Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jul 1917, p. 10

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ond PAC TEN } THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1917. n The Realm Of Woman---Some ESTE = : 3) |winasTon IS LOSING | [@ 16S AD FINES | THE COVESSONS OF ROKANE | | ter | Ft GS FIGS IND PRUNES (By Frances Walter) i Rgeney bers. of the names and goodwill {Tn 2b. tins, 5.1b. pails, and 10-b. | pails, which we are selling for one { J) Bie ve FosulL Of tne Minn, Ror . »__ week only at the old price. Are The Four Fruits Used in frogger spremepepmnggell LBy of 10,000 Canadian men' mg | A iis season, owing to the WE it fi " ed Mariam. "Of rse. ne Diced lvhe 3. immieralion. ai i Cor. Montreal and Charles St, \ Making ru -a- ives | a ' Mec] {them jut not immediately he US. immigration a " { Phone 1263. ap I ry | IMPOSINE an unreas i 1 BE Se 8 ver "FRUIT-A-TIVES' is the only When | saw him I supp wa very | lon upon the Ca | much 0 I, and 1 suppose my face di : > Rad medicine in the w 1 that is made nu To P ' bout | Limited, the American Expres Was re i I migh ave been abou = with stn " *% : + t fir he pany is withdrawing its to cry vexation At first he) his city, Bs there 1 little nee Tooked mildly interested and then 3 oy y ». were aflame ps parted with 2 and nally srainatheth it. What Kingston is losing !} t y XY i excitement, her eyes wide with min- | concerned and finally sympa closing up of this old fe route 3 { FOR SALE $l it odd?" he asked. "Crack- | with its close Ne 1 nection gled amusement and pleasure nt « i its close New Y: tion 5 8 What Is It Yuired carious: ers I to treat me the same way.|is hardly realized 1 } ple ; Farm of 1 0 Acres at i ! t us ro + UA 120d ; . fy ~-- ' pped buying them | Shipme have to t A ) ' r I think the remark was decidedly | . EN - . tt | _ . Jrom any other preparation in the world, adventur he exclaimed I.think the remark wa Fao d {2 very undabout way | 135 of Plough Land, balance g ' hould give it a fair trial Oh. Roxane, it was the first ad illy was my comment Why did | the City Couneil and ¢ 3 Si / { wooded, Township of Pitts. is just why you should give : Li er J vonture of ihe t that | ever had, he not make himself useful? Only jp loing about th tter? 7 ' burgh, four miles from King- ny troub! f the Stomach, Liver, nture o 1 y ; in any trouble o ' land it was simply delicious i tistical man could think under | A { | ; ston. Cheap. Bowels, Kidneys or Skin. "Fruita Explain," 1 urged. "I suppose the Such circumstances Dead ¥ u Rui w-- ---- "og ' ipl ' inte reste n his biograp! "hat -- tives", 1s composed of the active principle ianitor has proposed to vou 1 1 in his biography LONEY-EDWARDS WEDDING of fruit and the greatest nerve lonic ever 'Nothing so ordinary as that ' i y i rare for his experience with aT. ol 3 Ww. H. Godwin & Son v "yr , " - 1 rs , : discovered, B0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial | Marlam replied scornfully This is ly i _ At the Bride's Home at Cataraqui Phone 494 size, 25c. Atalldealersor sent postpaid | uch more romantic, and 1 assure Roxane, you are very uns ympa 89 Brock Stroet b Fr tatives I mited, Ottawa. [ you that it possesses what the vaude He He did not relate his biogra y Fruit-a-tives Limited, . It was merely a passing com A pretty wedding took place "Oh XAL Mariam stood wi her hack to they loor thr h she had just dashed impetuous] Her cheeks its fr the juices of fresh ripe fruits, Thus, it is manifestly unfair to say, "I won't take Fruit-a-tives because I have tried other remedies and they did me no good". On the other hand, the fact that "Fruit-a-tives" is entirely different on Monday Morning. actors call 'class.' ! the Fo EN Po t | ~~ 'I am all curiceity." ment. Besides he is very handsome, ie, S5idenes i r. J dwards CTUALLY thousands of Canadian men--in every ' . : Ane f as re of r 8 ct , on ay mor ng Lhe On Is there any logic in buying She lowered her voice to a tragic |and he was dressed in a most pi hy trace] o 5 oncay Tn be £ part of Canada order their shirts from me. Their GLASCO' Ss "something claimed to be per as she bent toward me esque fashion. I think he ts an-a racting parties being th eto as goed as the ORIGINAL "1'8 a. Noung man!" £0a dal ares "Well. of course, he picked up the | Loney, of Sudbury. The ceremon I send them samples of the newest materials personally [Pure Scotch Marmalade tist second daughter, Sadie. an measurements are on record at the Kitche ener factory. 'And he lives just across the , Dandruff Germ Destrayer? Yan just couldn't snub him. He | parcels Some of them had rolled | was performed by the Rev. Ri selected and imported from Great Britain. They make and Jam. ' } nn wo eer to the hpttom of the stairs and he|ardson Kelly, of Cataraqu nd Miss a selection, and their shirts are cut and tailored to their 5 Insist upon HERPICIDE Evidently" Iv went for them and brought them {Mary Huffms ' v prayes exact measurements. In glass and tins. "Well, you needn't be so snippy | back. Then he asked me if he could | the wedding mar Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with : . vo) hat Ant , °F oc. an The bride wore a beautiful g hout i married woman be of any further assistan and I : 'o M6 hi "ry y - the milk, 15¢ per . shout it. you Bs : i) told him no. Then 1 came on here of ivory satin and ge tte crep You will find this a very men who have been order | » per tin [replied Mariam. "He is an extremely satisfactory wav t yrder ing their shirts from me ve x man." and that was the adventur rimmed with Chantil \ sana a, ty a ear after year -to their D COUPER Ung man " carried a shower bouque f hite shirts. w find you year Lda ° . Applications at the better barber shope Guaranteed by The Herpicide Co, Sold Everywhere ' + il ecu iAecbe t ctlinetlest "What did the young man do?| We both laughed and went about entire satisfaction. taffeta, with dainty rean ct well and comfor tably é i cert 1 g 1 4 my ple "'measure- \ with a profusion of {lowe Mar - ) a 1 | was the way he looked at me [lof the day, although she did not re r shirts or shirts which by-mail ** pl Attention ! {and had almost reached the top step, | room door. which she opened the immediate relative RS = Wh lid th r vo tash but it w ny ible forl Foses Her travelling costume wi; never had shirts which gave | Phone 76. 841-8 Princess St. 'hat did the young man say our ASKS 111 1 was impossible or WY Ve 1 . } Pr I ; : smbfoideged s of +na blue ou such a sense of being y 5 rompt Delivery. hummed me to dismiss the incident from my |?" eémbfoideged suit o you such a sense « cing You will never know what P ¥ ] a ) : 1 3 -------- "It s 14 Rd é > 1 sim because Maris § shirt-econom v sati<fac4 It was not what he aid. Roxane ,m nd, sin ply because Mari im show blouse and small black hat dressed as Tolton Shirts do ec y or tifa ------------------ In fact he did not say anything ated very plainly that it continually The house was tastefully d y a oa » tion is until you wea I'olton first. Tt he had, I suppose I should [recurred to hers in fact, 1 think ated by mir] friends of ri You w y R. Never made - to - measure shirts. Automobile Owners, have killed him with a glance It {she thought about little else the rest ) : possessed such mndseme And § 24 ) | \ : i | beautiful and useful pres C3 . ach unending plan brings them { Vish you could have seer Jam Jer o it once ig evening, testimony tothe popu iy oh § e you « ding to you, comfortable and per- The place where all auto : TO y eg fre © grocery SE vent t the s . rig) car . 'I was returning from the grocer 10Weve he wen o th NUNg | bride. In adilition to about fi wear. fect fitting. Let me send troubles are made right. Auto s ith vou samples and prices of supplies of all kinds; ars | when the box of crackers fell out "That's his apartment there." she Y f Veron: i I am the proud possessor > I A pric po : Pc - Cres ' orke, of Verona; y 1 of the names and good will new materials 1 have just washeq and stored. Repair Almond Maccaroons, Cream of my arms. Just then his door whispered, pointing to a door diag-|{ an. of Moscow S eraldine C di received from E a work a specialty; prices rea- Rolls, Almond Wafers, Sweet opened and he came out, but 1 didn't [onally across the hallway. . Then she | ; : ! of over 10,000 Canadian eceived from England, 3 i Purdy and Miss Be sonable. Call and give us a i _. », - . 3 ¥ . 4 : Sandwich, Fancy Cakes, Post see him I was trying to pick upllaughed nervously and came back Cataraqui were pr it. and ad 41 trial. Always open. fes. the crackers But instead of doing into the reom The next moment to the grace and beauty of e 0 \ This is the sample book Always Pure; Always Fresh. that 1 dropped everything else that | her mind was on something else sion. ' \ from which thousands DALY'S GARAGE T I looked 7 i p of I had Ther na en 335 King Street, ' him." lights, isn't it?" which Lieut.«Col. George Hunte Fo \ n all parts of Canada X 0 (&] | S "And he picked up the crackers "Yes," 1 said the hride's uncle I 0S 6 her rt & select their shirts, ------) a " ' om 3 Ad] i 1 a N Ng \ / . -------------- for you? That was romantic.' (To be continued.) ealth in well-chosen word and 1} » Send for free copy. AA i Ki St B k SS ne | REV. Mr. Kelly, in a neat speech, WE \ Cook's Cotton Koot Compound propased the heglth of the groo ® FT A safe, reliable reguiating INg ~. baKery DE Se or Bs Ss HARRY TOLTON || | nA, ries pat : eos, of strongth--No 1, 81 d the groom and Dr. Edw ard ' > . { 2, 83; No. 3. 85 per box. | 1appy couple will s weeks 3 9 College St. - Kitchener,Ont. Sold by ail drugaists' or seni At AAA Autti ww visiting relatives and frie To- 4 reo Pea oF ow, ronto Sudbury, whi ~ THE COOK MEDICINE C6. they wi reside in TR TORONTO. ON" (Fermerie Winds." COAL CUSTOMERS they Please Notice ! On and after first of May Coal Sales will be for {Continued from Page 3.) left on Monday for Montreal. Miss E. Hughson is home from Miss Winnifred Evans and Mis MISS T y 8 § 188 Cash Only. Stretford to spend the school vaca Badgely, who have heen in pension tion with her parents. at the "Avonmore," returned to To- BOOTH & CO. Edgerton Pay, Edmonton, is! ronte on Monday visiting tm the city, the guest of his! Mr. and Mrs, R F. Segswort} Phone 133. sister, Mrs D. Cays, Barrie street Toronto, spent the Wok ay with A. C. Johnston, Montreal, is in| Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson the city for a few days with Mr. and street. - = Mrs. W. Bailie, Barrie street: Miss Jennie Shaw, Clergy s'ree A THRU NK BY WIRELESS, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, | has returned from ' ost, . oo i-- Earl street, were in Ottawa on Sat- | Nan Skinner at "Cataraq A Railway Conductor Spins a Racy urday attending the Wormwith- . Story. Pepper wedding. They spent several Miss Agnes Brebner nurse-in- John Cralg, whose connect on | days at the Capital after the event training at Clifton Springs spent with the line of railway spanning Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Barrie street, | Sunday and Monday visitirg 'Ther the distance between Renfrew and |!8 home from a pleasant outing in | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brebner, Kingston has been as long as the | Muskoka Judge and Mrs. Lavell | 680 Princess street road's existence, 8 some good |a@nd family will be leaving at an Dr. and Mrs. A. E. lIe't, Water- Stories both of railway work and | early date for Thousand Island Park town, N.Y., have left for Cleveland, other phases of life, says the Ren- [to spend the balance of the sum- | Ohlo. They made the trip by auto, frew Mercury One of his stories | mer. Dr. Tett's mother, Mrs. John Iect, elates to the sending of a trunk by Dr. and Mrs. Adam Shortt have is il in a sanatorium there. She One day a woman board- |!°ft Ottawa for Victoria, B.C, where | was wih her daughter. Mrs. W. J, ain at a certain _ station [they will spend six weeks. Marsh, up to a monch ago, when she bound for Kingston Af the train TT 8s entered the samatorium. moved out she noticed what she Miss Eleanor Lyman returned Capt. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, thought was" her trunk left on the | from New York on Tuesday and is| Barre streep have gone to PintsfieMd, station platform She told Mr. | With the Misses Lyman, King street Mass, to visit ther son, Vernon Craig of this supposed carelessness, West Orawfogd, B.A, B.Sc on somebody's part and showed him Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, "Mait * , her baggage check. Mr. Craig [land House," left this week for a Miss Phroge MacFarland, deugh took the check and said he would fix | mctor trip through New York State ter of Rev, J.". MacPFartand, Hull, is things Going to the baggage car Mr. and Mrs. D G. Laidlaw, | viei"ng her aunt, Mrs J. A. Breb he found that the trunk had been | Bar! street, left this week for.a short | ner, 680 Princess iret, « duly placed on board. Approaching [Visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Les Kennc'h Prebmer, B.Sc, Lachine D CORN FLAKE CO, | the worried woman again he bade |!ie, Montreal. Que., and Halton Cassidy, son of the LONDON CANADA. her make her mind easy, as he Miss Mildred Jones, Kg: street, Rev. T. 0, Cassidy, Lachine, were re Coton would have the trunk forwarded by [1eft on Tuesday for Brockville, cent visitors at the home of J. A. ? Zhe Sunil haart of che wireless. When the train reached | Where she will be the guest of her Brebmer, 680 Princess sireet. Kingston the trunk was hastily lift- | uncle, Beverly Jones, "Rockford." Mrs. J. Edward Starr and her 5 ed to the station platform, ahead of R. H. Partridge was in town from | daughter have taken a furnished 2 all the rest of the luggage, and [Toronto for the week-end. house in Allandale, Ont., for .the The Universal Demand is for thera it sat alone as the woman left Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, summer, Mrs. Starr's son, who bas her coach and walked down toward | Frontenac street, went as far : been ill all winter ta Ramsgate Hos- the baggage car. "Isn't it wonder- | Montreal with Miss Freda Burns pital, is doing light duty at 'Seaford 9 ful?" quoth she, whereat the foxy | Who has sailed for England * + 2 conductor observed that few things ... Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Leblanc, Ren- were Impossible to-day. Miss Katharine Minnes, Bagot | frew, anmounce the engagemeno of OA AAA nen. | STEEL, §8 visiting Miss Evelyn Nickle their daughter Mary Lois, to Joseph at "The Sheiling." Thomas Sheehen, Renfrow Mar- Miss May Chown, "Sunnyside," riage to take place early in July. On » hts "YOU NEED SYMPATHY." trace of the poison on him, and then hot mg } Th : began to think that he might be h " Soldier Put Up a Hoax on Saturday suffering from heart trouble. He Evening. was, therefore, removed to the Gene- when you can sleep "You need sympathy." This was | Tal Hospital, where a more careful the tune of a meloly that was very Sramiugtion could be held. On Tues- opular veral years 0. it ay morning it was stated that he ----Shake Men- pupan ry geo, ung Rt had neither taken the acid nor had nen's Borated for an incident that oecurred on | Deen a-subject te heart trouble. AN Saturday evening about six o'clock. | he seemed to want was to hum the Taleum gene- At this hour a hurried call was sent | little: ditty mentioned above and to Dr, Day and Dr. Keves, along | Make it apply in his case. rously between a De: lang = 5 the ets _-- to. 132 SReDhen strasr. A Letter From Witley. , ( A EE aRIGINAL Tae jrom Sate where it was alleged that a soldier William E. Roberts, who left » ' | had poisoned himself and was in the | Kingston to 80 Overseas some time tric Canadian Com mpan Get back into throes of a life and death struggle. ! with the 164th Battalion, has writ- ! : th by as yc Lond any in -- When the physicians and the ten a very interesting letter to W. . / 4 to-da on, tari bed ambulance arrived there ras a great { J. Clarke, Wellington Street, which : eir up- Be P ! a 0, 7 . crowd on both sides of the street. describes a trip he made through As and Y awn=-sigh-- In bed was found a soldier by Great Britain. On the boat going y k Jot He White Sen the name of Pte. F. A. Jones, appar- { over he speaks of having met "Jack" ' package an Then wi ake u (ently in a deep stupor. By his side | Bremah. brother of Sergt. -Major Ww. Are "oy Je use 5 itutes 9 . P was found an empty bottle which Bramah, RICHA. "Jack" was a L Just-as-good variety. refreshed i in the had contained oxalic acii---a poison drgm sergeant in the 176th Bat- b 4 » which has dire consequences to the ! tation but has gone to the 3rd Re- morning. person who is foolish emough, to! serve Dattalion band. Se ; The Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co, Limited, Vv want to taste it. UL N.CLO'. lose their stripes 4 Head Office and Factory: London, Ont. The doctors examined the man, | when they reach England, but Mr. }' ; and were guite prepared tn give! Roberts has already been given part him emetics. "THEY SOWA thud uo | of his back. 5 up and saw This is the night we see the white Buffet luncheon wa ved. afte > A of well - dressed men- Lodge."

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