT stoves, china cabinets We also buy and sell everything In new and second hand, furniture. J. Thompson, 337 Princess street. Phone 1600, WOOD ST, NEAR UNWON a new pressed brick Just fate 10% COLL] street car line, residence; all new and modern, finished and ready for immed possession. Apply C. Harrison, Rideau street ON SWEDEN. the Tife af the world beyond only 26¢ postpaid Euctid Ave. To- "HEAVEN borg's great ter death and Over 100 pages, W. J Law, 458 ronto, Om AND HELL" " wor eno ERY ams, latest placas, stable large garden, for quick sale Raglan Road AND DWELLING, 2 plumbing. open fire- other bu ldings fruit trees. Barga'n Comer Main and Phone 1995 TYPEWRIMERS-UNDERWOODS AND all makes, factory rebuilt Guar- anteed the eqral of new. $2500 up to $85.00. WAI ship on approval Canadian Writing ' Machine Com- pany, 25 Adelaide St. west, To- ronio A real bargnin fn lots at the head of Princess atreet, just taide city Hmits.. The hos rden land; city water. | Mrs. C, E. Fralick, Princess near Bath Rd. on [ of st, : SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND! hand sideboards, dressers, couches, | arior chairs, tables, Singer sew-| ng machines; crockery, plotures, buy new second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess street. | | FARM, NORTH HALF LOT 19, 4TH | concession, township of Pittsburgh, 100 acres, more or less, well water ed, well fenced good buildings convendent to school, church and cheese factory; best farm in town. ship. Possession in September. Ap- ly. Thomas Todd, Lockmaster, | rewer"y Mills, Ont > COACH able poses; r my Hox SUIT. pur Ap- HOU SE, PLACE for mot storage of 42 Princess St Wiig Office OR Wr, 158 WELLINGTON occupied by John Smith, Printer. Apply to J. B. Car- ruthers, 151 Wellington street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OL dry, airy roms; your own lock an key Frést's City Storage, 199 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 Bei oe es ee eee de ie oe ie i ei TEFTTITEITITITIRTRTRITOT™ We have RAN, Sd add meveral desirable furnished houses with reats ranging from $30.00 te $45.00 per month. Apply the J. K, Car- rell Agency, 36 Broek Sg. Bode Bid ddd ddd ddd dd ddd TETTFPTITITTITITITIRRIN TN STORE ON WELLINGTON 8ST, NO, 171, occupied by. Canadian Northern Ex press Co, possession 18t July Ap ply to C. Livingston & Bro, Brock street . ; FURNISHED RESIDENCE, 119 EARL street; bpick, § fooms, open fire- places, nice grounds and shade trees. J. 8 R. McCann, 82 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. FRONT ROOMS ON SPOOND r. and one on first floor, beauti and pleas if desir Apply: 282 Division T™O ) fully ant ed furmished, bright light housekeeping terms reasonably Johnson street, cor mm BOARD AND ROOMS. sun \ DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY Th ' payable every- FIRST CLASS ROARD AND ROOMS, every convenience central loca- tion. Apply 243 Broc Kk street. PS -------- [| in En Rooms w Th OR with. il Omt ar lo 1 os] FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; incorporated president, Colonel H. M.G.; vice-president, kle, K.C Money Issued on elt and farm [roperties, municipal an country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for received R. C. sale; deposits and In- te allowed Cartwright, manager, §7_Clarence St., Kingston. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the polleyholders security the unlimited city property, insured possible rates Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325, IIR IEE PERSONAL TO SEND Dominion MONEY Express THE SAFE by mail Money Order YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES respondence of young lady matrimony Address Box Office, WAY by is COR- Object 25, Whig | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS ok. and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- out soar; 30 years Sxperisnce, Dr. Eimer J. Lake, e, ar, Nose, Throat and Skin ctatiet, 288 Bagot street. | MARRY IF LONELY; try me; best and mw hundreds rich wish strictly confidential vears of experience; free "The Successful Club Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Calif and' all FOR RES LTS st suceeasful marriage most reliable; descriptions Mrs soon | mmm . WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SHELL DEPARTMENT Apply: J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- PANY, LTD. + Starting May 1st all coal sales will be for cash. Wer oo or pari ae a seill be for sash. fits to be derived from a cash system.

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